Kingdom Hearts III: The Revival (Working Title)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Soushirei, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    I just got done reading Chapter Ten.
    And all I can say is... WOW.
    This chapter was a great chapter.

    The part that got me the most was when Sora was trapped and he was screaming in agony.. and Kairi was very emotional.
    I started to cry!
    It was so sad and upsetting to read it but I couldnt stop reading it.
    I thought Sora died... and I started to cry. I was terrified!
    But thank goodness he didnt.
    Or else I woudlve cried all night.
  2. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Glad that you seemed to enjoy it. ^^ Just to clear up any confusion, I know I did say that "I would be posting only up to Chapter 10 on these forums", the truth is that I've continued to post chapters here whenever I get them done.

    As my sig suggests, the fic is currently up to 16, all of which have been posted in this thread.
  3. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Soush, I only have a few words to say.

    'I'm loving it.'


    Awesome work, bro. Ventus just p0wned Marluxia and Larxene. There is one thing I don't understand though...why didn't they recognize Roxas, I mean, Ven's voice?
  4. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Hmm... well, I was under the assumption of two things when I was writing that, and when I think about it, I admit it was probably something I should've mentioned somewhere in the narrative. I will admit that it *should've* caught Larxene's attention when she got stabbed with the Oblivion, and finally noticing that Ventus was wielding two Keyblades. I shall have to edit in an extra line or so in the chapter later. XD As for the overall reasons why they didn't say anything about it being Roxas:

    1) It was inconceivable that Roxas could be this Armoured Knight, who seemed to look and possess power that was foreign. Roxas never unleashed his Keyblades on Marluxia until the end, but even after, it was too late for Marluxia to see just what had hit him. In this respect, Marluxia would never have guessed it was 'Roxas' who was beating the crap out of him.

    2) I was writing under the assumption that Ventus' voice would be slightly altered when he has his helm on, mostly because the sound and resonance would be affected when he's trying to talk through the tinted crystal--which is why the Chasers had to communicate telepathetically when they were far distances away. Thus, his voice would've been unrecognizable to Marluxia and Larxene, and even Sora until Ventus removed his helm.

    Thanks for reading, Mustang/DarknessKingdom, =D, and thanks for spotting that. I'll admit it was a lot simpler to me when I was writing out that scene, but now I see that maybe it's quite a bit more complicated than I had thought. XDD
  5. Erathe Moogle Assistant

    Jul 12, 2007
    Holy moly... I really thought Sora was gonna lose it.

    You deserve a medal or something. Great writing
  6. draik88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 5, 2007
    Are you REALLY sure you want to know? O.o
    And yet ANOTHER chapter!? o.0

    I'm in shock... from utter joy!! Once again, amazing work! I'm glad that someone was able to knock some sence back into Sora and get him back in the game.

    There were a couple typo's I noticed though...

    1) I remember it was in the first half of the chapter, but where exactly I can't recall... you typed "reall" instead of "really"...

    2) Just before Marluxia was about to strike Sora, he was talking about how he wasn't able to kill Sora in the past two fights he had with him, but then he says
    ...Shouldn't it be the third attempt? And... now that I look at it again... shouldn't he say "will" instead of "was"?
  7. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    The line is "I will admit that it took tries to kill you", meaning he succeeded the second time (which is Marluxia's current attempt in chapter 16). It's important to note that Marluxia's talking as if everything is 'over' already, and that he's 'won', and thus mentioning his 'second attempt' at killing Sora has already taken place--and declaring that an 'overwhelming victory'.

    Thus, in terms of a personal quarrel that he had with Sora, this would be his second attempt to kill him, as he failed to do so in Chain of Memories.
    Nope. The reason Marluxia spoke in past tense was because he was declaring his already won victory, much how some villains will say "It was fun, my friend" before killing them off instead of saying "It is fun, my friend".
  8. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.

    I must say, the last two chapters were good.
    And I mean really good.
    I loved every "Sora" scene.


    Please dont keep us waiting for Chapter 17!
    I just finished Chapter 16 and I'm too anxious!

    Once again, great work.
    Keep it up :)
  9. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Amazing new chapters!
    How long are you going to keep posting new chapters up so quickly?

    I might get around to writing that story that's been waiting to be written down for so long.
    *Trails off-topic*
    Somehow, this reminded me of it. >.>

    A quick question:
    Now that the Chasers' names have been confirmed, are you ever going to change them in the story, or are you just going to keep them the way they are?
  10. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Their names will stay the way they are, however the terms "Terra" and "Aqua" will be used in a different context. Consider them more like aliases, rather than actual names.

    Thanks for the continued support, everyone! I'm glad you are all still enjoying the fic. I can't promise Chapter 17 anytime soon as this week is a little busy, but I'm really hoping to get this entire fic done before September--before classes begin. I can't promise anything obviously, but that's my hope.

    Thanks again!
  11. khworld2 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 20, 2007
    This is really awesome!! Took 2 days to read this great fanfic!! You should put this on I'm sure you'll get even more awesome reviews!!

    -Shiki <3
  12. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks, Shiki. ^^

    This was originally planned to go on, however I wasn't planning to do so until I've finished the fic. It's more of a favour that I've decided to demo this on the forum before it goes onto the site.

    By demo, I mean that there might still be some changes in the final product (when it's posted in Those changes will not be made to the ones I've posted here.

    Anyway, thanks for enjoying the fic so far! I'm happy to hear all of your responses.
  13. Mr. Mime Banned

    Dec 1, 2006
    I live in a mirror, box
    Alright, "Soush", I will be the odd one out and type "take your time, there is no need to finish your fan-fiction so quickly". HOWEVER, I do encourage you to may be step up the pace a little...your fans will trample all over you if you take too much time, but I bet you already knew that.
  14. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Yeah, hey guys.

    I'm not ignoring any of you. I make sure to take some time to read every new post that comes in here, just I didn't want to post because I know some of you will see a "New post by Soushirei in the KHIII: The Revival thread" and think "it must be a new chapter!"

    But alas, as you can see, it is not a new chapter.

    The story is... going by slowly, obviously--as many of you can already tell. I've been trying to get some writing done every now and then when I can manage to find some time, but yeah, like many of you have said, classes and work have gotten to me over the past few weeks.

    I still intend to finish, naturally, and I hope I can get a new chapter out to you guys soon; only time will tell.

    If you absolutely need to get some of the anxiety about the story out of your systems, I still don't mind answering questions about it--granted of course, they're not spoilerific in nature, but anything regarding where the story's heading (in a broad sense) or anything that you might not understand too well from what you've read thus far: all of these I don't mind answering and I've been pretty prompt in responding to any inquiries of this kind.

    Thanks so much for still keeping this fic alive, even after such a long hiatus. :3 It means a whole lot to me.
  15. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    It was asked before--although I'm not saying it's been already answered--but the entire Sora/Kairi thing I'm being really careful about.

    Sora and Kairi getting together is obviously one of the things I'm sure many readers are looking forward to, and is one of the focal points of the fic that everyone's anticipating. As such, it's hard for me to pin down exactly when, where and how this is going to happen. I had some idea in my mind as to how I wanted it to happen, but as the story progresses, that idea has been constantly changing. Just as much as you guys are looking forward to it, I also want to make sure it comes at the right time, it's justified and makes sense. Throwing it in there randomly is obviously not what anyone wants, so I'll have to ask for your patience on that matter and wait for it to happen.

    I can't give an accurate estimate, but I am hoping to build up Sora and Kairi's interactions from now on. They've been somewhat platonic for most of the fic, and even more recently haven't been on good terms. From here on in, I'm hoping/planning to delve them back into thoughts that they might've been locking away for some time, and work from there.

    Example: Have Kairi and Sora talked to each other about the Paopu Fruit drawing in the Secret Place?

    Rest assured, that will come up in the future.
  16. draik88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 5, 2007
    Are you REALLY sure you want to know? O.o
    Hey Soush, I just have a couple of questions about the fic. (No, they're not "When's the next chapter coming?" so don't worry. XP)

    They're actually about Ven, so I was wondering...

    1) Is Ven still a nobody? Or did he become whole when he regained his memories? (Can't remember if you explained this or not, so sorry if you did)


    2) Will Arianna and Atticus make an actual appearance in the fic? I mean, I know that Ven, Arianna, and Atticus we're suppose to be killed when they used the last of their strength to "defeat" Nocenarus, but how could Ven still be alive and thoes two still be "dead"? (You don't have to reply to this one if it will give away HUGE spoilers, I was just a bit confused.)
  17. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    1) Ventus is a complete human being. I'll try to pan out exactly how "Nobody" comes into play at this point.

    Sora is a reincarnation of Ventus, thus when Sora's Nobody was created (Roxas, aka Sora's other half), he was formed in the likeness of Ventus, since it was a reflection of Sora's original self. It's sort of an intentional paradox that Roxas (who is supposed to be a Nobody, someone who isn't supposed to exist), ends up taking on the appearance of the original form of Sora, that is, Ventus.

    Roxas was always considered an empty shell, yes? That's the essence of Nobodies. You can look at it like this: Roxas is an incomplete Ventus, but once he went into the Room of Awakening and got all his memories restored, he became a complete human being--Ventus' being was restored in the shell of Roxas. Bear in mind that Roxas isn't forever lost. Since I personally believe Roxas has established somewhat his own sense of self, his identity is sort of merged with Ventus'. They are both one in the same now. This is why although he is addressing himself as Ventus, he still wields the Oblivion and Oathkeeper, a signature of Roxas.

    2) I'll try to make it simple so that you can hopefully understand and without me giving anything away.

    Yes, both Ariannas and Atticus will be making an appearance. The key to understanding their 'coming' back lies in the foreshadowing lines near the end of Chapter 11. Atticus shared an oath with Ariannas and Ventus that they swore to come back and finish the job. The three of them coming back--in whatever mysterious way possible--is to fulfill their oath that they swore their souls upon before dying at the hands of Nocenarus.

    Hope that helps clear some confusion. Feel free to ask any more if you're still stumped on anything so far!

    And thanks everyone! I'm sorry about the delay, university is still ever so demanding. I'm about 1,600+ words into Chapter 17. Take that as you wish, but I felt I should at least let you know how far along the chapter is.
  18. Vex123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2006
    I have a question.

    Around what chapters do they leave the Dream-whatsamacallit world and and go to defeat Nemas?

    You don't have to answer if it spoils anything.
  19. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I have no clue. There are a bunch of things that have to be addressed/taken cared of first before Nemas is defeated--as that's pretty much the last on the agenda for this entire fic.

    But naturally, when they leave to defeat Nemas, the fic is close to its end.
  20. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Holy Crap.

    Super Holy Crap.

    I can not ****ing believe that it is even possible for a fanfiction to be that good. Soushirei, you are my hero just for writing this unbelievable peice of literature. Just, WOW! You explained everything, and left out no details. It is just amazing. AMAZING. *dies* Actually, I do have a question about it.

    I understand the whole Sora/Ven thing, as I've read through the posts and seen all of the questions regarding that topic that you have answered. However, the only thing that doesn't make sense to me is the timeline. How could Sora be Ven's reincarnation if he was already born when Ven "perished"? Seeing as Kairi is the same age as Sora, and Kairi was a small child at the time of Ven's death, how could this work out?

    Chapter 17 is 3 months in the making. Jesus Christ, I can't wait, OMG. Wow. You're so good.