OOC: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'OOC Lounge' started by Arch, Mar 20, 2017.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Keyblade Masters have kept the balance between light and dark for years, bringing in apprentices to train underneath them before sending new Masters out to look after other worlds. Throughout the years two rules that have kept order amongst the ranks of the Masters. Rule 1. No Master nor their students are to interfere in the matters of another Master and their own pupils. Rule 2. No Master may have any more than seven students at a time. These rules were created to prevent from any one keyblade wielder from gaining too large a group or creating alliances that would shift the balance of power and disturb the order between light and dark. As such, the contact between Masters was kept to a bare minimum and face-to-face meetings rarely, if ever, occurred.

    These days, however, the lines of communication between the Masters have been growing quiet. Several Masters have ceased communications entirely and the whereabouts of their apprentices remain a mystery. One Master, a woman named Thallasa, took her students to investigate nearby worlds for signs of the missing keyblade wielders. The last message the remaining Masters received from her before she too vanished with her students was that the worlds she had visited were no longer present. In fact, for several days now, stars in the night sky have been disappearing and it was not until recently that it had become noticeable.

    Now, the skies are filled with only half as many stars—half as many worlds as there used to be. Fearing for their students’ safety and that of the worlds they look after, nearly every Master has cut off communication from one another…all except for two who have decided that it was in the best interests of every world, if they worked together to bring the worlds back from wherever they had gone and find the missing keyblade wielders.

    You are a recently recruited student. Your knowledge of magic remains nonexistent and your skill with the keyblade is dubious at best but the faith your Master places on you is steadfast and powerful. As you prepare to embark on the journey with your Master to Eventide Town where both groups will meet, you hear them utter a familiar phrase you have only heard once before in the last message Thallasa had left.
    Find the Light Chaser.


    ChomaThe Master of the castle at Tellurion City, a man hardened by loss who teaches his students that the right choice may not be the easy one. Wields Seal Crest.

    AtmosThe Master of the castle at Overcast Haven, a woman cunning as she is powerful who has taught her pupils to question everything. Wields Silver Wing.

    ThallasaThe Master of the castle at The Flickering City.
    She, her students, and her world are the latest to go missing. Thallasa later reappeared on the Council's world. She wields the keyblade Cerulean Sea.

    KoaA 20 year old young man who is one of the Light Chaser's seven apprentices. He also happens to be Illiana's brother.

    DentroA male in his early 20's with a condescending yet easygoing attitude. He was one of the Light Chaser's seven apprentices. He died on Heroic Sanction.

    ZenoThe Light Chaser's
    second student. He has a friendly, if slightly pompous, demeanor. He would rather have fun even with an enemy than do any real work.

    PagosA child prodigy found by the Light Chaser when he was 12. He's highly intelligent and an extremely skilled ice mage.

    AvraAnother student of the Light Chaser. Possibly the most loyal of the Light Chaser's apprentices and most aggressive. She is highly focused and competitive.

    GeroThe Master of Masters, head of the Council of Lights. Before his disappearance 6 years ago Gero made sure to personally oversee the safety of the Seven. He has grown harsh over his years imprisoned in another realm.

    Stamatis Though he never took the title, he was in charge of the Council of Lights in Gero's absence. Stamatis's general attitude is serene. He is a master of time magic.

    KaioA longtime member of the Council. He tends to look down at others beneath the title of master and is quick to make judgment on others. He is a master of fire magic.

    VarosA longtime member of the Council. Varos rarely speaks and when he does it is only if there is something that must be said. He is a master of gravity magic.
    AsterAtmos and Avra's elder sister who was promoted to the Council sometime after Varos. Under normal circumstances she is quite tame and enjoys looking after others.

    SkiaA woman who joined the Council a few years after Aster. Laid back yet aloof, she often misquotes sayings when bringing one into a conversation much to Kaio's dismay. She's one of the few capable of using darkness.

    ThyellaJoined around the same time as Skia. Thyella is a hotheaded individual who rarely gets along with the others, minus Varos who says too little to get on her nerves.

    KidemonasA young man skilled with blades who had been a student of Gero and Stamatis for over a decade before being chosen to be on the Council. He hates when his mechanical work around the castle is interrupted.

    SeleneA young woman who had been a child prodigy. She was promoted to be on the Council just 2 years ago. Her peppy attitude is severely contrasted by the experienced demeanor held by her peers.


    • Combat in this RP will be turn-based. Meaning, that after you make your actions in battle, you cannot make more actions until the enemy has had their turn.

      LVL – Level
      HP – Hit Points
      AP – Attack Power
      MP – Magic Points
      DP – Drive Points

      Everyone starts out at Level 1 with 20 HP, 8 AP, and 10 MP.

      Gaining Levels is determined by story progress and activity. On special circumstances, a new character may start at a Level higher than 1(message me for details if you're joining late). For every Level gained you may increase your HP by 5 or your AP by 2.

      Leveling to 50 and beyond alters the rewards you can receive.

      AP determines how many Heartless you may defeat during your turn and damage you can deal to bosses. The amount of AP needed to defeat an Enemy varies by type (see Enemies page). Ending your turn with more than 0 AP does not grant you any benefits. AP is recovered at the end of every turn.

      MP is used for casting spells. If a spell costs more MP than what you have, you cannot cast the spell. MP recovers at the end of every battle unless specified otherwise. Increasing MP only happens through advancing in the story. If MP regained through the use of a Drive exceeds your maximum MP, you will have a surplus of MP until the battle ends or you use up the MP surplus.
      EX: You are at 0/20MP and regain 30 MP. You will have 30/20MP.

      DP is used for entering Drives and determining how long a form lasts. DP does not reset after battle and must be earned by posting. Increasing DP only happens through advancing in the story.

      If your HP is reduced to 0 during battle your character is knocked unconscious. The revived character does not get their turn unless they are revived. HP is recovered at the end of battle unless specified otherwise.

      What happens if everyone's character in the battle is knocked out? Who knows! Perhaps it might worth your time to find out...

    • When combat is initiated at the end of every post should be the following:

      HP: Current HP/Max HP
      AP: AP Remaining/Max AP
      MP: MP Remaining/Max MP
      DP: DP Remaining/Max DP
      Enemies Defeated:
      Enemies Remaining:

      When facing multiple enemy types, specify in "Enemies Defeated" the number of each type defeated. EX: You defeat 3 Shadow Heartless and 1 Soldier Heartless. The section would read as:

      Enemies Defeated: 4 (3 Shadows. 1 Soldier.)

      The same should be done for "Enemies Remaining".

      If you have AP remaining at the end of your turn, you still cannot act again until the enemy side has had their turn.

      If you do not post by the end of a round you will automatically take damage equal to the average the other characters had received.

    • Magic spells are powerful assets that can help turn the tide of battle. Casting magic costs MP. Only 1 Spell can be cast per turn.

      Enemies may be weak to certain kinds of spells. They will be color coded so that you can easily decipher what is most effective on them. Red enemies are weak to Thunder. Blue enemies are weak to Fire. Yellow enemies are weak to Blizzard.

      Hitting a weakness deals double damage and increases a boss's Break Gauge by 10%. Hitting a colored enemy without their weakness deals half damage(rounded down).

      Cure10 MP Cost. Heals 10 HP to oneself or any other target.

      Cura – Heals 15 HP.
      Curaga – Heals 25 HP.
      Curaza – Heals 40 HP.
      Fire9 MP Cost. An explosive burst of flame that strikes multiple targets. Can destroy 3 targets of 4 AP or less.
      Fira4 targets at 8 AP.
      Firaga5 targets at 16 AP.
      Firaza7 targets at 30 AP.
      Blizzard10 MP Cost. A single shard of ice that can destroy a target of 20 AP or less.
      Blizzara 40 AP.
      Blizzaga 80 AP.
      Blizzaza 140 AP.
      Thunder8 MP Cost. Bolts of lightning rain down from the sky destroying 6 targets with AP values of 2 or less.
      Thundara8 targets at 4 AP.
      Thundaga13 targets at 6 AP.
      Thundaza20 targets at 10 AP.
      Aero11 MP Cost. A current of wind lightens your step. Boosts Evasion by 1 Tier for 3 Turns.
      AeroraEvasion up 2 Tiers.
      AerogaEvasion up 3 Tiers.
      AerozaEvasion up 4 Tiers.
      Stone13 MP Cost. Stones form a protective armor on your torso. Reduces damage taken by 5 for 3 Turns.
      Stonera Reduces damage by 10.
      Stonega Reduces damage by 15.
      Stoneza Reduces damage by 20.
      Water15 MP Cost. A surge of water rushes over your blade. Boosts AP by 6 for 3 Turns.
      Watera – Boosts AP by 10.
      Waterga – Boosts AP by 14. Fills Break Gauge by 5% every turn you use your AP to attack.
      Waterza – Boosts AP by 20. Fills Break Gauge by 10% every turn you use your AP to attack.
      Reflect15 MP Cost. A barrier that explodes when attacked. Negates 10 Damage. Deals 10 AP damage to the attacker.
      Reflera – Negates 15 Damage. Deals 15 AP damage.
      Reflega – Negates 20 Damage. Deals 20 AP damage.
      Refleza – Negates 30 Damage. Deals 30 AP damage.
      Poison15 MP Cost. Causes 5 AP damage per turn on bosses. Stacks if cast by multiple characters.
      Poisona – Causes 7 AP damage per turn.
      Poisonga – Causes 10 AP damage per turn.
      Poisonza – Causes 15 AP damage per turn.
      Ruin15 MP Cost. A focused magical barrage doing 6 Times your current DP hitting up to 2 targets.
      Ruinra – Does 12 Times your current DP hitting up to 2 targets.
      Ruinga – Does 20 Times your current DP hitting up to 2 targets.
      Ruinza – Does 30 Times your current DP hitting up to 3 targets.
      FatalHP Cost. Deal damage equal to 1/4 of HP sacrificed.
      Fatara – Deal damage equal to 1/2 of HP sacrificed.
      Fataga – Deal damage equal to HP sacrificed.
      Fataza – Deal damage equal to 2 Times HP sacrificed.
      Esuna15 MP Cost. Removes Poison and Stun from 1 target.
      Esunara – Removes Poison, Stun, and Silence from 1 target.
      Esunaga – Removes Poison, Stun, Silence, and Imperil from 2 targets.
      Esunaza – Removes
      Poison, Stun, Silence, Imperil, and Rasp from 3 targets.
      Veil10 MP Cost. 50% of preventing Status Ailments on 2 targets for 3 Turns.
      Veilra55% of preventing Status Ailments on 3 targets.
      Veilga65% of preventing Status Ailments on 4 targets.
      Veilza80% of preventing Status Ailments on 5 targets.
      Stop15 MP Cost. 10% of making a boss skip a turn. Fills Break Gauge by 10%. Cannot be Multicast.
      Stopra15% of making a boss skip a turn. Fills Break Gauge by 15%.
      Stopga25% of making a boss skip a turn. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.
      Stopza40% of making a boss skip a turn. Fills Break Gauge by 30%.
      Magnet5 MP Cost. Draws prizes mid-battle. 4% 1 DP, 23% 20 HP, 13% 10 MP, 5% 2 Rewards.
      Magnera4% 1 DP, 30% 20 HP, 15% 10 MP, 6% 2 Rewards.
      Magnega5% 1 DP, 33% 20 HP,
      20% 10 MP, 7% 2 Rewards.
      Magneza10% 1 DP, 35% 25 HP, 25% 15 MP, 10% 2 Rewards, 5% 3 Rewards.
      Warp5 MP Cost. A short ranged teleport that boosts Evasion 1 Tier for 1 Turn. Cannot be Multicast.
      Warpra4 MP Cost.
      Warpga3 MP Cost.
      Warpza1 MP Cost.
      Spark10 MP Cost. Shards of light spin around you doing 8 AP to 5 targets and healing you for 5 HP.
      Sparkra9 MP Cost. 10 AP to 5 targets healing you for 5 HP. Fills Break Gauge by 5%.
      Sparkga8 MP Cost.
      12 AP to 5 targets healing you for 10 HP. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
      Sparkza6 MP Cost. 14 AP to 6 targets healing you for 15 HP. Fills Break Gauge by 15%.
      Leaf2 DP Cost. Call the power of nature to recharge your MP by 5.
      Leafra – Restores 5 MP and 10 HP.
      Leafaga – Restores 5 MP, 20 HP, and removes Pain from yourself.
      Leafaza – Restores 5 MP and 20 HP. Removes Pain, Slow, and Scourge from yourself.

    • As enemies grow more powerful so too do their abilities. Below are a list of Status Ailments that can be inflicted on you. Status Ailments last the duration of the battle or until they are remedied by the appropriate level of Esuna. Stop and Doom cannot be removed by Esuna.

      Party Statuses:

      Poison – Every turn you lose 15 HP.
      Stun – All of your Active Abilities, except your Unique Ability, are locked.
      Silence – All of your Spells are locked.
      ImperilPassive Abilities, including Guard, are ignored when you take damage.
      Rasp – Every turn you lose 5 MP. If you are already at 0 MP you lose 1 DP instead.
      Stop – You are frozen in time and your next turn is skipped.
      Slow – Your Evasion is reduced to 0.
      PainGuard effectiveness is halved.
      Scourge – You cannot be healed by any Spell or Ability.
      Doom – An extremely rare ailment. A Doom Counter looms over you and when it reaches 0...

      Boss Specific Statuses:

      Protect – The boss takes half damage from all physical attacks. [Duration: 3 Turns]
      Shell – The boss takes half damage from all magic. [Duration: 3 Turns]
      Saber – The boss's attacks penetrate Stone and Reflect spells. [Duration: 3 Turns]
      Haste – Occasionally the boss will receive 2 turns. [Duration: 3 Turns]
      Regen – The boss regains 50 HP per turn. [Duration: 5 Turns]
      Reraise – The boss revives at full HP when knocked out. [Duration: 5 Turns]
      Sap – Every point of damage dealt is HP restored by the boss. [Duration: ???]
      Aura – The boss regenerates every turn. [Duration: ???]
      Element Vulnerable – The boss will only take damage by being struck with a certain element. [Duration: ???]
      Null Magic – The boss is immune to all magical attacks and effects. [Duration: ???]
      Null Physical – The boss is immune to all physical attacks. [Duration: ???]
      Break – When the Break Gauge is full the boss is prevented from taking special actions and takes extra damage based on how quickly posts are made after a boss is stunned. [Duration: 1 Turn]

      Breaking A Boss:

      All bosses will have a Break Gauge that, when filled, cause a boss to enter the Break Status. Certain Active Abilities and Spells will fill the Break Gauge by fixed percentages. If the boss has an elemental weakness its Break Gauge will increase by 10%. When in Break Status the boss will not take special actions such as casting spells. During the turn the boss has been placed in Break Status the boss will take additional damage based on how quickly characters act the following turn.

    • Every 5 Levels a character can take a new Ability. Passive Abilities are always active. Each Active Ability can only be used once per battle. You can only use 1 Active Ability per turn. Active Abilities are italicized in your character form.

      Passive Abilities

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
      Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP. [Can be taken up to 3 times.]
      White MageCure heals 2 targets instead of 1.
      Black MageFire and Thunder can hit 1 extra target. Blizzard deals an extra 5 damage.
      DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
      Leaf Bracer – Take reduced damage when casting Cure.
      Hyper Healing – When reviving a character their defense is boosted for 2 turns.
      Reaction Boost – [Only effective against Bosses.] Increase damage dealt to Bosses when posting first by 10. [Can be taken up to 2 times.]
      Finisher Plus – [Only effective against Bosses.] Increases damage dealt by physical damage by 15 when all AP is spent. [Can be taken up to 2 times.]
      Fire BoostFire hits 1 extra target. [Can be taken up to 3 times.]
      Blizzard Boost – Boosts Blizzard damage by 5. [Can be taken up to 3 times.]
      Thunder BoostThunder hits 1 extra target. [Can be taken up to 3 times.]
      Cure Boost – Boosts Cure strength by 5. [Can be taken up to 3 times.]
      Red MageAero, Stone, and Water last an extra turn.
      Aero Boost Aero lasts an extra turn.
      Stone BoostStone lasts an extra turn.
      Water Boost Water lasts an extra turn.
      Fire Screen – Reduces Fire damage taken.
      Blizzard Screen – Reduces Blizzard damage taken.
      Thunder Screen – Reduces Thunder damage taken.
      Wall – Casting Reflect boosts the defense of the party.
      Link BoostD-Links last an extra turn.
      MP Haste – Regain 1 MP per turn.
      MP Rage – When taking 20 Damage in 1 turn, regain 5 MP.
      Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.
      White Wizard Cure heals 3 targets. Veil Esuna costs 10 MP. [Requires White Mage.]
      Black WizardFire, Blizzard, and Thunder now cost 7 MP. [Requires Black Mage.]
      Red WizardAero, Stone, and Water now cost 10 MP. [Requires Red Mage.]
      MP Hastera – Regain
      2 MP per turn. [Requires MP Haste.]
      MP Hastega – Regain 3 MP per turn. [Requires MP Hastera.]
      MP Hasteza – Regain 4 MP per turn. [Requires MP Hastega.]
      Doublecast – Allows you to use 2 Spells in 1 turn.
      Triplecast – Allows you to use 3 Spells in 1 turn. [Requires Doublecast.]
      Quadcast – Allows you to use 4 Spells in 1 turn. [Requires Triplecast.]
      Quintcast – Allows you to use 5 Spells in 1 turn. [Requires Quadcast.]
      Green MageReflect costs 12 MP. Reroll Magnet if no prizes are obtained.
      Green WizardRuin costs 12 MP. Leaf costs 1 DP. [Requires Green Mage.]
      Blue MageVeil costs 5 MP. Spark hits 1 additional target and heals 5 more HP.
      Blue WizardPoison costs 10 MP. Warp increases Evasion 2 Tiers. [Requires Blue Mage.]
      Combo Master – Use 2 Active Abilities per turn. [Must be Level 80.]

      Active Abilities

      Dodge Roll – Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
      Blitz – Dish out an attack worth 10 AP to 1 enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
      Blitz+ – An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%. [Replaces Blitz.]
      Sonic Blade – A rapid lunging attack that strikes 7 times. Each thrust is worth 6 AP to use against 7 enemies or concentrate the damage on fewer enemies for a maximum damage of 42 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 15%. [Requires Blitz+.]
      Vicinity Break – A circular swing over a wide area dealing an attack worth 10 AP to strike 4 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
      Stun Impact – Deal 12 AP to 6 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 30%. [Replaces Vicinity Break.]
      Strike Raid – Deal 10 AP to 2 enemies. Hits bosses for 20 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 5%. [Requires Vicinity Break.]
      Judgment – Deal 20 AP to 3 enemies. Hits bosses for 60 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 10%. [Replaces Strike Raid.]
      MP Drain – Convert 20 AP into 5 MP. [Can be used once per turn.]
      MP Gift – Give 10 of your MP to another character. [Can be used once per turn.]

      Magnet Burst – Deal 4 AP to 5 enemies.
      Explosion – Deal 6 AP to 10 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 5%. [Replaces Magnet Burst.]
      Ripple Drive – Deal 6 AP to 15 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%. [Replaces Explosion.]
      Ragnarok – Deal 8 AP to 20 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 15%. [Replaces Ripple Drive.]
      Guard+ – Critical attacks do not pierce through Guard. [Must be Level 40. Can be used once per turn.]
      Dodge Roll+ – Consume 2 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Must be Level 45. Replaces Dodge Roll. Can be used once per turn.]
      Ars Arcanum – Unleash a flurry of attacks dealing 50 AP to a single target. Fills Break Gauge by 10%. [Must be Level 50.]
      Zantetsuken – Deals 80 AP fixed damage to a single target. [Must be Level 55. Requires Ars Arcanum.]

      Over the Horizon – A powerful aerial spinning attack that deals 40 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 30%. [Must be Level 60.]
      Flash Step – A lightning fast attack that deals 10 AP damage. Fills Break Gauge by 40%. [Must be Level 65.]
      Chaos Blade – Lunge at your enemies 8 times, vanishing into darkness between each attack. Each thrust is worth 10 AP to use against up to 8 enemies dealing up to 80 AP damage. Fills Break Gauge by 10%. [Must be Level 70. Replaces Sonic Blade.]
      MP Drain+ – Convert 10 AP into 5 MP. [Must be Level 75. Replaces MP Drain. Can be used once per turn.]
      Ars Solum – Unleash an onslaught of attacks dealing 75 AP to a single target. Fills Break Gauge by 25%. [Must be Level 80. Replaces Ars Arcanum.]

      Dodge Roll Max – Consume 1 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Must be Level 85. Replaces Dodge Roll+. Can be used once per turn.]
      Lancet – During the turn this ability is active, every enemy you destroy restores 1 HP. [Must be Level 90.]
      MP Drain Max – Convert 5 AP into 5 MP. [Must be Level 95. Replaces MP Drain+. Can be used once per turn.]
      Zone of Salvation – An extremely powerful attack that blasts up to 10 enemies for 70 AP damage each with a powerful arc of Light launched from your keyblade. The attack heals all allies for 30 HP. Fills Break Gauge by 50%. [Must be Level 100.]
      Zone of Damnation – An extremely powerful attack that blasts up to 10 enemies for 130 AP damage each with a powerful arc of Darkness launched form your keyblade. The attack deals 30 AP fixed damage to all allies. Fills Break Gauge by 50%. [Must be Level 100.]
      Eruption – Stab the keyblade into the ground and create a tremendous magical explosion around you hitting 100 enemies for 30 AP damage. Fills Break Gauge by 60%. [Must be Level 100.]
      Zantetsuken Prime – Deals 100 AP fixed damage to a single target. Fills Break Gauge by 100%. [Must be Level 100. Replaces Zantetsuken.]

    • Allies you bond with form links from which you can draw on their power. Only 1 D-Link can be used per battle. D-Links can only be used on certain occasions. D-Links last 3 turns including the turn you activated it in. D-Links cannot be used while a Drive is active.

      Choma – "Gaia's Bane" Boosts AP by 20 and raises defense by 15%.
      Atmos – "Skyward Key" Restores MP by 15 and raises Evasion 1 Tier.
      Light Chaser – "Radiance" Restores HP by 30 and MP by 10. Boosts AP by 10. Raises both defense by 10% and Evasion 1 Tier.
      Torrin – "Wrath of Darkness" Spells deal an extra 10 damage per hit.
      Jim Hawkins – "Solar Surfer" Boosts Evasion 4 Tiers.
      Joch – "Royal Black" Restores HP by 10. Boosts Evasion 1 Tier and defense by 15%.
      Gero – "Mastery" All spells function as 1 Tier higher than what you have learned.
      Stamatis – "Prophecy" Whenever you are about to receive a Critical Hit, you take 0 damage instead and heal for 25 HP.
      Kidemonas – "Multiskill" Boosts AP by 10 and restores MP by 10.
      Aster – "Dark Star" Boosts AP by 30.
      Team Incredible – "Super" Restores 2 DP upon activation.
      Machina – "Awakening" Boosts AP by 20 upon activation. Boosts AP by another 10 every turn you are not hit. D-Link ends upon being hit.
      Taran – "Magic Blade" Fills Break Gauge by 10% each turn you attack.

    • Drives are transformations that greatly boost the power of a keyblade wielder. Entering a Drive requires Drive Points (DP). The duration of a form is based on the maximum number of DP your character has. Ex: Your character has a maximum DP of 4, therefore your character can remain in their Drive for 4 turns. The cost to enter the form is listed under every Drive.
      • DP do not reset after every battle.
      • 1 DP is earned every 10 posts outside of battle.
      • 1 DP is earned at the end of every battle.
      • Getting knocked out in combat rests your DP to 0.
      • Increasing DP is only done through advancements in the story.
      • You cannot use a Drive and a D-Link at the same time.

    • The stronger the enemy, the more AP is required to defeat it. Bosses, however, have HP instead of a set number of AP needed to defeat them. AP used against a Boss is the damage dealt to its HP.


      Shadow - 2 AP
      Rapid Thruster - 2 AP
      Soldier - 6 AP
      Pirate - 8 AP
      Mega-Shadow - 10 AP
      Darkball - 12 AP
      Neoshadow - 14 AP
      Gargoyle - 16 AP
      Invisible - 18 AP

      Defender - 20 AP
      Gigas Shadow - 22 AP
      Novashadow - 28 AP
      Orcus - 36 AP
      Eliminator - 40 AP
      Yellow Opera - 4 AP

      Screwdriver - 10 AP
      Air Pirate - 12 AP
      Water Core - 14 AP

      Bolt Tower - 20 AP
      Fiery Globe - 2 AP
      Red Nocturne - 4 AP
      Minute Bomb - 4 AP*
      Heat Saber - 12 AP
      Crimson Jazz - 20 AP
      Icy Cube - 2 AP
      Blue Rhapsody - 4 AP
      Fortuneteller - 10 AP
      Search Ghost - 12 AP
      Earth Core - 14 AP

      *Left unchecked a Minute Bomb can deal 20 damage to any number of party members in battle by detonating.


      Helping Hats - 6 AP
      Killing Hats - 10 AP


      Behemoth - 1000 HP/16 ATK/70% BG
      Behemoth Omega - 2500 HP/20 ATK/100% BG
      Arch Behemoth - 4000 HP/32 ATK/200% BG
      Darkside - 160 HP/13 ATK/70% BG
      Darkside Omega - 700 HP/17 ATK/100% BG
      Dark Follower - 2000 HP/23 ATK/150% BG
      Neo Darkside - 5000 HP/30 ATK/300% BG
      Darkling - 300 HP/15 ATK/100% BG
      Dark Leviathan - 200 HP/10 ATK/70% BG
      Demon Tower - 190 HP/12 ATK/70% BG
      Demon Tide - 1000 HP/18 ATK/100% BG
      Dark Hide - 1600 HP/21 ATK/130% BG
      Grandmother Willow - 450 HP/16 ATK/100% BG
      Bright Eyes - 400 HP/14 ATK/100% BG
      Mezmerella - 150 HP/8 ATK/50% BG
      Mr. Incredible (mind controlled) - 400 HP/12 ATK/100% BG
      Bomb Voyage - 200 HP/11 ATK/50% BG
      Incognitus - 350 HP/15 ATK/100% BG
      Kefka - 300 HP/17 ATK/100% BG


    1. No godmodding, powerplaying, etc.

    2. No gore and no excessive cursing. Unless it’s a magic curse. Then that’s fine.

    3. Level ups will be given based on participation.

    4. Avoid one-liners. I am not going to impose a minimum character/paragraph limit to keep things light on everyone but please try to put some effort into your posts.

    5. Some keyblades are off-limits. Master Xehanort’s Keyblade and obviously the X-Blade.

    6. During battle, you must at least write something relevant to the fight when taking your turn including the actions your character has taken.

    7. When in doubt, ask me! Seriously, I’m open to questions so don’t be afraid to ask.

    8. Feel free to use the "other" section to add in any relations your character may have with others if they come from the same world or bonded during their training.

    9. Rules may be added, changed, or removed as I see fit.

    10. Absence from the RP for 20 days, without any notice, will result in your character being removed from the RP.


    • As a child there was a saying my father was fond of: "The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes." Aside from being a clever analogy I never thought it to hold any practical meaning. If this held any truth then why would one light a candle to find their way through the night? Shadows wash away under their illumination and a room does not grow darker with every candle burned. Perhaps it was my eagerness to argue over such pointless technicalities that kept my peers at a distance.

      I never mourned the lack of companionship in my life as my family and my studies kept my mind busy. The sunrise woke me each morning and, rather than curl up in bed asking for "five more minutes", I rose to watch as the light cast away the dark of the night. Birds sang, skies cleared, and warmth filled the air. I would watch as people began to fill the streets, happy to go about their business and I wondered just what made them smile. Did they enjoy the warmth of the sun's rays as I did? Even if they did not, knowing those around me were happy here with those they cared for was enough.

      I was 10 when I lost my world to the darkness.

    • Chasms opened and creatures made out of shadow with yellow eyes crawled from the earth. My mother took my hand to get me out of the house while my father did his best to defend us. My father was overwhelmed and his Heart emerged from his body. My mother and I managed to get to the hill overlooking our home and the homes of our neighbors but from that vantage point all we could was that there would be no escape. Pieces of our world were being pulled into the darkness and the monsters already began to close in on us. My mother shielded me from their claws but she fell just as my father did, her heart being taken from her. I would have met that same fate if it was not for the sudden interference of a man wielding a strange looking sword. He had emerged from a column of light and struck down the creatures who had surrounded me.

      The rest of the entry is missing...

    • Along the journey to what was to be my new home I took the time to learn everything I could from this Keyblade Master, Fost as the elder man called himself. Apparently the world that we live in now, and I do not mean "world" in the planetary sense, was reborn a long time ago after a great war was waged. It was only due to the light from the hearts of children that the world was brought back from darkness that came from the Keyblade War. With such powerful light it seemed that anything was possible. I had to know more.

      From what Fost told me, Heartless were creatures created when a heart was lost to the dark. An ironic name considering they were nothing but a manifestation of the heart's darkness. The body of a Heartless is cast aside and fades into nothingness. If the heart of a keyblade wielder is irreversibly corrupted they become monstrous creatures with immense power known as Darklings. Of course, such Heartless had not been seen for a long time as no wielder had fallen to the darkness in recent memory.

      Knowing what lurked in the shadows was not enough for me. I needed the power to fight back. I needed a keyblade.

    • ???

    • ???

    • ???

    • ???

    Character Sheet
    Master: [Leave blank.]
    LVL: 1
    HP: 20
    AP: 8
    MP: 10
    DP: 3

      • Name: Illiana Salavic
        Age: 21
        Gender: Female
        Appearance: Boop!
        Keyblade: Lumios Star (Left One)
        Homeworld: Stella Nihil
        Master: Atmos
        Personality: A bit sassy, considerate of others, a smidge mischievous, somewhat a tease, can be serious when she wants to be, keeps things to herself too often.
        Other: She carries around an umbrella a lot.

        LVL: 33
        HP: 60
        AP: 56
        MP: 30
        DP: 3

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll – Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
        Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
        Counter Heal – Illiana's Evasion is permanently raised by 1 Tier. Whenever Illiana dodges an attack she automatically regains 5 HP.
        Black MageFire and Thunder can hit 1 extra target. Blizzard deals an extra 5 damage.
        Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.
        DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
        MP Rage – When taking 20 Damage in 1 turn, regain 5 MP.
        Black WizardFire, Blizzard, and Thunder now cost 7 MP.

        Cure – 10 MP. +10 HP. 1 Ally.
        Fira – 7 MP. 8 AP. 5 Targets.
        Blizzara – 7 MP. 45 AP. 1 Target.
        Thundara – 7 MP. 4 AP. 9 Targets.
        Ruin – 15 MP. 6 Times Current DP. 2 Targets.

      • D-Links:
        Jim Hawkins
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:
        Twin Fans

        Fledgling Fire
        Cost: 3 DP
        Like a newborn dragon, this form allows Illiana to channel her inner fire. The start of a fire hotter than the sun. A gauntlet appears on her right arm, almost like a dragon. Her dress turns black with lace sleeves to match her gauntlet. A red aura is casted around her.
        Attacks have the Fire element attached to them. Enemies weak to Fire require half the AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 15 damage per round against bosses.]
        The keyblade can fire off magical bullets to strike enemies. Enemies with elemental weaknesses require 2 less AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 15 damage per round against bosses.]
        Regain 10 MP
        Regenerate 7 HP per turn.
        Firetouch: Illiana takes no damage from Fire-based attacks.
        Pyro-Wave: By sacrificing 20% of her HP, Illiana can double the power of Fire spells.

      • Name: Tinarah Dellia
        Age: 18 (formerly 12)
        Gender: Female
        Appearance: bloop (formerly this)
        Keyblade: Angel's Heart
        Homeworld: Lux Horologium
        Master: Choma
        Personality: Quiet and timid, Tinarah won't speak very much to anyone. She is a very obedient individual who will listen to everything. She won't judge anyone. She is a very peaceful individual.
        Other: Be nice to her. She is too innocent for this world.

        LVL: 34
        HP: 75
        AP: 52
        MP: 30
        DP: 3

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll – Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
        MY FRIENDS! – Whenever casting Cure on someone other than herself the spell heals 15 more HP.
        DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
        Cure Boost – Boosts Cure strength by 5.
        Black Mage Fire and Thunder can hit 1 extra target. Blizzard deals an extra 5 damage.
        MP Haste – Regain 1 MP per turn.
        BlitzDish out an attack worth 10 AP to 1 enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
        White Mage Cure heals 2 targets instead of 1.

        Cura – 10 MP. +20 HP on self. +35 HP on allies. 2 Allies.
        Blizzard – 10 MP. 15 AP. 1 Target.
        Fira – 9 MP. 8 AP. 5 Targets.
        Reflera – 15 MP. 15 AP. Negates 15 Damage. 1 Target.
        Esuna – 15 MP. Removes Poison and Stun. 1 Ally.

      • D-Links:
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:


        Magic's Dance
        Cost: 3 DP

        When entering the form a blue-ish glow surrounds Tinarah before an icy frost clings to her keyblade for the remainder of the time in this form. There is a faint blue glow coming from her necklace that seems to serve as an aid to the power as the sound of a violin paired with a piano seems to come from her necklace.
        Attacks have the Blizzard element attached to them. Enemies weak to Blizzard require half the AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 15 damage per round against bosses.]
        The keyblade can fire off magical bullets to strike enemies. Enemies with elemental weaknesses require 2 less AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 15 damage per round against bosses.]

        Regain 10 MP
        Regenerate 7 HP per turn.
        Invigorating Duet: Music is emitted from Tinarah in this form, as it does, anyone who can hear it, regenerates 5 MP per turn that she is in that form.

        Timely Lullaby: Tinarah brings out her violin and plays a lullaby that lulls nearby enemies to sleep, reducing the amount of AP needed to kill them by 5.

      • Name: Chrono Dellia
        Age: 19
        Gender: Male
        Appearance: Guess who's back
        Keyblade: Wandering Star
        Homeworld: Lux Horologium
        Master: Atmos
        Personality: Chrono is as headstrong as he is curious about how things once. Once his mind is set towards something, it takes a lot of effort to deter him until he's content with what he's found. His cheerful disposition rarely fades from his face except for certain situations, in which his expression is one that befits it.
        Other: He carries around with him a pocket watch, it doesn't actually do much other than tick, but the ticking helps him think at times.

        LVL: 33
        HP: 85
        AP: 46
        MP: 30
        DP: 3

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll – Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
        DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
        Temporis Imitatio – The more AP left unused at the end of the turn, the higher the chance Chrono will dodge an attack by leaving an afterimage of himself instead of Guarding. The Time Clone will attack with a random Active Ability Chrono has learned when activated.

        Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
        BlitzDish out an attack worth 10 AP to 1 enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
        Vicinity Break A circular swing over a wide area dealing an attack worth 10 AP to strike 4 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
        Strike RaidDeal 10 AP damage to 2 enemies. Hits bosses for 20 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 5%.
        Red MageAero, Stone, and Water last an extra turn.

        – 10 MP. +15 HP. 1 Ally.
        Thundara – 8 MP. 4 AP. 8 Targets.
        Watera – 15 MP. +6 AP. 1 Ally. 4 Turns.
        Aero – 11 MP. +1 Evasion. 1 Ally. 4 Turns.
        Ruin – 15 MP. 6 Times Current DP. 2 Targets.

      • D-Links:
        Jim Hawkins
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:


        Temporal Seeker
        Cost: 3 DP

        A silver aura cloaks Chrono as a golden translucent clock face appears above his keyblade's hilt. The numbers 1-4 are the only ones lit for the time being. Only the hour hand on the clock and the clock itself gongs upon passing each number it passes.
        Attacks have the Thunder element attached to them. Enemies weak to Thunder require half the AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 15 damage per round against bosses.]
        +10 AP
        +10% Defense
        Stop & Stun Immunity
        Weary: For the 2 turns following exiting your form you cannot cast magic and your AP is reduced by 10.
        Temporis Arcus: When attacked, Chrono has a 25% chance to inflict Stop to one of the enemies that attacked him.
        Temporis Dividere: Chrono creates a time clone that has half of Chrono's max HP and AP to fight alongside him.

    • Dead.
      Kaela Arrives.
      Kaela's Banner is Used.
      Death of Kaela.
      Mirror Mikaela Arrives.
      Death of Mirror Mikaela.

      Name: Mikaela 'Mika' Mitsune
      Age: Late teens- early 20s (no one is really sure)
      Gender: Female
      Keyblade: Fire's Fox
      Homeworld: Unknown
      Master: Choma
      Personality: Having lost her memory, Mika is rather unsure of herself. The only thing she is sure of is that she really likes her cat,
      Nini. She's a bit scared to trust people, but she's also scared of being alone. More than anything, Mika wants to find out what happened to her.
      Other: She really likes fire and even has a
      flame necklace. It sometimes looks like it is actually on fire and gets hot.

      LVL: 3
      HP: 20
      AP: 12
      MP: 20

      Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.

      • Name: Takehiko (Tah-kay-hee-coh), goes by Take (Tah-kay)
        Age: 16
        Gender: Male
        Appearance: 岳彦
        Keyblade: Guardian's Breath
        Homeworld: Incandescent Peak
        Master: Atmos
        Personality: Coming from a world of protectors, Take becomes protective of his comrades. He's happy to be on the journey and excited to learn more about himself and the other worlds. However, he can easily become conformist, which makes him take orders very often without question.
        Other: his motif be mountains and dragons

        LVL: 34
        HP: 110
        AP: 38
        MP: 30
        DP: 3

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll – Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
        Provoke – Once per battle Takehiko can draw enemy attention from 2 allies. His defenses are boosted during this.

        DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
        Blitz+ An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.
        Reaction Boost – [Only effective against Bosses.] Increase damage dealt to Bosses when posting first by 10.
        MP Rage – When taking 20 Damage in 1 turn, regain 5 MP.
        Wall – Casting Reflect boosts the defense of the party.

        – 10 MP. +15 HP. 1 Ally.
        Blizzard – 10 MP. 20 AP. 1 Target.
        Stonera – 13 MP. Reduces Damage By 10. 3 Turns.
        Reflera – 15 MP. 15 AP. Negates 15 Damage. 1 Target.
        Fatal – HP. AP Equal To 1/4 HP Sacrificed. Any Targets.

      • D-Links:
        Jim Hawkins
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:
        Great Axe


        Paladin Form
        Cost: 3 DP
        Attacks have the Stone element attached to them. Enemies weak to Blizzard require half the AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 15 damage per round against bosses.]
        Attacks are imbued with the Light. Enemies without elemental weaknesses require 2 less AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 20 damage per round against bosses.]
        +20% Defense
        Regenerate 7 HP per turn.
        Burning Fast: Every turn after activating your form there is a 40% chance that you will revert to normal.
        Good Karma: Gives party members 60% chance of getting hit. If they are not hit the attack is instead hits Takehiko
        Bad Karma: 45% of damage Takehiko braces is absorbed by the shield and reflected in a shield smash attack towards the enemy.
        Karma Bomb: The damage absorbs until the shield is used. If the form ends before Takehiko uses the shield, the absorbed attacks attack him instead.

      • Name: Aria Dorin
        Age: 17
        Gender: Female
        Keyblade: ☾~Colorful World~☾
        Homeworld: Amerath
        Master: Choma (God bless his soul)
        Personality: Optimistic, stubborn, and an ambitious type of individual. Tries to make friends with everyone she meets (even though they probably don't like her).
        Other: Likes everything rainbow and strange

        : 33
        HP: 90
        AP: 44
        MP: 30
        DP: 3

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
        Rainbow Glow – Aria casts an armor of light on the party that lasts for 3 turns. Their defenses are increased by 30%.

        White MageCure heals 2 targets instead of 1.
        Blitz+An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.
        Sonic BladeA rapid lunging attack that strikes 7 times. Each thrust is worth 6 AP to use against 7 enemies or concentrate the damage on fewer enemies for a maximum damage of 42 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 15%.
        Link BoostD-Links last an extra turn.
        Vicinity Break A circular swing over a wide area dealing an attack worth 10 AP to strike 4 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.

        Cura – 10 MP. +15 HP. 2 Allies.
        Fire – 9 MP. 4 AP. 3 Targets.
        Blizzard – 10 MP. 20 AP. 1 Target.
        Thundara – 8 MP. 4 AP. 8 Targets.
        Watera – 15 MP. +10 AP. 1 Ally. 3 Turns.

      • D-Links:
        Jim Hawkins
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:

        First Dawn
        Cost: 3 DP
        Her clothes turn into the colors of red, blue, and yellow and she emits a glow to match those colors.
        Attacks are imbued with the Light. Enemies without elemental weaknesses require 2 less AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 20 damage per round against bosses.]
        Regain 30 MP
        +10% Defense
        No Chance: On taking damage, roll twice and take the higher number. Cancels Second Chance.
        Primary Boost: Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder suffer no penalties when being cast on enemies strong against an element.
        Healing Light: Cure can be cast on the entire party.

      • Name: 'Glyde Tyler'
        Age: 15
        Gender: Male
        Appearance: Glyde
        Keyblade: “Standoff”
        Homeworld: Wayfarers’ Homestead
        Master: Atmos
        Personality: Cautious and skeptical; socially withdrawn and highly selective of interactions; has thus far evaded close emotional bonds with his peers. Comes off as harsh and cold, even towards those that would be his friends, though only when conversation drifts closer to more personal matters. Nonetheless, he proves himself a reliable ally, and a highly motivated pupil.
        Other: He claims to have lost most of his memories, though he may remember more than he let's on. More than likely, only his Master will truly see through his mask at first, and it does seem likely that his name is a pseudonym.

        LVL: 32
        HP: 85
        AP: 44
        MP: 30
        DP: 3


        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll – Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
        Shoot – During battle Glyde can shoot up to 3 magical bullets at enemies worth 8 AP. During this his Evasion rises 1 Tier.

        Leaf Bracer – Take reduced damage when casting Cure.
        Fire BoostFire hits 1 extra target.
        Fire Screen – Reduces Fire damage taken.
        Vicinity Break A circular swing over a wide area dealing an attack worth 10 AP to strike 4 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
        MP Haste – Regain 1 MP per turn.
        Aero Boost Aero lasts an extra turn.

        Cura – 10 MP. 15 HP. 1 Ally.
        Fira – 9 MP. 8 AP. 5 Targets.
        Thunder – 8 MP. 2 AP. 6 Targets.
        Aerora – 11 MP. +2 Evasion. 1 Ally. 4 Turns.
        Ruin – 15 MP. 6 Times Current DP. 2 Targets.

      • D-Links:
        Jim Hawkins
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:


      • Name: Chrysanthemum Light
        Age: 18
        Gender: Female
        Appearance: Another Light...
        Keyblade: Forgotten Flower
        Homeworld: Garden of Rivers
        Master: The Light Chaser
        Personality: Chrysanthemum Light is a soft spoken, yet friendly and curious individual. She loves to see other worlds and meet new people; even if she is hard pressed to introduce herself and doesn't actively contribute, she greatly enjoys being around and watching others.
        Other: "He'll probably hate me for this, but... I guess you can call me Chrys."

        LVL: 47
        HP: 115
        AP: 62
        MP: 40
        DP: 3

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
        Blitz Dish out an attack worth 10 AP to 1 enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
        White MageCure heals 2 targets instead of 1.
        DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.

        Shield Break – Can only be used once per battle. During the turn this ability is used Guard, Stone, and Reflect are ignored by Chrys's physical attacks. Deals 25% more damage with physical attacks to bosses when used.
        Dispel – Can only be used once per battle. Removes any magical buffs caused by Spells from all enemies.
        Stone BoostStone lasts an extra turn.
        Red MageAero, Stone, and Water last an extra turn.
        Vicinity Break A circular swing over a wide area dealing an attack worth 10 AP to strike 4 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
        MP Haste – Regain 1 MP per turn.
        MP Drain Convert 20 AP into 5 MP. [Can be used once per turn.]
        Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.

        Cura – 10 MP. +15 HP. 2 Allies.
        Aerora – 11 MP. +2 Evasion. 4 Turns.
        Watera – 15 MP. +10 AP. 1 Ally. 4 Turns.
        Stonera – 13 MP. Reduces Damage By 10. 1 Ally. 4 Turns.
        Reflera – 15 MP. 15 AP. Negates 15 Damage. 1 Target.

      • D-Links:
        Light Chaser

        Keyblade Transformations:

        Fleur Form
        Cost: 3 DP
        Chrys's black jacket changes to a light blue flower petal material before extending into a robe. Her cuffs change into bell sleeves and her hair changes to a dark shade of blue. She then begins to levitate, as well as glow faintly.
        Chrys's keyblade is surrounded in a magical glow as her power increases. Guard efficiency increases. Enemies require 1 less AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 25 damage per round against bosses.]
        Regain 10 MP
        +10% Defense
        +1 Evasion
        Regenerate 7 HP per turn.
        Weary: For the 2 turns following exiting your form you cannot cast magic and your AP is reduced by 10.
        Flowersguard: Three petals act as a defense for Chrys. Each petal will absorb 20% damage upon being destroyed. One is destroyed every time Chrys takes damage.
        Sylvan Charge: Three petals surround Chrys. Each can be used to cast a spell for 0 MP by crushing it.

      • Name: Boreas Thessalian
        Age: 23
        Gender: Male
        Appearance: Boreas himself
        Keyblade: Silver Wind
        Homeworld: Realm of Darkness
        Master: Errin
        Personality: Loyal, courageous, a bit hot-headed and judgmental.
        Other: Knows Torrin

        LVL: 37
        HP: 100
        AP: 48
        MP: 30
        DP: 3

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]
        Inspiring Presence – Boreas makes a call to arms increasing the party's AP by 10 and Evasion by 1 Tier for 3 Turns.

        DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
        Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
        Finisher Plus – [Only effective against Bosses.] Increases damage dealt by physical damage by 15 when all AP is spent.
        Black MageFire and Thunder can hit 1 extra target. Blizzard deals an extra 5 damage.
        Black WizardFire, Blizzard, and Thunder now cost 7 MP.
        Blitz+An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.

        Cura – 10 MP. +15 HP. 1 Ally.
        Fira – 7 MP. 8 AP. 5 Targets.
        Blizzara – 7 MP. 45 AP. 1 Target.
        Thundara – 7 MP. 4 AP. 9 Target.
        Poison – 15 MP. 3 AP Per Turn. 1 Target. Boss Only. Stacks If Cast By Other Characters.

      • D-Links:
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:
        Repeating Crossbow

        To Glory and Ruin!
        Cost: 3 DP

        A reckless charge of the enemy with Boreas attacking anything in his way, stopping at nothing. A purple flame aura surrounds Boreas, trailing him as he surges forward, leaving small flames in his footsteps.
        Attacks have the Fire element attached to them. Enemies weak to Fire require half the AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 15 damage per round against bosses.]
        Attacks are imbued with the Dark. Enemies without elemental weaknesses require 2 less AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 20 damage per round against bosses.]

        +30 AP
        Explosive: Your power is erratic and will randomly cause you and/or your allies to take damage from your attacks.
        Weary: For the 2 turns following exiting your form you cannot cast magic and your AP is reduced by 10.
        Dark Harvest: Each enemy slain restores 1 HP to Boreas.

        Furious Charge: Boreas surges forward charging the enemy lines, the attack splits 30 AP over multiple enemies.

      • Name: Torrin
        Age: 23
        Gender: Male
        Appearance: Torrin
        Keyblade: Evenfall
        Homeworld: Realm of Darkness
        Personality: Torrin is distant and is quick to aggression. Whenever he feels that he has committed some wrong he will stop at nothing to correct any past mistakes. Only those connected to his past cause him to lighten up. He takes time warming up to new people.
        Other: During his time in the Realm of Light, he trained under a second master. Torrin gained his Mark of Mastery under that master.
        {Mirror Torrin}

        LVL: 62
        HP: 160
        AP: 74
        MP: 50
        DP: 5

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge RollConsume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used once per turn.]

        Shin-Zantetsuken – An instant attack that destroys 10 random enemies. Deals 160 fixed damage to bosses and cuts all effects down to 1 turn of duration or ends them if the effects were on their last turn.
        Combo Plus x2 – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 2 additional enemies of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
        Black MageFire and Thunder can hit 1 extra target. Blizzard deals an extra 5 damage.
        Black WizardFire, Blizzard, and Thunder now cost 7 MP.
        Blitz+An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.
        Sonic BladeA rapid lunging attack that strikes 7 times. Each thrust is worth 6 AP to use against 7 enemies or concentrate the damage on fewer enemies for a maximum damage of 42 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 15%.
        Vicinity BreakA circular swing over a wide area dealing an attack worth 10 AP to strike 4 enemies. Fills Break Gauge by 10%.
        Strike RaidDeal 10 AP damage to 2 enemies. Hits bosses for 20 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 5%.
        MP Rage – When taking 20 Damage in 1 turn, regain 5 MP.
        Blue MageVeil costs 5 MP. Spark hits 1 additional target and heals 5 more HP.
        Blue WizardPoison costs 10 MP. Warp increases Evasion 2 Tiers.

        Curaga – 10 MP. +25 HP. 1 Ally.
        Firaza – 7 MP. 30 AP. 8 Targets.
        Blizzaga – 7 MP. 75 AP. 1 Target.
        Thundaga – 7 MP. 6 AP. 14 Targets.
        Waterza – 15 MP. +20 AP. 10% BG. 1 Ally. 3 Turns.
        Ruinga – 15 MP. 20 Times Current DP. 2 Targets.
        Fataga – HP. AP Equal To HP Sacrificed. Any Targets.

      • D-Links:
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:
        Dual Blades

        Critical Form
        Cost: 3 DP
        A faint white aura emanates from Torrin. His fighting style becomes faster and more efficient with little flash or flair shown in his attacks. He incorporates unarmed strikes in his as well during this form.
        Torrin's keyblade is surrounded in a magical glow as his power increases. Guard efficiency increases. Enemies require 1 less AP to defeat. [Deal an extra 25 damage per round against bosses.]
        +20 AP
        +1 Evasion
        +10% Defense
        Zerocast: Removes ability to cast magic.
        Recovery Kick: Torrin deals 30 AP worth of damage when recovering from a critical attack.
        Ars Dominum: Torrin launches a speedy combo on an enemy with many precise cuts. Damage dealt is between 50 to 100 AP. Deals more damage the later the ability is used. Can only be used twice.

      • Dead.
        Name: Adalric Hohenheim
        Age: 24
        Gender: Male
        Keyblade: This
        Homeworld: Shalvira
        Master: Aster
        Personality: Very unsocial. Not really so much because they dislike socializing, but because they don't really know how. They say sorry a lot as somewhat of a defense mechanism. They're fairly nice, if a bit hard to talk to.

        LVL: 33
        HP: 150
        AP: 20
        MP: 30
        DP: 3

        Libra – Once per turn Aldaric can learn about a Boss's moveset to learn about one of its abilities or give Adalric insight on the Boss's next move.
        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used one per turn.]
        DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.
        Second Chance – If you have
        2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.
        Wall – Casting
        Reflect boosts the defense of the party.
        Fire Screen – Reduces
        Fire damage taken.
        Blizzard Screen – Reduces
        Blizzard damage taken.
        Thunder Screen – Reduces
        Thunder damage taken.


      • D-Links:

        Keyblade Transformations:

        Unreachable Garden
        Cost: 3 DP
        The form begins with him being enveloped in blue and pink hexagons which then shatter, revealing his robe to be much more flowing and seemingly dissipating into petals at the end, though the material on the cloak never lessens.
        Regain 10 MP
        +30% Defense
        7 HP per turn.
        Bad Luck: On taking damage, roll twice and take the higher number.
        Weary: For the 2 turns following exiting your form you cannot cast magic and your
        AP is reduced by 10.
        Guard+: Whenever Adalric
        saves half of his AP or more during a Guard he cannot take critical damage.
        Spellguard: Adalric's guard takes on magical properties and some of his spells are replaced with their magical variant. Only one of these can be used per turn. Each costs 10 MP to use.
        Steelguard: Doubles effectiveness of guarding. Replaces Stone.
        Mediguard: Heals Adalric inversely proportional to the amount of HP he has remaining. Replaces Cure.
        Mirrorguard: Returns 1/3 of damage to enemies attacking Adalric. Replaces Reflect.

      • Name: Qamar
        Age: 20
        Gender: Female
        Keyblade: Here
        Homeworld: Moluk
        Master: Kidemonas
        Personality: Cocky and tough talking. She is always judgmental and telling people the hard truth, even if it hurts. She looks up to her Master and fellow Students, trying to do better than any of them with all her strength. While many girls chose magic, she chose brute strength. Using magic only when necessary.
        Other: Knows Adalric through her master.

        LVL: 35
        HP: 65
        AP: 58
        MP: 30
        DP: 3

        Guard – Defense is boosted proportional to the amount of AP saved.
        Dodge Roll Consume 5 AP to boost Evasion by 1 Tier. [Can be used one per turn.]

        SerenityWhen low on MP Qamar's defense is increased 15%.
        Combo Plus – When defeating 3 enemies of the same type, 1 additional enemy of the same type can be defeated for 0 AP.
        Second Chance – If you have 2 HP or more, a hit you take that would knock you out brings you to 1 HP instead. Only works once.
        Finisher Plus – [Only effective against Bosses.] Increases damage dealt by physical damage by 15 when all AP is spent.
        Blitz+An overhead strike dealing 30 AP damage to a single enemy. Fills Break Gauge by 20%.
        Sonic BladeA rapid lunging attack that strikes 7 times. Each thrust is worth 6 AP to use against 7 enemies or concentrate the damage on fewer enemies for a maximum damage of 42 AP. Fills Break Gauge by 15%.
        DefenderReduce damage when at 30% or lower HP.

        – 10 MP. +15 MP. 1 Ally.
        Aerora – 11 MP. +2 Evasion. 1 Ally. 3 Turns.
        Stonera – 13 MP. Reduces Damage By 10. 1 Ally. 3 Turns.
        Reflera – 15 MP. 15 AP. Negates 15 Damage. 1 Target.
        Watera – 15 MP. +10 AP. 1 Ally. 3 Turns.

      • D-Links:
        Team Incredible

        Keyblade Transformations:
        Dual Blades

        Cost: 3 DP
        In this form, Qamar takes on a fencing stance, thrusting her keyblade to attack and having her speed greatly enhanced. She is able to dodge most attacks with ease, but still cannot take too many hits before being taken down.
        +20 AP
        +1 Evasion
        Regenerate 7 HP per turn.
        Offender: Once Qamar's HP is at 30% or lower she gains another 20 AP.
        Penetrator: Qamar deals 5 hits that deal 5 AP each. She can extend this attack to a maximum 10 hits by sacrificing 10 HP for every additional attack.

    • Choma
      LVL: 70
      HP: 215
      AP: 68

      MP: 50

      LVL: 70
      HP: 170
      AP: 86
      MP: 50

      LVL: 93
      HP: 240
      AP: 104
      MP: 60

      LVL: 37
      HP: 95
      AP: 50
      MP: 30

      LVL: 42
      HP: 120
      AP: 52
      MP: 40

      LVL: 43
      HP: 115
      AP: 54
      MP: 40

      LVL: 38
      HP: 105
      AP: 48
      MP: 40

      LVL: 38
      HP: 120
      AP: 42
      MP: 30

      LVL: 100
      HP: 265
      AP: 108
      MP: 80

      LVL: 97
      HP: 230
      AP: 116
      MP: 70

      LVL: 95
      HP: 225
      AP: 114
      MP: 60

      LVL: 95
      HP: 325
      AP: 74
      MP: 60

      LVL: 92
      HP: 220
      AP: 110
      MP: 60

      LVL: 92
      HP: 230
      AP: 106
      MP: 60

      LVL: 91
      HP: 185
      AP: 122
      MP: 60

      LVL: 90
      HP: 165
      AP: 128
      MP: 60

      LVL: 85
      HP: 190
      AP: 108
      MP: 60

      John Silver
      HP: 85
      AP: 20
      MP: 20

      Mr. Incredible
      HP: 400
      AP: 40
      MP: 0

      HP: 100
      AP: 40
      MP: 20

      HP: 80
      AP: 40
      MP: 60

      HP: 120
      AP: 50
      MP: 30

    Credit to @Cat~ for touching up the main logo.
  2. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Name: Illiana Salavic
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Boop!
    Keyblade: Lumios Star (Left One)
    Homeworld: Stella Nihil
    Master: [Atmos]
    Personality: A bit sassy, considerate of others, a smidge mischievous, somewhat a tease, can be serious when she wants to be, keeps things to herself too often.
    Other: She carries around an umbrella a lot.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2017
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Name: Tinarah Dellia
    Age: 12
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: bloop
    Keyblade: Angel's Heart
    Homeworld: Lux Horologium
    Master: Choma
    Personality: Quiet and timid, Tinarah won't speak very much to anyone. She is a very obedient individual who will listen to everything. She won't judge anyone. She is a very peaceful individual.
    Other: Be nice to her. She is too innocent for this world.

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Name: Chrono Dellia
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Guess who's back
    Keyblade: Wandering Star
    Homeworld: Lux Horologium
    Master: Atmos
    Personality: Chrono is as headstrong as he is curious about how things once. Once his mind is set towards something, it takes a lot of effort to deter him until he's content with what he's found. His cheerful disposition rarely fades from his face except for certain situations, in which his expression is one that befits it.
    Other: He carries around with him a pocket watch, it doesn't actually do muhc other than tick, but the ticking helps him think at times.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You three are in. I've already got a discord server set up and will be dishing out the invites later today.
  6. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Name: Mikaela 'Mika' Mitsune
    Age: Late teens- early 20s (no one is really sure)
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: HERE
    Keyblade: Fire's Fox
    Homeworld: Unknown
    Master: Choma
    Personality: Having lost her memory, Mika is rather unsure of herself. The only thing she is sure of is that she really likes her cat, Nini. She's a bit scared to trust people, but she's also scared of being alone. More than anything, Mika wants to find out what happened to her.
    Other: She really likes fire and even has a flame necklace. It sometimes looks like it is actually on fire and gets hot.

    I'm actually joining an RP. It gonna snow
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Glad to have you on board, Heart. The RP should start by Sunday or somewhere next week.
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Name: Takehiko (Tah-kay-hee-coh), goes by Take (Tah-kay)
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: 岳彦
    Keyblade: Guardian's Breath
    Homeworld: Incandescent Peak
    Master: Atmos
    Personality: Coming from a world of protectors, Take becomes protective of his comrades. He's happy to be on the journey and excited to learn more about himself and the other worlds. However, he can easily become conformist, which makes him take orders very often without question.
    Other: his motif be mountains and dragons
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in cstar. Gonna be writing the first post so...if anyone has questions, feel free to ask.

    Also, I'll still be accepting OCs as long as this thread is open.
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Name: Aria Dorin
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: ★~Here~★
    Keyblade: ☾~Colorful World~☾
    Homeworld: Amerath
    Master: Choma (God bless his soul)
    Personality: Optimistic, stubborn, and an ambitious type of individual. Tries to make friends with everyone she meets (even though they probably don't like her).
    Other: Likes everything rainbow and strange
  11. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    If I may, this seems like a solid opportunity to reboot an older character of mine into a more stable development.

    Name: 'Glyde Tyler'
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Glyde
    Keyblade: “Standoff”
    Homeworld: Wayfarers’ Homestead
    Master: Atmos
    Personality: Cautious and skeptical; socially withdrawn and highly selective of interactions; has thus far evaded close emotional bonds with his peers. Comes off as harsh and cold, even towards those that would be his friends, though only when conversation drifts closer to more personal matters. Nonetheless, he proves himself a reliable ally, and a highly motivated pupil.
    Other: He claims to have lost most of his memories, though he may remember more than he let's on. More than likely, only his Master will truly see through his mask at first, and it does seem likely that his name is a pseudonym.
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in. Hey, do you have a Discord account? There's a group for this RP there and if you want I can bring you over to that. Anyway, you can post now or wait for my next post later today and just say your character tagged along with the group.
  13. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    I do have a Discord. I'll probably await your coming post to intro, as I'm about to go into work right now.
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alright. Just PM me your Discord ID when you can and I'll add you.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Aria has died. Or whatever the equivalent of it is in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Farewell.

    yeah maka left the rp
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah will take an AP boost please
  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Takehiko will take an AP boost as well
  18. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana will take the HP Boost please!
  19. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    Glyde too, will take the AP boost.
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono going the Hp route
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