Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories US/JAP

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by AntiWeapon, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. AntiWeapon Chaser

    Jan 18, 2007
    -Ehem- Cause of the recent release of re:com, this thread will be used to discuss/post codes for the US AND the Jap version of the game.. and eventully Pal... if we get it.

    Therefore the Kh2 Final Mx thread will from now on only deal with the codes for Final Mix.

    Also on another note. Most of us will actully want to PLAY THE GAME! Don't expect codes first day.

    Thanks to Skiller, Lee4, EvilMan_89 and carey (khkid1212) for the NTSC U/C codes.

    Joker Commands

    R2= FDFF

    Kingdom Hearts - Re: Chain of Memories USA -

    Game ID: 0A90

    Enable Code (Must Be On) (GSv3+ / CBv6+ / XPv4+)~Skiller
    903143A0 0C0C5090

    Enable Code (Must Be On) (CBv1-5 / XPv1-2)~Skiller
    F0100238 002F117B

    Enable Code (Must Be On) (AR2v2/GS2v2/SM3.8coder only)~Skiller
    0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5
    F0100238 002F117B

    Master Code (official Codejunkies one)

    Inf HP~Skiller
    20224D48 00000000

    Max CP~Skiller
    2060D2A4 ????????

    Max Level~Skiller
    0060D2B4 00000063

    Infinite Dark Points [RIKU] (NOT SAVABLE)
    2060D2AC 0001896f

    Unlock all Sleights (Press R2) ~ Codejunkies
    --Sora's Sleights only
    E006FDFF 0043B91C
    2060D2C0 55555555
    2060D2C4 55555555
    2060D2C8 55555555
    2060D2CC 55555555
    2060D2D0 55555555
    1060D2D4 00001555

    Quick Level Up
    1060D2B0 0000FFFF

    Refill HP after Battle
    1060D298 0000270F

    Infinite Moogle Points
    2060D2B8 0001869F

    Have Mickey Friend Card (works for Riku only)
    006092E8 00000080

    Have Donald and Goofy Friend Cards (works for Sora only)
    006092E8 0000007F

    Have Goofy only (Sora)
    006092E8 0000007E

    Have Donald only (Sora)
    006092E8 0000007D

    Have no Friend Cards
    006092E8 0000007C

    Gain ???? Exp per Exp Block Pick up~Skiller
    2022A2E4 08028000
    200A0000 2013????
    200A0004 0808A8BA
    200A0008 8C620314

    No EXP gain~Skiller
    0022A2A8 00000001

    Difficulty Mod
    006096F1 000000??

    00= Beginner Mode
    01= Standard Mode
    02= Proud Mode
    03= Extreme Mode
    04= Enemies have super high HP (which randomly regenerates) and
    enemies don't seem to do any damage

    Note: when you go to New Game (Sora) with the Extreme Mode cheat enabled, for some reason you don't begin the game with a card required to proceed. Use this code to get that card.

    Press R2 to get 1 Moment's Reprieve
    E001FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C95D 00000001

    Have All Attack Cards (Press L2)
    E002FEFF 0043B91C
    4060C524 00780001
    08080808 00000000

    Have All Magic Cards (Press L2)
    E002FEFF 0043B91C
    4060C704 00500001
    08080808 00000000

    Have All Item Cards (Press L2)
    E003FEFF 0043B91C
    4060C844 00110001
    08080808 00000000
    1060C888 00000808

    Have All Enemy Cards (Press L2)
    E002FEFF 0043B91C
    4060C984 000F0001
    08080808 00000000

    Have All Cards (Press L2)
    There were some cards missing. It's complete now.
    E004FEFF 0043B91C
    4060c524 01260001
    63636363 00000000
    1060C9bc 00006363
    0060C9be 00000063

    D043B91C 0000????

    Skip FMV~lee4
    202F66E8 24020001

    Enable Riku Mode~Skiller (Theaters opens to)
    005BDB50 00000001

    Have all Theaters Movies~Skiller
    205BDB70 06030201
    205BDB74 0a070504
    205BDB78 0c0b0908
    005BDB7C 0000000d

    Character Stats Codes~lee4

    (Dont know the Max value yet)

    Max Current HP
    0060D298 000000??

    Max HP
    0060D29C 000000??

    EXP Mod
    2060D2B0 ????????

    Max Lvl
    0060D2B4 000000?? (64)

    Max Capacity
    1060D2A4 000003E8

    Max Attack Power (Sora's is always set to 0A) credit to Hiei-yyh
    0060D2A8 00000063

    Max Dark Points (don't know if it will have effect on Sora) credit to Hiei-yyh
    0060D2AC 00000063

    MAX Moogle Points ~
    2060D2B8 0001869F

    Unlock Dark Mode and Card Duel
    206092F0 00000038

    Unlock Card Duel only
    206092F0 00000030

    Unlock Sora's High Jump and Super Glide
    206092F0 00000007

    Deck Modifier

    Deck 1 Mods
    2060C9C0 xxyywwzz
    2060C9C4 xxyywwzz
    2060C9C8 xxyywwzz
    2060C9CC xxyywwzz
    2060C9D0 xxyywwzz
    2060C9D4 xxyywwzz
    2060C9D8 xxyywwzz
    2060C9DC xxyywwzz
    2060C9E0 xxyywwzz
    2060C9E4 xxyywwzz
    2060C9E8 xxyywwzz
    2060C9EC xxyywwzz
    2060C9F0 xxyywwzz
    2060C9F4 xxyywwzz
    2060C9F8 xxyywwzz
    2060C9FC xxyywwzz
    2060CA00 xxyywwzz
    2060CA04 xxyywwzz
    2060CA08 xxyywwzz
    2060CA0C xxyywwzz
    2060CA10 xxyywwzz
    2060CA14 xxyywwzz
    2060CA18 xxyywwzz
    2060CA1C xxyywwzz
    2060CA20 xxyywwzz
    2060CA24 xxyywwzz
    2060CA28 xxyywwzz
    2060CA2C xxyywwzz
    2060CA30 xxyywwzz
    2060CA34 xxyywwzz
    2060CA38 xxyywwzz
    2060CA3C xxyywwzz
    2060CA40 xxyywwzz
    Deck 2 Mods
    2060CB4C xxyywwzz
    2060CB50 xxyywwzz
    2060CB54 xxyywwzz
    2060CB58 xxyywwzz
    2060CB5C xxyywwzz
    2060CB60 xxyywwzz
    2060CB64 xxyywwzz
    2060CB68 xxyywwzz
    2060CB6C xxyywwzz
    2060CB70 xxyywwzz
    2060CB74 xxyywwzz
    2060CB78 xxyywwzz
    2060CB7C xxyywwzz
    2060CB80 xxyywwzz
    2060CB84 xxyywwzz
    2060CB88 xxyywwzz
    2060CB8C xxyywwzz
    2060CB90 xxyywwzz
    2060CB94 xxyywwzz
    2060CB98 xxyywwzz
    2060CB9C xxyywwzz
    2060CBA0 xxyywwzz
    2060CBA4 xxyywwzz
    2060CBA8 xxyywwzz
    2060CBAC xxyywwzz
    2060CBB0 xxyywwzz
    2060CBB4 xxyywwzz
    2060CBB8 xxyywwzz
    2060CBBC xxyywwzz
    2060CBC0 xxyywwzz
    2060CBC4 xxyywwzz
    2060CBC8 xxyywwzz
    2060CBCC xxyywwzz
    2060CBD0 xxyywwzz
    Deck 3 Mods
    2060CCD8 xxyywwzz
    2060CCDC xxyywwzz
    2060CCE0 xxyywwzz
    2060CCE4 xxyywwzz
    2060CCE8 xxyywwzz
    2060CCEC xxyywwzz
    2060CCF0 xxyywwzz
    2060CCF4 xxyywwzz
    2060CCF8 xxyywwzz
    2060CCFC xxyywwzz
    2060CD00 xxyywwzz
    2060CD04 xxyywwzz
    2060CD08 xxyywwzz
    2060CD0C xxyywwzz
    2060CD10 xxyywwzz
    2060CD14 xxyywwzz
    2060CD18 xxyywwzz
    2060CD1C xxyywwzz
    2060CD20 xxyywwzz
    2060CD24 xxyywwzz
    2060CD28 xxyywwzz
    2060CD2C xxyywwzz
    2060CD30 xxyywwzz
    2060CD34 xxyywwzz
    2060CD38 xxyywwzz
    2060CD3C xxyywwzz
    2060CD40 xxyywwzz
    2060CD44 xxyywwzz
    2060CD48 xxyywwzz
    2060CD4C xxyywwzz
    2060CD50 xxyywwzz
    2060CD54 xxyywwzz
    2060CD58 xxyywwzz
    2060CD5C xxyywwzz
    2060CD60 xxyywwzz
    Digits for xx- Card Type 
    11=attack card 
    22=magic card, 
    33=summon card
    44= Item Card
    55= Friend Card
    66= Trick Card
    77= Enemy Card
    88= Reload Counter
    99= Boss Cards?
    yy= value of card
    Digits for WW- status of card
    0= normal card
    1= premium card
    2= untested
    zz= The card itself (credit to Antiweapon for testing these)
    00= Nothing
    01= Kingdom Key
    02= Three wishes
    03= CrabClaw
    04= Pumpkinhead
    05= FairyHarp
    06= Wishing Star
    07= Spell Binder
    08= Metal Chokobo
    09= Olympia
    0A= Lionheart
    0B= Lady Luck
    0C= Divine Rose
    0D= Oathkeeper
    0E= Oblivion
    0F= UltimaWeapon
    10= Diamon Dust
    11= One winged angel. 
    12= Souleater
    13= Starseeker
    14= Monochrome
    15= PotC Keyblade.
    16= Hidden Dragon
    17= Photon Debugger
    18= Bond of flame
    19= Statless Kingdom Key
    1A= Fire
    1B= Blizzard
    1C= Thunder
    1D= Cure
    1E= Gravity
    1F= Stop
    20= Tornato
    21= Statless Crabclaw?
    22= Statless Three wishes?
    23= Simba
    24= Genie
    25= Bambi
    26= Dumbo
    27= Tinkerbell
    28= Mushu
    29= Cloud
    2A= Potion
    2B= Hi-Potion
    2C= Mega Potion
    2D= Ether
    2E= Mega Ether
    2F= Elixer
    30= MegaElicer
    31= Donald
    32= Goofy
    33= Aladin
    34= Ariel
    35= Jack
    36= Peter Pan
    37= Beast
    38= Mickey
    39= Pluto
    3A= Mickey Magic card
    3B= Mickey Magic card
    3C= Mickey Magic card
    3D= Mickey Magic card (All of them are named differnt'y , but I can't read Jap.)
    3E= Mickey Magic card
    3F= Mickey Magic card
    40= Mickey Magic card
    41= Mickey Magic card
    42= Some Orange soul eater thing (I think the one zexion used.)
    43= Zexion
    44= Shadow
    45= Soldier
    46= Large body
    47= Red Nocturne
    48= Blue Rhapsody
    49= Yellow Opera
    4A= Green Requiem
    4B= Powerwild
    4C= BouncyWild
    4D= Air Soldier
    4E= Bandit
    4F= Fat Bandit
    50= Barrel Spider
    51= Search Ghost
    52= SeaNeon
    53= Screwdriver
    54= AquaTank
    55= Wight Knight
    56= Gargoyle
    57= Pirate
    58= Air pirate
    59= Darkball
    5A= Defender
    5B= Wyvern
    5C= Wizard
    5D= NeoShadow
    5E= White Mushroom
    5F= Black Fungus
    60= Creeper Plant
    61= Tornado step
    62= Crescendo
    63= Guard Armor
    64= Parasite Cage
    65= Trickster
    67= Darkside
    68= Heart soilder (The one from wonderland )
    69= Jafar
    6A= Oogie Boogie
    6B= Ursula
    6C= Captain Hook
    6D= Maleficent Dragon
    6E= Riku Replica
    6F= Axel
    70= Larxene
    71= Vexion
    72= Marluxia
    73= Lexaeus
    74= Xehanorts Heartless (ansem)
    75= Zexion
    76= Xemnas
    77= Xigbar
    78= Xaldin
    79= Saix
    7A= Demyx
    7B= Luxord
    7C= Roxas
    7D= Gold crown?!
    7E= Silver crown?! 
    7F= Black card soilder
    80= Red card soilder (Not an enemy card you use)
    81= Statless Kingdom key
    82= Statless Three wishes
    83= Statless Crabclaw
    84= Statless Pumpkin head
    85= Statless Fairy harp
    86= Statless GeopettoBladething
    87= Statless Spellbinder
    88= Statless Metal Chokobo
    89= Statless Kingdom key
    8A= Statless three wishes
    8B= Statless Crapclaw
    8C= Statless Pumkinhead (This is starting to get repetitive aint it :/ )
    8D= Statless Fairyharp
    8E=Statless Geopettos blade thing
    -same loop keeps going-

    Character Mod~khkid1212/carey
    006096F0 000000??

    00= Sora
    01= Riku

    Press "X" to become Dark Riku
    20222778 24020000

    credit to khkid1212/carey

    Room Modifier
    1060C2F8 0000xxxx
    1060C2FA 0000yyyy

    xxxx digits- World Digits

    X Digits:

    0000 = Hallways
    0001 = Traverse Town
    0002 = Agrabah
    0003 = Olympus Coliseum
    0004 = Wonderland
    0005 = Monstro
    0006 = Halloween Town
    0007 = Atlantica
    0008 = Neverland
    0009 = Hollow Bastion
    000A = 100 Acre Woods (freezes for unknown reasons)
    000B = Twilight Town
    000C = Destiny Islands
    000D = Castle Oblivion
    000E = Nothing
    000F = Nothing

    yyyy digits- Room Digits (these digits change depending on which world you are in)

    *room digits need to be tested and compiled

    note that alot of the same rooms are used over and over again in Hallways World.

    Event Modifier (changes which event you are in)
    10609564 0000????

    ???? digits need testing

    new code, i found it in the Codebreaker forums, i don't know who to credit though

    Worlds' Unlock (NTSC)
    Make All Worlds Available (Sora)
    2060db68 04030201
    2060db6c 08070605
    2060db70 0c0b0a09
    0060db74 0000000d

    Unlock All Worlds (Riku)
    2060DB78 01050209
    2060DB7C 06070308
    2060DB80 0D0B0C04

    Worlds's Unlock (Japanese version ported)
    206127E8 05030201
    206127EC 08070605
    206127F0 0C0B0A09
    006127F4 0000000D

    NOTE: These set the worlds in this order. So if you saved a game in a world and changed which one it was with this code, I'm not sure what will happen. All you need to do is set the order the way you want.
    0e = an empty black room
    00 = Hall of Memories (No World)
    01 = Traverse Town
    02 = Agrabah
    03 = Olympus Coliseum
    04 = Wonderland
    05 = Monstro
    06 = Halloween Town
    07 = Atlantica
    08 = Neverland
    09 = Hollow Bastion
    0a = 100 Acre Wood
    0b = Twilight Town
    0c = Destiny Islands
    0d = Castle Oblivion

    Music Modifier
    NO BGM (NTSC Version)
    00609170 00000000

    13th Struggle
    20609180 585F3631
    20609184 42494949
    20609188 3173736F
    2060918C 5653562E

    Twilight Town Music
    20609180 545F3033
    20609184 696C6977
    20609188 5F746867
    2060918C 53562E46
    00609190 00000056

    Wonderland Field
    20609180 415F3931
    20609184 6563696C
    20609188 6569465F
    2060918C 562E646C
    10609190 00005653

    Organization XIII scheming
    20609180 455F3531
    20609184 746E6576
    20609188 4949585F
    2060918C 53562E49
    00609190 00000056

    Namine's Theme
    20609180 455F3331
    20609184 746E6576
    20609188 6D614E5F
    2060918C 2E656E69
    20609190 00565356

    Boss Battle Music 1
    20609180 737336F42
    20609184 53562E31
    00609188 00000056

    Kingdom Hearts Theme (title screen music)
    20609180 6C746954
    20609184 53562E65
    00609188 00000056

    Traverse Town Battle Theme
    20609180 5F463130
    20609184 6E776F54
    20609188 562E425F
    1060918C 00005653

    Traverse Town Theme
    20609180 5F463130
    20609184 6E776F54
    20609188 562E465F
    1060918C 00005653

    Marluxia 1 Battle Theme
    20609180 4C5F3733
    20609184 42747361
    20609188 3173736F
    2060918C 5653562E

    Castle Oblivion Battle Theme
    20609180 465F3932
    20609184 6567726F
    20609188 2E425F74
    2060918C 00565356

    Twilight Town Battle theme
    20609180 545F3133
    20609184 696C6977
    20609188 5F746867
    2060918C 53562E42
    00609190 00000056

    Destiny Islands Theme
    20609180 445F3233
    20609184 69747365
    20609188 465F796E
    2060918C 5653562E

    Destiny Islands Battle Theme
    20609180 445F3333
    20609184 69747365
    20609188 425F796E
    2060918C 5653562E

    Ansem Boss Battle Theme
    20609180 425F3433
    20609184 5F73736F
    20609188 756B6952
    2060918C 65736E41
    20609190 53562E6D
    00609194 00000056

    Riku Replica Boss Battle
    20609180 425F3533
    20609184 5F73736F
    20609188 6573694E
    2060918C 756B6952
    20609190 5653562E

    100 Acre Wood Theme
    20609180 575F3633
    20609184 696E6E69
    20609188 65685465
    2060918C 686F6F50
    20609190 5653562E

    Atlantica Theme
    20609180 555F3833
    20609184 7265646E
    20609188 53656854
    2060918C 562E6165
    10609190 00005653

    Marluxia Battle 2
    20609180 4C5F3034
    20609184 42747361
    20609188 3273736F
    2060918C 5653562E

    Marluxia Battle 3
    20609180 4C5F3134
    20609184 42747361
    20609188 3373736F
    2060918C 5653562E

    Hollow Bastion Theme
    20609180 485F3234
    20609184 6F6C6C6F
    20609188 2E465F77
    2060918C 00565356

    Hollow Bastion Battle Theme
    20609180 485F3334
    20609184 6F6C6C6F
    20609188 2E425F77
    2060918C 00565356
    Room Modifiers/Boss Warps

    The Codes
    World Modifier (NTSC)
    0060C2F8 000000??
    World Digits
    00 = Hallways
    01 = Traverse Town
    02 = Agrabah
    03 = Olympus Coliseum
    04 = Wonderland
    05 = Monstro
    06 = Halloween Town
    07 = Atlantica
    08 = Neverland
    09 = Hollow Bastion
    0A = 100 Acre Woods (freezes for unknown reasons)
    0B = Twilight Town
    0C = Destiny Islands
    0D = Castle Oblivion
    0E = Nothing
    0F = Nothing
    Room Mod (your actual position in the world)
    0060AA81 000000??
    ?? digits change depending on whichever world you're in

    Hallways Digits
    63= Exit Halls
    00= Entrance Halls

    Castle Oblivion Digits
    14= Room before Marluxia
    Map Card Mod (also event mod)
    -have to be in the correct world (and sometimes correct room) to warp to a battle)
    1060C2FA 0000????

    Map Card Digits
    0000= untested
    0001= Unknown Room
    0002= Conqueror's Respite
    0003= Teeming Darkness
    0004= Moogle Room
    0005= Calm Bounty
    0006= Moment's Reprieve
    0007= Guarded Trove
    0009= Stagnant Space
    0010= Alchemic Awakening
    0011= Meeting Ground
    0012= Black Room
    0013= Sleeping Darkness
    0014= Strong Initiative
    0015= Sorcerous Waking
    0016= Almighty Darkness
    0017= Premium Room
    0018= Feeble Darkness
    0019= Looming Darkness
    0020= White Room
    0021= Martial Waking
    0022= Tranquil Darkness
    0023= Lasting Daze
    0025= Roulette Room
    0026= Bottomless Darkness
    (more need to be tested)

    041B= Battle Map (Hallways)
    Event Digits (go into the Map Card Mod)
    Olympus Coliseum Digits
    07D2= Cloud Boss Battle

    Hallways Digits
    ???? digits
    041B= Boss Battles
    0007= Entrance Halls
    0008= Exit Halls
    07D2= Axel 1 Battle
    07DE= Riku 1 Boss Battle
    07DC= Larxene 1 Battle
    07E0= Riku 2 Boss Battle
    07E4= Vexen 1 Boss Battle
    07E6= Riku 3 Boss Battle
    07E8= Riku 4 Boss Battle
    00E1= Larxene 2 Boss Battle
    0836= Ansem 1 Boss Battle
    083A= Vexen Boss Battle (Reverse/Rebirth)
    0846= Lexaeus Boss Battle

    Castle Oblivion Digits
    ???? digits
    005A= Room before Final Boss (Marluxia)
    07D3= Marluxia 1 Boss Battle
    07D4= Sora's ending
    07D6= Marluxia 2 Battle
    0835= Ansem Boss Battle (Final Battle in Riku's Story)
    07D1= Axel 2 Boss Battle

    Twilight Town Digits
    ???? digits
    Room 0A
    07D1= Vexen 2 Boss Battle
    0835= Riku Boss Battle (Reverse/Rebirth)

    Destiny Islands Digits
    001E= Zexion Boss Battle (must be in Room 06)

    Floor Modifier (NTSC)---Affects boss stats as well
    005BDBCC 000000??

    Enter digits in Hex format

    Boss Warps
    All Jokered to R2
    Warp to Larxene 2 Battle
    E003FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 00000000
    0060AA81 00000063
    1060C2FA 000000E1

    Warp to Vexen 2 Battle
    E002FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 0000000B
    1060C2FA 000007D1

    Warp to Axel 2 Battle
    E002FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 0000000D
    1060C2FA 000007D1

    Warp to Marluxia 1 Battle
    E002FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 0000000D
    1060C2FA 000007D3

    Warp to Lexaeus Battle
    E003FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 00000000
    0060AA81 00000063
    1060C2FA 00000846

    Warp to Zexion Battle
    E003FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 0000000C
    1060C2FA 0000001E
    0060AA81 00000006

    Warp to Riku Replica Battle (Twilight Town)
    E002FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 0000000B
    1060C2FA 00000835

    Wartp to Ansem Boss Battle
    E002FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 0000000D
    1060C2FA 00000835

    Warp to Marluxia 2 battle
    E002FDFF 0043B91C
    0060C2F8 0000000D
    1060C2FA 000007D6
    Boss Warps (AR Max)
    All Jokered to R2
    Warp to Larxene 2 Battle

    Warp to Vexen 2 Battle

    Warp to Axel 2 Battle

    Warp to Marluxia 1 Battle

    Warp to Lexaeus Battle

    Warp to Zexion Battle

    Warp to Riku Replica Battle (Twilight Town)

    Wartp to Ansem Boss Battle

    Warp to Marluxia 2 battle

    Kingdom Hearts - Re: Chain of Memories Jap -

    M) CB6+/Gs3+/Xp4+
    90314aa0 0c0c5250

    M) CB/GS/Xp (Armax Using Game ID 0002 and Region Japan)
    F02F1860 002F1863

    Lookin for a game save for this game as well . Farther into the game ..

    Misc Code

    Enter Menu For Max Maguri(Money)
    001ED6b6 00000065

    Area Battles Never Depleat (Might Want it Jokerd .. if u dont move out of the way fast u will keep fighting lol)
    00268a42 00000060

    Character Stats


    Max Current HP
    00611F18 000000FF

    Max HP
    00611F1C 000000FF

    EXP Mod (Dont know the Max value yet)
    20611F30 ????????

    Max Lvl
    00611F34 00000064

    Have All Abilitys (Beleave its abilitys its what Bonus 3 addes to some one let me know if im right)
    40611F40 00060001
    FFFFFFFF 00000000

    In Battle Codes

    Inf HP
    20224e28 00000000

    Gain ???? Exp per Exp Block Pick up
    2022a3c4 08028000
    200a0000 2013????
    200a0004 0808a8f2
    200a0008 8c620314

    Replace ??? with to gain
    000A = 10 Per
    0064 = 100 Per
    03e8 = 1000 Per
    2710 = 10000 Per

    Appon Lvl Up code

    Bonuse No.1 Amount Mod
    (Note: Game Does not mess up if u have over 255 HP but the bar looks funny lol)
    102cc470 0000????

    Replace ??? with to gain Hp at a time
    000A = 10
    000F = 15 Normal
    0064 = 100
    03e8 = 1000
    2710 = 10000


    Have All Cards x8
    406111A4 01260001
    08080808 00000000
    1061163C 00000808
    0061163E 00000008

    Joker (credit to Hiei-yyh)

    Character Stats (both characters share the same stats)

    Max Current HP
    00611F18 000000FF

    Max HP
    00611F1C 000000FF

    EXP Mod (Dont know the Max value yet)
    20611F30 ????????

    Max Lvl
    00611F34 00000064

    Max Attack Power (Sora's is always set to 0A) credit to Hiei-yyh
    00611F28 00000063

    Max Dark Points (don't know if it will have effect on Sora) credit to Hiei-yyh
    00611F2C 00000063

    Deck Modifier

    -credit to EvilMan_89 (woot woot)
    The first Mod changes the first card, the second Mod changes the second
    card, etc.
    Deck 1 Mods
    20611640 xxyywwzz
    20611644 xxyywwzz
    20611648 xxyywwzz
    2061164C xxyywwzz
    20611650 xxyywwzz
    20611654 xxyywwzz
    20611658 xxyywwzz
    2061165C xxyywwzz
    20611660 xxyywwzz
    20611664 xxyywwzz
    20611668 xxyywwzz
    2061166C xxyywwzz
    20611670 xxyywwzz
    20611674 xxyywwzz
    20611678 xxyywwzz
    2061167C xxyywwzz
    20611680 xxyywwzz
    20611684 xxyywwzz
    20611688 xxyywwzz
    2061168C xxyywwzz
    20611690 xxyywwzz
    20611694 xxyywwzz
    20611698 xxyywwzz
    2061169C xxyywwzz
    206116A0 xxyywwzz
    206116A4 xxyywwzz
    206116A8 xxyywwzz
    206116AC xxyywwzz
    206116B0 xxyywwzz
    206116B4 xxyywwzz
    206116B8 xxyywwzz
    206116BC xxyywwzz
    206116C0 xxyywwzz
    Deck 2 Mods
    206117CC xxyywwzz
    206117D0 xxyywwzz
    206117D4 xxyywwzz
    206117D8 xxyywwzz
    206117DC xxyywwzz
    206117E0 xxyywwzz
    206117E4 xxyywwzz
    206117E8 xxyywwzz
    206117EC xxyywwzz
    206117F0 xxyywwzz
    206117F4 xxyywwzz
    206117F8 xxyywwzz
    206117FC xxyywwzz
    20611800 xxyywwzz
    20611804 xxyywwzz
    20611808 xxyywwzz
    2061180C xxyywwzz
    20611810 xxyywwzz
    20611814 xxyywwzz
    20611818 xxyywwzz
    2061181C xxyywwzz
    20611820 xxyywwzz
    20611824 xxyywwzz
    20611828 xxyywwzz
    2061182C xxyywwzz
    20611830 xxyywwzz
    20611834 xxyywwzz
    20611838 xxyywwzz
    2061183C xxyywwzz
    20611840 xxyywwzz
    20611844 xxyywwzz
    20611848 xxyywwzz
    2061184C xxyywwzz
    20611850 xxyywwzz
    Deck 3 Mods
    20611958 xxyywwzz
    2061195C xxyywwzz
    20611960 xxyywwzz
    20611964 xxyywwzz
    20611968 xxyywwzz
    2061196C xxyywwzz
    20611970 xxyywwzz
    20611974 xxyywwzz
    20611978 xxyywwzz
    2061197C xxyywwzz
    20611980 xxyywwzz
    20611984 xxyywwzz
    20611988 xxyywwzz
    2061198C xxyywwzz
    20611990 xxyywwzz
    20611994 xxyywwzz
    20611998 xxyywwzz
    2061199C xxyywwzz
    206119A0 xxyywwzz
    206119A4 xxyywwzz
    206119A8 xxyywwzz
    206119AC xxyywwzz
    206119B0 xxyywwzz
    206119B4 xxyywwzz
    206119B8 xxyywwzz
    206119BC xxyywwzz
    206119C0 xxyywwzz
    206119C4 xxyywwzz
    206119C8 xxyywwzz
    206119CC xxyywwzz
    206119D0 xxyywwzz
    206119D4 xxyywwzz
    206119D8 xxyywwzz
    206119DC xxyywwzz
    206119E0 xxyywwzz
    Digits for xx- Card Type 
    11=attack card 
    22=magic card, 
    33=summon card
    44= Item Card
    55= Friend Card
    66= Trick Card
    77= Enemy Card
    88= Reload Counter
    99= Boss Cards?
    yy= value of card
    Digits for WW- status of card
    0= normal card
    1= premium card
    2= untested
    zz= The card itself (credit to Antiweapon for testing these)
    00= Nothing
    01= Kingdom Key
    02= Three wishes
    03= CrabClaw
    04= Pumpkinhead
    05= FairyHarp
    06= Wishing Star
    07= Spell Binder
    08= Metal Chokobo
    09= Olympia
    0A= Lionheart
    0B= Lady Luck
    0C= Divine Rose
    0D= Oathkeeper
    0E= Oblivion
    0F= UltimaWeapon
    10= Diamon Dust
    11= One winged angel. 
    12= Souleater
    13= Starseeker
    14= Monochrome
    15= PotC Keyblade.
    16= Hidden Dragon
    17= Photon Debugger
    18= Bond of flame
    19= Statless Kingdom Key
    1A= Fire
    1B= Blizzard
    1C= Thunder
    1D= Cure
    1E= Gravity
    1F= Stop
    20= Tornato
    21= Statless Crabclaw?
    22= Statless Three wishes?
    23= Simba
    24= Genie
    25= Bambi
    26= Dumbo
    27= Tinkerbell
    28= Mushu
    29= Cloud
    2A= Potion
    2B= Hi-Potion
    2C= Mega Potion
    2D= Ether
    2E= Mega Ether
    2F= Elixer
    30= MegaElicer
    31= Donald
    32= Goofy
    33= Aladin
    34= Ariel
    35= Jack
    36= Peter Pan
    37= Beast
    38= Mickey
    39= Pluto
    3A= Mickey Magic card
    3B= Mickey Magic card
    3C= Mickey Magic card
    3D= Mickey Magic card (All of them are named differnt'y , but I can't read Jap.)
    3E= Mickey Magic card
    3F= Mickey Magic card
    40= Mickey Magic card
    41= Mickey Magic card
    42= Some Orange soul eater thing (I think the one zexion used.)
    43= Zexion
    44= Shadow
    45= Soldier
    46= Large body
    47= Red Nocturne
    48= Blue Rhapsody
    49= Yellow Opera
    4A= Green Requiem
    4B= Powerwild
    4C= BouncyWild
    4D= Air Soldier
    4E= Bandit
    4F= Fat Bandit
    50= Barrel Spider
    51= Search Ghost
    52= SeaNeon
    53= Screwdriver
    54= AquaTank
    55= Wight Knight
    56= Gargoyle
    57= Pirate
    58= Air pirate
    59= Darkball
    5A= Defender
    5B= Wyvern
    5C= Wizard
    5D= NeoShadow
    5E= White Mushroom
    5F= Black Fungus
    60= Creeper Plant
    61= Tornado step
    62= Crescendo
    63= Guard Armor
    64= Parasite Cage
    65= Trickster
    67= Darkside
    68= Heart soilder (The one from wonderland )
    69= Jafar
    6A= Oogie Boogie
    6B= Ursula
    6C= Captain Hook
    6D= Maleficent Dragon
    6E= Riku Replica
    6F= Axel
    70= Larxene
    71= Vexion
    72= Marluxia
    73= Lexaeus
    74= Xehanorts Heartless (ansem)
    75= Zexion
    76= Xemnas
    77= Xigbar
    78= Xaldin
    79= Saix
    7A= Demyx
    7B= Luxord
    7C= Roxas
    7D= Gold crown?!
    7E= Silver crown?! 
    7F= Black card soilder
    80= Red card soilder (Not an enemy card you use)
    81= Statless Kingdom key
    82= Statless Three wishes
    83= Statless Crabclaw
    84= Statless Pumpkin head
    85= Statless Fairy harp
    86= Statless GeopettoBladething
    87= Statless Spellbinder
    88= Statless Metal Chokobo
    89= Statless Kingdom key
    8A= Statless three wishes
    8B= Statless Crapclaw
    8C= Statless Pumkinhead (This is starting to get repetitive aint it :/ )
    8D= Statless Fairyharp
    8E=Statless Geopettos blade thing
    -same loop keeps going-

    cannot be hurt
    20224D00 08030000
    200c0000 24050005
    200c0004 9e240014
    200c0008 08089343

    press "O" to become dark riku
    (only in riku's story)
    20222858 24020000

    castle oblivion floor modifier?
    10610e0a 0000xxxx
    00 = as if you just started the world

    Room Modifier

    10610f78 0000XXXX
    10610f7a 0000YYYY
    X's = world digits
    Y's = room digits
    X Digits:
    0 = Hallways
    1 = Traverse Town
    2 = Agrabah
    3 = Olympus Coliseum
    4 = Wonderland
    5 = Monstro
    6 = Halloween Town
    7 = Atlantica
    8 = Neverland
    9 = Hollow Bastion
    A = 100 Acre Woods (freezes for unknown reasons)
    B = Twilight Town
    C = Destiny Islands
    D = Castle Oblivion
    E = Nothing
    F = Nothing
    Y Digits:
    0 =
    1 = 
    2 = 
    3 = 
    4 = 
    5 = 
    6 = 
    7 = 
    8 = 
    9 = 
    A = 
    B = 
    C = 
    D = 
    E = 
    F = 
    NOTE: Room digits change depending what world you're in.

    Event flag modifier
    1060E1E7 0000xxxx
    0 = first time entering the world

    Story/character Modifier
    0060E370 0000000x
    0 = sora
    1 = riku

    new code, i found it in the Codebreaker forums, i don't know who to credit though

    Worlds's Unlock (Japanese version ported)
    206127E8 05030201
    206127EC 08070605
    206127F0 0C0B0A09
    006127F4 0000000D

    NOTE: These set the worlds in this order. So if you saved a game in a world and changed which one it was with this code, I'm not sure what will happen. All you need to do is set the order the way you want.
    0e = an empty black room
    00 = Hall of Memories (No World)
    01 = Traverse Town
    02 = Agrabah
    03 = Olympus Coliseum
    04 = Wonderland
    05 = Monstro
    06 = Halloween Town
    07 = Atlantica
    08 = Neverland
    09 = Hollow Bastion
    0a = 100 Acre Wood
    0b = Twilight Town
    0c = Destiny Islands
    0d = Castle Oblivion

    And its open.

    Just don't expect much codes right now. xD
  2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Oh Man,...I can't wait...

    This is gonna be SO Awesome!:woohoo:

    I've always wanted to Play as KH1 Riku in his Dark Form on the PS2!:woohoo:

    Oh, Just a question:

    Is it possible to port the codes from the Japanese Version to the NTSC/ UC Version?
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yes and quite a few of the codes will be ported.
  4. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    im still waiting on my copy of the game.
    once i get it i will port my codes along with some other ones if skiller doesn't beat me to it.
  5. Roxasthekeyofdestiny Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 27, 2008
    Yes, kingdom hearts remake is finally out in Canada!!! I was wondering, can you give me the code that turns riku into dark mode by pressing circle in NTSC format?
  6. Jasper Cullen Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 29, 2007
    at my house
    its only been a day since it came out, most coders want to play the game first before start hacking. So i'm guessing your going to have to wait a little while
  7. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    Skiller and lee4 hacked some codes for this game. it's not much but there will be more. i will get to some hacking as well, but not much, i'm MUCH more into enjoying the game first.
  8. Kiba_Inuzaka Moogle Assistant

    Jun 3, 2008
    The Shadows
    Can you convert the US codes to Action Replay Max plz
  9. Amaras Moogle Assistant

    Sep 10, 2007
    What format are these in? Are they Raw?
  10. NeoCloudstrife Decisive Being

    Apr 16, 2007
    it appears so, yes.
  11. Rock-kun Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 10, 2007
    Anyone know if the extra cards you could get in the Key to Rewards rooms (or whatever they're called) in Japanese version with a Final Mix savestate were unlocked in the overseas version or something? If they weren't, would it be possible to find a code that unlocks them? I bet that's a code that everyone would like. I also hope it'd be safe to save with it on and stuff.
  12. Amaras Moogle Assistant

    Sep 10, 2007
    Hm, are you sure it's raw? the code for All Attack Cards turns into this for AR2v2 for the NA game...

    BE5E319A BC219B84
    F6F6F686 BCA99B83

    My Coder isn't working for it and I put the enable code on, but the game isn't loading at all. Not to mention, that code just doesn't look quite right for being AR2v2.

    Although, it has been about six months since I've used Maxconvert. I may be doing something wrong.
  13. Majik Chaser

    Dec 13, 2006
    4060C524 00780001
    08080808 00000000

    don't encrypt your codes, use RAW
  14. Amaras Moogle Assistant

    Sep 10, 2007
    Thanks, it works! I never knew SM Coder could use Raw input.
  15. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    the cards are still in the game. i dont' know how to get them w/o cheats though (at least not yet).

    EDIT: i ported those Deck Mod codes i made for the Japanese version, the digits are the same i believe but tell me if they aren't the same.

    Deck Mod~EvilMan_89
    The first Mod changes the first card, the second Mod changes the second
    card, etc.

    Deck 1 Mods
    2060C9C0 xxyywwzz
    2060C9C4 xxyywwzz
    2060C9C8 xxyywwzz
    2060C9CC xxyywwzz
    2060C9D0 xxyywwzz
    2060C9D4 xxyywwzz
    2060C9D8 xxyywwzz
    2060C9DC xxyywwzz
    2060C9E0 xxyywwzz
    2060C9E4 xxyywwzz
    2060C9E8 xxyywwzz
    2060C9EC xxyywwzz
    2060C9F0 xxyywwzz
    2060C9F4 xxyywwzz
    2060C9F8 xxyywwzz
    2060C9FC xxyywwzz
    2060CA00 xxyywwzz
    2060CA04 xxyywwzz
    2060CA08 xxyywwzz
    2060CA0C xxyywwzz
    2060CA10 xxyywwzz
    2060CA14 xxyywwzz
    2060CA18 xxyywwzz
    2060CA1C xxyywwzz
    2060CA20 xxyywwzz
    2060CA24 xxyywwzz
    2060CA28 xxyywwzz
    2060CA2C xxyywwzz
    2060CA30 xxyywwzz
    2060CA34 xxyywwzz
    2060CA38 xxyywwzz
    2060CA3C xxyywwzz
    2060CA40 xxyywwzz

    Deck 2 Mods
    2060CB4C xxyywwzz
    2060CB50 xxyywwzz
    2060CB54 xxyywwzz
    2060CB58 xxyywwzz
    2060CB5C xxyywwzz
    2060CB60 xxyywwzz
    2060CB64 xxyywwzz
    2060CB68 xxyywwzz
    2060CB6C xxyywwzz
    2060CB70 xxyywwzz
    2060CB74 xxyywwzz
    2060CB78 xxyywwzz
    2060CB7C xxyywwzz
    2060CB80 xxyywwzz
    2060CB84 xxyywwzz
    2060CB88 xxyywwzz
    2060CB8C xxyywwzz
    2060CB90 xxyywwzz
    2060CB94 xxyywwzz
    2060CB98 xxyywwzz
    2060CB9C xxyywwzz
    2060CBA0 xxyywwzz
    2060CBA4 xxyywwzz
    2060CBA8 xxyywwzz
    2060CBAC xxyywwzz
    2060CBB0 xxyywwzz
    2060CBB4 xxyywwzz
    2060CBB8 xxyywwzz
    2060CBBC xxyywwzz
    2060CBC0 xxyywwzz
    2060CBC4 xxyywwzz
    2060CBC8 xxyywwzz
    2060CBCC xxyywwzz
    2060CBD0 xxyywwzz

    Deck 3 Mods
    2060CCD8 xxyywwzz
    2060CCDC xxyywwzz
    2060CCE0 xxyywwzz
    2060CCE4 xxyywwzz
    2060CCE8 xxyywwzz
    2060CCEC xxyywwzz
    2060CCF0 xxyywwzz
    2060CCF4 xxyywwzz
    2060CCF8 xxyywwzz
    2060CCFC xxyywwzz
    2060CD00 xxyywwzz
    2060CD04 xxyywwzz
    2060CD08 xxyywwzz
    2060CD0C xxyywwzz
    2060CD10 xxyywwzz
    2060CD14 xxyywwzz
    2060CD18 xxyywwzz
    2060CD1C xxyywwzz
    2060CD20 xxyywwzz
    2060CD24 xxyywwzz
    2060CD28 xxyywwzz
    2060CD2C xxyywwzz
    2060CD30 xxyywwzz
    2060CD34 xxyywwzz
    2060CD38 xxyywwzz
    2060CD3C xxyywwzz
    2060CD40 xxyywwzz
    2060CD44 xxyywwzz
    2060CD48 xxyywwzz
    2060CD4C xxyywwzz
    2060CD50 xxyywwzz
    2060CD54 xxyywwzz
    2060CD58 xxyywwzz
    2060CD5C xxyywwzz
    2060CD60 xxyywwzz

    Digits for xx- Card Type
    11=attack card
    22=magic card,
    33=summon card
    44= Item Card
    55= Friend Card
    66= Trick Card
    77= Enemy Card
    88= Reload Counter
    99= Boss Cards?

    yy= value of card

    Digits for WW- status of card
    0= normal card
    1= premium card
    2= untested

    zz= The card itself (credit to Antiweapon for testing these)
    00= Nothing
    01= Kingdom Key
    02= Three wishes
    03= CrabClaw
    04= Pumpkinhead
    05= FairyHarp
    06= Wishing Star
    07= Spell Binder
    08= Metal Chokobo
    09= Olympia
    0A= Lionheart
    0B= Lady Luck
    0C= Divine Rose
    0D= Oathkeeper
    0E= Oblivion
    0F= UltimaWeapon
    10= Diamon Dust
    11= One winged angel.
    12= Souleater
    13= Starseeker
    14= Monochrome
    15= PotC Keyblade.
    16= Hidden Dragon
    17= Photon Debugger
    18= Bond of flame
    19= Statless Kingdom Key
    1A= Fire
    1B= Blizzard
    1C= Thunder
    1D= Cure
    1E= Gravity
    1F= Stop
    20= Tornato
    21= Statless Crabclaw?
    22= Statless Three wishes?
    23= Simba
    24= Genie
    25= Bambi
    26= Dumbo
    27= Tinkerbell
    28= Mushu
    29= Cloud
    2A= Potion
    2B= Hi-Potion
    2C= Mega Potion
    2D= Ether
    2E= Mega Ether
    2F= Elixer
    30= MegaElicer
    31= Donald
    32= Goofy
    33= Aladin
    34= Ariel
    35= Jack
    36= Peter Pan
    37= Beast
    38= Mickey
    39= Pluto
    3A= Mickey Magic card
    3B= Mickey Magic card
    3C= Mickey Magic card
    3D= Mickey Magic card (All of them are named differnt'y , but I can't read Jap.)
    3E= Mickey Magic card
    3F= Mickey Magic card
    40= Mickey Magic card
    41= Mickey Magic card
    42= Some Orange soul eater thing (I think the one zexion used.)
    43= Zexion
    44= Shadow
    45= Soldier
    46= Large body
    47= Red Nocturne
    48= Blue Rhapsody
    49= Yellow Opera
    4A= Green Requiem
    4B= Powerwild
    4C= BouncyWild
    4D= Air Soldier
    4E= Bandit
    4F= Fat Bandit
    50= Barrel Spider
    51= Search Ghost
    52= SeaNeon
    53= Screwdriver
    54= AquaTank
    55= Wight Knight
    56= Gargoyle
    57= Pirate
    58= Air pirate
    59= Darkball
    5A= Defender
    5B= Wyvern
    5C= Wizard
    5D= NeoShadow
    5E= White Mushroom
    5F= Black Fungus
    60= Creeper Plant
    61= Tornado step
    62= Crescendo
    63= Guard Armor
    64= Parasite Cage
    65= Trickster
    67= Darkside
    68= Heart soilder (The one from wonderland )
    69= Jafar
    6A= Oogie Boogie
    6B= Ursula
    6C= Captain Hook
    6D= Maleficent Dragon
    6E= Riku Replica
    6F= Axel
    70= Larxene
    71= Vexion
    72= Marluxia
    73= Lexaeus
    74= Ansem
    75= Zexion
    76= Xemnas
    77= Xigbar
    78= Xaldin
    79= Saix
    7A= Demyx
    7B= Luxord
    7C= Roxas
    7D= Gold crown
    7E= Silver crown
    7F= Black card soilder
    80= Red card soilder (Not an enemy card you use)
    81= Statless Kingdom key
    82= Statless Three wishes
    83= Statless Crabclaw
    84= Statless Pumpkin head
    85= Statless Fairy harp
    86= Statless GeopettoBladething
    87= Statless Spellbinder
    88= Statless Metal Chokobo
    89= Statless Kingdom key
    8A= Statless three wishes
    8B= Statless Crapclaw
    8C= Statless Pumkinhead
    8D= Statless Fairyharp
    8E=Statless Geopettos blade thing
    -same loop keeps going-
  16. coy197 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 29, 2007
    my house
    Is the game ID the same? I need to convert theses.

    EDIT: are theses codes raw? i have not enter a code in almost a year... lol
  17. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    don't know about the game ID and yes they are raw codes
  18. coy197 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 29, 2007
    my house
    hmm... alright thanks anyways i guess i'll just have to wait a few days. anyways i have action replay if you got any codes for it post em if you can.
  19. Count DiZ Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 22, 2007
    Why? You coming over?
    I'm surprised nobody's brought this up yet, but...

    Bosses fight using the same principles as Sora and Riku and have basic movement. In addition, the map models for Sora and Riku are different from their battle models, so...
  20. NeoCloudstrife Decisive Being

    Apr 16, 2007
    you're implying that its possible to play as bosses, right? we'll see...