Kingdom hearts-you included

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Roxaspartanti, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    hey!cool! People actually like my fighting scenes! phew! Einstein? Oh and everyone who is kinda waiting for their might take several years.

    eeek!ok ok she'll come!!!

    you say your better then me?? (cowbow showdown at sunset) well i guess i'll have to perfect it more.
    any ways, heres its is, the plank!
    Sora jumped off the railing just as the water rushed down the stairs. Zexion teleported away from his place and appeared above the water.
    Axel and Larxene teleported out of their places and appeared on the roof of the castle. "What the hell was that?" Larxene said, walking over the roof, and jumping down onto a balcony. Axel followed her, and said,
    "Well Zero will be freakin mad cuz its a new enemy."
    The two split up,and teleported into different parts of the castle.
    Rinn sent a wave of fire after a few groups of heartless, and froze some of the rest. She then transformed her necklace to a grappling hook, flung it onto the ice, and pulled. She then swung the ginormous glacier (I do not know how she does it) and slammed some more heartless.
    The child heartless crawled through the halls on the ceiling, looking for the cause of the explosion. Ariel and Eric heartless landed onto the ground, and spotted their next meal. Rinn. Quietly, they snuck up on her, and-
    "We'll be right back, after the break!"
    You again?
    Yen Sid created a barrier of wind just as the tidal wave rushed through the halls to him. He then walked through the water in this force field, still looking for the adventurers.
    Evan swung himself up onto the ceiling, and propped his legs up on either side of the hallway.
    The heartless were slammed back, and so were the statues, and banisters.
    Eden watched as the tidal wave crashed across the room, and she quickly stopped the magic of the animals to not kill them. She then froze the water with all her might, until she froze all of the water.
    She collapsed, all of her power drained out of her. She closed her eyes, and slept.
    Yen Sid walked across the hallway in his bubble, and then he stopped. He looked around his bubble, and saw that the ice was frozen over.
    Yen Sid stopped his bubble making and tapped the ice. He then whispered something and the ice in front of him melted away. He continued to walk across the hallway, confused about why that would happen, melting away the ice.
    Dante jumped up with ultimate speed and agility, just as the water slammed through the rooms. He hung on a banister, watching dumbstruck as the water froze. He dropped down, onto the ice, and he looked at his little lively pals, they too, confused about what the heck happened. Dante shook his head, and skated across the rooms. A black, hunched over, armoured heartless stopped him. The thing wore a mask, with blue eyes glowing. Several other things like that appeared, pointing large swords at him.
    Dante took out out an even larger sword then them, put together, and the guards shuffled uncomfortably.
    "Say hello to my big fat friend!!!" Dante yelled, as the four pals, Dante slashing at them with claws, Lucifer throwing blades at them, Rebellion slashing at them too, and Gilgamesh punching and kicking, they began their ultimate fight.
    Gilgamesh tripped the guards, then Rebellion slammed them into the air like baseball bats, then Lucifer flung red blades at them, sticking them into the walls. Dante then threw the rose: The rose that is white. The rose from Marluxias garden. The rose that would explode those guards goodbye.
    BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Axel and Larxene, startled, heard the next explosion. "Theres plenty of intruders here." Larxene said. "Or maybe its just one thats really strong."
    The two crashed down the door from the balcony, and walked through the halls, seeing a huge tidal wave: that was frozen.
    "What the hell?" Axel said.
    Larxene sent a bolt of lightning at the frozen tidalwave, creating another huge explosion, wherever the ice was.
    Sora jumped at Zexion, and threw a barrage of hits with his Keyblade. Zexion threw up his gigantic book, blocking all of the attacks, then sended papers at Sora. Sora attacked each page, changing his method to attacking the papers.
    This is just like in this one videogame I played with Riku! Sora said, thinking back. "I lost agaisnt him because I was constantly attacking the bigger boss then all the little guys who were attacking me. Riku defeated the little guys first, then attacked the big boss, winning the game!
    Zexion threw a couple of small books at Sora, Sora bending back, and cartwheeling away while the books landed into the wall behind him, the books stuck into them.
    Sora created a wave of ice just as Zexion threw more papers at him.
    "So how did you survive the fall?" Zexion mumbled, sending papers all around him.
    Sora landed on the railing, then swung around, just as the papers dived into where he was.
    Sora was tired, so tired that he could barely stand. He attacked organization members, plus 25,000 heartless, ran away from fire, and was still going!
    Sora dropped onto the ground, exhausted.
    Zexion flew by him, sending a large paper toward him. Sora could only raise up his keyblade to sheild himself, but that only caused him to fly backwards, crashing through a door, and into a kitchen.
    "What happened the last time I fought you and Riku? You beat me." Zexion whispered. "What happened now? Too old?"
    Zexion threw more books at Sora, some just appearing and flying towards him.
    Sora crawled up, looked at all the books, grabbed the nearest thing around him, a pan, and held it up. The books hit his stomach, causing him to knock out all of his breath out, and the pan had a book through it, stuck in. Sora dropped onto the floor, lieing there, his keyblade disappearing.
    At the evil lair.....
    Melissa walked in, tired of being a secretary, and said, "Zero. The keyblade weilders have been spotted, so is the necklace bearer, and the half breed."
    Zero growled. "How many times do I have to kill them? Where have they been spotted?"
    "Atlantica. Not in the deep waters but at the palace." Melissa said.
    "And where is that other girl? The one with the fear of death?" Zero said, almost yelling.
    "We think shes dead. We haven't spotted her." Melissa responded.
    "Any news from Nero?"
    "Yen Sid?"
    "Tell each member in each world to keep an eye out for intruders."
    Zero rested back himself, thinking, "Well, at least the kings dead. Hey! What'of the Queen?"
    Melissa turned around. "Escaped from her world."
    "She has no where to run." Zero said. "Each world we have on our maps has been occupied with our heartless and members. Unless there are some worlds out there that are not on our maps."
    Zero looked thoughtfully. "Send Namina to steal all of the maps in the worlds. Send Demyx to help her."
  2. Luminey Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 9, 2007
    Destiny Islands
    YAY I STEAL!! lolz that'd be funny if i get to go to the world of Dumbo XD I LOVE TEH PINK ELEPHANTS!!
  3. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Yes, I do say that I'm better at fight scenes than you *suddenly starts the Nobody Samurai faceoff*. Now onto the obligatory parody!

    Zexion: Super special awesome book teleport!
    Larxene: Well, we'll have to split up my sugarmuffin.
    Axel: *whispering* Thank God
    Larxene: *lightning flashing around her* WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!?
    Axel: I DON'T WANT TO EVER LEAVE YOUR SIDE, MY SWEET! *grovelling at her feet*
    Larxene: Well tough luck pal. *portals away*
    Axel: *blinks slowly* What just happened? *teleports away*
    Rinn: MORE MAGIC! I am the INCREDIBLE RINN! *swings around the glacier*
    Heartless: Well, you're a frotsy wo- *crushed* AAAARRRGGGHHH!
    Rinn: *still smashing it* THAT PUN WAS AWFUL!
    Ariel and Eric heartless: We're leik, totally ninjs and stuff. I mean, we're already in black.
    Heartless: *try to eat him* what gives?
    Interviewer: I thought you'd know by now *eyes turn yellow* Interviewers have no hearts!
    Dis Ney (oops, was that a secret?): Aeroga! *tidal wave is blocked* Hehehe, I knew this spell was overpowered in KH1. Which is why I HAVE IT!
    Heartless: *getting slammed* We're being smashed into random blunt objects!
    Shadow: *looks down at stone sword sticking out of its chest* easy for you to say *disintegrates*
    Eden: Deep freeze! *freezes the water*
    Sora: Will people ever stop copying me?
    Evan: *drives into Limit form*
    Sora:... That's it, next time you fall asleep, you'll wake up with this Keyblade stuck so far up your-
    Zexion: Assssssss I was saying, it's time to fight! *Zexion battle music plays*
    Larxene: I SMELL CHOCOLATE ON ONE OF YOU! *shocks the ice*
    Zexion: *sends out pages* Behold, the power of literacy!
    Sora: *smacks them away* Haha! Joke's on you, I don't know how to read! plus, it is now revealed that I play KH2FM with Riku in my spare time!
    Zexion: No! Have you defeated my Data form?
    Sora:... Riku has.
    Zexion: MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *throws a massive book at Sora*
    Sora: *anime expression of dismay* Nothing can withstand the almighty FRYING PAN! *holds up a frying pan*
    Zexion: You do realize that you're holding it too high.
    Sora: Whut? *book hits him between the legs* O_O *high-pitched voice* Your mother reads dirty magazines in hell. And NOT FOR THE ARTICLES! *falls unconscious*
    Dante: Time to wake up, kid! You're missing out on all the fun!... SORA!
    Nero: HEY! You used that line in DMC4, except with my name, and it woke me up and allowed me to defeat Sanctus and save the world!
    Dante: ... *flicks Nero's nose*
    Nero: *falls over*
  4. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Oh my gosh your so funny!
    (rolls down the steps laughing uncontrolably)
  5. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Intense injury suffered from laughing too hard? My work here is done *flips coat and walkes off dramatically*

    Melissa: *walks in* Sir, blah blah blah.
    Zero: Blah blah?
    Melissa: Blah blah, blah blah blah?
    Zero: Blah!
    Melissa: And uh... It's time for your sponge bath.
    Zero: Oooh! *fade to black*
  6. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    its that time of! yay!
    huh? what? 0.o
    Namina took a trip to her first world on the list.
    My gosh. Zero is kind of papanoid. Namina thought.
    "Oh! I told them they were sending the wrong guy!" Demyx complained.
    And so is Demyx. Geez, Zero thinks too much. Now he wants me to steal all of the maps in the world-and maybe a bonus, the map makers, just so he can find out there are still more worlds out there that are still not know on our maps.
    Demyx cowardly looked around, scared of anything that crawled.
    The two cloaked members were in the streets around Olympus Colliseum (did I spell it right?) searching for each house for maps.
    Here are a few examples of what they did:
    1 Barge into the shop, and buy the maps, stealing the money back
    2 Threaten the people in there for maps
    3 Turn the people into heartless and crash the entire place for maps
    Very heartless like people.
    Of course, Namina did the work, while Demyx cowardly crouched behind her.
    Now lets do every single scenario while shes completing them.

    1 "Hey map owner!" Namina yelled, throwing open the door. "I wanto buy all of your maps!"
    "Ok..that would be 1,000,000 coins...." The map owner said, scratching his wrinkles.
    "Alright." Namina said, putting down the large bag full of coins.
    The map owner got to work, collecting all of the scrolls and putting them in a large bag.
    "Thanks." Namina smiled.
    Demyx got the large bag full of maps, and dragged it off the counter.
    "Good bye!" The map owner said happily, petting the bag full of coins.
    Namina kicked him, lifting her foot straight up right into the mans jaw. He flew up, then dropped down. Namina grabbed the man, and placed him in the bag, and took the treasure too.

    2 "Give me all of your maps!" Namina yelled as she kicked the door down, with her foot.
    Thorns crept up to the old mans neck, and he quickly did as he was told.
    He put all of his maps into the bag, and then Namina kicked him in the head, jumping up and sticking her foot out to slam him down. She pulled him into the bag.

    3 Namina walked into the store, and slammed her staff down onto the ground. The painters heart flew in to the heart crystal on top of her staff, and the painter turned into a heartless.
    Demyx, heartless, and Namina crashed the place, and found the storage space for the maps.

    "I think this is a stupid job, Demyx." Namina said, dragging the bag with Demyx.
    We both don't have hearts. Demyx thought. And we both don't want to admit it.
    At Atlantica....
    Sora lay there, uncauntious, free to be hurt or to be turned into a heartless. Zexion stole his heart. It took a long time, because of his strong of a heart, but it was worth it.
    Zero smiled. The main threat to us has vanquished. Sadly there are more with the key. Zero thought.
    He finished looking through his crystal ball.
    At the corner of Rinns eye, she spotted two average looking people jump at her. But they weren't any normal looking people. Their skin was pale green, and their eyes bright yellow. Both of their hair colours were dark, and they had a sickly stench around them. Their nails were cracked, and dark yellow, and their backs were filled with tentacles.
    "Who the heck are you?" Rinn said.
  7. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    You still haven't answered my question.

    I liked it.
  8. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oh... My... Gawd.

  9. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    lol well i got out of the palace huh
  10. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Wow, big plot twist, and I wonder who the new enemies are? I've decided not to parody that chapter because it has enough humour as is. In fact... IMGONNADOABATTLESCENEMWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Zexion held out his hand, the heart of the Keyblade bearer hovering in his grasp. Staring at the heart, he couldn't help but laugh. And laugh he did. Their most powerful enemy was finally gone, and all that were left were a few loose ends.
    Rinn tore her gaze from the new enemies and spotted Zexion. Her gaze dropped to the floor to see the unmoving Sora. The others, Eden, Dante and Evan all turned to see. They were all stunned. Sora was gone.
    "Zexion!" Rinn screamed, aiming her guns. Zexion humphed. A barrage of bullets raced through the air towards him. He was blasted into oblivion.
    He disintegrated. Rinn blinked.
    "Try again," Zexion whispered in her ear. She tried to turn, but Zexion was quicker. A blade slashed across her chest and she was thrown backwards.
    "You're going to pay for that!" Evan yelled, running at Zexion. Zexion looked over at him and simply stared as Evan charged. With a grunt, Evan swung his Keyblade at Zexion.
    It clashed with another. Evan gave a grunt of surprise at the Keyblade in Zexion's grip. While he was distracted, Zexion broke the lock and swiped him across the chest. He fell back as well, beside Rinn, who was already recovering. They both panted, clutching their wounds. Zexion allowed his copied Keyblade to disappear and summoned the Lexicon.
    "Enjoy your stay in my world," Zexion farewelled as both Evan and Rinn entered Book World.

    Eden crouched over Sora's lifeless body, "Sora! Sora, speak to me!" She shook him, unwilling to believe that he was dead.
    "Come on, kid, wake up! We need you!" Dante insisted. Eden pounded Sora's chest uselessly. Dante stood.
    "I don't usually care much about people," Dante growled at Zexion, "But you've really begun to PISS ME OFF!" Dante raised his hand. Rebellion spun into his grip. Dante charged at Zexion. He swung down in a brutal arc, only for Zexion to teleport away.
    "How would you like to have your darkest nightmares revealed?" Zexion asked absentmindedly, reading the Lexicon.
    "I don't have any darkest nightmares, pal," Dante retorted, "I'm just one of yours!" He slashed along the ground. Red energy sparked along Rebellion's blade and he slashed it along the ground. The blade raced for Zexion, tearing the stone ground in its path. Zexion simply teleported again. Dante panted, most of his energy gone. He heard Zexion reappear behind him. He spun and, with a yell, slashed down.
    His sword was blocked. He was frozen as he stared at the weapon in Zexion's grip. His brother's katana, Yamato.
    "How could you know?" Dante asked in wonder. Zexion kicked Dante in the stomach, knocking the half-demon back. Zexion released the copied katana and opened the lexicon.
    "I'm sure you'll enjoy finding your nightmares," Dante was sucked into book world as well. Zexion closed the Lexicon with a snap and laughed. He'd managed to take out three of the four already! He could only imagine what nightmares they were facing in Book World. Which just left...
    Zexion turned and approached Eden. She saw him and scrambled to her feet, picking up her staff.
    "Don't come any closer!" she threatened.
    "Why would I?" Zexion asked, "I don't need to put you in Book World. You're already facing your worst nightmares here." He laughed. Eden's staff lowered. He was right. Sora was dead at her feet.
    And she was alone.

    Dante woke up. He groaned and held his head. He had a headache that was killing him. He opened his eyes and looked around.
    He was in the demon world. It was where he had fought his brother Vergil for the third and last time. It was a cave-like area with a shallow, muddy river flowing swiftly through. It's source was a dead end and the only way out was a waterfall, over which Vergil had fallen. Dante could just see in the distance where the fracture between the human and demon world had been during his fight. It was gone. There was no way home.
    "What's wrong, Dante? What's your motivation?" Dante heard an all-too familiar voice. He turned to the sound, and saw his brother Vergil. Dante looked down. He was even wearing what he had been wearing that day years ago. Vergil was as well, in his blue coat. He also wielded the two weapons, his father's sword Force Edge and the katana Yamato.
    Vergil beckoned, "Give that to me." Dante looked in his hand to see that he was holding his half of their mother's amulet.
    "No way," Dante retorted, slipping the amulet into one of his pockets, "You've got your own." His voice even sounded like it did that day. He also noticed that he had his pistols Ebony and Ivory, and his sword Rebellion, though Lucifer and Gilgamesh were nowhere to be seen.
    Vergil pointed Force Edge at Dante, "Well I want yours too." The twins began to circle each other, Dante still without his weapon drawn. Dante decided to stick to the script of what had happened, all the while wondering. How had Zexion known? The day his brother died, rivaled only by the day he'd found out that his mother Eva had died. But Vergil had been there. Now he wasn't and Dante was alone. Dante realized that thew pause had gone on for too long.
    "What're you gonna do with all that power, huh?" Dante asked, "No matter how hard you try, you're never gonna be like Father."
    "You're wasting time!" Vergil yelled, charging Dante. He stood still to receive the blow. At the last minute, he drew his sword and attacked as well.
    The brothers stood facing each other. Each held the other's sword in their left hands. Dante slowly forced Force Edge away from him.
    "We are the sons of Sparda," Dante panted, "Within each of us flows his blood. But more importantly, his heart!" Dante threw Vergil off.
    "And now, my heart is saying it wants to stop you!" Dante yelled, and then stopped as he realized he had said 'heart'. Spending time with those kids had rubbed off on him.
    Vergil laughed, on cue. But instead of saying what he did years ago, he sheathed Force Edge.
    "Vergil, what're you doing?" Dante wondered.
    "Your heart?" Vergil chuckled, "What could that weak thing do for you? Face it Dante, your heart is weak."
    "And why is that, exactly?" Dante asked.
    "Because the only person you care about is yourself," Vergil said, pointing at Dante. Dante opened his mouth to retort, but it died in his mouith. He's right, Dante thought, I've only ever cared about myself.
    "Haven't you wondered why the child Sora's heart was so strong?" Vergil asked, "It was because of his wretched friends. With them by his side, he was much stronger. Who do you have to back you up, Dante? No one."
    Dante hung his head. Now, more than ever, he felt alone. First his father, then his mother, and then Vergil. He had no one else left. He was still as Vergil drew Force Edge and raced in for the kill.
    I wonder, Dante thought, Where will my heart go?

    Mwuhahahahahaha! Dante is going to die! Sorry about leaving out Evan and Rinn's nightmares, but if I knew what their nightmares were I would have written them. Ah well, we'll have to make do with Dante's death.
  11. K.H.Nut13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2008
    Can I join?

    Weapon:Light Keyblade
    Notes:Her keyblade has the odd ability to get darkness out of pepoles hearts when she yells "Light be with me!"
  12. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    he may let you in hopefully
  13. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ....O_O..... I'm spechless!
    My nobody, Dexen: Then why are you talking?
    -x- You spoil my fun...
  14. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Speechless with what? Anger? Joy? Love? :3
  15. K.H.Nut13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2008
    We can only hope I can join.
  16. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Not Anger, never! I'm just thinking that your writing is up on a much higher scale then Soraspartini... But close to his. You're both amazing!
  17. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Ah well, I'm also a lot lazier. Equivalent Exchange right there ^_^
    Hmmm, I wonder when Soraspartanti will come back for another chapter. Hey, wait a sec. If Sora's lost his heart, would that mean that his body would turn into Roxas? That would be sweet. Mmmmm... dual-wielding...


    Zexion stood before Eden, the Lexicon open.
    "I wonder," Zexion thought aloud, "What sort of nightmares your friends are experiencing?" He opened the Lexicon and showed it to Eden. She couldn't help but look in.
    Rinn and Evan were trapped in a dark area. Countless Heartless surrounded them. But... Evan was wearing an Organization XIII coat. And he was fighting Rinn!
    "What did you do?" Eden demanded.
    "Evan refused to join our Organization. What worse could he experience, but being one of us? And the girl Rinn, what better nightmare than betrayal?" Eden choked on a sob as Evan landed a solid blow on Rinn, sending the girl sprawling.
    "Or, would you prefer the half-demon?" The scene changed to the demon world. Dante was standing stock-still as his brother charged him. His head was lowered in defeat.
    "Dante, do something!" Eden yelled at the image.
    "It's no use. He can't deny the loneliness in his heart." Eden gasped as Dante's brother Vergil drew his katana and rammed it through Dante's stomach.
    "No!" Eden yelled, "Stop this!" she pleaded. Zexion laughed, and all she could do was watch. Dante gasped, looking down at the sword through his stomach. Eden finally snapped and sent a wave of ice arcing towards Zexion. He held up his free hand and the wave shattered, shards of ice cascading down and carpeting the already damaged ground.
    "The other members hold too much stock in physical force," Zexion said. "Why bother fighting someone when you can use their nightmares against them? Does a Greek proverb not say, those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad?" Eden sobbed, tears racing down her cheeks.
    "Oh, what's wrong?" Zexion taunted, "Do you hate me? Do you want to cut me down, end my life? Can you find enough hatred in your heart to do that? Of course, I have no such inhibitions. As the Superior once said, it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart."
    "That's not true!" Eden yelled, "A heart can be weak. It can give in to the dark. It can hate with all it's might. But there's always a light, deep down. Even people who've given up on the light."
    "I know you can hear me!" she directed her speech at the Lexicon, "And I know you understand! There's always a light, no matter how much shadow lies in the way!"

    Rinn rolled way from another keyblade strike, "Evan, stop this!"
    "The Organization needs your heart!" Evan pointed at Rinn, and three Neoshadows dived at her. Energy crackled along Rinn's arms and into her guns. When she fired, flaming rounds ripped the Neoshadows to pieces.
    "It's useless standing against the Organization." Evan said. He raised his Keyblade, and a bolt of lightning shooting from its tip and forking. Rinn only just managed to backflip away as the lightning struck.
    "I don't want to hurt you, Evan!" Rinn called, "But you're leaving me no choice!" She clutched her necklace and in a storm of energy it reformed into a Keyblade. Just in time, as Evan had raced up, Keyblade in hand. She guarded against the strike and their weapons locked. The two struggled against each other, heartless closing in around them.
    Eden's voice rang out in the darkness. Both looked around for the source.
    Rinn dropped her Keyblade, "I know you wouldn't betray me, Evan. The Organization has no hold over you."
    Evan swung his Keyblade at her exposed neck. It stopped mere centimetres from it.
    "I'm sorry, Rinn," Evan managed. Light flashed on the ground beneath them, almost blinding them. The light grew in power, and the Heartless disintegrated.
    Rinn and Evan clasped each other's hands as they both disappeared.

    Dante coughed, the katana through his stomach protruding from his back.
    "Foolishness, Dante," Vergil said, twisting the katana, "Foolishness. Might controls everything. And without strength, you cannot portect anything."
    Vergil raised Dante and grabbed the collar of his coat, "Let alone yourself." He withdrew the katana, and Dante fell backwards to the ground and with a splash landed. The water was flowing over him, the area around him flowing red. Dante let out a cry as the katana stabbed into him again, this time in the shoulder. Vergil lifted him up and he dangled in the air, held up by the katana.
    "So that's it, Dante?" Vergil asked, "You've given up? Your heart is weaker than I thought. Without anyone to back you up, how can you expect to survive." Dante was limp on the end of the blade. He was just wishing that it would end quickly. Maybe I'll see Mother, Father and Vergil again. He thought hazily. He closed his eyes, and waited for his healing to stop.
    Eden's voice rang out in his head. Dante considered the words over the pain. But what could he do? He was powerless, and Zexion had been too powerful. But they were in trouble...
    Dante opened his eyes, Evan, Rinn, Eden, Sora. I have to help them. Dante reached down and grabbed Yamato's blade. Vergil gave a surprised grunt. With a great yell, Dante lifted Vergil into the air and threw him downriver. Dante dropped to his knees, his wounds still raw.
    "How? What could give you strength when all hope is lost?" Vergil wondered, picking himself up.
    "I guess you wouldn't understand, 'Vergil'," Dante said, "But four kids back in the real world are calling my name. Besides, if I'm not around to help 'em, who knows how they could screw up."
    "Why? Why do you suddenly care about them?"
    "Well, quite frankly, at first, I didn't give a damn. But after traveling with them, I know what's important. i know what I need to do." Dante smiled, "My friends need me!"
    Light flashed beneath Dante's feet. It's brilliance was almost blinding, and 'Vergil' raised his hand to shield his eyes. In that moment, the guise slipped and Zexion was revealed. With difficulty, Zexion wrenched the Vergil disguise back into order. He charged at Dante, sword raised.
    Dante thumped his chest twice and made a peace sign, "Peace out, Vergil!" He disappeared, and the sword swung down into water.

    Zexion, the real Zexion, looked in his hand. The Lexicon was rumbling and shaking. Zexion glanced from the book to Eden, "What did you do?" He demanded, barely hiding the worry in his voice. Zexion clamped both hands on the book, which was trying to force its way open. Light was trying to shine through the pages, rouge shafts escaping the struggling book. At last, Zexion could no longer contain it, and the Lexicon tore itself open. Light poured out, and three shapes tumbled out. At last the light dimmed and the battered Lexicon returned to Zexion's grip.
    Evan, Rinn and Dante lay sprawled on the floor. Each of them let out an assortment of groans and expletives. Eden smiled, "You guys came back."
    Dante grinned, "Thanks for the pep talk, kid," Dante ruffled her hair, "I needed it."
    Evan rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed, "uh, Rinn, the way we held hands when the light showed up-"
    "Purely stress," Rinn assured too quickly. Both looked away, embarrassed. Zexion couldn't stand the scene before him, and neither could Zero, looking through his crystal ball. All four were positively glowing in happiness, having been helped through their nightmares. Zexion couldn't think of a more spectacular way for a plan to backfire. All he could do was hope that help would arrive soon as he backed away, the four heroes encircling him with their weapons ready.

  18. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    O_O..... YESH! *making a wictory pose* I save the day!
  19. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    (Clamping his fists tight, so tight, that they became red with rage)
    (Yells uncontrollably as the pure writing in the computer flares to life)
    (computer explodes, Soranspartanti gets blown out of the house with an awe inspiring sight of flame and explosion)
    Soranspartanti falls onto the street, coughs, and whispers, "I call...thi *hack!* sss a declaration of..*cough*
    (Wavers, stands up)
    No more holding back. This is my story. And your not part of it.
    Hehe..I dare to challenge you! Yes your writing is on the verge of explosion, but you have the game that Dante and Nero come from on your side. This holding back. I give you, ladies and gentlemen, my story! No more jokes! No more laughs! Its time for the real story to begin!!!
    Zexion stood over the motionless body of Sora, chuckling.
    "Pitifull. The strongest boy, the one who destroyed the organization, brought peace to the world, now, can't be held back. Your stupid friend Kairi just hugged you to ressurect your wretched heart back from its grave. A hug?! You make me puke! A sign of everlasting love!" Zexion began to yell, his rage burning inside of him. "I sware. I will kill all of your care bear friends!"
    Merlin walked through the halls, in the ice, his age being read by the amount of power he still had left. Out of nowhere, the ice shattered, sending shards of ice everywhere. No where to go, Merlin used the last bit of his power to shield some of the ice that exploded.
    The rest went into his neck, and back. He fell to the floor, ice in him, melting with his warmth of his flesh.
    "Mickey..dead. Sora..dead...I...dead. its the end." Merlin collapsed, his frail old arms collapsed under his weight, and he toppled over, shards of ice around him. Larxene.. he thought. You have killed me not knowing, on accident. What a stupid ending for me.
    Rinn stared at the two heartless, their strong hearts showing their strength of being.
    "Hisssssssss" One said.
    Rinn aimed her guns at them, and they dissapeared in a poof of smoke.
    "Whaaaat???" Rinn screamed.
    The two heartless could be heard behind her. She whirled around, only to be heard behind her again.
    They kicked her into the back, their claws on their shoes unsheath out to stab her constantly, over and over again.
    Rinn was blasted back, into a wall, and she grabbed the nearest thing that there was to keep her from falling down. A banner. He clung onto it, slipping. Her hands strained from the wieght.
    The two human looking heartless jumped at her, and the male looking one unsheathed a sword.
    Rinn widened her eyes, as the male looking heartless flew up, sword pointing to her heart.
    The other one changed its female looking hand to sharp scales, fish scales, it looked like, and it formed to a sword too.
    "Holy!!" Rinn screamed as she let go of the banner, just in time for her to slide off, with the two heartless stabbing into the wall.
    She slid down the wall, and flinched as the ice below them exploded. She was blasted back up with the explosion of wind, rocketing her up. She quickly took out guns and fired at the two heartless.
    The bullets zoomed through the air, and planted into the heads.
    "Hisssss!!!!" The two hissed, pulling out their weapons and running up the wall to chase her.
    Rinn flew up, hit the ceiling, cracking it. "Unh.." She moaned, as she dropped down again. She quickly aimed her guns at the two heartless, firing at them. Once again, the bullets whizzed through the air, and planted- just beside their heads, missing them.
    My aim wasn't proper, Rinn thought, falling, flailing her arms. But so wasn't my head.
    She fell down, staight into the mess of water, ice, and snow. She lay there, everything aching in her body.
    "hisssssss..." The two heartless flew down, opened their mouths, and a large, pummeling wave of water crashed on Rinn, cracking her spine.
    "Augggrrrlgle.." Rinn screamed. She choked on water, as she was slammed through the floor.
    Rinn lay there, she couldn't get up, she couldn't move, and she helplessly moaned as the two heartless fed on her heart.
    Axel and Larxene split up, trying to find the cause of the noise. They heard four gunshots, water running, two explosions, and ice shattering.
    "I think you killed the intruders." Axel said.
    "Quiet. There could be more noises." Larxene responded, patting Axels head.
    The two members walked around the halls, there feet could be heard, they cautiously looking around, until they found a girl, lieing on the floor, uncauntious, swurrounded by shards on both sides.
    "Steal her heart." Axel said.
    Larxene walked up to the girl, bent over, and shook her.
    Evan opened one eye drowsily.
    What she saw was a cute girl with a baby haircut smiling over her dressed in a black coat.
    "A member!" Eden yelled as she rolled away, and Larxene, startled, drop kicked her.
    "Ow!" Eden yelled. She got up.
    "You idiot." Axel said, slapping his head. "You don't have to do a drammatic lights out thingy. Got it memorised?"
    "Shut up and find more of these kids!" Larxene snapped, bearing her kunai. "Kill them all!"
    Axel simply shrugged. "Whatever." He dissapeared into darkness, continuing his search.
    Eden took out her staff, shining blue red, and orange.
    "Little girl. Its time to give me all you got. " Larxene said, crouching, looking down as she breathed in more power. She looked up. "Or, is your mind to weak for killing? Comeon. Go to hell, and you'll be all alone!"
    Eden was shocked at this females behaviour. "You heartless freak!" She screamed.
    Larxene smiled. "Exactly. You know it. I do too. You will become one." Larxene stood up, lightning flashing around her in a ring, quite identical to Xaldin, and she said, "Bring it on girl. All of your powers."
    So if I get killed, I can be prepared next time Lucas ressurects me, Larxene thought. She giggled.
    Larxene stood in a fighting stance, knowing that martial arts is a good way to go.
    Eden twirled her staff around her, pulling in shards of ice like a magnet. She had so much hatred in her. At the moment, she was beyond the verge of caring about death and being alone. She hated this girl.
    Larxene brought herself into a tiger stance. "Little girl, let yourself be carried away into the next world with my martial arts!"
    Larxene rolled at Eden, and Eden swung her staff, pulling more shards and and water with her swing, sending the water and shards at Larxene. Larxene jumped up, flipped, dodged the shards and water, and in the air, multiply kicked Eden in the face, like she was actually walking in the air.
    Eden flipped backwards, falling onto the ground. She spat out blood, and called, "Lions cage!"
    Lions actually grew out of the ground, and they stood around Larxene, bearing claws.
    Larxene giggled, and said, "I'm definately gonna have some fun!"
    Eden jumped up from the ground, using her staff to dig into the floor, bend back, and fly over the circle of lions.
    "Bird streak!" Eden yelled, and a bird flew down, straight down where Larxene was.
    "Your a perfect organization member!" Larxene laughed, raising her arm, and lightning shot around Larxene, and straight down on her.
    Eden was slammed by the lightning, and so was the bird, and the lions.
    They disappeared, in a puff of white fog.
    Eden fell down, smoldering in fire.
    "Are you trying to impress me by saying the lovely words you call to send animals on me?" Larxene said, jumping up, and said, "Then I'll tell you my martial arts. Dragons fist."
    Larxene dived up to the falling body, twirled around, and puched Eden in the stomach.
    Eden fell to the ground, the wind knocked out of her.
    Larxene landed gracefully down onto the broken floor, without any hit on her.
    Evan dropped down onto the ground, exhausted, the last of the heartless defeated.
    "I'm sure resting is not an option over here." a voice said.
    Evan turned his head, and saw a man with red hair."The names Axel. Got it memorised?" the red-head said, supposedly named Axel. He tapped his forehead. "Your an intruder. Got that memorised too?"
  20. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    *creepy Vexen laugh* It's called the DBZ approach. You piss someone off until they explode and reveal their true power. It seems that I have succeeded. Now, *cough* *sephiroth voice* show me your strength.

    In other news, Eden is having a totally Chuck Norris fight with larxene, and Dante is about to fight Axel? W00t!