Kingdom hearts-you included

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Roxaspartanti, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    Man...He died right after I finished sewing a Mickey Mouse bag and messing with my phone to make him my wallpaper and Screen Slogan...
  2. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    We will miss him...*is still crying*
  3. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    MICKEY COME BACK!!!! dude, this is so spammed up.
  4. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    dont make me get CtR up in here
  5. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    EEEk! not CtR!!! Okay, It's a really good chapter!
  6. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    yeah that was a lot of spamming... so when will the next chapter come
  7. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Eh..dont have the time right now (remembers the spamming)....Right now gotta do hmwk and go somewhere for a long time.This'll take a while. If i can put enough chapters in for the already not written pages I'll be fine...
    and now im back here it is.....
    Oh yeah sorry people i did a mistake its yen sid not merlin. I got that mixed up last chapter(s).
    Who's seen Shrek? That would be the scene here, the train tracks falling apart, a train coming towards them, fire going behind them. No where to go but down. What a bloody fate.
    So lets look at their options:
    Stay still:
    Get rammed by a train, fall down with the tracks or get 10 degree burns....
    Jump off:
    Long way down.
    So what am I to do? Its there choice entirely, so I sended an interview crew to them and they answered my questions.
    Rinn: What the heck are you doing here?! You're gonna die!!!
    Dante: Right now I'm only concerned for the comfort for my buds here, Rebellion, Gilgamesh, and Lucifer. They deserve it. Shh, you'll wake them up.
    Eden: Who are you?
    Evan: So..which side are you on?
    Sora: Holy shoot! Wheres Donald and Goofy!? Have you seen them?
    So right now there is only Rinn, Sora, Dante, Evan, Eden...wait...thats it? Wheres my character...OH NOES!!HE DIED!!
    Mickey...mickey...I can't see him... hmm. Hats down. Remember what the king did for us.
    Yen Sid.. Hmm...wait...hes in the flames somewhere....he's perfectly living...
    At the organizations lair....
    Zero seen all the members come in to the lair, and he asked, "WHAT THE (#$%?!) ARE YOU DOING HERE! GET BACK TO THOSE ENEMIES!MAKE SURE THEY ARE DEAD!!!!"
    Bad news for Zero: Hes paranoid.
    Bad news for the adventurers: All of the members are coming together, making teamwork.
    So again, lets overlook our options. Either:
    Stay still:
    Get fried, fall off, get rammed, get elecricuted, get attacked.....did I miss anything?
    Jump off the tracks: Long way down.
    I can see our interview people are in the same mess as the adventurers are.
    Larxene landed onto the train, looking at the adventurers.
    Alright. One false move and I will fall off. But they are in the same mess too. Larxene thought. This battle is gonna be fun!
    The two Axels landed onto the tracks, sending fire toward the adventurers.
    The two Xemnases flew down slowly, sending red blades at the adventurers.
    Zexion flew down at the adventurers, throwing papers.
    Xarlene flipped onto the tracks, beside The two Axels, and sended lightning at the adventurers.
    Larxene smashed through the top of the train, went through the hole, and looked around.
    A few people were screaming their lungs out, seeing the fire, lightning, falling tracks, red blades, and the people that they would run over.
    "Oh shut it." Larxene said, stealing their hearts, and running to the front of the train, taking the controls.
    She put the train to full speed, and jumped out.
    Dante knew what to do. He wasn't afraid...I guess thats what demons are...not afraid of anything.
    "You're gonna die!!!!" The two Axels laughed.
    Sora thought. He knew what happened. Donald and Goofy are dead. I can't bring them back.
    Now if you seen the battle at traverse town? I don't know which one except that Goofy almost...seems to die, but no. Its not like that. Both of them are dead. No coming back.
    He beared his keyblade, and jumped at the organization members, with Rinn taking out her guns. (From her necklace)
    Evan jumped with Sora, the replacement for both of them.
    Eden, who didn't know anyone at all, attacked the members too.
    And so the battle begins.
    Dante dodged the lightning and flames, and jumped over the train, attacking Larxene.
    (Kh 2 battle music comes on)
    i feel like im losing my touch. When I do, please inform me. I'll shoot myself.
  8. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    Ha! That's funny. lol, MICKEY"S ALIVE?!?!?!
  9. Luminey Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 9, 2007
    Destiny Islands
    OMG!! he LIIIIVES!!
  10. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Huh? I meant yen sid.....
  11. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    HaHa, good chappie anyways!
  12. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Well here we go again.
    Chapter 6?7?8?9?

    At the castle...
    Vexen disappeared away with the cornerstone of light, laughing as he took down the guards that tried to stop him.
    Once he disappeared, heartless streamed in, exploding all of the doors of the castle, fighting through. In their minds, they had the order: Take down the Queen.
    The guards of the castle tried to stop the army, but they only gotten their hearts stolen in the end.
    The heartless went through the halls, searching for the Queen. They jumped onto higher levels, overturned tables, exploded rooms, broke through walls, but they still didn't find the queen.
    The heartless turned their heads, looking up, as they saw a gummi ship fly away with their targets.
    At the evil lair....
    Zero looked at all the worlds throiugh his crystal ball.
    Now I wonder how he got that....
    All of the worlds were under chaos.
    They were all filled with heartless, stealing hearts, except one. The one with Yen Sids tower. The entire wold was up in flames.
    The tower was in flames, as the tracks, with the organization members fighting the adventurers.
    "Melissa." Zero boomed. "Tell Axel, Zexion, Xemnas, and Larxene to leave the scene. Only a few people should do the killing. Oh. And one more thing. Send in Keaths nobody."
    He watched as the members he said disappeared, and Kexath came in.
    Now I also wonder how they can communicate that fast!!!!!!??????
    He watched as the scenes unfolded.
    Kexath appeared, baring his sword, and slashed at Dante who took the blow, head on, falling back onto the tracks. Kexath did the same to all of them.
    The adventurers, all wounded, coughed up blood and stumbled back up. The adventurers dived forward as the tracks fell away from them, on fire.
    Dante was feeling guilty. "Rebellion, Gilgamesh, Lucifer. I'm sorry, but I need you again."
    His living items awaked, annoyed, and attacked.
    Rinn slapped her fore head. "Finally he has some sense in his head!"
    Axel #1 launched at Rinn, Mansex I mean Ansem attacked Dante, and the battle of the organization and adventurers....began.
  13. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    WAHOO!!! This is gonna be interesting! *sits and fidgets*
  14. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    omg you really hate disney characters... you keep killing the off... except mickey
  15. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    err...sorry if I ended up with that.....
    here it is...the battle!
    Ansem tranformed to a huge creature, and swung his big trident thingy at Dante. Rebellion blocked it, going into a hold, Gilgamesh went around and hurt Ansem like a kick boxer.
    Lucifer continued to throw red blades at Ansem, and Dante took out his rose.
    "Grr!" Ansem yelled with his deep voice, with bruises, red blades and a rose-BOOM!

    Larxene flipped backward, sending a wave of kunai (how the heck did she get that many?!) at the adventurers. Evan and Sora flipped around it, and brang down both of their keyblades down, breaking the tracks.
    Sora grabbed Evan arm, jumping up using the falling tracks as a foot hold. Larxene, who dodged the keyblades jumped up, twirled, and brought down a kick that slammed Sora through the air.
    Evan jumped up, this time grabbing Sora, and brought his keyblade at Larxene. Larxene cartwheeled backwards, flipped over the train that was now coming straight at them....

    Axel fought Eden, who was fighting with a staff. He flew around her, throwing fireballs and burning the tracks. Water extinguished the fire that came at her, and ice kept the tracks together.
    Axel simply blew on the tracks and the ice melted. Eden kept on trying as hard as she could to fight Axel, extinguish the huge fire that was coming straight at them, keeping the tracks together, and dodging fireballs.

    Our interview people were scared to death, so they jumped off the tracks....but I saved them!!!With my writing!!!And right now, they are flying back to my house!

    Kexath jumped at Rinn, but Rinn had guns. Kexath flew back, bending backwards and dodging all the bullets.
    He twirled around the tracks, swung around, broke the tracks and drop kicked Rinn in the forehead.
    Her guns transformed to a lasso, which she tied around Kexath.
    No!!My character!!!
    Kexath tried to break free, but she transformed it to chains. She swung him around, right into the train...WHAM!
    Rinn dropped to the ground, and that would be two hours of fighting. She breathed hard, gasping for breath. The train stopped, since Kexath acted as brakes, and the train had a big dent right in the front. Kexath dissipated away, with a major bruise on him.

    Eden kept on sending water at the fireballs, and for Axel, he couldn't win at all. Pretty soon he was in the air, trying to dodge a huge tital wave that crushed the tracks, extingished the fire, and slammed Axel-which he then died.

    Ansem was in flames. He had so much scorch marks on him that he collapsed, all of his powers transforming him back to a guy with white hair in a cloak.
    One of his forms was dead. Next form: Riku replica.
    He transformed into Riku, bearing the key that would steal hearts with a slash.
    Dante did not know that key would be the one that would steal hearts with a SINGLE HIT, DANTE RUN!!!!!

    Larxene planned that the train would hit the two keybearers, revenge for leaving the organization and getting a key out of it,for Evan, and for Sora for defeating her ended up, Kexath flew into the train head on...ow thats gonna leave me with Larxenes battle strategy failed. Time to start with lightning. Larxene sended wave after wave of lightning, breaking the tracks.
    Sora dodged each bolt, dove off the part of the tracks that was broken, and continued the process.
    Larxene, summoning alot of her power, sended a lightning bolt that hit the back of the train back on.
    The train flipped, skidding on the tracks breaking them.
    Sora jumped over the train, grabbed Evan and flew over the remaining falling tracks.

    Since these tracks kept on falling, the battle had to move forward, getting to the portal between worlds.

    Larxene kept on sending more lightning causing these sounds:
    BOOM BOOM BOOM RUMBLE BOOM RUMBLE BUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Larxene tried with all her might to get the adventurers away from her, using a lightning strategy tactic. And it worked.
    Well that all folks for today see ya later and enjoy this chapter.
  16. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    Ooh! Love the "Trident Thingy"!
  17. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Dante: *oversized sweatdrop* ZOMFG! *begins to spam Trickster dashes*
    Ansem: Stay still damnit! * randomly slashes*
    Nero: *pops up* Hai guyz, can I join in?
    Dante: *points to Nero* Turn him into a Heartless, he's more emo than I am!
    Nero: *suddenly wearing black eyeliner* YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME! *begins to beat up Ansem with the Devil Bringer*

    Eden: *slams a tidal wave into Axel, which kills him* Wow, that was easy.
    Axel Phangirls: NUUUUUU! *begin to chase Eden wielding machetes*
    Eden: EEEK! *Benny Hill chase*

    Sora: *holding Evan and using Superglide away from Larxene* WHO'S IDEA WAS IT TO GIVE LARXENE PIXIE STICKS?
    Evan: *hides pixie sticks in his pockets*
    Larxene: SUGAR!

    Rinn: *swings gun lasso around* I'm a cowgirl! *strikes a pose*
    Dante: *suddenly Trickster teleports beside her* Hey, did I ever tell you how big my sword is?
    Kexath: The pain.... death....
    Unreal Tournament announcer: Locomotive manslaughter!
  18. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    wait i noticed something.. it didn't take very long to get to this scene... maybe the story will end sooner than anticipated
  19. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ya think?
    At the evil lair:
    Zero laughed, his plan forming in his mind. What am I being scared for? Zero thought.
    "Melissa! Send in Lucas." Zero laughed.
    Lucas teleported in, (again I don't know how they communicate this quickly) and asked, "Yes?"
    Zero laughed, the brilliance formed into his words. "Ressurect the dead members."
    At the huge battle scene:
    Larxene was still alive, Ansem too, .....wait...THATS ALL?
    Larxene, the agile lightning girl still held her ground, or maybe she was paranoid not to let anyone get near her.
    Ansem was trying to get a single hit on Dante which didn't work,since he had Rebellion and Gilgamesh blocking everything from him, and Lucifer destroying yet the next form of Ansem. Now it was only Ansem and Larxene.
    "Retreat!" Larxene yelled as they both dissapeared.
    All the rest of the adventurers sat on the tracks, exhausted.
    "Finally they are gone!" Dante said.
    Rinn layed on the fried tracks, breathing heavily.
    Sora bent over, and finally dropped on the tracks too.
    Eden whiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "So who are you guys?"
    "I'm Eden."
    Lots of black smoke came up on the tracks, and they stopped, turning their attention to the killed but standing there, organization. All of them.
    There was Afira, Crix, Axel, everybody.
    One of them was flying, and it glided down, in front of them." Kill them. Kill them all."
    The members nodded, and jumped at the people.
    Rambo blew fire,and all the other powers that they had were thrown at them.
    "Wagh!" Rinn screamed as she turned her necklace to a large shield, blocking everything.
    Rebellion flew up, and turned like a windmill, blocking everything.
    Sora called up ice and so did Evan to block everything.
    Eden called up a wave of water to push away all of the attacks.
    Zero flew up, and around all of the shields, and sent a ball of fire down onto the track, breaking it.
    To be continued.....
  20. Paladin12345678 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sora: Oh come on, I though Ansem coming back was annoying.
    Evan: Argh, Larxene's sharing her pixie sticks with the rest of the Org. WE'RE DOOMED!
    Dante: Then why'd you give her them in the first place?
    Evan: *long pause* I thought it would be funneh.
    Dante: *sweatdrop*
    Eden: Water powers, go!
    Dante: I wouldn't mind that water on your shirt.
    Eden: *ungodly painful slap of POWAH!*
    Dante: *unconscious*
    Zero: I'm flying awaaaaay, from the troubles in my- *suddenly shot* Owie. *falls out of the sky*
    Nero: *holsters smoking revolver* Yay, I'm doing something!
    Dante: *magiclaly regians cosciousness* Back in your cage with Kyrie! No coming out until Devil May Cyr 5!
    Nero: *sad face* yes sir.