Film Marvel Cinematic Universe

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Mysty, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    You have no idea how much I want this to be real. The following description in particular caught my attention:
    As a Muslim, I would be so happy to see some Muslim superhero representation in the MCU, and would definitely make Kamala the one Marvel protagonist I can most identify with.
  3. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    The first official concept art for Civil War has been released!

  4. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Martin Freeman (The Hobbit; Sherlock; The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) has been cast in an as-of-yet unspecified role in Captain America: Civil War!
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I'll be shocked if he doesn't appear in 'Doctor Strange' along with Benedict Cumberbatch.
  6. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Both parts of Infinity War will be filmed entirely using IMAX cameras. [x]
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Captain America: Civil War is in full production, with a cast list announced, confirming the appearance of several characters such as Ant-Man and General Thunderbolt Ross.
  8. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    What? The Incredible Hulk is canon to the MCU? What sorcery is this? Betty Ross doesn't exist. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Let's see...
    • Reference to the Harlem battle in The Avengers by Banner himself
    • Steve Rogers watching footage from The Incredible Hulk when learning about Bruce Banner in The Avengers
    • Blonsky/Abomination mentioned as being held in a cryo-cell somewhere in Alaska in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    • Banner's cabin appearing in a few episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    • An article about the Harlem battle (along with one about the Battle of NY) hanging on the wall of Ben Urich's office in Daredevil
    • Footage from The Incredible Hulk seen near the end of Iron Man 2 when Fury discusses the Avengers Initiative with Stark
    • References to the Super Soldier program in The Incredible Hulk
    • Logos of Stark Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D. appearing throughout The Incredible Hulk
    • Tony effin' Stark appearing at the end of The Incredible Hulk mentioning that "We're putting together a team." Gee, I wonder what he could've possibly meant...
    • Pretty much the entirety of the Marvel One-Shot: The Consultant
    • And now... General Thunderbolt Ross in Captain America: Civil War

    Therefore, in conclusion... 'The Incredible Hulk' is canon in the MCU. Always was, always will.
    Last edited: May 8, 2015
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    May's husband also works at Culver university.
  11. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    It was a joke because I'm still pissed about how Joss Whedon basically threw aside what Betty and Bruce had in TIH in favor of that awful forced romance between Nat and Bruce in AOU.

    Bruce has a girlfriend, people. And don't tell me she wouldn't have been on the first flight to Wakwanda when she saw what Wanda made Hulk do to calm him down B(
  12. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    except the romance wasn't forced
    it was completely natural and one of the better things of the movie
  13. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I dunno, it was pretty left field, and even Scarjo thought it was weird.

    If you skip to 0:35, you'll hear her say it doesn't feel like they'd be at this point, and I definitely agree. It didn't have anything leading up to it, and was just kinda there because JW wanted it to be. There definitely COULD be something there, I always thought so from the first Avengers movie, but it was too sudden in this one. They should be able to talk about their pasts without having to be in love.

    I just hate the way Natasha was written in this film, especially after The Winter Soldier. She was so great in that one.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    It's strange. Winter Soldier is still my favorite Marvel movie, but it's in that one that Black Widow was weird to me.
    Personally, I thought the romance was natural and we just didn't see the development, but Widow and Banner have known each other for three years now and, according to Age of Ultron the Avengers have been hunting Hydra. They have developed together, we just haven't seen it. Now whether or not I would have liked to see that development is another thing, but none of that felt forced to me. Unlike the CapXWidow ship from Winter Soldier. We could even talk about how Widow is unique to Hulk and Banner as opposed to the rest of the Avengers; she's the first either of them met and there was a form of...loose trust between the three. Or maybe I'm looking too much into what they did in the first film.

    The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. spinoff has been canceled (though it hadn't really started).
  15. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Honestly the lack of seeing that development is probably ey I see it as forced, even if it isn't. I just think it's a bit much right now.
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Banner and Stark are seen as the "science bros" and they haven't really shown much of the development there either, but no one complains about that. I mean, except for the fact that they're both scientists and Stark was probably the only one who wasn't afraid of Banner turning into the Hulk for the whole first movie, then he uses Banner as his own personal therapist for all of one scene that Banner slept through, and suddenly, in AoU, they're best buds and even built Ultron and Vision together. There's a lot of implied development, but not much that we actually saw.
    Dr. Cho is the same thing: she just shows up as an established character that they all trust, but we didn't need to see how she got to that point.
    I understand that it's a little bit different because the relationship is between two main characters, one of which is the female lead, Again, not saying that I wouldn't have liked to see the development myself, but I didn't see it as forced at all. It seems like everyone is either not reading into the relationship as much as they should (but then read way too much into the "monster" comment) or projecting some personal opinion into the film.
  17. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    There's a lack of development because the relationship is just beginning to bud. It feels sudden because this is where it starts. The lack of development with their relationship is intentional -- there's none to see, this is the development. The only thing that's kind of odd and I don't fully understand is the lullaby. Where did that come from? How did they figure it out? Why is she the only one who can do it? What even is it? I mean I know she established some connection with Hulk in the first one, though I wonder if that wasn't expounded enough between then and now, but even still I can kind buy that there's something there.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I don't think it's so much as the beginning, but it's still in its early stages (and depending on where they pick up, it might not ever make it any further). The thing that bothers me about the lullaby is that it's implied that only she can do it, which I took to mean that the other Avengers clearly see their budding relationship, but at the party scene, Banner and Rogers' conversation implied that the relationship hasn't began at all. That's the only inconsistency I found.
    I'm more disappointed that Banner and Cap haven't had a heart-to-heart about the Hulk's relationship to the Supersoldier Project and I would have liked to see Thor and Hulk fight together as the two powerhouses. I remember the previous Avengers cartoon series where Thor first fought Hulk and cried out "Midgard has trolls?!" Something like that -an Asgardian acknowledgement of Hulk since he did clobber a god last film- would have been nice considering that Thor does seem to admire Hulk's strength.
  19. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
  20. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    I admit, I do think the romance between Banner and Black Widow (yes, Banner, not Hulk. They're two different characters) is kinda forced, but the amount of people complaining that the writing was sexist makes me scratch my head.

    Yes, she calls herself a monster, but there's more reason for it than her being sterile. Yes, she is captured by Ultron and relies on the other Avengers to break her out, but she still takes the initiative to alert the Avengers to where she is. Not to mention that no one tries to relegate her to more passive roles and is treated and portrayed as an equal to the other Avengers in both role and skill at kicking Chitauri, HYDRA and Ultron ass.

    The real sexism around the movie is Marvel and Hasbro's extremely frustrating and constant erasure of Black Widow from the marketing and merchandising for the MCU. Seriously, since Iron Man 2, Marvel and Hasbro have avoided using her for marketing and there's really no excuse for it.