My little pony: Fim : My little pony: Rp

Discussion in 'Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)' started by shidonic, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - That is a good id-*Sneezing* idea...*Giving Twilight her soup* There you go Twilight!

    Twilight Sparkle - Thank you Shidonic! *She sits down at the kitchen table with me*

    Shidonic - *Trying my soup* Aah, that's really good! *I continue to eat the soup*

    Celestia - B-but...i put in four rainbow drops, how can you eat that!?! *Her left eyes starts twitching*

    Shidonic - What can i's easy actually, you just need to know how to eat it! *I say as i watch her make a bowl of soup exactly the same as mine*

    Celestia - Ok, lets see here... *Grabbing a spoon she gets just broth from the soup in the spoon and drinks it* AAH...HOT HOT HOT!!! *She frantically rushes to the fridge and guzzles down the milk*

    Shidonic - *Laughing uncontrollably*, i can't stop laughing!

    Twilight Sparkle - Ok, i will help! * Slapping me across my face*

    Shidonic - Thanks Twilight *I say rub my face*
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *The Imp, exhausted, communicates Baelzadeus with whatever magic he has left*

    Imp: "Master, I didn't find Fire Dash anywhere. Forgive me, please."

    Baelzadeus: "You are such a disappointment. I'm going to have to get rid or else you'll reveal my plans."

    Imp: "No master, PLEASE!"

    *and in a split second, Baelzadeus snaps his fingers, turning the imp into stone, and then fades into dust, leaving no traces of the imp but the dust in the room*
  3. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *I continue to eat my soup* Celestia, if you need it, here is a herb witch takes out all the spicy-ness from is only used for things that are to spicy for other people to eat, not me...Luna, did you hear that loud shriek?
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Princess Celestia: "Sounded like it came from the room where the imp was. Isn't Cloud Runner on his way there?"
  5. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - I belie-*Sneezes* Believe so...*moving my left leg* Hey Twilight...if our colds go away fast, tonight we can-

    Twilight Sparkle - *Blushing* I can't wait Shidonic, we are going to have a good night tonight...and i'll make it feel really good for you!

    Shidonic - *Blushing* I-I can't wait either but we will have to, and i'll lock the door and put a barrier over the balcony so no one can watch us!

    Twilight Sparkle - Celestia, it looks like it's almost time to put the sun up!

    Celestia - Your right my young pupil...*She begins to walk out and get ready to put the sun up* Twilight, would you like to watch me put the sun up?

    Twilight Sparkle - Yes, i would love to *She begins to walk out with celestia*

    Celestia - *Whispering to Twilight*, take this, use it when your in the mood when Shidonic is away watching over the land!

    Twilight Sparkle - *Blushing* O-ok...t-thanks? *She hides it in her satchel and continues to walk*

    (Don't go to far if talking sexually!)​
  6. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    (Was gonna remind you of that) |

    Luna: He just arrived...and the imp is nothing but ash now. Apparently Baelzaedus knew he'd been captured somehow. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get some sleep. *Her horn glows with a dark azure hue. Telepthically, she speaks to Cloud.* <I am headed to my chambers, meet me there shortly.> *Her horn dims and she then speaks out loud.* Good morning to everyone, and that to me means good night. *She turns and heads out and towards the Royal chambers.*
  7. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *Watching the sun rise as i begin to think to myself* (I know that i have seen it a thousand time's...but it still is pretty to watch it rise) *Suddenly i look over and see spike running at me with a letter* that letter for me?

    Spike - Yes, it is, it is a message from Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Bell! *He said as he handed me the note*

    Shidonic - *Begins to read the note* Twilight has to see this...and i think they might need some help, i will go over to the Dash's home and see if they are awake! *I teleport to they're door right when Rainbow Dash opens it to get the mail and startle her*
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Rainbow Dash: "Shidonic. If you're here to see Fire Dash, he's still sleeping. I haven't seen him sleeping peacefully like that since he moved in here. But if you want, Fluttershy's making breakfast, you're more than welcome to join us."
  9. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - No thanks, i have already eaten, i came here to ask if you can help me with the filly's...they got themselves into trouble, they all broke one of they're legs when scootaloo couldn't stop her scooter before they crashed into a tree, im going to go see if i can do anything to help the healing process, i will also have to inform Rarity and Apple Jack! *I let Rainbow Dash read the note*
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Rainbow Dash: *Sigh* "I'll be there as soon as I'm done with breakfast. I know a good doctor at the hospital who can help."
  11. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Ok, i will go tell Apple Jack and Rarity! *I teleport to the apple farm*

    Apple Jack - Howdy Shidonic, how are ya doin?

    Shidonic - I came here to let you read a note from the filly's.

    Apple Jack - Oh boy...what happened now?

    Shidonic - They were riding down a hill on Scootaloo's scooter and they crashed into a tree...they each broke one leg!

    Apple Jack - Oh those poor filly's...should i bring anything for them?

    Shidonic - You can if you want, im going to go inform Rarity, i think you can just bring them treats the hospital doesn't have.

    Apple Jack - I'll go make them some caramel apples, maybe even some apple pie...that is if there is enough time!

    Shidonic - Ok, i will go inform Rarity now! *Before Apple Jack can talk i teleport to Rarity's*

    Rarity - Oh Shidonic, just who i wanted! *She said as she pulled me in and started putting fabrics on me*

    Shidonic - Rarity...i actually came here t-

    Rarity - Oh you simply must try this on!

    Shidonic - Rarity...

    Rarity - No wait this!

    Shidonic - RARITY!

    Rarity - Oh...i am so sorry, what do you want to talk about?

    Shidonic - The filly's are in the hospital...Apple Bloom Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell...

    Rarity - Oh my goodness, what ever had happened to them? *With a worried look on her face*

    Shidonic - They were going down a hill on Scootaloo's scooter and they crashed into a tree, they all broke one leg! *I say as i teleport me and Rarity to Apple Jack's farm*

    Apple Jack - Luckily for me, Granny Smith already had three pie's made, i guess we can go to the hospital now?

    Shidonic - yes, but first, i will make it so you can walk on clouds, since we have to go get Rainbow Dash now! *I say as i cast the spell on them and teleport us to Rainbow Dash's home* Rainbow Dash, i have the other's with me, are you done eating breakfast?
  12. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *Rainbow Dash was about to start eating breakfast, when all of a sudden Shidonic asks if she finished. So she just swallows her entire breakfast in one gulp*

    Rainbow Dash: "I'm comin'! Well Fluttershy, I gotta go. You and Fire take care, alright.

    Fluttershy: "Will do."

    Rainbow Dash: "Oh, and be sure you enjoy your date."

    Fluttershy: "Of course."

    *Rainbow Dash exits her home*

    Rainbow: "So are we going?"
  13. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Yes, we're going! *I teleport everypony to the hospital and walk in to the counter* Hello, we are here to see Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell!

    Worker - Ah...yes, please follow me! *She begins to walk us to they're room* Here they are, please don't touch they're broken legs, and you all can stay as long as you like! *She said smiling as she bowed before leaving*

    Shidonic - Wait...why did you just bow?

    Worker - You are royalty right...i am just showing my respects sir!

    Shidonic - please treat me as a normal guest, but i will stay here as long as Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Apple Jack are here!

    Worker - Ok, have a nice visit then!

    Apple Jack - Oh my...are yall ok?

    C.M.C - Of course!

    Rarity - Oh you poor pony's...

    Shidonic - Scootaloo...i brought Rainbow Dash because i know you look up to her like a sister...and now Rainbow Dash know's you do since i had just said it! *I smile* Apple Jack also brought you gal's some treats!

    Apple Jack - Yep, here you go! *She hands them each a pie and a caramel apple*

    C.M.C - Thanks Apple Jack! *They say as they slowly eat it*

    Shidonic - *Whispering to Rainbow Dash* After Scootaloo heals, wanna help her learn to fly, if not that's ok...i would just teach her myself, i already promised her i would after she healed!
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Rainbow Dash: *whispering* "I wouldn't mind. Besides, I need something to do so that I can leave Fluttershy and Fire Dash alone. Oh, and I already figured out about Scootaloo's obsession with me ever since she formed the 'Rainbow Dash' fanclub."

    *Doctor enters the room and recognizes Rainbow Dash*

    Doctor: "Rainbow Dash. You're not here to steal books again, right?"

    Rainbow Dash: "No Doctor. I was just visiting friends of mine.

    Scootaloo: "Why would you steal a book Rainbow Dash?"

    Rainbow Dash: *picks up copy of 'Daring-Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone' and gives it to Scootaloo* "Read this, and you'll understand. And who knows. Maybe your cutie mark has something to do with reading."

    Sweetie Belle: "That's a great idea!"

    Apple Bloom: "All right cutie mark crusaders! We might be in the hospital, but that doesn't mean we gotta stop crusadin'! Start reading!"
  15. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Are you sure that's a good idea Apple Bloom, if you want, i could turn the pages for you, since your front left leg is broken.

    Apple Bloom - Im sure Apple Jack would like to, but it would be easier for you since you can use mag-...wait, if you have magic, dont you have a healing spell?

    Shidonic - I would but unfortunately...when the seal broke releasing Baelzadeus, he taken that power from me...

    Apple Bloom - How can he do that when magic is supposed to be learned?

    Shidonic - In my realm, there are seven ancient artifacts known as the Gems of Power, when someone gets a gem, they are bestowed with a power...Red: the power of fire, Blue: the power of water, Yellow: the power of lighting, Green: the power of healing, Purple: The power of fear, Black: the power of darkness, and finally White: the power of light!

    Apple Bloom - How many of the the gems do you have?

    Shidonic - I have the gem of Water, and the gem of Lightning, Fire Dash has the gem of Fire, Cloud Runner has the gem of Fear, but never uses it...then me, Fire Dash, and Cloud Runner all have a 1/3 of the gem of Light...

    Scootaloo - What will happen when you get all of them together?

    Shidonic - When we get all of them together, the gems can grant three people almost limitless power, with a deadly cost...

    Sweetie Bell - What is the deadly cost?

    Shidonic - That cost...are you sure your ready to hear it?

    C.M.C - Yes!

    Shidonic - Ok...when we get all of the gems, me, Fire Dash, and Cloud runner will gain unimaginable power...however, this power takes a toll on the body, when in this state for to long, the body begins to go under extreme stress...slowly, our life will begin to willow away, leaving only a corpse!

    Apple Bloom - How long can you stay in that form?

    Shidonic - I can only withstand it for twenty can Fire dash and Cloud Runner!

    Rarity - But whatever would Twilight do if you died?

    Shidonic - I don't know, but i wouldn't want to live live in a world knowing my family wouldn't be safe...this realms safety is my number one concern, if Twilight had to get hurt...because of my demon...*Tears begin to run down my cheeks* I just...couldn't bear the thought...

    Rarity - ...Go to her, we will watch the filly's for a little longer!

    Shidonic - Ok...*I begin to walk out of the room to the counter* Allow Apple Jack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash to stay as long as they like! *I then leave the hospital and head to my room in canterlot castle*
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *Fire Dash wakes up*

    Fire Dash: "Morning Tank." *Tank blinks*

    *Fire Dash goes to the living room and finds Fluttershy*

    Fire Dash: "Good morning Fluttershy. Where's Rainbow Dash?"

    Fluttershy: "Oh, good morning Fire! Rainbow went with Shidonic to check on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. I heard they broke their legs. Oh, the poor girls."

    Fire Dash: "Oh the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Rainbow told me how they try some of the craziest things just to get their cutie marks." *smells food at the table* "Mmmm, breakfast smells good right now" *races to the table and quickly eats his breakfast*

    Fluttershy: "So, what happened last night in Canterlot?"

    Fire Dash: "Oh, it was just a harmless imp. Don't know why it was even necessary to get out of the castle for that. But at least I got some sleep for once, after having the same nightmare each night. I don't know how, but while I was having the nightmare last night, I heard your voice Fluttershy. Your beautiful singing voice erased the nightmare completely, and finally remembered what it felt like to sleep. Guess it was good luck that I dreamt about your voice."

    Fluttershy: (wanting to keep the fact that she actually did sing to him a secret) "Yes, I guess so."

    *Fire Dash looks at the clock*

    Fire Dash: *gasp* "It's almost time for our... "

    Fluttershy: "Date." *smiling*

    Fire Dash: "Yeah, that's it. Come on, I know this great place in Ponyville..."

    *Both fly out to Ponyville*
  17. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *Landing on the balcony of my room* Twilight! *I watch her run into the door*

    Twilight Sparkle - Yes Shidonic?

    Shidonic - I think its time we...*Blushing*

    Twilight Sparkle - Ok Shidonic...i think its time as well... *Blushing as she walks to the bed*

    *We both walk to the bed and lay down together and i set a sound and invisible barrier*

    Shidonic - Twilight...

    Twilight Sparkle - Yes...Shidonic?

    Shidonic - I love you...

    Twilight Sparkle - I love you to...

    *About 30-40 minutes later*

    Twilight Sparkle - know Shidonic...they say you never forget you first time...and i hope we have a Mare and Stallion!

    Shidonic - I hope we do to Twilight...hey Twilight, mind if i try something?

    Twilight Sparkle - Of course not Shidonic, what are you going to do though?

    Shidonic - You know how you have a little power over water?

    Twilight Sparkle - Yes i know, what does that have to do with what your about to do?

    Shidonic - The thing i am about to do will not hurt but it's just a curiosity! *I put my hoof on her shoulder as i pull out a blue fragment* my suspicions were true!

    Twilight Sparkle - W-What is that?

    Shidonic - Look...*I pull out something identical to it out of my body, then the two pieces merge together* The gem from my realm, it gives the person who has it control over water, and since i have the full gem now, my water ability's will be more powerful!

    Twilight Sparkle - Does this mean i can't use water anymore, because i would rather just stick to my magic!

    Shidonic - Yes, it does, now we have five out of all seven, Baelzadeus took the green gem, but we still have to find the black gem!

    Twilight Sparkle - Well, if you need me, i will be here, go if you need to talk to your friends!

    Shidonic - *Teleporting to ponyville* to look for that gem...
  18. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *in a cafe, Fire Dash exaplins his lifestory to Fluttershy*

    Fire Dash: "... and that's when I moved in with my sister."

    *Fluttershy tears up and cries*

    Fire Dash: "Fluttershy, I, I didn't mean to..."

    Fluttershy: "Oh, it's not your fault Fire. It's just that I've known Rainbow Dash for so many years, I never expected her life to be so tragic. It must have been awful for you as well, searching all these years without any luck. Well, at least the two of you are finally together again."

    Fire Dash: "Thank you Fluttershy. It really means a lot to me."

    Fluttershy: "Fire Dash, why me? Why not some other pony?"

    Fire Dash: "I, really don't know. In all my years of searching for Rainbow Dash, I've met many mares, but none really stood out as the one. That all changed when I met you. I can't explain it, but when I first laid my eyes on you, all the pain I've endured all these years suddenly vanished. You are my light at the end of the tunnel. As long as I live and breathe, I will make sure no harm whatsoever comes your way. I love you Fluttershy."

    Fluttershy: "... I, ...I "

    Fire Dash: *sigh* "Hey, sorry if I made myself look like a fool. We can just forget what I just said if that's alright."

    Fluttershy: "Oh, no, no. It's not that. I was just a bit nervous, but anyway... I, love you too Fire Dash."

    *both smile and hug each other*
  19. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *Walking through the town, while looking at the magical gem map* Ok...that's good, Baelzadeus put the green gem back where i had originally found it, and the black gem is deep within the Everfree Forest! *I look to my left to see Fire Dash and Fluttershy, Fire Dash glances over* Oh crap...i hope he doesn't wave me over...*I quickly pick up the pace hoping he won't call me over*
  20. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    (Elsewhere, a group of evil forces stand around a dark jewel.)

    Baelzaedus: found it, I see.

    ???: Indeed I did, heh heh! *Said a sick green creature*

    ???: Thats nice. What the heck does that do for us!?! *A large dragon asked.*

    Baelzaedus: It enables us to directly control the shadows and darkness of this world. *Smiling evilly, he picks it up and brings it to his chest.* I'm sure Shidonic has found the others by now, but he'll have to kill me to get this one and without help he cannot do so. *His smile widens as he pushes it inside of his chest, letting off a dark shockwave.*