My little pony: Fim : My little pony: Rp

Discussion in 'Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)' started by shidonic, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Fire Dash: "I'm 100% positive. I never let it out of my sight since the day it appeared to me. But I'm curious, why do we neeed it now? Anyway, I'm not gonna wake Fluttershy now, at least not until morning."
  2. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - That is awfully strange...the reason i say that is because i shared with you and Cloud Runner the power of light with after the wedding had happened...this just doesn't add up...i wonder! *I place my hoof on Fire Dash's chest and begin to pull out a gem fragment, glistening in white* Hm...i guess the charm you had given Fluttershy was the fake gem of light, the fake gems only glow and give no powers though...*I put the gem fragment back into your body* Now then...we will have to wait till morning so the gem of darkness will have less power, what do you want to do till morning? *I say as the map begins to fold it self out and show three locations on the map* What the...what is this thing doing? *I look at the map and see a 1/3 of the black gem moving in three separate directions* Well well Baelzadeus...looks like he is trying to set up a trap...this is going to be easy because of my teleport pow-*Being cut off by Luna*
  3. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Luna: NO!*Luna shouted in Royal Speak.* The last thing we want to do is move into a trap! He knows about the map and he'll likely have guessed your reaction. Moving now would mean putting ourselves in danger. Also...I have the gem of darkness, he just has the black gem. We don't know what powers it contains now. Going in unprepared is not a wise plan at all.
  4. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *Closing my eyes* Hmm...*Opening my eyes with a smile* if you have the gem of darkness...then we must see if that is true...*I close my eyes as all of the gems begin to float out of our body's* i just have to put the light gem back together...*The light gem fragments come crashing together to reveal a full gem* if you have the gem of will allow me, Fire Dash, and Cloud Runner to transform...*I walk into the gem circle waiting for Cloud Runner and Fire Dash*
  5. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    CR: I want to know what I'm being transformed into before I do this...
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Shidonic: "Hm...i guess the charm you had given Fluttershy was the fake gem of light, the fake gems only glow and give no powers though..."

    *Fire Dash thinks to himself (What?! Since when was that in my body? Man this gem stuff is getting weirder weirder and weirder)*

    *about a minute later*

    Shidonic: " if you have the gem of will allow me, Fire Dash, and Cloud Runner to transform..."

    Fire Dash: "Transform into what?"
  7. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *Sigh* Transform is just a term, it will grant us unbelievable power, but it will have a deadly cost...*I place my hoof on your foreheads and share the part of the gems together, and the deadly cost* I didn't share that part with Luna because i didn't want her to get worried...but i can share it with her now, if she would like me to! *I say as i enter the circle*
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *suddenly, the circle begins to vanish, and the white gem breaks in three again, falling to the ground*

    Fire Dash: "What's the problem this time?"
  9. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *All the gems going back into the correct body's* Dammit, we need the gem Baelzadeus has...*The gems fly back out as they spin really fast around my body* WE NEED TO GET THE GEM BAELZADEUS HAS...wait, why are the gems? *Suddenly, i begin to float*...Fire Dash, Cloud Runner, quickly jump toward me!
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *the force from the gems pushes Fire Dash and Cloud Runner back*

    Fire Dash: "What's going on?!"

    *the white gem that was inside Fire Dash floats above and projects and image of Baelzadeus laughing*

    Fire Dash: "Baelzadeus!"

    Baelzadeus: "Well, well, well. It seems you've all fallen into my trap."

    Fire Dash: "Huh?"

    Baelzadeus: "Fire Dash. Did you really think that gem inside you was real? Ha! It's only a replica I inserted inside you when I looked you in the eyes the day I became free! It looks and acts just like the original. One difference however, is that I can control it wherever I go! And now that Shidonic is paralyzed, nothing will stop me from getting the rest of the gems. A piece of them, the real third of the white gem that was with you, I believe is in the hooves of your girlfriend."

    Fire Dash: *thinking of Fluttershy* "No..."

    Baelzadeus: "Now if you'll excuse me, it seems I have a date. Buh-bye!"

    *image disappears*

    Fire Dash: "Cloud Runner, you stay and find a way to save Shidonic. I have to go see Fluttershy!"

    *as Fire Dash races towards Fluttershy's cottage and out of sight, a thousand imps led by Baelzadus's two allies, Dalek and Sif appear ready to attack Cloud Runner and Shidonic to get the gems*
  11. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    CR: LUNA! CELESTIA! *Summons blade and Armor*

    Luna: Right! *She closes her eyes and reopens them glowing solid white and glaring at the evil forces.* HEAR ME, PITIFUL CREATURES! YOU HAVE MADE A FATAL ERROR ENTERING THIS REALM! NOW!...YOU SHALL KNOW WHY! *Her horn begins to glow magnificently in hues of purple and her mane and tail begin to flow in astonishing lengths.*

    Celestia: INDEED THEY SHALL! *Her own eyes and horn begin glowing in her colors of white and her mane and tail begin to flow as well*

    The two Princesses jump in front of the Imp army and extend their wings, their tips touching each other's.

    Celestia: LUNA! *She turns her head to look at her sister*

    Luna: RIGHT!

    They leap into the air, the Imps blinded by their Auras.




    And at the end of that sentence, they fired off beams of Light and darkness from their horns into the sky, merging them and bringing the combined power of two living gods onto the demonic army, obliterating them completely!
  12. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    CR: Shidonic! *Throws his holy weapon at him, freeing him from the demonic hold. Seeing he lands on his feet, he catches the blade as it returns to him.* Now then! While the princesses are handling them, lets take care of these two! *He says, turning to Sif and Dalek.* I'll take the dragon if you don't mind?
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Sif: "Hahahaha! You fools! Don't you realize what you've done!" *Sif and Dalek both take out a third of the black gem* "I guess you don't know of the black gem's power."

    *the princesses look confused*

    Dalek: "The black gem allows one to take control of a group of creatures. However, when the creatures are destroyed, whoever destroyed them must take their place."

    Sif: "In other words, you two are now under our control princesses!" *Sif and Dalek both point their black gems at the princesses, who then scream in agony, before becoming like lifeless puppets*

    Dalek: "Now, Celestia and Luna. EXTERMINATE Cloud Runner and Shidonic!"

    Celestia and Luna: "Your wish is our command!" *approach CR and Shidonic to attack them*
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *Fire Dash arrives outside of Fluttershy's cottage and finds Baelzadeus carrying a defenseless and crying Fluttershy one one hand, while carrying the real third of the white gem in his other*

    Fluttershy: "Fire Dash, NO! It's a trap!"

    Fire Dash: "That's it Baelzadeus! You're dead!" *Races towards Baelzadeus, who lets go of Fluttershy and jumps at Fire Dash, catching him and teleporting to an unknown area*

    Fluttershy: "No..."

    *Fire Dash wakes up in what appears to be a dungeon*

    Fire Dash: "Come on out you coward! Show yourself!" *Baelzadeus appears in front of him* "Well, the fact that you made Fluttershy cry not only means I'm gonna kill you, but I will make sure I will rip out your whole flesh and break every bone in your body."

    Baelzadeus: "Ooh, someone's being very violent today. Well, I understand. But before you do anything, here you go." *tosses the third of white gem and third of black gem towards Fire Dash*

    Fire Dash: "Is this another trick of yours!"

    Baelzadeus: "Oh no, they're merely a present for my future ally."

    Fire Dash: "Ally? What makes you think I'm gonna join you?"

    Baelzadeus: "Tell me Fire Dash, have you had trouble sleeping recently?"

    Fire Dash: *thinking of the nightmares* "What does that have to do with anything?"

    Baelzadeus: *laughing* "When I looked you in the eyes that day to insert the replica of the white gem inside you, I noticed something evil inside you, something awaiting to be awoken, like a plant ready to sprout. I saw Discord."

    Fire Dash: *gasps* "What?! That's impossible! I saw Shidonic decapitate Discord with my own eyes. He's dead!"

    Baelzadeus: *smiling* "While it's true Discord is no more, it appears that before he was killed, he took a part of his soul and unified it with you."

    *Fire Dash is speechless, remembering when Discord was controlling him, and how there was something Discord did that he couldn't explain. Before giving Fire Dash orders to get Twilight, Discord took out something from his body, and transferred it to Fire Dash*

    Baelzadeus "Oh, and don't even bother thinking of a way to get rid of it. Discord's soul and your body are one and the same now. To get rid of it means taking your own life."

    *Fire Dash considers if he should just commit suicide*

    Baelzadeus: "and don't even think about comitting suicide, I'm not done yet. *pointing his hands at Fire Dash "Azarath, metrion, ZINTHOS!"

    *Fire Dash screams in agony as he feels an intense pain inside him*

    Baelzadeus: "Khara Matha Khara Rath Amah Khara Rath Amah Yuddha Khara Khara Syada Rath Amah Dai Ya Khara Ki La Dan YA!"

    *Fire Dash then falls into a coma, appearing lifeless*

    Baelzadeus: *laughing* "Soon, the Fire Dash everyone knows will be long gone. Sleep well." *inserts third of black gem inside Fire Dash*

    (for now, let me do Baelzadeus's dialogue until he dies or Fire Dash wakes from his coma, whichever comes first)
  15. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    CR: Luna...No...*Looking at her advancing on him with horror in his eyes.* FIGHT IT LUNA! FIGHT IT! You promised me you would never succumb to evil again! FIGHT IT!

    Luna: *Luna stops.* Nnn...Nnnnnooooo! *She closes her eyes.* I. Will. NOT. BE. CONTROLLED!!!!!! *She suddenly opens her eyes, shining brighter than ever before and her wings fly open, visibly breaking a previously unseen magic over her. She turns toward Dalek, who is controlling Celestia and glares.* Using dark magic on me is one thing, but NO ONE TOUCHES THE LIGHT OF EQUESTRIA! RAAAAARGGGGG!! *With a single flap of her wings, she shoots towards him creating a dark-shaded sonic rainboom and, before he realized it...Dalek had a Royal Horn through his chest piercing his heart.*
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Sif: Grabbing Dalek's gem "Celestia! I command you to take your own life away!"

    Luna: *gasps* "Sister don't!"

    Celestia: *stops fighting Shidonic and backs away* "Your wish is my command, master." *engulfs herself in a sphere, which explodes, causing a tremor across the universe, and the sun starts to fade, leaving only the moon*

    Luna: "S-Sister..." *her eyes start tearing*

    Sif: "Oh don't give me that. Weren't you the one who wanted to make nighttime eternal? Celestia was ruling for too long anyway. See ya." *teleports away*
  17. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - This all must end...*Walking toward the castle wall* Baelzadeus must die, i have a trick up my sleeve, that even he doesn't know...even though he was sealed away within my body, he had never figured it out...*Looking to Luna* Remember how angry i would get, and the power that would come out would be Baelzadeus? *Beginning to sit down as white lines start to appear on my body* The thing i am about to do, will take my will send me back in time...It wont kill my past self, but i will be able to tell him, to collect all the gems before the wedding...Anything *Tears rolling down the sides of my face* Anything to protect my family...and the inhabitants of this realm...*Saying with a slight smile* if i must take my be it...Luna, what do you think i should do...i will give you the choice, to decide whether i life, or die! *Wiping up the tears on my face*
  18. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *Sif appears in the dungeon where Baelzadeus lurks*

    Baelzadeus: "Status report?"

    Sif: "Bait worked as planned. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, Princess Luna broke the control we had on her and she ended up killing Dalek. Fortunately, I forced Princess Celestia to kill herself. Now we have one less Princess to worry about.

    Baelzadeus: "Dalek's death was probably necessary. I believe we have our replacement. *snaps finger to reveal lifeless body of Fire Dash floating*

    Sif: "Fire Dash. So the process has already begun."

    Baelzadeus: "Indeed."
  19. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *The white lines on my body begin to move up to my neck forming one line, as a phantom reaper begins to form behind me getting ready to swing his scythe, waiting for Luna's answer* So Luna, what is it, Life or Death?
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Luna: *crying* "Shidonic stop! I already lost my sister, but I can't afford to lose you as well. Celestia once told me how her pupil Twilight Sparkle told her in one of her letters to never try to change the past, and never worry about the future. Celestia told me that I should follow the lesson Twilight Sparkle learned when she tried to change the past. (long pause) I have a kingdom to look after." *goes to her room in the castle*