Well, I played the Wii today. Verdict: It's amazing. Like, the graphics aren't that good, but the controller is so smooth and nice. It was the game ExciteTruck, and as unrealistic as it was it was really good fun. The Wii is also very easy to confuse.
You got to play it, lucky T_T I'm going to have to wait until Christmas, i saw the gamespot Wii Marathon and it looked great, it's hyped me up even more
My friend and I are camping out for a Wii Saturday night. It's going to be exciting, I'm probably gonna take my DS and FF III. Sign the Roxas petitions o I can get my real nameb ack.
well, actually, i saw the whole wii system (two boxes) in my nearest blockbuster...believe it or not sweet, huh? they're like, $300, or something...i couldn't see. They were on a high glass shelf...with locks...lotsa lotsa locks...
$250 console, $50 games. My friend is getting Call of Duty 3 and Zelda (obviously Zelda). I want him to get Red Steel, but I'm not gonna force anything upon him. Then again, if he got 2 controllers I'd much rather play co-op Call of Duty 3 than Red Steel.
It's not even out yet XD. Also, the top 3 Wii games at launch: 1. Zelda: Twilight Princess 2. Call of Duty 3 3. Red Steel Elebits is close in there too, as is eXcite Truck! which is a racing game (which I played). Actually, they're all such good launch games. This completely kills the PS3's starting launch games.