New Scans of Secret Ending!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    New Scans of Secret Ending! + KH2FM+ Ultimania

    Hey guys some new scans have come out for the secret ending!


    Note of the Text:

    - The Theatre Mode is shown after Clearing Kingdom Hearts II FInal Mix
    - A Japanese Event is shown from clearing Chain of Memories.
    - The really strong E.S gets defeated easily.
    - In the Secret Ending, we get to see the skinman (Eh?) defeat the three armored people eaisly, it is known as a MUST SEE scene.
    - The Moon is shown through a whisp of clouds. (Possibly Kingdom Hearts)
    - A Mysterious man with silver hair is looking after one of the E.S.
    - The Person that looks like spiderman (Weird dude that's with baldguy) is holding a keyblade.

    Also the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix+ Ultimania booklet has been announced and will be released on May the Second.

    Here are some hilights for the Ultimania

    1 - It will include Final Mix and re:COM.
    2 - An Interview will be featured about the New Project
    3 - It will be like the Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania however will have alot more added things into it.
    4 - The Interview will also talk about the recreation of scenes from COM to re:COM
    5 - The Book is estimated to have around 736 pages.
    6 - There's a 64 pages on Kingdom Hearts, and iwll be sold as "Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, Enlarged and Revised Edition"
    7 - The Book will talk about near the end the changes from the original KH2, to Final Mix.

    You can view the KH2FM+ Article Here

    Source: Light in the Chaos Also Thanks to Forum member DaBigDragon.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 20, 2007.

    1. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      That's a lot of info. Good info. Where'd ya get it?
    2. wareya
    3. libregkd
    4. wareya
      True. The second is from Famitsu, and only has info on RE and FM.

      I just got something again, playing 'Passion' and 'Sanctuary' backwards, you hear the lines 'I heard I'd be eighteen' and 'I heard I was Ansem' respectively. Maybe, the machine really could do anything--turning Ansem the Wise into a Heartless and/or Nobody-- and when Sora (or Riku, who is a year older) are eighteen, they come out of Twilight Town(nobodies are born here) and/or the dark realm(heartless are born here), they end up at the crossroads and-------this goes against my theory of the movie and KH3 happening at different times, but what the heck. Somebody might get something from this.

      EDIT: Ansem(real) is warped to another realm, then finds a way back? It has to do with Riku or Sora, I know it.
    5. koibito813
      yeah, if you play sanctuary backwards (listening to it right now) you can hear "i hear i was ansem". i keep thinking that this relates to riku's perspective in someway.

      i sort of get what you're saying about riku and sora ending up at the crossroads again. see, it's the whole crossroads symbol that sort of confuses me. in the ending movie, it shows a similar crossroad that the three armored people meet up at. some people have had theories that these three could be somewhat related to sora, riku and kairi (we already know that the 3 characters aren't sora, riku and kairi).

      hm...just wondering, maybe those three armored people (chasers, right?) are like the real sora, riku and kairi...sort of how like nobodies and heartless are and that sorikukairi are just reincarnations or could be the reason why the three can wield the keyblades...i'm starting to sound stupid, sorry. D:
    6. wareya
      Yeah. I was along the lines of Wise Ansem coming back to life.

      Wait-----Xehanort was a heartless/nobody before kh1, so the theory I just got won't sound so wierd:

      Fake Ansem had an apprentice, and fake ansem is the bald guy, and the DA(dark armor)guy is his apprentice before Riku, like Ienzo's Heartless maybe. This would fit with the movie happening in the past and kh3 in the future, when you end up fighting Ienzo's(non-nobody Zexion) heartless.
    7. riku1186
      this is real interesting
    8. Roxas-
      Those scans.....**Drools** Nomura did say that it would confuse people.
    9. Ilikekeyblades
      The old man could be braig (Xigbars other) and the two spidermen (Yes there are two, one with red chest and another with black chest) could be "The lost two."
    10. wareya
      The near-bald guy and dark armor guy are the lost two, there is only one if you look back like, 2 pages.
    11. TGA
      Anyone else think Zexion's in The World That Never Was? It looks like he's in Twilight's View, a save point in The Castle That Never Was...

    12. wareya
      I'll go check...(and see if Zex is there)
    13. Kingdom Glory
      Kingdom Glory
      Hmm...I don't think so...but I could be's known to happen
    14. <~Roxas~>
      Interesting............... I suspect many theories coming.

      But you'd think that people would try to keep something secret like the secret ending, well - secret? :P I confuse myself.

      Oh well......... look's great! :)

    15. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      uhh...where are the 2 spidemen guys? i only see one. if your talking about the one in the PV, and the one in the scan picture, they are the same. they both have a red symbol or design on their chest and they both have the same type of "helmet"
    16. wareya
      Everyone's attention back to the Ansem reports, Secret ansem reports, and the FM Ansem reports, then Zexion, Ienzo, Chasers, Caser keys(fake keyblades with no keychains), the special boss, the AUs, and most importantly, Birth by Sleep.
    17. Darkvincent
      the keyblades with no chains arent fake they just gattah get combined with a keychain its kindah how the kingdom key was like before........
    18. wareya
      Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me. I wonder what birth by sleep means.
    19. XxxXehanortxxX
      I just noticed something. The guy looking up at Kingdom Hearts looks like the guy underneath the Hooded Organization Member (and it looks like Zexion).
    20. Pure Beats~
      Pure Beats~
      I heard somewhere that it had to do with when Sora had woken up from the deep sleep state Namine' put him in. It would kind of make sense...maybe?