Coded Olympus Colosseum

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by Saxima, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I've been meaning to ask around about this for a while. None of my friends have played Re:Coded, so I couldn't ask them. D:

    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on the back to back fight with Cerberus and Hades. I beat Cerberus on my second try, but then I realized I had to fight Hades. I wasn't going to make it, and I was right.

    What I have in my command deck-thingy:
    -Air Spiral
    -Cure lv.6
    -Heat Sweep
    -Arial Sweep lv.2

    Can anyone give me any tips on this fight please? :3
  2. jschubert94 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 26, 2011
    Your command matrix needs to be upgraded to higher lvls and watch how and when you compile commands. I only just got the game, but I've found that continually adding commands together makes all the battles where I needed them much easier. I remember my deck had Cure lvl 14, Thundara lvl 6, Quick Blitz lvl 56 (or so...), and Ariel Sweep lvl 20-something.

    Block all attacks and max out combo chains aannnnnnndd...

    make sure you got Cloud the layer prior. It makes both Cerberus and Hades easier to beat, especially when he uses his Omnislash attack.

    Hope this helps somewhat!
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    First off, you'll need to get Cloud into your party. If you missed him, then beating Cerberus and Hades (at least the first time you go through the game anyway) will be practically impossible. What does that mean? You'll have to restart the entire game just to get that spiky haired git.

    Have at least one kind of recovery item in your deck. My advice is to use battle commands because they'll do physical damage. When you begin each battle, make sure you activated each of these licenses:
    -Auto-block (better to be safe than sorry)
    -Auto-life (for Hades only)

    I would say to put charge for Sora's first attack, let Herc and Cloud do their attacks, wait for your turn to come, and then stack three attacks together. Use this for when you start out both battles. In no time, you should be able to beat them.