Support Solved Quality Controllers for the PlayStation 2

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Amaury, Apr 26, 2014.

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  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I've gone through so many PS2 controllers ever since I was young it's not even funny. Some of them have been because I have a tendency to get mad at games when bad things happen and take them out on the controllers, I'm not going to deny that, but the wireless ones I've gotten seem to keep failing me (IIRC, I've had a total of two wireless sets of two wireless controllers, one set being the current set).

    I currently only have one wired controller that's breaking down and barely working right, which just started yesterday (for example, on Dragon Quest VIII the camera will get stuck going in circles), and I have two wireless controllers from GameStop, but the left analog stick is broken on one and there's like a "delay" after pressing some of the buttons and using the left analog stick when using the other one, but I'm going to have to use it because the wired one is worse now.


    I'm thinking of getting this one if I go wired and this one if I decide to try wireless again, but I wanted to see what others had to say.

    For reference, this is the wired one I have:


    Edit: I *think* the "delay" might have just been because of where my PS2 was. I moved it to my computer desk, so we'll see how that goes.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I have never had good luck with wireless anything on the PS2. I really recommend just sticking to wired. The official Sony controllers are usually the best ones... for controllers I rarely go third party.
  3. Ɍeno Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 15, 2014
    I've bought a few third party and they have't really last as long as I wanted. Like Misty suggested, the best thing to go for is Sony's own brand Dualshock 2 controller. It's the most ergonomic and durable and does give you your money's worth.

    I've only ever used wireless controller once and I don't really plan on using it again, the time the signal can be fairly weak and will only cause more problems if your PS2 is in a secluded space. The standard cable length for the Dualshock 2 is actually more than enough, for me anyway.
  4. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I also happen to have a wireless keyboard and mouse, though every now and then I'll have to deal with the keyboard not responding and keep waving it around in the air until it works again, but that isn't a big deal since it's not all the time. I only like wireless stuff because it reduces cable mess.

    Back to controllers, I would think official Sony wireless controllers would also be good, but I'm not sure. I'll likely just end up getting two of this item. Question, though: Are the different colored ones (silver, red, blue, and whatever else) just for design or do some work better than the other official Sony ones?
  5. Ɍeno Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 15, 2014
    Pretty sure the colours are just for design reasons. They've released a few different coloured ps2 consoles.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
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