Role Play Idol 『S04』Sign Ups!

Discussion in 'RP Idol Archive' started by Jayn, Jun 3, 2014.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007



    Welcome to Role Play Idol, an original role playing competition for KH-Vids! For those of you unfamiliar, the term 'role playing' here refers to basically writing a collaborative story with other members with characters you create. From name and age to bio and personality, you create this character and then write from their perspective in a pre-defined setting with other players, weaving together a story as you go along. You can take a more in-depth look at role playing here.

    So, do you enjoy role playing, competitions, or just writing in general? Or maybe you need help sharpening your role playing skills, want to get back into it { or start }, or want to meet and interact with new people or role players! Whatever the reason for your peaked interest, this competition may be for you!

    [ WHAT IS RP IDOL? ]
    This is the fourth season of the competition, and if you sign up for a season, you do not have to compete in any of the next ones if you don't want to. This will be an OC { original character } competition, meaning that each contestant will be allowed to create two original characters ( one boy, one girl ) from scratch to compete with throughout.

    { C H A N G E S }​

    Unlike the previous seasons, this season will be more like an actual game/role play. Each judge will, like the contestants, be represented by a character. Like so!

    [​IMG] JAYN I like your spunk, kid, but I'm not sure you got what it takes to be the Idol, you dig? These cool cats need a leader - someone to look up to and, well, your fixation with violent rap music isn't sendin' these kids the right message! Maybe you should consider quoting less rap lyrics in your dialogue next time, yeah? Going to have to give you a 50 out of 100.

    We will interact primarily 'in-game' unless otherwise stated. This gives you more of a chance to bond with your character and develop as we go along instead of having to stop abruptly and focus on switching back and forth from in character to not.

    In other words, join this season as if you're just joining another role play!

    This section is now a post counting section. Every post you post here from now on will count towards your total posts. Posts made from before will be added manually to your account after I've tallied them all up, please don't hound me about it. I'll announce when I've done it.

    There will be no disqualifications, or voting. Each round you will have the chance to earn more points. The person with the highest amount of points at the end will be crowned RP Idol and receive the pin.

    Points will be given by the judges { judges, I will explain your roles and the points system to you when you sign up } with their critiques and there will only be two judges { three in total including the host } to give us less people to wait for. This number may be raised or lowered depending on how this season goes.

    There will be five days to reply before we move on. It should not take that entire time, but there will be absolutely NO extensions after that point. Remember, you won't be disqualified, you'll just miss out on points. We just want to keep things fluid and functional. As soon as everyone has posted, judging will begin. I will allow a maximum of 48 hours for judges to reply. If you do not reply by then, we will move on.

    No matter the setting of the lobby, there will be a door with a ~ magical ability ~ to change settings and scenarios. Considering I don't know how much interest this will generate or how many people will want to play, there will be 4 rounds unless a tie breaker is needed which means of the list below, you'll only be doing four of them. This may be changed, depending on interest. The scenes will be extremely vague, you'll only have a title to go off of so choose wisely, but each theme will emphasize a mechanic of role playing; for example, something like long posts, five metaphors, or extensive dialogue may be a requirement in your post.

    We will choose which scenes to explore first with a quick vote. If the voting style of it takes too long in the future, I'll randomize them instead.

    The winners of the rounds and whatnot will be announced across the RP Arena.


    You appear on a misty cobblestone path near a beautiful gazebo, the night sky alit with twinkling stars. There is no breeze to push the fog away and so it stays, slightly obscuring the view of an imposing, glowing ivory structure. As you move closer, footsteps crunching over a plain slightly curved gravel strewn path, the building comes into complete view. It's rather impressive. White, twinkling fairy lights are strung around the seven pillars that support the roof of the gazebo and also wind and stretch their way over the pinewood posts and railings.

    Excluding the short steps of the stairs that lead into the inner circle of the gazebo, nearly everything is illuminated by the large bulbs. About fifteen people can fit the inside, and there's a smooth pinewood bench built in a circular shape for sitting. This is the inner-circle. One must step over the bench it to enter and exit the ring it makes.

    Something about this particular building makes it different, and it's not the beauty of it - or the eerie fog hugging the field like a ghostly blanket. It's the strange, varnished Oaken door that towers above your sitting forms. The one that is dead in the center of the inner ring, with a glowing sign above it that reads "Lobby" in black stencil ...


    For anyone who knows me, every one of these is going to seem like a trap, but this isn't a horror competition so rest assured if it sounds innocent, it probably is. ... Maybe. Mostly. Font probably doesn't help.

    4. SO PEACEFUL ...
    6. LET'S SING!
    7. ... YOU GOT ME.
    10. SLICE OF LIFE.

    [ RULES ]

    ♣ Please be original. Your character cannot be from another anime, game, etc, unless the challenge asks for them to be.

    ♣ Your entry OC must be as simplified as possible. That means no powers or anything weird like that. Why? Because some of the challenges might conflict with that. Don't worry, the competition isn't that straight edge. You'll get to play with some powers.

    ♣ No god-modding. Yes, this still applies. No power playing.

    ♣ Try not to ignore the other contestants. Interact with everyone fairly.

    ♣ Try to stay in character.

    ♣ A judge cannot be a contestant.

    ♣ You will have two characters. A girl, and a boy. They can be the same person, just gender flipped with different names if you want. But you will have the ability to switch between them freely or when needed. It's more of an advantage to have them be two separate characters with different personalities so you're not stuck with one.

    ♣ Don't bring drama into this. If you're paired up with someone you dislike during a challenge, and/or you get voted out, don't rage. Just deal with it, or try again next time.

    ♣ Please be respectful of one another.

    ♣ You can be any age you want, but ages may be altered based on scenario.

    ♣ I reserve the right to add more rules before the competition starts, so check back here often if you decide to sign up! I will always alert you if I update the rules.

    [ JUDGES ]

    To be a judge, please PM me your sign up sheet. For you, the sign up sheet is entirely optional, but you do need a picture. If you You can play an original character who is judging or play as yourself { like my judging example from above }. We're basically the NPCs. We help guide the competition, and play important roles in certain scenes.

    Your job as a judge is to read the posts, and follow the competition. When we return to the lobby after a scene, all of the judges will critique every contestant on their performance, and award each contestant points. You guys aren't actually apart of the competition unless the scenario calls for it, but you help with crowning the winner. Anyone can be a judge, even if you don't role play { though this season will require you to role play a bit }. Just be fair and send me a private message. Anyone posting on this thread about wanting to be a judge will be tsk'd and denied. First come, first serve.

    If you are a judge this time, you CAN judge for the next season. This was originally different, but due to the inactivity of the last judges, I think it would work out better to have those who are really dedicated and wanting to be on the panel able to be on it.

    I would prefer the judges have Skype, because that's where most of the discussion will be taking place and it's the easiest.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [ SIGN UP!! ]

    Bio: { Optional! }
    What scene do you want to do first?: { TITLE HERE! Please choose the same one for both character sheets. }
    Anything else?: 

    Allen Tor

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
  2. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    aaaaaaa I don't know if I want to judge or enter bUT I AM SO IN THIS ONE WAY OR ANOTHER YOOOOOOOOOO
  3. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    Name: Joseph Bueller
    Age: 57
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Wise. Tends to ramble. Loves to talk and learn. Slow to judge. Slow to anger. Sometimes ponders for so long he misses things in conversations.
    Bio: N/A
    What scene do you want to do first?: DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC?
    Anything else?: Widowed, with 3 adult children, and four grandkids.

    Name: Clarissa Jones
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Snarky. Blunt. Sleepy.
    Bio: N/A
    Anything else?: Straight A student in school. Works two jobs while taking light College courses.
  4. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Name: Caleb Stitem
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: Heroic, Courageous, quick to act, confident in his ability. Has a strong sense of justice.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Adrenaline
    Anything else?: N/A

    Name: Samantha Pleygian
    Age: 9
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: Naturally shy, has little to no self confidence, doesn't like to see people get hurt, gets paranoid extremely easily, has a phobia of birds.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Adrenaline
    Anything else?: Suffers from depression, and occasionally has hallucinations.
  5. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    { Updating shortly! All judge slots are now taken! Edit: Alright. Judges and contestants updated! }
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Name: Chrona
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Headstrong, reckless, and determined are fair words to describe Chrona. He's not know to back away from most challenges that he may come across. He's also able to remain a cheerful disposition despite not knowing anything about his parents.
    What scene do you want to do first?: DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC?
    Anything else?: Carries around a pendant that is from his father.

    Name: Rune Elisewood
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Personality: While Rune can come off as being shy and or timid, that's because of her lack of confidence. If she's around someone she knows then she'll be a bit more outgoing and social and if its someone that she likes, then said person better be prepare for some teasing from her.
    What scene do you want to do first?: DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC?
    Anything else?:

    I'm back Jayn-senpai. Please don't kill off one of your most loyal followers
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  7. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Name: Johnis Johnson
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Someone who is always upbeat and looking for fun things to do. He believes in the spirit of gaming and believes that there is nothing greater than a good game. He quite enjoys the company of others.
    Bio: N/A
    Anything else?: An avid smoker of Celery

    Name: Laura Carver
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Personality: A girl who is very passionate about things she puts her mind to and doesn't believe in half-assing it. She is fairly easy to be annoyed by just about anything.
    Bio: N/A
    Anything else?: Enjoys sleeping.

    What scene do you want to do first?: THE FIRST DAY!
  8. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    Name: Palmer Tierny
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: 5'9", he is a spare individual, but with a muscular outline, who favors a stance of propriety. Narrow shouldered, but handsome in the traditional sense. He dresses in a finer material shirt with thick, horizontal stripes underneath an open light tan blazer with blue stripes. His grey skinny jeans fit his thin frame well, and he wears blue accented running shoes as he is always running someplace. He has hazel eyes that persistently show a serious demeanor, black hair that goes down to the bottom of his lengthy neck that he combs back. Having a long face with a cut jaw, the long hair suites his look fine. His light skin is lightly tanned, and his nose is of the Roman variety.
    Personality: Terse, but fair-minded. Words are his strong suite, but he prefers to use the right ones in the best order, or he will typically opt to not speak unless it is absolutely necessary.
    Bio: A traveler. He's seen many cities across his world, and his perceptiveness has kept his mind open to what its people are like at their true core.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Let's Sing
    Anything else?:

    Name: Mae Hollins
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: 4'9", her stature does occasionally produce a physical problem. Fit and trim, she has a blended appearance of femininity and personal strength. Reddish-Brown hair cascades upon her shoulders and the top of her back, and curtains her egg-shell white, oval face. A single streak of deep, well-blended purple dangles from the front of her scalp to sit closest to the right side of her face. A high forehead and constantly smirking full lips compliment eyes ablaze with green fire. Her figure is of the pear variety if fruits are the universal medium of explanation. Her fashion is not too far from Palmer. She wears a puce t-shirt with a denim jacket cut at just below her bust. Her denim jeans are the same blue shade as her jacket, and fit her snuggly above her purple running shoes.
    Personality: She's a bit of a "special snowflake", evident in her appearance, but her intelligence and individual spark sets her apart from any pack. She is trusting by nature, but hides it in a spritely nature. She's the girl who climbs the tallest tree to show she can.
    Bio: She follows where Palmer goes. By no means is she in love with him, but there are few she feels she can persistently trust.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Let's Sing
    Anything else?:
  9. mindstorm787 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 18, 2013
    Name: Axiom Winchester
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Large grey trenchcoat with a sword pack. Blonde hair, Blue eyes, can have a kind smile sometimes.
    Personality: Quiet, brooding.
    Bio: Unknown
    What scene do you want to do first?: ADRENALINE.
    Anything else?: Nada
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Name: Taylor Fawkes
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: About 5'8" (she enjoys lording it over her brother) and lean. Bi-racial (one parent is Chinese, the other is American), grey eyes, dark brown hair she keeps a little past shoulder length and in a ponytail.
    Personality: Outgoing and pretty relaxed (unless school gets involved; it stresses her endlessly, and she is driven to do as well as she can in her education). She gets excited about sports—lacrosse and football are her main domains—but not really competitive, as she focuses more on having fun than winning or losing. She'll offer her opinion on any subject, but only if asked, or if she feels it necessary. She isn't always as straightforward as she probably should be. She gets along well with her brother and likes him, but she detects some sort of barrier between them, and it bothers her.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Do you believe in magic?
    Anything else?: The youngest of three siblings and the only girl.

    Name: David Fawkes
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: About 5'6" and lanky. Bi-racial (one parent is Chinese, the other is American), grey eyes, brown-dyed hair he likes to keep short.
    Personality: Not quite as outgoing as his sister—he likes to have a little more personal time—but usually just as relaxed, if a little more jumpy. He's not very into sports at all (he endures such events and conversations for his sister), but he does do ballroom dance, and he will laugh if you try to call it sissy or weak or easy. He gets along well with his sister, but can be distant. His relationship with his older brother is tenuous at best.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Do you believe in magic?
    Anything else?: The middle child of three siblings.

  11. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    Name: Ro Setsoku
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: X

    Personality: Ro will stand up for herself when she feels that she has to and she will also stand her ground. She is confident around those she knows but can be prone to emotional stress. She is very impulsive and usually won't think things through before doing them. She can also be somewhat stubborn and a bit sarcastic at times.

    What scene do you want to do first?: DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC?

    Anything else?: Afraid of bugs and spiders.


    Name: Hiro Shinohara
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: X

    Personality: Hiro is very stubborn and doesn't like to be helped by anyone. He would rather do everything himself to prove that he doesn't need help with anything. He is also a rude and quite bold; he also won't hesitate to voice his opinions with anything. He can be harsh and straight forward and also doesn't care what people think of him. Hiro isn't afraid to fight back when he needs to and can also be very impulsive. He will protect those he feels he needs to protect and likes to be alone most of the time.

    What scene do you want to do first?: DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC?

    Anything else?: n/a
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    { Updated! c': Four slots left and one week until sign ups close! }
  13. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    [[ Name: Kayla Sears ]]
    [[ Age: 17 ]]
    [[ Gender: Female ]]
    [[ Appearance: ]]
    [[ Personality: Bubbly Animal Enthusiast Nature Freak Likes Bright Colors Believes in the magic of love and all things cute She's a real girly - girl, outdoors - men ]]
    [[ What scene do you want to do first?: DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? In a young girl's heart... ]]

    [[ Name: Mark Hollaway ]]
    [[ Age: 27 ]]
    [[ Gender: Male ]]
    [[ Appearance: ]]
    [[ Personality: A history buff Likes to know how things are made / how they work His life revolves around knowledge and engineering Believes that what we forge today will be told in the stories of tomorrow ]]

  14. Allen Tor Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2013
    The Virtual Twilight Town
    Name:Garen Torok
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Over 6 feet with brown hair just past his neck, his left eye is brown and his right one is a dark red, has tanned skin, is extremely muscular, he never wears anything except a single pauldron and bracers on his upper body, also never wears shoes, does wear a pair of tan pants, is almost never seen without a large and well-used hammer
    Personality:He is extremely brash and quick to act without considering the possible consequences of his actions, he loves to fight and is easily bored whenever he's not fighting or eating, he's also extremely rude and arrogant, loves meat and considers himself the epitome of manliness, is not happy with his situation with Lee
    Bio: N/A
    What scene do you want to do first?: Let's sing.
    Anything else: He has affectionately named his hammer Skullcrusher, he is occasionally seen talking to it, and he will tell others what it has to say. Due to some strange magic, he now shares the same position in reality with Lee and changes into her at random, he shares her senses when this happens

    Name: Leanna "Lee" Morova
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: just over 5 feet, very feminine in appearance (translation: she's drop-dead-gorgeous), with brown hair, bright green eyes and light skin, usually dressed in short-shorts and a tight tank top with an unzipped hoodie
    Personality: Very arrogant, feels she has something to prove as a result of being picked on until high school, likes to think she's tougher, smarter and just generally better than everyone else, tries to think things through, annoyed by her appearance because she thinks people will see her as a sex object and won't take her seriously, but is also proud of how much better she looks than every other girl, is not happy with her situation with Garen
    Bio: Leanna was always a bit of a tomboy and was often picked on for it. After a particularly nasty bullying incident when she was young she began studying martial arts. Which she used both as means of defending herself and as a way of coping with the stress in her life, this eventually lead to fanatical levels of training as the stress continued to build up throughout middle school. Early in her last year of middle school she finally hit her breaking point and went berserk on one of her worst bullies, after that everyone mostly left her alone, afraid that she might do the same to them. Then in the summer before starting high school she hit puberty, or rather it hit her, and she developed a figure that'd make any boy drool and any girl jealous. At first this seemed to solve the problems, but when she learned why everyone was really being nice to her it only pissed her off more. But with a body, brains and abilities like hers, no more bullying and a chip on her shoulder the foundation was now laid for her to become more and more arrogant.
    What scene do you want to do first?: Let's sing
    Anything else: She claims to dress the way she does because it makes her martial arts easier, this is partly true. Due to contrived plot conveniences she now shares the same position in reality with Garen, and changes into him at random, she shares his senses when this happens.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    { Two more spots left! You have the rest of tonight and tomorrow to sign up before I close 'em. :') }
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    { Annnnnd, sign ups are closed! Thank you so much to those of you who have signed up. The first post will either be up tomorrow, or Friday at the latest as I've got to hammer things out with the judges first. Thank you for your patience and good luck!

    Also, if anyone who is not involved in the competition would like to be a fill-in judge in case I need an extra person [ I know Cstar will be going out of town in July ], just let me know!

    Friday Edit: Working on it now but will probably be done tomorrow morning! Some stuff happened tonight ... Also giving you guys two extra days to finish the challenge since it'll be going up late! }
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