Role Play Idol [Season Two] Challenge #1 VOTING.

Discussion in 'RP Idol Archive' started by Jayn, Oct 16, 2011.


Who Stays?

  1. Tummer

    0 vote(s)
  2. P

  3. Terra254

  4. Marushi

  5. Midnight Star

  6. Master of Keyblades

    0 vote(s)
  7. Ace Sukebe

  8. Miss Me Ni Mienai (Maka)

  9. FireKeyblade

  10. Fuzzy Blue Lights

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    And the winner is...

    Congratulations to the awesome Britishism. He is immune from this voting session. The fact that he was honest about his post along with the morality of his character won him this challenge.

    Don't be discouraged! It was very close between a lot of you.

    Go to the challenge thread for your critiques--eventually.


    I apologize for the delay. As some of you noticed and approached me about, the judges were pretty lax this time around. The next challenge should run smoother, even if it means I have to revert back to Season One judges or judge this whole thing alone. |:

    Ventus108 is disqualified for not posting on time/at all.

    You all did well, though a few of you had massive posts. Long posts are great and all but...Well, you'll all see.

    What is this?

    While we have a winner (who is immune from this poll), we also need to eliminate someone. In this voting session, we'll vote off two people. You're voting for who you think should stay, and you MUST post in this thread with a valid, detailed critique/reason WHY. There is no voting for yourself. I'll restate my original rule which is be fair about it. Please do not vote for your friends because they're your friends. Please refer to the sign ups thread for more information on voting. (Though, you should have read it already.)

    You are REQUIRED to vote. You are REQUIRED to read the other contestants posts. You are REQUIRED to give a reason why.

    If you're in the bottom (least amounts of votes), the judges and I will decide who stays and who goes.

    If you need extra help, the judges will be critiquing each role player in the main challenge thread.

    If you're just following the competition, but you've not entered in it as a contestant, you can vote too. But you're still required to follow the same rules and give a valid reason. If I feel your (or anyone elses) reason is not detailed enough, I will call you out on it. c: (You guys can do the same to me if I seem vague)

    Happy role playing. :]
  2. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    I choose P. And my reasoning is that his post was simply amazing too me. I've always sided with Ninjas whenever I was asked the old internet question "Ninjas or Pirates?" P gave me insight on a completely different terror in the seas. Faust. Old. Man. Faust is a highly entertaining character and I hope to see more of him around here. Stay P stay. If I don't make it, I'll check up on this season just to read up on your two characters.
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I'm going to vote for Miss Mi Mienai because her post was very refreshing, creative, and well thought out. It kind a good read and kept me on the edge of my seat. It felt like I was watching one of those fun, zany, cartoons -- mind you, not the terrible cartoons that they show these days, but the ones from my childhood.
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    It is a testament to the entrants' ability that I could make a viable argument for voting for each of them. All of them have their strengths and their weaknesses, but on average, in my eyes, the contestants are on fairly even footing, quality-wise. As such, the decision for who to vote for relies less upon sheer skill of roleplaying and more upon personal preference. For these reasons, I cannot proclaim with certainty that my choice is made without bias; indeed, I will be critiquing them based upon my own enjoyment.

    Terra254, your post went for a simple RP-post structure. It didn't try to be anything it shouldn't, it didn't run too long, and it didn't do too much at once. If this were an RP, yours would be the easiest to interact with, and for that, I commend you. Structurally, you're fairly safe. Your weaknesses, on the other hand, were your formatting. Your 'normal' font was great; I loved it. It was nice and easy to read. Then you started messing about with sizes and the like. At most, have a different colour for speech. If you're feeling extravagant, use a unique colour for each character's speech. Don't mess about with the other stuff though. The centring of the text is a bit shaky. Sometimes it works, but most of the time, it doesn't. Best not to do it. For your writing itself, you make a lot of silly errors, mostly involving commas. Put spaces after your commas, and don't capitalise after them unless it's a proper noun (someone's name). Once you get these basics down, you can start playing about with your narrative style.

    Firekeyblade, yours is the opposite of Terra's. Get some formatting in there! The default forum font is boring. It tells me to do no more than skim your post. Make the font and colour interesting! Also, break up that paragraph into a few smaller paragraphs, as it's too long. Again, I just wanna skim it. Likewise, you should highlight speech with a different colour, so if I do skim, I can easily see what I need to read. Once I've done that, I might actually read your story entirely!

    As it so happens, I did read your story entirely. Perhaps it's just because I know you, but I can definitely see your character shining through in this entry. The humour is lighthearted and the characters are likeable, overall making for an enjoyable read. Whether or not this would hold true for those who don't know you is another question. That said, everyone liked how you set up for the viking's entry, and didn't just say "lol viking" and leave it at that for his introduction. As with many things, the climax didn't match the build up. Perhaps it's just me, but the imagery of holding someone down with legs is fairly weak in my mind.

    I'm undecided on whether to award you P-points for getting away with breaking the rules. On one hand, you implemented Tobias well, and you got away with it. On the other, Britishism did the same thing, but owned up to it, thus earning morality-points. I suppose you played it relatively safe, and chose to slip by the judges' eyes, instead of risking potential disqualification. So yes, I will commend you for it. You've got my vote.

    Midnight Star, I want you to know that light pink and teal on a white background looks absolutely terrible. That said, AFAIK, Sforzato and I are the only ones still using the April Fools' skin, so you probably made the right decision. On a more serious note, you need to stop the run-on sentences. In your stories, to an extent, it works. However, they do not work in a modern setting, let alone an RP. Please allow me to introduce you to my friend, the semicolon; I'm sure you'll find him very applicable. Here is a nice tutorial on how to use him. Also, check out the rest of that site. It has super neat things, like ways to abuse hookers.

    Maka, like Terra, you've overused the colour tags. It makes things difficult to read or focus on. If you're going to do the coloury thing, then at least be sure to use line breaks. In other news, your post is long and good, but I found it fairly dull. From your short piece, what you seem to do really well is snarky dialogue. For me, at least, that's what's most entertaining. The non-generic conversations you include are enjoyable to read. If you were to include more of them and less narration, I'd like your posts a great deal more.

    Master of Keyblades, the only complaint I have with yours is that there's nothing that captivates me about your story; there's nothing I find particularly interesting about it. It lacks flair. You don't do anything -wrong- per se, but in much the same way, you didn't do any more than necessary. I found that to be your primary issue.

    Marushi: I'm getting sleepy. It's 4am. I liked the bolding of speech. The viking's accent was very nice. I'm a sucker for accents that aren't ridiculously over-the-top. Your story developed the characters, and presented an interesting view on life. The deux ex machina of Mao's victory makes me wary, but I think you pulled it off. I thought that there was a strong possibility of you winning the round. My only advice is to type it up in a word processor, or at least hit ctrl-a, then ctrl-c regularly to get your work stored on the ciipboard for a backup plan.

    Tummer: Sleepyness increasing. Is the question-mark key on your keyboard broken? You never use it. Please remember it. That's about it for you. I'm feeling light-headed.

    Fuzzy B: Thanks for the vote, you're a great guy, but it's 4:30am and your entry is massive. I'm sure it's fine though.

    Ace: I'll tell you this right now: it's clear that your target audience is not people awake at 4am. There is not a hope in hell of me reading that right now. I might do it later, when I can think straight.

    TL;DR I'm voting for FKB, for her superb rules-evasion. I also want to see how she'll improve over the rest of the competition, etc. If more of a justification is needed, I'll write an essay on it. Just not now.
  5. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    I'm voting for P.His post was descriptive and amazing.I knew I'd like Faust and I was not surprised when I read P's post,which was painfully long to me,but it was worth it.
  6. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    I voted for Midnight. I could see some "hotshot" yelling at viking only to screw himself over and realize it was some giant brute on a killing spree. Also it was short and got the job done. *looks at own post, sighs* So yeah. Point to Midnight.
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    I'm putting in my vote for Miss Mi Mienai as I found her post one of the eaisiest to read and I loved the fast pacing. I could imagine it clearly in my mind, it portrayed the panic and the emotion really well while at the same time several little comments in there made me smile.
  8. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    I also cast my vote to Miss Mi Mienai. I found her post fun and enjoyable, easy to read and the build up had me literally on the edge of my seat. All in all, I really liked your post, and I hope to see more from you in the future. J
  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    I'm going to go for Marushi's. I loved your little details you had within your posts concerning smell, touch, sight, just the little things that you would see in your mind if you were actually there with your characters. And instead of starting off with just running, you like many others went back and explained the whole situation of the what's and why's. Not only did you master showing us most of the five senses, but you touched in on a lot of the sixth sense; what the characters were feeling, how they were reacting to the situation, all the key elements that made the post breathe life. If this RP would've continued, I could picture Corey jumping in and helping Mao and Tatsuo out. ^^
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    My vote goes to Ace Sukebe. I found it funny how he include somethng perverse between his characters, eventhough there was a bloodthirsty viking after them.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    P- GRAAAAAHHHHH YOOOOOUUUUUUUU. >_> I didn't think that would count as interaction but BAH. FORGIVE ME.

    Ahem. Anyway, I vote for Fuzzy, because his post was pretty entertaining to read and his characters seem to be really fun characters. Also no one's voted for him yet. Also the colors looked nice, and I'll try and add color to my posts in the future. And whatnot.
  12. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    I cast my vote for Maka, [Miss Me Ni Whatever]. Her post, though colour-filled, was the most engaging for me. She portrays characters well, and I sensed panic and emotion throughout. The setting was creative as well, and the overall feel of hers wrapped me up. It was my favorite post of the bunch, and her writing style amazes me.
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