Rules for the Discussion Section. [Last Updated: 5/10/12]

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Jayn, Jul 10, 2011.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    ◂ You may post things for discussion in this subforum. It's made more for specifically discussing an aspect of role playing, or suggesting new ideas for the RP Arena. If you would like to gauge interest for an RP (or RPs), or talk about a specific RP you're in, you may use the OOC Lounge. If the conversation strays to something more ... in-depth, it can be moved to discussion.

    ◂ The main forum rules, of course, apply here too. You can find those here.

    ◂ Please stay on topic. Even though it's casual discussion, and some threads might easily lead to spam, please try to make it relevant.

    ◂ Do not advertise here. You may advertise in the advertisement stickies, but please don't make individual advertisement threads in this section.

    ◂ If you have a complaint about the role play section, please approach the situation delicately, maturely and respectfully.

    ◂ Regarding that, if you have a complaint about a particular member, please do not make any call out threads. Instead, either talk to that person individually, or contact me or any other staff about the issue.

    If you have any questions or anything, please let me know. I'll be updating this sooner than later, I'm sure.

    Happy discussing.~ <3
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2017
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