Secret Hitler Mafia

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Splodge, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Splodge Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 30, 2012
    The Second Dimension
    I'm not sure how many of you know about this game already, but its a bluffing game in much the same vein as mafia. The rules are here (from the offical kickstarter page)
    or if you'd prefer (keep in mind the rules are designed for a tabletop setting)
    The players are divided into two main groups:
    1. The Liberals
    2. The Facists (of which one is designated as "Hitler")

    The makeup is as follows:
    Between 5-6 players:
    1 Facist and 1 Hitler
    the rest Liberal

    Between 7-8 players:
    2 Facists and 1 Hitler
    the rest Liberal

    Between 9-10 players:
    3 Facist and 1 Hitler
    the rest Liberal

    Think of the Liberals as town and the Facists as Mafia, with the Facists having full knowledge of the identites of all players, but are outnumbered by the Liberals.

    It should also be noted, that in games with 7 or more players, Hitler is unaware as to the idenities of their Facists, but the Facists know who Hitler is. Hitler has just as much info as town. It then becomes the Facists' interest to prove to Hitler who they are.

    At the start of each turn, going clockwise, each player is given turns being the "President". The President is then able to select who their Chancellor will be. After this all players partake in a blind vote of either "ja" or "nein" (yes and no effectively) on the current pair of President and Chancellor. 50% or more neins will cause the vote to fail, and Presidency will move onto the next player. If this vote is failed 3 consecutive times, the top card in the policy deck is enacted (exlpained below).

    If 51% or more vote "ja" the President then draws 2 cards from the "policy deck". Which has the composition of:
    11 Facist Cards
    6 Liberal Cards

    The President then dicards one without revealing, and passes the cards onto the Chancellor, who again, discards one without revealing, and then enacts the remaing card they have. The President then says what cards they had (being free to lie), followed by the Chancellor (who is also free to lie).

    These cards help both teams in the following ways:
    1. If 5 Liberal cards are played, the Liberals win
    2. If 6 Facist cards are played, the Facists win
    3. If 3 facist cards are played, and then Hitler gets elected Chancellor, the Facists win
    4. The Facist cards also grant certain "Presidential Powers", which are certain special actions given to the President they must enact., determined by how many players there are:

    Between 5-6 players:
    At 1-2 Facist Cards: The President gets no power
    At 3 Facist Cards: The President gets to look at the top 3 cards in the policy deck
    At 4-5 Facist Cards: The President has to kill another player, who is then unable to participate in the game, and who also has their identity revealed. If Hitler is killed, then this also leads to a Liberal win.

    Between 7-8 Players:
    At 1 Facist Card: The President gets no power
    At 2 Facist Cards: The President finds out the party of another chosen player (doesn't tell if a Facist is Hitler or not)
    At 3 Facist Cards: The President picks who the next President shall be
    At 4-5 Facist Cards: The President has to kill another player, who is then unable to participate in the game, and who also has their identity revealed. If Hitler is killed, then this also leads to a Liberal win.

    Between 9-10 players:
    At 1-2 Facist Cards: The President finds out the party of another chosen player (doesn't tell if a Facist is Hitler or not)
    At 3 Facist Cards: The President picks who the next President shall be
    At 4-5 Facist Cards: The President has to kill another player, who is then unable to participate in the game, and who also has their identity revealed. If Hitler is killed, then this also leads to a Liberal win.

    When there is less than 3 policy cards left in the deck, the discarded cards are reshuffled into the deck.

    All players are free to talk to eachother at any point in the game except when the President and Chancellor are enacting policy cards. With this players can examine others actions, their voting patterns, the policies they enact, who they're teaming up with etc.

    I was wondering if these rules could somehow be implemented into a mafia game? With many of us being in different time zones, it would be difficult, considering that each player needs to vote at the same time. But I'm pretty sure that with some tweaking, this ruleset could fit into a mafia game, or could be adapted to be played in a forum scenario. Any ideas, I'm not knowledgeable enough in forum games to give any real advice, but the most I can really think of would be to change the voting system to some degree, or possibly just adding a Hitler-like role to standard mafia, like some kind of Godfather variant perhaps? With a new voting system, or Presidential system, the rest of the game would easily fit into the forum scenario, since it is basically mafia.

    In many ways, I prefer this game to actual Mafia, as I feel like there is a more constant flow of information, I like the unique spin the Hitler roles gives, and there's always something going on; whether it be a new facist policy played (as they're more often played than not) giving the president some new power, or some odd voting pattern you notice, and because of that I'd love to see it work in the forum environment.
  2. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I would love to do this actually.

    The vote could be in a 24 hour window kind of like mafia, but once a vote is cast there's no taking it back.

    (this is also the only context where i will ever hope i'm Hitler)