Thats It, I'm gone.

Discussion in 'Departure Hall' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 28, 2007.

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  1. Wait it out things will get better...

    One way or another...
  2. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    I agree... you are seriously going to leave over something like that? I don't think KHV has changed that much guys... and I've been here a long time. But whatever... bye I guess.
  3. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007

    I won't say what i wanna say here, i'll talk to you over MSN.

    Tata for now. :'(
  4. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    ...I personally thought the whole elitism asshattery calmed down. Ever since Alice left, that is.

    Buh bye though.
  5. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    Since I missed the flamewar I really don't know what to say about it but by the looks of it,it was pretty dramatic and lulzy for many people no?(and without me even looking at the flamewar thread)
    and I might look at the thread later.

    Goodbye Jordier,you were and always be a great member.

    Edit: After reading KG's thread,I have to agree with SJ,seriously guys.
    Who really gives a **** if you're popular or not?
    And trying to bring back the "old forum lomg held hands together and happily ever after" where everyone was nice and all,it's like trying bombing for peace.

    People change guys,it's something called "GROWING UP",something that you can't stop.
    So don't go around and ****ing go pointing finger at other people.

    That is all :/
  6. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    Well, I would've said loads of **** if I was on at the time that the thread was still active. But I was laughing throughout the pages to see how pathetic it was.

    Your gone...because you don't like the fact that elitism is occuring? What kind of reason is that? It's just a ****ing thread. Who gives a flying **** how things go.

    This is a ****ing forum. No democracy, no freedom of speech. Admin's words are laws. Obey them or leave. Simple as that.

    People change, keep up with it. Nothing to it. Staff's doing the best job they can do. After reading nine pages of that thread, and 3 pages of this. I still don't know what the problem was. If it was a big problem, it would've been obvious. I don't see **** =\
  7. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    well i don't think i was involved of this so i can't say if that what you say is true or not D:
    well i actually don't really believe you wont come back
    at the matter of fact we do change and i don't believe the old KHV was so much better then it is now ._.
    the staff is trying to make this a better place if the staff doesn't punish someone the way he should or something like that i don't think the staff is corrupt i mean life isn't all perfect and the staff is doing it's best to help this site seriously =\
    if you say the old KHV is better ... GTFO >D
    no seriously the site has changed you have changed everything changes it's life get over it
    and over the popular stuff i say there'S KHV community only 5/10 can make it in there theothers stay as n00bs D:
    elitism is normal i mean who wouldn't like to be the most popular or the most famous =\ it's Life no way to change it
  8. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Hehe, rant your heart out, Rosey.

    Keep in mind I wasn't saying it about all the staff. Really, I admire you guys. My biggest goal on the site is to be just like all of the wonderful staff here. I haven't lost faith in any of you.

    But what Im saying is EVERYONE, not just the staff, needs to work for this to get it back.
    KHV is a popular site. But I don't want it to become one of those sites that's TOO popular, and that loses its epicness after about 50,000 members.

    I love the staff. I respect them, I think they're all amazing people to devote so much of their lives to this forum that so many call they're home. But the staff isn't even a fraction of the entire site. The members along with anyone else needs to work... or at least, if we are going to clean KHV up, we need to work.

    But the sad thing is, there are so many members, that there are bound to be people who won't commit... and it's sad.
    Because now, KHV is driving people away. Which really sucks, because I've always seen it as a place of healing for myself when I need a break from the world.
    We all need to be here for eachother. We're friends.

    We're family.

    We're one community.

    I'm a child, guys. I'm selfish, I'm ignorant. And really...

    ...all I want is my forum back, thats all.
    It's almost as if I've lost an old friend.
  9. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I feel I need to include my 2 cents into this whole debacle.

    I would like to point out that this is a forum on the internet. People are going to be *******s and jerks because it's easier to be so in text form than it is to someone's face. Myself, I tell it as it is. I don't sugarcoat things for anyone since sugarcoating does nothing.

    I didn't know Jordie all that well but as of right now she is fitting in with the others who do not wish to accept the fact that THINGS CHANGE. Nothing lasts forever. You say how you want 'the old forum back' well I've been here for a long *** time and I haven't seen that big of a difference really. You all say that premiums and 'favored/popular' members get special treatment from the staff.

    Well let me tell you something. Favoritism is a fact of life. It happens quite naturally. A boss is more likely to promote his friend than someone who qualifies for the position.

    Open your eyes and remove the blinders you have placed on yourself to protect yourself from the big bad world. Life is tough and unfair and if an internet forum upsets you then you might as well just barricade yourself in your room and never grow up.

    The staff isn't corrupt. Rosey, Kitty, and whoever else that has been promoted while I was here, has not changed. They aren't corrupted by the power they have. All I've seen from the staff is trying to make the forum a better place for everyone here. Not just the staff, not just for the premium members, for EVERYONE. You don't like how they do things, you might as well leave. I feel, haveing been an admin myself in the past, that they are doing a really good job considering how many members there really are on this site.

    There, now you have my thoughts. Pick them apart as you see fit.
  10. Falling Star Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 21, 2007
    a place beyond your wildest imagination
    Go staff!

    look Jordie, you dont need to be taking it out on staff and others, just because you saw a simple thread about who knows what... but if you really want to go then go, dont be putting a thread down about blamming the staff and saying its their fault...
  11. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    No,no,no,no NO! FOR **** SAKE, this **** shouldn't be happening, I'm sick of people calling the staff corrupt, they do their ****ing job, they favour their friends a tad bit more than their enemies, wouldn't you? You can't expect teenagers to stand by as an impartial judge to the happenings of their friends and enemies on a forum, obviously favouritism ensues, but as long as it's not cripplingly bad there's no reason to complain, if i posted porn, and la sofa posted porn of the exact same type of content, and he was banned but i wasn't then that's something to complain about, there's been nothing like that so far so stop with the damn *****ing.
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Vivi I love you <3
  13. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    God, you guys.

    No one is calling the staff corrupt.
    It's the damn site.
  14. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    ^ agreed... someone bleeds their heart out and you all do this? you should all be ashamed... how would you feel if you were in jordies shoes? not very good eh? no... you cant go around expecting everyone to be like you! not everyone WANTS to move forward! not everyone wants to be like you! if you want to believe that the site isnt corrupted then fine! no one is stopping you... this site is supposed to be a nice place for EVERYONE... got it?
  15. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Ok that's it


    No More Posting
  16. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Yesterday I decided to keep it open incase some of you wanted to wish Jordie goodbye.

    Well now you broke that chance;

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