The 14th Key ~ Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 17, 2007.


Are you angry at Vexen too?

  1. YES!!! How could he do that to poor Demyx? *hugs Demyx*

  2. No, I thought it was hilarious! XD

  3. I thought it was funny! So no, I'm not mad

  4. Awww...poor weapons....*is angry*

  5. I really don't care....

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  1. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    AAAHHH!!! Me ish in luv with this!!! I luv the RoxasXXed's so cute!!!! I dcan picture everything!!! It's wonderful, great details, this is great!!!!

    I want to read more!!! You ish so talented!!! Can't wait til the next chapter is up!!!
  2. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    :D yay! thanks!

    Sweet! New pairing! Hmmm...what should it be called?

    RoXed? lol, i like that one :D
  3. dancecat120 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 17, 2007
    Currently, in front of a computer
    Great job!

    She has anger issues


    great job!
  4. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    lol :) she needs anger management :)
  5. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    The 14th Key ~ Chapter 5

    Chapter 5! And Xed's weapon is finally revealed!!!! And WOW!!!! *devious smile*

    ~Chapter 5~

    The outside fighting area was huge. There was a large dirt arena in the shape of a circle. It was about the size of the Hollow Bastion marketplace. All around it was a large a metal fence, rising up from the ground, and was about the height of one Xemnas standing on the shoulder of another Xemnas. By the time the four had walked outside, Lexaeus and Marluxia were fist-fighting onside the arena, with Vexen, Luxord, and Demyx watching. Demyx turned around to face them and smiled.
    “Hey guys!†he called, as they walked up to him. He smiled at Xed.
    “Hey Xed, I want you to meet some of the guys! This is Luxord.†Demyx said as Luxord walked forward, extending his hand. Xed took it and they shook hands.
    “It’s nice to meet you.†She said. Luxord nodded, smiling.
    “Likewise.†Then, Vexen stepped forward.
    “This is Vexen,†Demyx said. Vexen and Xed shook hands, both smiling.
    “And the two in the arena are Lexaeus and Marluxia.†He said. The two stopped their fighting and walked up to the fence.
    “Nice to meet ya.†Marluxia said. Lexaeus nodded in agreement. Xed smiled.
    “It’s Xedramon, right?†Lexaeus asked.
    “Xed.†She said. He nodded. Axel put his hands on his hips.
    “Are you two done? Roxas and I are going to fight.†He said. Marluxia shrugged.
    “Sure, it’s all yours.†The two of them walked out of the gate and over towards the group.
    “Hey people!†A voice that belonged to Xaldin called. Everyone turned around to see Xaldin, Larxene, Saix, and Zexion walking towards the group of Nobodies (and Xed).
    “Hey guys.†Roxas called back. He turned to Xed.
    “Xed, this is Xaldin, Saix, Larxene, and Zexion.†He said, pointing to each one as he said their names. “Guys, this is Xed.†Larxene walked up to her and circled her.
    “So this is the weapons expert?†she said. She laughed bitterly. “How old are you kid?â€
    “14, soon to be 15.†Xed replied, narrowing her eyes. She could tell already that she didn’t like Larxene. Larxene laughed again, and walked away to talk to Lexaeus.
    “Don’t mind her.†Zexion said, sensing her anger. Xed looked up at him. He smiled. “She’s a jerk to everyone.†Xed smiled.
    “Ok Roxas, are we going to get on with our fight?†Axel said. Roxas nodded.
    “Ok, let’s go!†he said.
    Axel and Roxas were in their fighting stances. Everyone else, including Xed, was outside of the gate, watching.
    “Ready to fight in 3…†Lexaeus called out.
    “Good luck.†Axel said.
    “You too.†Roxas said.
    “Good luck guys!†Xed called out. Roxas smiled.
    Both Axel and Roxas started to circle each other, their fists held up. Since Axel didn’t have a weapon at the moment, they decided to not use weapons. All of the Nobodies watching were cheering for either Roxas of Axel.
    “I bet 400 munny that Axel wins!†Luxord yelled.
    “I bet 500 that Roxas wins!†Demyx yelled back.
    “300 on Roxas!†Xigbar said.
    “450 on Axel!†Marluxia said. Xed rolled her eyes and smiled. She was cheering for both of them.

    Axel lunged at Roxas with a punch, but Roxas dodged. Then, Roxas returned with a punch of his own, hitting Axel in his shoulder. Axel turned and punched Roxas in his arm. They continued like this for a while. Although it wasn’t as exciting as watching fighting with weapons, it was still exciting, and everyone cheered loudly.

    “Those two can fight quite well.â€

    Xed looked up to see Xemnas standing next to her.
    “Yeah, they’re pretty good.†She said. He nodded. She wished he’d go away. She didn’t feel comfortable around him.
    The crowd of Nobodies cheered loudly as Roxas pinned Axel to the ground, raising his fist and striking him repeatedly in his shoulder. Axel held up his hands.
    “Okay! Okay! You win!†he shouted, pushing Roxas off of him, rubbing his now sore shoulder. Roxas stood up and smiled as the Nobodies who were rooting for him cheered loudly. Roxas smiled wider. Axel stood up.
    “Good fight.†Roxas said. Axel nodded, smiling.
    “Yeah, I’ll get you next time, though. Got it memorized?†he said. Roxas nodded. He then turned toward the group of Nobodies.
    “Who’s next?†he shouted excitedly, still wanting to fight. Everyone looked around uneasily. Usually, with their weapons, they could easily take on Roxas. But without them, they didn’t really stand too much of a chance. The kid was FAST… Roxas smiled.
    “Oh come on!†he shouted. “There has to be someone out there who wants to challenge me!â€


    “I’ll fight you.â€

    Everyone looked at Xed, who had spoken. Everyone was shocked.
    “You’re serious? You want to fight Roxas?†Demyx asked, stunned. Xed nodded.
    “Sure, why not?†she said, smiling. Roxas nodded.
    “Okay then.†Xed held up her hand.
    “But, weapons are allowed.†She said. Roxas thought for a moment.
    “Fair enough.†He said. She then walked into the arena, and the gate was shut after her. Saix leaned in closer to Xemnas.
    “This is going to be interesting.†He said. Xemnas nodded slowly, crossing his arms.
    “Indeed.†He said quietly. “Indeed…â€
    Roxas and Xed were standing in the arena. Roxas summoned his Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades. Xed just stood there with her arms crossed. Roxas cocked his head.
    “Aren’t you going to get your weapon?†he asked, Xed shook her head.
    “I don’t need it right now.†She said.
    “You sure?â€

    Outside of the fence, everyone was surprised.
    “How long do you think she’ll last without a weapon against Roxas?†Zexion asked Xigbar. Xigbar shook his head.
    “I’m not sure.â€
    “Roxas is fast with those Keyblades…†Vexen said.
    “I give her one minute.†Saix said.
    “I give her one second.†Larxene said.

    Lexaeus started the count.

    “Get ready to fight in 3…â€
    “Good luck, Roxas.†Xed said, smiling.
    “Uh…you too, Xed.†Roxas replied. Why is she wishing me luck? She’s the one without a weapon!
    Xed smiled deviously.
    The crowd of Nobodies were cheering loudly. Roxas charged at her with his weapons. He swung his Oathkeeper at her head, but she quickly ducked, and moved to the side. Roxas swung it again at her. She ducked and stepped back. He swung again. She ducked and moved back. This time he swung the Oblivion at her feet. She jumped and landed without losing her balance. Roxas gritted his teeth. Man, she is FAST… Roxas continued to swing at her with his Keyblades, but she dodged every single attack.

    “Wow, she’s fast!†Axel said, surprised.
    “I’m impressed.†Xaldin said.

    Roxas was growing tired of this. He couldn’t hit her. He took a breath and kept hitting at her. She dodged again and again.
    “Stay STILL!!!†he shouted, still hitting at her. Xed smiled.
    “Make me!†she shouted. He then flung both of his Keyblades at Xed. Xed quickly did a one-handed back flip and avoided the weapons. She landed, kneeling on the ground, perfectly on-balance. Roxas saw his chance. While she was down, he charged at her, Oblivion in his hand. He ran in front of her and brought it crashing down on her head—


    The sound of metal clashing echoed through the arena. There was a flash of white light, and everyone grew quiet, wondering what was going on. Suddenly, gasps were heard.
    “What the…?†Marluxia said, completely stunned.
    “Holy smoof!†Demyx shouted.
    “Impossible…†Xemnas muttered. She can’t…he thought…she couldn’t…

    But she did…

    Roxas was confused. His weapon should’ve hit her, but instead was blocked by something else. Roxas looked down at Xed. He gasped.

    In her hand,

    Blocking his attack,

    Was a Keyblade.

    Wait, a Keyblade?


    Xed, with one hand on the handle and one hand on the length of the blade, pushed against Roxas’ Keyblade, forcing him to stumble back. He stood there, mouth agape, completely and utterly shocked. Xed smiled in satisfaction, spinning the Keyblade around her fingers.
    “What’s the matter?†she teased. “Surely a Keyblade master like yourself can handle one Keyblade, right?†Roxas shook himself out of his surprise.
    “One Keyblade?†he said, rolling his eyes. “Come on, that’s too easy.†He said, letting his own two Keyblades rest at his sides in his hands. Xed nodded thoughtfully.
    “You’re right, Roxas.†She said, smiling. “One Keyblade isn’t a challenge for you.†Roxas nodded. She smiled again.

    It was sweet, but sly.

    “So, you can handle one Keyblade, huh?†she said, holding her own Keyblade out in front of her. Suddenly, it began to glow a brilliant white color. She tossed it in the air. Once in the air, it split into 14 white balls of light. All of the light came down on her, but she acted quickly.

    She reached up and grabbed two of the lights that formed into Keyblades at her touch. She crossed them bhind her back and they stayed there. She reached up and grabbed two more lights, and twisted her wrists. Now, two Keyblades hung from chains on her wrists. She reached up again and grabbed four lights, two in each hand, and brushed her hands against her hips. Four Keyblades, two on each side of her, appeared on chains connecting to her belts. She then finally reached up and grabbed the remaining six lights, three in each hand, and held them tight. She was now holding three Keyblades in each hand.

    (And she had done all of this in 7 ½ seconds)

    Everyone was stunned.

    Roxas’ eyes grew wide in amazement and surprise.

    Xed smiled deviously.

    “But let’s see you handle 14!!!â€
  6. EaXsHmI Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 18, 2007
    Places >.>
    NOOO!!! I need moooore!

    I love this story... and when Roxas and Axel talk I can hear them actually saying the words...


    Good stuff...

    I think you just inspired me to make my own story. =O
  7. dancecat120 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 17, 2007
    Currently, in front of a computer
    great job!

    I like the story

    like I said xed has violence and anger problems


    I think she is juse a bit creepy, how does she hold them all?

    great job (like always :))

  8. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset

    That was Awesome!!!! OMG!!! She is the best!!!!!! She is awesome.....she can have 14 keyblades...holy moly...she is...I can't think of any more words to describe mean..WOW....Holy Moly...I luv this!!! I must find out more!!!
  9. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    lol :D thanks!

    lol deep breaths now! :D

    I think shes really cool, and this is one of those things that make her cool :D
  10. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    thank you! :D I'm glad i could inspire you, and if you write something, i'll be sure to read it! :D
  11. EaXsHmI Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 18, 2007
    Places >.>
    Haha... Crazy.. 14 freaking keyblades... Do they all look the same, or each one a different design?
  12. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    I havent decided'll find out soon though....:)
  13. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    omg that was so good, totally in love with this story :D
  14. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    I KNEW her weapon was going to be a Keyblade! But 14!! That's INSANE!!!!
    OOH! I'm so excited! :D Can't wait for part 6!
  15. >Keyblader< Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    She has 14 keyblades??!?!?!?!?! OMG!!!! :eek:
    Nice story by the way.
  16. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    14 keyblades!!!!! :eek: OMG!!! *goes get camera to take a picture* poor Roxas....
    Anyways, keep it up, this is getting really cool!! :D
  17. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    thank you! :D

    It IS insane!!! Part 6 will come out later on today! :D

    lol thanks!

    lol I hope Roxas can keep up....

    thanks! :D
  18. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    I bet she can beat sora and riku at the same time without even trying!!! I mean, how do you avoid 14 keyblades?!?! IT'S INSANE!!!!! But I like IT :D :D
  19. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    I know! You'll see how she can fight with 14 Keyblades in ch 6...

    Trust me, it took a LONG time for me to think of how she can fight with them, and an even longer time to figure out how she could hold them all, lol :)
  20. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper


    Cool!! Can't wait to read it!!
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