The 14th Key ~ Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 17, 2007.


Are you angry at Vexen too?

  1. YES!!! How could he do that to poor Demyx? *hugs Demyx*

  2. No, I thought it was hilarious! XD

  3. I thought it was funny! So no, I'm not mad

  4. Awww...poor weapons....*is angry*

  5. I really don't care....

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  1. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    :D *gets to work on it*
  2. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS!!!! I can't wait for your next section. The fact that Xed could handle 14 keyblades is a great twist. And when will we here more about this Kuxir character? I've developed several theories but just watch them all be wrong.
  3. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Who isn't?!?!?! This is the best!!!!
  4. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    Thank you! :D And about Kuxir...we'll find out more about him later. :D

    Awww...thanks! :D
  5. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    The 14th Key ~ Chapter 5

    Chapter 6 is up! And the battle is INTENSE!!!! Will Roxas win? Or will Xed? Read and find out! (oh, and sry for the messup in the topic title...*ggrrrrr...*)

    ~Chapter 6~

    Everyone was shocked beyond belief.

    “14 KEYBLADES?????” Axel yelled.
    “Pfft, she can’t fight with all of those!” Larxene said. “There’s no way!”
    “W.O.W.” Xigbar said.
    The rest of the members just had their mouths open in surprise. Xemnas crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

    Roxas was equally surprised. He just stared at her. Her and the 14 identical Keyblades that she held so easily.
    “Earth to Roxas, you ready to continue our fight?” Xed said, pleased by his reaction. Roxas blinked twice, knocking himself out of his trance.
    “Yeah!” he said, raising his own two Keyblades. He knew this would be tough, but he could handle this. Xed nodded, raising the six in her hands. Roxas charged at her. As he did, she didn’t move. When he came close enough, all of the Keyblades except for the six in her hands disappeared. She flung one Keyblade from each hand at Roxas. He dodged both easily, and went to strike her. She used one from her left hand to block his attack, and lashed out attacks with the three others. Roxas desperately blocked attacks from her three Keyblades. Then, the two that she had flung out from before had boomeranged back and were now attacking Roxas, as if they had minds of their own. Roxas was constantly turning around, and then turning back to her, trying to block each attack. He was getting tired, not to mention very dizzy…
    Suddenly, four of the Keyblades disappeared, leaving Xed with only two. Roxas rolled his eyes, smiling.

    He could handle two.

    She charged in, and Roxas dodged. The sounds of metal clashing echoed again and again, as they spun around and blocked and attacked.
    “You know Roxas,” Xed said, blocking one of his attacks, “You’re pretty good!” She went to strike him, but he put up his Oathkeeper to block.
    “You’re not too bad yourself!” he said, pushing on his Oathkeeper and forcing her back.
    Then, Xed summoned eight more Keyblades, so she had a total of ten Keyblades to fight with. She threw six of them out like boomerangs, and continued to attack Roxas with the four in her hands. Roxas sighed in annoyance.

    There was no doubt that she was very good at this.

    She charged at him, and the two exchanged wild attacks. All the time, the six Keyblades Xed threw out boomeranged back and attacked Roxas from the back and the sides. So basically, he was forced to block attacks from 10 Keyblades. He couldn’t even try to attack her.
    The fight went on for a while. She swapped out the Keyblades she used often, sometimes fighting with nine, other times she’d fight with five, and sometimes she’d take on Roxas with only one. All of the Organization members watched the fight soundlessly, both amazed and shocked. Xemnas stood there, expressionless, observing Xed.
    Both Keybladers were growing tired, but neither would give in. Xed decided to call off all of her Keyblades except for one in each hand. Roxas smiled deviously.

    He had a plan.

    He charged at her, Oblivion raised high. Xed immediately jumped to the side, but this time Roxas jumped to the side with her, and swung at her. She jumped back, but Roxas ran at her again and swung. She found herself jumping back, trying to dodge his wild attacks. She gritted her teeth. She knew what he was trying to do: knock her off balance. She smiled deviously.

    She had a plan.

    Roxas swung again, but this time Xed almost fell over. She looked up to see Roxas coming at her. Right before he struck at her, she flung one of her Keyblades out in the air. Roxas then brought Oblivion down on her, but she held up her Keyblade lengthwise, so his Keyblade hit it instead of her. Roxas smiled as he quickly brought up his Oathkeeper.

    She had done exactly what he was hoping she’d do.

    He brought the Oathkeeper down on her Keyblade, and then brought the Oblivion down. He alternated Keyblades, banging on her Keyblade, over and over again, in his signature move. The force of his weapons on hers caused Xed to bend her knees in order to stay up. Roxas knew his plan was working. All he had to do was keep this up, and the victory would be his. Xed looked up at him, banging away wildly. He was in deep concentration, trying to make her fall. She looked up to see the Keyblade she had thrown out coming back towards her. She smiled, seeing that Roxas didn’t notice it.

    He had done exactly what she was hoping he’d do.

    The Keyblade whizzed past his head. She twisted her ankle out, spinning away from Roxas’ Keyblades and grabbing the weapon that flew past his head. Roxas hadn’t expected this, and he fell forward. She then kicked his Oathkeeper out of his hand, sending it clattering to the floor. She then turned around and brought on of her Keyblades down on Roxas, but Roxas held up his Oblivion to block the attack. She brought down the other Keyblade on Roxas, but he kept his weapon up to block her attack. She alternated Keyblades, banging on his Oblivion. Roxas’ eyes widened.

    She was using his signature move on him!

    “Stop…stealing…my…move!” Roxas shouted over the shower of blows she was inflicting on his weapon. She smiled, still banging away.
    “I’m not stealing it! I’m borrowing it!” Xed shouted, smiling. He kept his weapon up, desperately blocking her attacks. He hadn’t figured on something like this happening.
    Suddenly, Xed took the Keyblade in her right hand, and swung it out at Roxas’ left leg. It snagged behind his ankle, and she pulled it back towards herself. Roxas tripped and fell backwards onto the ground, dropping his Oblivion.
    Once on the ground, he looked up at Xed, who was standing over him. She swung at Keyblade at him, stopping a few inches from his face. She held it there, while the Keyblade in her other hand rested at her side. Roxas gritted his teeth.

    There was no way he could win.

    She won.

    Roxas sighed.

    Xed smiled.

    She had won.

    There was no way he could fight back.

    Roxas threw up his arms.

    “I give up! Xed wins!”
  6. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    PAGE PWN!!!!

    This was awesome!! I luved it!! The battle was so intense!!! I could see it forming before my eyes....It was unbelievable....

    You really should consider becoming a writer.
  7. EaXsHmI Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 18, 2007
    Places >.>
    Woo! Another great chapter from a great story. =D
  8. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    WOW! Wait! Wasn't the last chapter Chapter 5? :confused:
    Great story like always!! :D
  9. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    AWSOME!! 14 keyblades are really usefull in battle! Ehehehe...Roxas got pwnd!! By the way isn't this chapter 6? Anyways, keep it up, I'm really loving the story!!!
  10. dancecat120 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 17, 2007
    Currently, in front of a computer
    awww their first fight, lol

    great job, I can see it happening

    I feel bad for Roxas :(

    Xed is pretty awesome but she has issues

    but great job!

    I love this chapter! and I am not one to like battly stuff

  11. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    This is supposed to be chapter 6! *bangs head against desk*


    Well anyways, I'm glad you liked it! :D

    Personally, when i wrote this chapter, the song 'The 13th Reflection' from the new 9 disk kh ost came to mind! :D

    Thanks for reading! *goes to edit*
  12. >Keyblader< Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 30, 2007
    Ouch...Roxas got 14 keyblades:eek: ......COOL:cool: !!!!!!

    **Roxas: Stop stealing my move!!!! **
    **Xed: I'm not stealing it, I'm just BORROWING it.**

    Yea, that part was pretty funny:D . Ever considered a writer as your future career?
    I just know you'll mave an awsome one. Keep writing!!!:D
  13. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    aww poor roxas but wahoo for xed, shes cool, cant wait for next chapter
  14. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    thanks! hehe, Roxas got pwned :)

    Umm...I thought about writing, but i guess i never really know....:)

    i liked that part too :D

    :D thanks! The next chapter will be out tonight (i'd type it now, but i just finished typing this huge paper for school, and my fingers hurt, lol :))
  15. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Axel's#1fangirl, YOU PWN.
    All of your fanfics. They pwn anything I could ever write!
  16. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    My gosh! Like khchick said, I could see the battle forming before my eyes. Everything was so cool and masterfully well written. No mistakes that I could see, but I saw tons of good stuff. Can't wait for the next one!
  17. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    When is chapter 7 coming? Cuz I can't wait to read it!!
  18. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    thanks! *takes a bow and falls out of computer chair*

    OWWWW....i gotta stop doing that.... lol :)

    The next chapter will come out tonight! :D

    I'm really sorry that chapter 7 didnt come out last night...i had to type this HUGE paper (8 pages, to be exact. not including bibliography and work cited) and it took me from 1:00 pm to 5:16 pm. I was honestly sick of typing for the day, but a chapet will come out tonight! :D
  19. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    The 14th Key ~ Chapter 7

    Chapter 7! I'm REAL sorry that ch 7 didn't come out last night. I had to type a HUGE paper for a history project at my school (I had to type 8 stinking pages, a bibliography, and a works sited page) And quite frankly, i was sick of typing after that >:P (I typed from 1:00 pm to 5:16 pm) But here's the chapter, so enjoy! :D

    ~Chapter 7~

    There was nothing but silence in the outside battle area. Xed dismissed her two remaining Keyblades and bent down towards Roxas, extending a hand to help him up. Roxas took the hand and let her help him up.

    Clap. Clap. Clap.

    Roxas and Xed looked over at Xemnas, who was clapping slowly, with an impressed smile set on his face. Demyx nodded and started clapping wildly.
    “WAY TO GO XED AND ROXAS!†he yelled. Axel clapped as well.
    “That was AWESOME!†He shouted. Soon, everyone was clapping and cheering and whooping loudly for the two Keybladers. Xed and Roxas smiled and started laughing softly, panting hard for breath. They had been fighting so hard; they hadn’t even realized they had grown exhausted.
    “Roxas?†Xed said softly.
    “Yea?†he replied.
    “You can let go of my hand now.â€
    Roxas looked down to see that his hand was still holding hers. He pulled his hand away quickly and looked in the opposite direction, blushing slightly. Out of the corner of his eye he could’ve promised that she was blushing too. The two of them walked out of the gate and joined the others, where they received pats on their backs and praise.
    “That was amazing!â€
    “How’d you do that, Xed?â€
    “You guys both fought really well!!â€
    “Roxas, that was really awesome how you blocked all of those attacks!â€
    “Where’d you learn to fight like that?â€
    “That was seriously one of the best fights I’ve ever seen!â€
    “Hate to say it, but you two were really good!â€
    Xed and Roxas could only smile at their compliments. Xed turned towards Roxas.
    “Roxas, you’re a really amazing fighter!†she said. Roxas felt himself blush slightly. He scratched the back of his head, smiling.
    “What are you talking about? You were the amazing one!†he said. Xed rolled her eyes and smiled.
    “I’ve faced a lot of people, but you are pretty much the only one who’s put up a good fight.†She smiled again. “You actually were a challenge.†Roxas smiled.
    “But how’d you learn to fight with 14 Keyblades? And when did you get a Keyblade?†Xed shrugged.
    “I don’t remember when I got it, but come on, Roxas.†She said, shaking her head. “I create weapons, and I’ve got to fight with them to see if they serve their purpose. I get a lot of practice.†Roxas nodded.
    “You design Keyblades too?†Xed nodded, smiling widely.
    “Sure do!†she said.
    “Can I see?†Roxas asked.
    “Sure!†She said, blushing slightly. Once again, she had sounded much more excited than she wanted to. The two of them started walking towards the castle, Axel and Demyx following them. Everyone went off to do their own thing. Saix walked up to Xemnas.
    “That was rather impressive.†Saix said. Xemnas crossed his arms.
    “Very.†He said. He had a look on his face, as if he were deep in thought. Saix noticed this.
    “I know that look.†He said. “What’re you thinking about?†Xemnas smiled slowly, slyly.
    “Nothing worth mentioning.†He said. “Yet…â€
    Back in the Weapons Workshop, Xed had pulled out a large sketchpad and handed it to Roxas, who held it up so that Demyx and Axel could see it. He started to flip through it. While they were looking, Xed was working on what was to be Vexen’s new shield.
    “Xed, these are awesome!†Roxas said. Demyx nodded, smiling.
    “Really cool!†Axel nodded as well.
    “Sweet!†Xed smiled. Roxas looked up at her.
    “Have you made all of these?†he asked. She shook her head.
    “Not yet; I’ve made most of them.†She walked away from the shield and walked over to a nearby shelf. She pulled out a medium sized dark blue colored box. She walked back over to the guys.
    “These are the ones I’ve made.†She said, opening the box. Axel, Demyx, and Roxas’ eyes widened as they looked inside. Inside the box was roughly a hundred Keychains, of all different sizes, colors, and designs.
    “Woah…†Roxas said. “Can I hold one?†Xed nodded, and set the box on the desk. Roxas pulled out a long, gray chain with a Silver Star charm at the end. Xed looked over at him.
    “I call that one Shattered Star.†She said, returning to her work on the shield. “Attach it to your Keyblade.†Roxas summoned his Oathkeeper Keyblade and hooked the Keychain to the end. His weapon immediately changed to a shiny silver color, with a cluster of silver stars as the blade. Axel whistled.
    “Wow.†He said. Xed smiled, not looking up from her work. Roxas unhooked the Keychain, and his weapon turned back into its regular state.
    “What’s this?†Demyx asked. Everyone looked at him. He was still looking at the sketchpad of Keyblades. His eyes were skimming a page entitled ‘Organization Keys’. Xed walked over to him and looked at the page. She smiled and blushed, slightly embarrassed.
    “Oh, those are some Keyblades I designed after you guys. I based them off your weapons and elements.†She said sheepishly. Immediately, Axel and Roxas rushed over to look for which Keyblade represented them.
    “Oh sweet!†Axel said. “Mine’s called Flaming Furry! That’s awesome, got it memorized?†Xed smiled.
    “Cool! I like mine!†Demyx said. “Dance of Defeat. I liked it!†Xed shrugged.
    “I like it too, but it’s designed so you play it like a guitar. And I can’t play the guitar.†She said, looking at the ground. Demyx put an arm around her shoulder.
    “Hey, I can teach you!†he said. She looked up at him.
    “Really?†Demyx nodded.
    “Yeah! It’ll be fun!†he said. She smiled.
    “Hey Xed?†Roxas said.
    “Yeah?†she replied.
    “Where’s my Keyblade?†Roxas has still been looking at the page, looking it over and over, but still hadn’t found his yet. Xed blushed again, this time a little more noticeable.
    “Well…your Keyblade is…special…†She said, sounding embarrassed. “Yours is different than everyone else’s.†Roxas cocked his head.
    “Why?†he asked. Xed shrugged.
    “I don’t know, when I was designing these, I just felt that yours should be…special.†She said. Roxas blushed. He had no idea why. Xed then went back over to the shelf where she had pulled out the other Keychains, and pulled out a small glass case. She walked back over to them.
    “These,†she said, placing the case on her desk, “Are my most special, and most dangerous Keychains.†Axel, Demyx, and Roxas nodded. She looked up at them. “If these fall into the wrong hands, there’d be trouble. So no telling anyone about these, okay?†The three of them nodded again. She smiled. She opened the case, revealing about ten Keychains. Roxas looked at them. One of them had a Heartless emblem on it.
    “What’s that one?†he asked, pointing to it. Xed picked it up.
    “This one is one of my most dangerous Keyblades. It is a perfect replica of the Keyblade that can release Hearts.†She said, almost a whisper. “One stab with this, and you’re on your way to darkness, no doubt about it.†She said. Roxas shuddered slightly. That Keyblade…the one she was talking about…he’d seen it before in a dream… Xed then picked up another Keychain and handed it to Roxas.
    “This one is your Keyblade: Devoted Hearts.†She said, smiling. Roxas looked at it. The chain on it was a mix of dark purple and bright gold. At the end was a Heart, half purple, half gold.
    “You can put it on.†She said. Roxas nodded, and placed it on his Oathkeeper. There was a flash of white, and when it cleared, Axel, Roxas, and Demyx gasped in unison.
    His Keyblade was now a silver color. On one side of the blade were dark purple wires, swirling into heart shapes. One the opposite side was the same thing, except with gold wires. The blade itself was a swirled silver heart, with gold and purple intertwined in it.

    It was stunning.

    “This is…amazing…†Roxas said breathlessly, holding the Keyblade out at arm’s length to examine it.
    “Why’s it so special?†Axel asked. Xed looked up at him.
    “I designed it to be twilight.†Everyone cocked their heads in puzzlement.
    “Twilight?†Demyx asked. Xed nodded.
    “You see, twilight is a perfect balance of dark and light. It’s connected so closely that there is no void, but is set apart so that they never mix. The perfect balance.†She said, smiling. Axel nodded.
    “You know Roxas,†Xed said, walking up to him, “you can keep that…†Roxas’ eyes widened.
    “Really?†he asked excited. Xed nodded.
    “Yep. For 89,000 munny.†She said with a smile. Axel, Roxas, and Demyx turned towards her; their mouths open in surprise.
    “89,000???†Axel said. Xed laughed.
    “Yeah, I make money off of selling my weapons.†She said. “That, and charging money for fixing them.â€
    “How come you didn’t charge us?†Roxas asked, unhooking the Keychain from his weapon, still holding it in his hand. Xed shrugged.
    “I’m not sure…I guess I didn’t want to. It’s not often I don’t charge money. But you guys just seemed…†she shook her head, at a loss for words. “I’m not sure.â€
    “Well, we should get going, so that you can finish your work.†Demyx said. Xed nodded.
    you later!†Axel said, walking out of the room, Demyx following him. Roxas handed the Keychain back to her. He was sort of sad to have to part with such a magnificent weapon.
    “Hey,†Xed said softly, sensing his disappointment. Roxas looked up into her soft, faded gray eyes, and at her warm, smiling face. Roxas smiled back.
    “You know, one day,†she said. “You might get that Keychain from me.†Roxas shook his head, smiling, as he walked out of the room. He stopped in the doorway and turned to face Xed.
    “And when will that be?†he asked. Xed chuckled softly.
    “When you have a Devoted Heart…†she said. He smiled and closed the door behind him.

    But, he thought,

    I already have one...
  20. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!

    Teh Keychain thing was nothin' but pure shmex. XDDD

    You gotta draw that up for us... (If you can.)


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