The 14th Key ~ Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 17, 2007.


Are you angry at Vexen too?

  1. YES!!! How could he do that to poor Demyx? *hugs Demyx*

  2. No, I thought it was hilarious! XD

  3. I thought it was funny! So no, I'm not mad

  4. Awww...poor weapons....*is angry*

  5. I really don't care....

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  1. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    I am gonna draw them up! I'm working on a larger pic of Xed's keyblade, and the devoted hearts :) I also hope to add more up soon :D
  2. dancecat120 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 17, 2007
    Currently, in front of a computer
    aww that was cute

    Xed is sweet

    another great chapter :)
  3. xValorxSorax Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 3, 2007
    That was soo awesome! I wish I could make a comic out of that. But that would be stealing it. And I don't steal. Unless I have permission to! lol
  4. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    lol thanks :)

    :D thank you! I guess it would make a good comic...*shrugs*
  5. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Man, I wish I read this sooner...but awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!

    Me ish in luv with his keyblade....i wants it!!!!
  6. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    Really cool chapter! Wow, those keychains sure would come in handy for critical situations....By the way, could you warn us when you post the draw of Xed's keyblade and the Devoted Hearts keyblade?I really wan't to see them. I wonder when Roxas and Xed will stop teasing and reveal their feelings? Anyway, keep it up!!
  7. EaXsHmI Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 18, 2007
    Places >.>
    ...They are SOO gonna fall in love....

    I can't wait until you get those keyblade drawings up...

    And I assume you decided her keyblades are all the same? (Considering you said draw her keyblade instead of keyblades)
  8. ThunderOfLarxene Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 2, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    yay for roxas and his lil crush awwww

    xed is sooo cool, poor roxas for being all sad about his keyblade lol
  9. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    SQUEEEE with the cuteness!!! I loved this story from the very beginning and I still love it now. Great job! And when will they just admit it!!!
  10. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    lol, I hope to get up the pics of the keyblades real soon! (like friday, maybe?) Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you like it!

    And yes, i wish they'd reveal their feelings too....

    Man, i wish the author of this fic would make them tell each other! Sheesh!

    (lol) :D
  11. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    yeah, the autor should do that!

    LOL :D :D :D
  12. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    I'll let her know, k? :D lol

    (oh, and i'm putting up ch 8 right now)
  13. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    Great!! Can't wait to read it!
  14. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    The 14th Key ~ Chapter 8

    Chapter 8! Sry it didn't come out last night :( I was working on something for the LSSP, and my computer kept freezing on me and I had to restart it, WMM was being a pain in the butt, sry bout that. I'll try not to let it happen again! :D

    ~Chapter 8~

    “You should ask Xed out.â€

    Roxas almost choked on the cereal he was eating for breakfast the next morning. He looked at Demyx with wild eyes, still trying to breathe.
    “Excuse me?†he said. Demyx smiled.
    “You heard me.†He said. Roxas shook his head.
    “I-I-I can’t!†he stuttered. Demyx rolled his eyes.
    “Oh come on, Roxas! It’s obvious you like her, so why shouldn’t you ask her out? It’s a nice Thursday-day, and it’d be a perfect day for you two to hang out together.†He said. Roxas shook his head.
    “I don’t know…†Axel walked up to him.
    “How about this: Demyx and I will go with you, unnoticed. Then, we can help you without being seen.†He proposed. Roxas cocked his head.
    “Okay…†he said slowly. He smiled slightly, but it quickly vanished. “But I’ve never asked a girl out! What do I say?†Demyx and Axel thought for a moment.

    “I can help you there.â€

    The three of them looked up to see Marluxia walking into the kitchen. Axel started laughing.
    “You’ve asked girls out before?†he said. Marluxia crossed his arms.
    “Of course I have.†He said. Axel cracked a grin.
    “How many?â€
    “One.†Axel snorted.
    “Only one?†Marluxia smiled slyly.
    “Well, that’s more than you can say for yourself, isn’t it Axel?†he said. Axel crossed his arms and smirked angrily. Demyx and Roxas chuckled.
    “So, how do I ask Xed out?†Roxas asked. Marluxia raised his eyebrows in surprise.
    “Xed? You want to ask her out?†he said. Roxas nodded shyly. Marluxia smiled.
    “Well, all you have to do is say it simply: Xed, would you like to go out with me?†Roxas cocked his head.
    “That’s it?†Marluxia nodded.
    “That’s it.†Roxas stood up.
    “Okay then, I’ll go ask her…â€
    Roxas stood outside of the Weapons Workshop door. He turned around to see Axel and Demyx standing behind him, smiling in approval. Roxas turned back towards the door and took a breath.

    He knocked twice.

    He heard the doorknob turn, and then the door opened a little. Xed looked through the crack, and then opened it all the way, seeing it was Roxas. She smiled.
    “Hi, Roxas.†She said. Roxas could feel himself freeze up with fear.

    How was he supposed to ask her out?

    She was so…
    And he was so…

    Xed raised an eyebrow.
    “Roxas?†she said, waving her hand in front of his face. Roxas blinked and looked back at her. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Sensing his nervousness, Axel walked up to Roxas and put his hands on his shoulders.
    “Xed, Roxas has something he wants to ask you.†He said, encouraging Roxas. Roxas nodded. He opened his mouth to speak again.
    “Xed…do you…want to…go…out…with…me…?†He asked, his words soft and growing softer. Xed seemed surprised.
    “Really?†she said. Roxas looked at the ground and nodded dumbly. She smiled.
    “Sure.†Roxas looked up at her. Had she just said yes?
    “Sure?†he asked, hoping he had heard what he thought he had heard. She nodded.
    “When will we go?†she asked.
    “Around…5:00…?†he said, still in partial shock. She nodded again, smiling.
    “Okay, I’ll meet you out in the living room then.†She said, before closing the door of the Workshop.
    “YES!!!!†Roxas shouted, excited. Axel pat him on the back.
    “Ya see, was that so scary?†he said. Roxas looked up at him.
    “Yes! That was terrifying!†he said. Demyx walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
    “Well, you did fine.†He said, smiling. Then, the three of them walked towards the stairs. Roxas stopped suddenly and turned around towards the Workshop door.
    “What’s wrong?†Demyx asked. Roxas shook his head.
    “Nothing.†He said. Demyx shrugged and he and Axel continued walking. Roxas lingered a moment before catching up to the two Nobodies.

    He could’ve promised he had heard an excited ‘yes’ coming from the other side of the door…

    Roxas waited in the living room for Xed. Apparently, word had spread about their little ‘date’ and now everyone was in the living room (except for Xemnas and Saix), waiting to see them leave. Roxas rolled his eyes, annoyed.
    “Did you all have to come?†he said.
    “Yup.†Larxene said, looking up from her Death Note manga in her lap. Roxas sighed in annoyance. He turned to Demyx and Axel.
    “So are you guys gonna come?†he asked, almost pleading. Axel nodded.
    “Chill, Roxas. We’re going to follow you after you two leave.†He said. Roxas nodded.
    “You know, Roxas,†Lexaeus said, from his seat on the sofa, “you should say something nice to Xed when she comes out.†Roxas cocked his head.
    “What should I say?†he asked.
    “How about this!†Xigbar said, jumping up from his seat next to Zexion. He cleared his throat.
    “Girl, I know your feet must be tired, ‘cause you’ve been running through my mind all day!†he said. Everyone gave him a strange look.
    “How about,†Luxord said, “You look nice today?†Xaldin shook his head.
    “No, that’s not good enough. How about: Your eyes are really pretty?†he said. Axel waved his arm frantically.
    “I know! I know!†he said. “First, set the area around you guys with fire. Then, when she says ‘Roxas! Look at all this fire!’, you say ‘The only fire in my eyes here is you.’†He said. Larxene rolled her eyes.
    “He’s trying to compliment the girl, not kill her.†She said, chucking at his stupidity. Axel rolled his eyes.
    “Well,†Roxas said, “I think I’ll just tell Xed—“

    “Tell me what?â€

    Roxas looked up to see Xed walking up from the stairs. Roxas immediately blushed.
    “That…you…look nice today.†He said, smiling weakly. Xed smiled back, blushing slightly.
    “Thanks.†She said. Roxas summoned a Corridor of Darkness, and they stepped through.
    “Have fun!†Zexion called.
    “And be back before curfew!†Vexen called, earning a laugh from the other members. Roxas rolled his eyes in embarrassment as the portal closed.
    The two arrived in Twilight Town. Xed looked around her.
    “Where are we?†she asked.
    “Twilight Town, my old home.†Roxas replied. Xed smiled.
    “It’s nice.†She said. The two began walking down a path when Roxas felt a light tap on his shoulder, and resisted the urge to jump around. Instead, he calmly looked behind him to see Axel and Demyx following close behind, soundlessly. Roxas smiled and turned back around.

    He could always count on them.
    Roxas bought the two of them Sea-Salt ice cream, and they ate walking down a path by the Sandlot.
    “Roxas!†Someone whispered.
    Roxas turned around to see where the whisper had come from. It was Axel. He clasped his hands together and mouthed ‘Hold her hand’. Roxas nodded, understanding what he was saying. He switched his ice cream to his opposite hand, and slowly and shyly took Xed’s hand in his own. She looked over at Roxas. Roxas smiled shyly. She smiled shyly back, blushing slightly. Xed then laced her fingers with his. Roxas smiled. Axel and Demyx smiled.

    This was going well.
    A little later, Roxas brought Xed up on the Station Tower to watch the sunset with him. They got a chance to talk about everything. About their friends, their interests, their favorites (color, animal, etc.), and anything else they could think of. Xed smiled.
    “Wow, you can see everything up here.†She said. Roxas nodded.
    “Yeah…†he smiled.
    Roxas turned his head to look behind him. Axel and Demyx were there. Demyx was mouthing ‘put your arm around her shoulder’, but Roxas couldn’t tell what he was saying. In fact, Axel couldn’t even tell what Demyx was saying. Roxas shot him a confused look. Demyx thought a moment, and then got an idea. He then put his arm around Axel’s shoulder and pointed at him. Roxas nodded, understanding what he was telling him. Unfortunately, Axel didn’t know what he was doing. He pushed Demyx’s arm off of his shoulder, and pushed Demyx, mouthing ‘what the smoof do you think you’re doing?’. Demyx tried to explain, but Axel pushed him again. Demyx pushed back. Soon, the two were pushing and hitting each other silently. Roxas chucked silently. He looked back at Xed, who was still staring out at the sky. He stretched his arm out, pretending to yawn, and put him arm around her shoulder. Xed chuckled.
    “Pretty old trick.†She said, looking at Roxas, smiling. He smiled back nervously. She leaned against his him and put her head on his shoulder. Roxas smiled.
    “Pretty old trick yourself.†He said slyly. She smiled.
    “Well, it worked, didn’t it?†Roxas smiled wider. The two sat there in silence, watching the sun sink into the sky, while Axel and Demyx silently fought each other behind them.
    The two arrived back at the Caste around 7:00 p.m. Axel and Demyx had gone ahead of them, and were waiting inside so Xed wouldn’t seen them. They walkehe door, still holding hands.
    “Today was fun.†Xed said, smiling, looking up at Roxas. Even in the darkness of the sky, he could still see her warm gray eyes and her warm smile.

    He could feel himself blush, just by looking at her.

    “Yeah.†He said, looking away to hide his red face, incase she could see. Xed looked away too.
    “Xed?†he said softly.
    “Maybe…we could…you know…go out again sometime?†Xed smiled.
    “Sure!†Roxas smiled back. They arrived at the door.
    “But Roxas?†she said. He looked at her.
    “Next time, tell Axel and Demyx to stay here.â€
    The two laughed, and went inside the Castle.
  15. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    It's up! :D
  16. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    Way too cute!!!! I was blushing FOR Roxas the whole time!

    I can totally see them making out right now......
  17. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    WOW!! GREAT CHAPTER(as always ;) )!!!

    This made my cry from laughing!!! :

    Roxas turned his head to look behind him. Axel and Demyx were there. Demyx was mouthing ‘put your arm around her shoulder’, but Roxas couldn’t tell what he was saying. In fact, Axel couldn’t even tell what Demyx was saying. Roxas shot him a confused look. Demyx thought a moment, and then got an idea. He then put his arm around Axel’s shoulder and pointed at him. Roxas nodded, understanding what he was telling him. Unfortunately, Axel didn’t know what he was doing. He pushed Demyx’s arm off of his shoulder, and pushed Demyx, mouthing ‘what the smoof do you think you’re doing?’. Demyx tried to explain, but Axel pushed him again. Demyx pushed back. Soon, the two were pushing and hitting each other silently."

    Now i can totally see Roxas and Xed together in a not very far away future. But of course they will have the backup of Axel and Demyx, so it shoudn't be to hard for them to really start dating....
  18. sT3pH!e313 Merlin's Housekeeper

    :p :p AWWW....soo cute ! Your So Great At this stuff !! :)
  19. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    lol!!! Thanks! :D

    lol i agree! Who knows, maybe they'll date, maybe not...*evil smile*

    thank you! :D My next story probably wont be very sweet. so i want to make this one sorta sweet :)
  20. sT3pH!e313 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Just a though... it would be kinda funny if Xed made a referance to Jesse McCartney being hot 'cause you know Roxas..... :confused:
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