Might change the series title but it will do for now! I've had this idea for a while now but I can be a lazy so-so. xD It's basically a series of short stories based on the members of khv and how the writer imagines their day/life. It can even be the first story idea that pops into your head when they think about that member. So, for instance; if I had to write about Makaze I would maybe write how he goes about creating his ideal world, or if it was Misty I would write about her typical day in khv, how she marches through the forum in her Darth Vadar suit, using the Force on anyone behaving out of line. Heck, even about Claw being a raging psycho. It could be anything that comes to mind. What I would like though is to make it into a bit of a challenge. So, we would have someone be the chosen member to be written about, decided by a vote. Members would write their short story, send them in so they may be posted under false names (Cause I like creating false names for folk) and then allow them to chose their favourite. A winner will be decided and the cycle will repeat. Probably do it once a month. Would anyone be interested in participating in something like this? Suggestions are also very much welcomed.
I really like this idea, would there be a word limit? If there wasn't then you could have some stories that went on for a while :3 Also, would it have to be realistic? xD
Aye, I think a word limit would be required. What limit I don't have a scooby. I don't know what folk are comfortable with. lol, no no. It can be as realistic or unrealistic as you like. Anything that you want, basically. As long as it's appropriate to the site. xD
We'll start once we get a few others who are interested. In the mean time I don't see why folk can't toss out a name to nominate.
This sounds brilliant. As always dear :3 I nomiate Forsaken, or pudge fudge or whatever we call him these days! :3
So, it'll be a vote between Forsaken (Captain Pudge), What, Droid and Bushy. I'll open the poll for a few days and see how it goes. If anyone has any ideas just plop them in. I'm thinking if folk are interested we could have a theme or a setting every now and then.