What can you see that I can't? Why do you not see me the way the others do as they pass by? Pity. Coldness. Black. They glance without a though and toss me into the ember. Not you. Never you. Why? Warmth. Compassion. Love. How do you see these things in such a doomed being?
Overall, I thought this was simple, but also sweet. I think that you could have developed the images in this a bit more; the image of being tossed into the embers was good, but you could have also developed the coldness/black feeling you mentioned in the line before, and maybe made an extended metaphor of sorts to wood or other things in a fireplace that are all burned up and gray, with the only semblance of color or warmth being the embers? That's just me being **** about things, but nonetheless good job. c: