What do you think of Gay Marriages?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by RoxasNoxas, Jun 18, 2007.

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  1. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Cool post.
    I think that's just stupid that gays attacked heterosexuals.
    (is sad because I can't write quite as long or intelligently as Rep.)
  2. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    The following story is why homophobia whould stop. NOW. Before anyone else commits suicide.

    Found on Fundies Say the Darndest Things.

    Maybe I should make a thread. Maybe later.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I can't even call that just homophobia. That's just homo-hating. It's very sad people still feel that way, but many have changed opinions so we just have to keep hanging on that more people will learn tolerance and acceptance. When I was younger, I had a lot of adults that were very conservative and fundamentalist Christians and they seem to have the biggest issues with it. When I first started encountering 'gay people' it was so weird and I wasn't sure how to act around them, but then after rationalizing things and talking to them about it, I realized that what people do with their sexuality is only a part of them and who cares? It is awkward first. No one should doubt that really, but how people deal with the unusual situations in life is what makes them strong people or just followers that look to others for guidance. Things have changed a lot over the few years and I think it will continue to improve, even as sometimes it looks otherwise. We've actually come a long way just looking back in history since the 80s, where the gay lifestyle really became apparent, sadly because of Aids. There were so many rumors out then that spread through the 90s and still in the 2000s that I am glad to see logical people can figure out most are just homophobia or outright lies. I wish news like what Mirai just posted didn't still happen but all we can all do is just try to keep telling the truth to get rid of bias like that. The person who wrote that article seems really stupid and I can laugh at her perception, but I can also feel really sorry for the boy so it kind of kills the humor of poking fun at the fundie.
  4. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    I've totally felt like killing myself. Like, after my mom found out. >_<
    She's really conservitive and Christian.
  5. VI schemer Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 17, 2007
    In your cereal box.
    That is just WRONG! That person was a complete a-hole! How can you try to say things like that?! What's wrong with being gay?! Why do people think it's immoral?! It can't be helped! People like that are just horrible!
  6. Repliku Chaser

    It can't be helped? I don't think of it in that way really. I think of it more as a person is just what they are and they have things they are attracted to and other things that just repulse them. When people start realizing that just because they don't like something doesn't mean that someone else can't, the world will be a better place. I am straight and the thought of being with the same gender is just not something I am at all willing to do because I have no desire at all for it. However, I am comfortable with that fact and comfortable with the fact others can be attracted to what I am not. I am not that person and as long as people are 'mutual' who cares?

    I think it's a wonderful thing that two people can find happiness together be them the same gender or opposite. It's hard for anyone to find someone to be in a good solid relationship with. It's easy to go out and get 'sex' but much harder to find an honest attachment, friendship and relationship that is enduring. Those people that do find it should all get the same benefits because to me, there's no real difference.
  7. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    A lot of homophobia stems from ignorance brought on by your upbringing/household (i.e. parents), by your religion or by reading/watching the wrong type of media.

    I think it is terrible when parents pass their prejudices on to their children. They are molding their children and putting ideas into their head that they might not agree with in late life but won't have the choice to because it is hammered in. Most times religion is to blame and that seems to be the bottom line.

    @RoxasNoxas - If your mother/parents reject you after telling them then they are really crappy people who don't deserve you to be honest. If they are going to let their idiotic and ignorant prejudices come before the love of their son they don't deserve you.
  8. Way_2_The_Dawn Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 4, 2007
    Assault of the Dreadnaught
    Premarital Sex? Gotta agree with you there. Though, being a Christian, I am against gay marriage. You've probably heard this before, but God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. It was meant for man and woman to be together, not man and man or woman and woman. Whoever (or whatever) told you that no gay people choose to be gay are lying to you.
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol, again with the ignorance =_= Are you gay? Do you have feelings for people of the same sex? No? Then how do you know if gay/bi people choose to have those feelings or not? I didn't choose them. Tbh I would rather not have them. For quite a while I hated myself for it. I wanted to be 'normal'. Then I realised normal is what I make it. I am happy with what I have. My bf makes me happy, he told me he loves me last night and I love him too. I didn't choose it, but I'm not complaining either.

    But with marriage, I'm not sure =/. I don't know if the union of a same sex couple should still be called marriage. I'm completely for having the same rights as a straight married couple but I think calling it marriage is, ugh I don't know, off? =/ =/. Keeping it as a Civil Partnership would work x]

    (I'm bi btw >_>)
  10. Way_2_The_Dawn Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 4, 2007
    Assault of the Dreadnaught
    IF normal is what you make it, then why didn't you just make heterosexual relationships normal?
  11. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    What I mean is there is no normal. There is a normal set by society which creates all of the prejudice in society, but you are your own person. You should decide what is normal for you.
  12. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Oh Mirai, what an interesting site that was.

    Lol, cheap grace? Well at least I'm not a hyprocritical tart who holds grudges against people who have done nothing wrong but accept themselves for who they truly are. Instead of lying, they're being honest. It's a step of self-love - something which God wants all of us to do. If we put it like this, lying is a Sin too, and that is exactly what any Homosexual would be doing was he denying his true trait. And christrians like this Aineo here, who are only encouraging them to live their life in Sin, aren't helping this matter.
    Nor am I ignorant to think that people being homosexual is because of the sudden sprout of 'Gay Activists' today - Homosexuality has been an issue ever since. And if I recall correctly, your very own Bible mistranslated the issue.

    Why is it that these guys always think everything the kids do is BECAUASE of us? They go as far as to blame homosexuality on the adults now, when it's, technically speaking, a mere trait (THAT GOD GAVE THEM! D: ) of someone.
    On the subject of 'Hurting Children': How about lying to ones self, living in denial, and generally being afraid of sharing a part of oneself with anyone else for fear of discrimination, hate and rejection? Don't you think this hurts the child even more, knowing that a part of him would be spat and shunned upon? Don't you think the child lived in much distress as it was, thinking God hated him for who he was and thought anyone else would as well? With this stress and sombre thoughts, it's no wonder that poor child was driven to suicide. Said thoughts are because of YOUR group who are repressing and condonning part of his trait. He was scared, and probably fed up with thinking he was wrong and didn't wan't to face the cold, sad reaction from others.
    Blaming the suicide on Gay Activists is trying to overlook the problems of your 'Perfect Work'. Stop to look at what your group and your perfect work is doing, the blame can't always be dumped on us.

    Seriously whut.

    How can you blame a child's homosexuality on society, or the people around him? Seriously, they make as if these 'Gay Activists' are either 'contaminating kids with their gay genes' or 'sprouting arshattery that encourage people to BE gay'. Last time I checked, that was neither the case.
    This is just about the most redundant shiz I've heard since I last read that post with La Sofa talking to himself.

    Because telling a homosexual that it's wrong to be one is like telling yourself that having blonde hair, or blue eyes, or being african is wrong. Now this of course, isn't always the case, admittedly.
    Unlike stealing, lying and murdering which is done under SOME deliberate intention, be it sick pleasure or for some vendetta, homosexuality for the most part is part of a human trait which for the most part, isn't picked up by choice.
  13. Way_2_The_Dawn Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 4, 2007
    Assault of the Dreadnaught
    Well, you said you hated yourself once for being homosexual. If you realized that normal is what you want, why didn't you make yourself heterosexual and consider that normal?
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Because I couldn't just ignore the feelings I had. That would be denying part of who I am. Bottling up my feelings would only damage me in later life.

    I do what will make me happy, not what will make society/everyone else happy
  15. KATACHI IS KING!! Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    in your kitchen, eating all of your food XP
    well its really not the country's place to say. if gays want to be married, let them.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    This is why I am not religious. I cannot condone a religion that wants to say that Adam and Eve is the way and Adam and Steve is not. Adam and Eve is for 'procreation' purposes. Adam and Steve is not. The earth is more than 6000 years old even if 50% of Americans assume otherwise. A man and a woman together can have children, but you know what? They don't have sex together just to produce them. Sex is 'enjoyable' and feels good and is something people share together as a mutual satisfaction too, as well as the emotional feelings it gives them. Why do people forget that? Bonobos don't forget it. Sex is not some evil thing. Nor is it something to be ashamed of to say the persons involved didn't do it to have a baby. They did it for mutual connection, love and feeling and sex just feels good when done right.

    I am also not with the 'sex after marriage' thing as I think people shouldn't just have sex straight out in a budding relationship and should be drawn together to be friends foremost, but I will ask...why wait till after marriage? What if the guy is too big for the girl? What if the guy can't get it up? What if the girl finds sex to be really uncomfortable or the guy's sexual desires to be over the top? What if it's vice versa? Sex before marriage to me seems more a logical thing than waiting until after to find out the bad points you didn't know prior. It gets it out in the open and lets you know if sexually the two people are even compatible. This isn't to say I think they should just have sex all the time because then you lose focus on the intimacy in other ways such as developing the friendship bonds that will carry a marriage onward, but still, I can't see being with someone and devoting my 'life' to that person if I don't know what I am getting into. It's better to know ahead of time and break it off or go 'whoo-hoo!' than to later find out it just isn't working and spend all that money and time on a divorce.

    The world is not evil at all. The world is simply 'the world' and you give it a label to express your discontentment about what 'others' do. If you believe in God, you do. However, the bible was written in a time to bring people together to mold a specific society with the beliefs they held 'then'. Homosexuality has existed as long as humans have. I find that a 'loving' God would not condemn such a behavior and instead hope his flock of followers would see that homosexuality is a part of life.

    What does being homosexual do to others that is so bad? About the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that if 'everyone' was homosexual and didn't want kids...well, there goes the population and the human race dies out. This is a totally extremist point of view and it is simply not valid.

    So what else? Because I am straight, I have no desire for another of the same gender. I can say I'm not the least bit attracted to a gay person, but can I be friends and also share things with someone who is gay? Of course! I am NOT in that person's bedroom. I do not control that person's sexual behavior anymore than that person has control over mine. Can a gay person vote, work, be a contributor to society, treat children well, work as a volunteer, build things, care about others? Of COURSE he/she can! So a person's sexuality should not be a problem.

    Also the 'for the kids' ordeal has led us down paths to make all sorts of stupid laws to keep children blind to what is really out there in life. Some laws helped but others are to put blinders on kids and so when they become teenagers and exposed to what real life is, they are shocked, horrified, intimidated or the opposite which is to hop right in and do everything that as a parent, you wouldn't want them to such as drugs, crazy stunts, beating up on others etc. Kids can be 'too protected' and I'd rather my kid know that homosexuality exists than to not. If my kid were gay, I don't care. It is my child.

    Lastly without trying to offend 'good religious people' I have to say this. Those who judge others off of blind faith don't have a right to have kids. They are a harm and a disease to progress of life and have you SEEN the horrible atrocities committed by those who are super blind in their religion on children? I can tell you that a LOT more kids do things negatively because of a religion forced down their throats instead of being allowed to research and choose for themselves. Someday bible-thumpers will realize that in the end, their so called 'doing it for the children' is really more like 'doing it so our faith goes on' and isn't about the welfare of kids at all.

    Every time I hear someone say things like "My parents don't want me because I'm gay and they are religious", "My parents don't love me because I disbelieve in their religion", "My parents hate me because I believe in Evolution" etc...where's the harm stemming from? It seems to me I'd rather have a kid that isn't going to commit suicide because I am an unbearable tyrant slapping books on his/her head or force that kid to run away and mold life out of my own. Religion isn't the problem really, but the fanatics are one serious issue and they have no rights ever to say 'it's for the children'. None.
  17. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Just what will the consequence be if gay people are allowed to marry? NONE. The world will not explode. Nothing will happen.
    My parents complained that if gay people should marry, the whole definition of marriage will have to changed, thus making families uncomfortable.
    Oh, dear. We have to change one particular word, so we'll have to stay true to All Men are Equal? We have to change? Oh, what has this world come to?
    *pardon my sarcasm*
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Ugh..I cant really say no because I dont know what its like to love someone with the same sex..but it doesnt seem right to me =(...
  19. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well this is an easy one. they have every right to get married and no one should listen to the Bible if its' saying (i never read it so i dont' know if it says so or not) that it's immoral. i think the reasoning is with pro-creation and religion, but i not sure. but they have every right and shouldn't let religious beliefs get in the way. however, ppl argue that lowering the "standards" for what can be married will eventually lead to ppl marrying animals which i find absurd becuz they are another species. so....gays are allowed to marry but not animals and ppl in my opinion.
  20. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Again there may be interpretive grounds in the bible where homosexuality is bad, but if it is in fact so bad why would God let it happen? Surely there are plenty of better ways to test faith, and people in general. If its was made Adam and Eve, how did it get to be Adam and Steve? Saying it's against your beliefs because they're based off of what your religion puts forth isn't a good enough reason if for all you know what you believe in is responsible for it (God didn't intend for homosexuality, but yet he let it happen?).

    So I guess we choose to be violent, and choose who love? Of the irrational arguments to put forth about being rational.
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