What's actually wrong with Prostitution?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Cin, Aug 17, 2008.

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  1. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Being a prostitute is being trash. You might not realize this. I don't care. Knowing what is right and what is wrong isn't a hard thing to see in this case. Also, don't bring the ideas of 'feminism' into this thread. Women have plenty of equal rights as men do.

    1: Yes, there is something wrong with drug dealers and you know it. There are also problems with the people who buy the drugs.

    2: They'll be classy drug dealers? That doesn't even deserve a comment. That is what you call an 'idiotic' response.

    3: If you refer to my post above, assassins who kill 'innocent' people is to which I was referring.

    4: Prostitutes are trash. Plain and simple. A lot of trash in the Netherlands.

    5: Of course they were an insult. That is also why he 'de repped me' and said I 'fail'.
  2. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Being a prostitute can be a rewarding job, if you manage to get a good manager and stay out of trouble. I mean, I don't know this from experience, but I'm sure you'd find some very happy/esteemed hookers out there.
  3. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Perhaps they would be happy. But that doesn't mean what they're doing is right and pure.
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Did you know that Bonobo apes (our genetically closest living relative) use sex as a form of greeting, goodbye, peer bonding, AND mother-child bonding? So, are they immoral? NO, because morals are nothing more than a cultural and religious CONSTRUCTION used solely to control humans and make them into "proper" people, the definition of which varies between every religion and culture. Morals do not exist.

    If both the parties involved are consenting, legal-age, aware adults (if they are mentally deficient, and don't know what they are doing, that is different) then by all means let them have sex. And even better, if it were legal, the government could tax the incomes of the prostitutes/pimps, and considering the income some of them make, it would be a considerable source of income for the US (or whatever country that makes it legal).

    Not only that, but the prossies could be tested monthly, bimonthly, etc for STDs, cutting down the number passed on CONSIDERABLY. They would have proper wages, better health care, insurance, legal representation, and all the trappings that us "moral" citizens get. I say it's about time we stop treating them like second-class citizens just because of their chosen pursuit of happiness (or because they are trying to survive in a world that hates the poor).
  5. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Prostitution is the world's oldest job. It is not wrong to have sex and make money for it. Let's say all the healthcare was their and there were thorough exams to ensure both parties don't have STDs and that it was actually acceptable (which it was for a very long time before Christianity came into play). Would prostitutes still be trash? And you said women have the same rights as men. That means, men can be prostitutes too. It isn't just women who can be and choose to be prostitutes. So are male prostitutes trash too?
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol, "right and pure"? Get down off your high horse and think for a moment. The only reason people see it as being dirty and wrong is because of religious teaching.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    That isn't necessarily true. I for one find it to be wrong because the society, wrapped up in a nutshell, quite literally teaches this behavior. That's why it is wrong to me.

    Yeah, religion professes it is wrong morally, which can be true if that's how your morals are constructed. But mine are not that way.

    There's more to it than religion.
  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Awesome! You just insulted thousands of girls who didn't have a choice and didn't even stop to think of them. :cool: Can I get an autograph?

    Obviously you do. Why else would you debate with him?

    Pay them no mind. They couldn't know that you have the absolute right to judge prostitutes. :)

    He may not have a clue and he may not have style. But everything he lacks, well he makes up in denial.
    And all the girlies say you're pretty fly for a white guy.

    But sadly, what they are doing is right and pure (well, it's nothing bad at least).
    So yeah, you were wrong all along. :(
    *presses red buttons, hatch opens underneath Fallout's feet and Fallout is guided through a maze of tubes ending up in the sewers*
    See ya!
  9. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Quoted for truth and win. Your morals, Fallout, are the creation of your religion and your society. They really should not affect you in the least.

    And as childofturin said, maybe if we stop treating prostitutes like trash, maybe they'll have better lives! Maybe they'll even STOP prostituting! Wouldn't that be just dandy?
  10. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Even without religion, my beliefs would still be the same. Anyone with 'morals' knows prostitution is wrong.

    Well, you're just an idiot and immature. That's all I have to say for your dumb post.

    [Gay]*Pushes a button, you fall through tubes.* 'See ya!'[/Gay]

    You have no morals. It's pathetic you don't have a high horse to jump off. 'Morals' are important. Even if you don't have a religion, you should have them.

    And for all of you idiots saying 'with healthcare and moderation we can keep sexually transmitted diseases at bay!' Just quit. Stop. If you don't want to deal with the morality issue of this subject, fine. Let's legalize and endorse prostitution. But whoever believes in doing this is a scumbag.
  11. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008

    I'll just conclude that you have nothing substantial to go by then. :)
    I kinda have a habit to only show maturity around people who have demonstrated that they can do the same.
  12. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i just don't get why people say that the girls have no other choice than prostitution. i mean if they're doing it willingly and no one is getting hurt i don't see why we should care. but if they really did have no choice, what circumstances could bring that up? i'm pretty sure there are plenty of other jobs out there.

    EDIT: also, i read from somewhere that it takes about 6 months to get a reliable test result for HIV after receiving a sample. does anyone know if that's always the case?
  13. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    You clearly know nothing about morals if that's what you think.

    Please stop with the immaturity. I've let it go on far enough of this discussion.

    Morals is an empty distinction. Morals comes with thinking critically, everyone has them no matter what, even if they say "prostitution is wrong," they still have morals, simply because they are human and can form an opinion in the first place.

    For someone who thinks he knows an awful lot about prostitution and how wrong it is, you're certainly complaining an awful lot. Have you even formed a solution for yourself, in terms of how prostitution should be subsided in the rational thinking world?
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    A major reason for prostitution being viewed as "immoral" is because Christianity preaches that sex is special and should be treated so. When, at the very basic level, it is for procreation. Humans have taken a stage further and gained enjoyment from it. At the extreme basic level it is a method for our genes to pass themselves on (as we are their survival machines for them to survive and pass themselves on down the generations).
    With contraception (which, contrary to seemingly popular belief, is extremely effective but with most things man-made prone to failure. If you want the statistics I would be happy to provide them.) the chance of procreation taking place is slim-to-none and STDs can easily be prevented from spreading. Apart from the disagreement of religion based "morals" (which, as figure of destiny has said, are rather subjective and arbitrary), what else is there?

    EDIT: @Evilman: According to wikipedia it takes anywhere from 12 to 22 days depending on the type of test and which form of HIV is being tested for.
    There are other oral tests which take 15 minutes.
  15. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Brothel owners can be genuine *******s. I'm not saying that they're all bad, but some go as far as confiscate the girls' identity papers and travel visa.
    They're drafted from their home countries, having been promised a rewarding job and then pushed into signing contracts they might not even understand.
    Also, many of them are illegal aliens. They are talked into prostituion because their employer accomodates them, which is a very tempting offer if you have nowhere else to go.
    Physical violence is not uncommon either (has happened in Antwerp and quite possibly Amsterdam).
    And last but not least, India and to lesser extent Thailand have had cases of parents selling their young children to brothel owners.

    Of course most modern countries have already begun a witch hunt against these forms of prostitution but many sources still slip through the net. However condemning all prostitutes indiscriminately for this without having at least some consideration for this context displays is nothing short of ******ed, which I'm trying to explain to Fallout but sadly he isn't very good at taking obvious hints.
    Life isn't always as simple as you want it to be, kids. :D
  16. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Look, lets not get into the issues of child prostitution, because I think most of us here agree that, unless you are truely sick, child sex is BAD. Whether it is for "moral" reasons, or real reasons (it does physically hurt them, after all), it is wrong. The discussion should be focusing on consenting adults buying/selling sex. Nothing more, and nothing less.
  17. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    aah thanks for that, *wonders where he heard 6 months from*
    oh ok, that's what people meant with the girls having no other option.
    yes, i think almost everyone agrees with that, i watched a documentary about a black market selling children into slave labor and prostitution. bad stuff

    oh and did anyone see the tags on this thread? they're pretty funny (i'm not being sarcastic either)
  18. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    Listen Darkwatch (aka 'figure of destiny') apparently I know much more about morals than anyone else here and especially you. Morals is basically knowing what is 'right' from what is 'wrong' and clearly you don't have any. Complaining an aweful lot? Reread my posts, that's not complaining, DW.

    Prostitution legal? Seriously? Also, mod, keep coming with the threats, I'm still going to speak my mind.
  19. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Morals are very subjective (as are right and wrong to an extent). You may see prostitution as being morally wrong, someone else may not. Neither of you is right because there is no "right" answer. It all depends on the society you are in etc.

    However, there is also a difference between fact and truth. Fact is objective and truth is subjective. The fact is STDs are spread through prostitution so easily because it is illegal. So many women are maltreated, beat up, addicted to drugs etc because it is illegal. Most of the problems that are associated with prostitution are because it is illegal.

    How can you base the argument that it should stay illegal by commenting on factors caused by its illegality?
  20. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    And what if someone else has different views on right and wrong? Right. What makes your views any better than his/hers?
    Of course, only people with a certain level of, whatchamacallit, maturity stop to think about that.

    As long as you don't mind making a complete fool out of yourself.
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