Birth by Sleep Who is Ven?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by khsuperfan, Feb 5, 2008.


Who is Ven?

  1. Sora's father

    9 vote(s)
  2. Sora's brother

    20 vote(s)
  3. Roxas

    15 vote(s)
  4. himself, nobody else

    58 vote(s)
  5. Terra's younger brother

    1 vote(s)
  6. Roxases' father

    0 vote(s)
  7. your mom!!!

    23 vote(s)
  1. Riku-Sama's Shadow Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 19, 2008
    I actually thought he was an unbirth, that is, until i heard different.
  2. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    I'm just gonna say, I mean, b4 I didn't believe it, but I could see the possiblity of Ven being Sora's brother. It would explain why Sora went through the whole training thing (since technicly he wasnt originally supposed to get the keyblade, and it would be possible since he was blood relative to ven, someone who CAN hold a keyblade), and it might also explain why Roxas looks like him. Perhaps he could be a form of Sora's past memories of Ven, though he may not remember (if Ven had to leave the island, then Sora's memories may have been erased. who knows. AFter all, namine did a pretty good job on his memories, am I right?)

    Either way, we know that Roxas and Ven are some how connected, and the one thing that links them is Sora. So unless someone else has a better theory of just how they may be linked together by Sora, this is the only thing that I can go on at the moment.
  3. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Whoever de-repped me, seriously, it's called a joke.
  4. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    nah, roxas is sora's nobody, so how could he be Sora's nobody unless Sora was a heartless before he went to get Kairi?
  5. Xioayugoth Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    Sora could easily have a brother, if he had gone missing or something while Sora was too young to remember him. Maybe he got jealous of the attention his baby brother was getting, so he ran away from home...
    And, besides, Sora doesn't even MENTION his parents, not once. The only time any reference is brought to his family is right at the very start of KH1; we hear presumably his mother's voice, and Riku mentions that "we may never see our parents again" while succumbing to the darkness.
    Sora's family could be in any situation, really. We know next to nothing other than the fact a woman lives in his house. XD
    Seriously. No mention of mom, dad, siblings, ANYTHING.
    Although, if Ven was Sora's brother, why on earth would he be identical to Sora's Nobody, "born", by the looks of things, at least ten or so years after him? (Accounting for Sora being turned into a heartless at 14, and Ven's physical age of around 15-16...)
  6. Xe54 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 19, 2007
    New York City, NY
    Ven is Ven and nothing more or less until we see the damn game. Can we stop with the theories?
  7. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    Uh, that's the whole point of this section (though, most of the poll options make me facepalm, that's beside the point). If you don't like the theories, well, why are you here?

    Anyways, I seriously doubt Ven being Terra's/Sora's brother/father/uncle/whatever or any other family related connection is the answer.


    Well, since when has the answer ever been "the connection between x and y is that x is y's father/brother/cousin/what have you"? It's always been "x is y's closest friend/heartless/nobody/insert other important kh related things here".

    Family has no importance (or rather, has had no importance) in the series whatsoever. We have never even seen a single family member that we know of (the most we got was hearing whom we *assume* is Sora's mother, and not the emphasis on "assume", because it could easily be Sora's maid or nanny or a number of other things), they've merely been mentioned on a handful of occasions, they have played no significant roles in the series whatsoever; as such "ven being sora's older brother" does not seem like Kingdom Hearts to me.

    Now, I will not say that it is impossible for family to eventually hold some prominence in the series, this including suddenly becoming important through the aforementioned possibilities in BBS, Days, coded, etc. However, I'm very skeptical of that.

    Call me close-minded if you want, but that's my take on it.
  8. scary0618 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 28, 2008
    My theory on Ven

    im thinking that ven is sora's older brother cuz,ven went to the keyblade war and he was also in destiny island which happened 10 years ago right.and supposedly sora was 4 when ven was possibly 14.and that was the age that sora got his keyblade.and remember KH 1?when sora got his keyblade,that was 10 years after ven left the islands and never came lets clarify it here,sora was 4,ven 14,10 yrs. later sora got his keyblade,10 yrs. ago,ven left the islands and no one remembered looks like i pretty much got it now! = )
  9. tomtuff Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 31, 2008
    there obviously connected, but their obviously not the same person, and Ven probably isn't related to sora in any way, shape or form. ven is just ven, period.

    but ven might be Sora's Uncle XD JK
  10. Skylight_Defect Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 16, 2008
    Ven might be connected to Roxas is someway, but I highly doubt he's Roxas/Sora's Dad. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out in BBS.
  11. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Well, let me think, for one, there are two possible things here, brother and/or himself. It's possible he could be the brother to Sora, but that wouldn't make sense, we didn't know about him until Nomura was asked a buttload of questions. And he could only be himself when it was then years before the Heartless and Nobodies, it just wouldn't feel any better if we had all these theories and they'd be all shattered to what we truely see when Ven is finally explained on who HE is.
  12. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    I don't see how they can be brothers, because I thought that this was supposed to be taking place long before.

    I might be mistaken xD
  13. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    LOL that funny
    Hu Sora dad
    he looks like Roxas then he Roxas dad then
    who Sora dad ROFL!
  14. renxsaa Moogle Assistant

    Dec 9, 2008
    is ven roxas

    :ff10sora:I think Ven is roxas because i saw a clip on youtube that ven was asking his friend terri to erase him therefore erasing his existance and sense he was a keyblade master he became soras nobody , if that makes sense . I might be wrong , but thats what i saw in the trailer.
  15. straeh modgnik Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 3, 2008
    Look Behind you
    My theory

    my theories for ven/roxas are still in progress,but i came up with a few ideas.
    one of them is that Ven's heart is lost,but is dorment inside of sora(like Kairi's from kh) because he was destined to be a keyblade master. from what i heard Ven has a strong heart . when it was released from sora it assumed the form of roxas and since vens heart was dormant in sora for a few years he is remembering sora's memories. (and similar fighting style) still roxas was sora's nobody but since ven had a strong heart and wielded the keyblade Roxas was able to wield a keyblade and was different from other nobodies. (the rest is still in progress but so far its just a guess)

    PS thank Renxssa's comment (it gave me an idea for my theories)
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I recently heard a good theory that Ven is Sira's brother,and Roxas is himself,he looks like Sora's brother,but I don't really know.
  17. Arixik Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 10, 2009
    in your closet that's filled with fuzzy coats
    Ven dies.
    Ven gets reborn as Roxas with a whole new name, identity, and a nobody.
    Actually, I'm just going by what I think.
    Seeing that in one of the trailers that I saw, Terra succumbs to darkness by Xehanort.
    Possibly could kill Ven because of that. ​
  18. Dandersnuff Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 13, 2009
    He's not.
    It wouldn't make any sense. I mean, Sora was turned into a heartless and Roxas was created ten years after this whole thing happend! Roxas didn't exist when Birth By Sleep took place, which means he can't possibly be Roxas.
    But it is obvious that they have some kind of connection, since they look just eachother, which is driving me crazy >_< I just can't figure what he is!
    That he has a connection to Roxas means that he has a connection to Sora. ...And that's everything I've been able to figure so far <_<

  19. TwilightCage Moogle Assistant

    Nov 19, 2008
    Nanaimo Bc
    I accually know what the connection is but im trying so hard to keep my mouth shut so no one steals my theroy...
    One word "Destiny" ^^

    that was almost my exact theroy ^^
    i have that same idea about it.
    there are so many indicatiors to prove this to.
    i mean come on does anyone really think that terra really "erases ven?"
    but one thing that still bugs me is why aqua helps master xheanort
    at the end. Well she probby knows the destiny of ven so she has to help him in order to save her loved one.
    that it almost a sound theroy. ill post it later ^^