So, now that its been a few months and we haven't really had a moderator for the RP section because of Jayn's extended absence, who do we discuss things with if we want to try and relaunch an RP? Who do we really have to enforce the rules are being followed and we aren't having issues with a specific RPer at any given time? I'm kind of in a struggle with the first one, wanting to restart an RP but cant really do so because you need permission and what not. Are we going to get a new moderator now? I think we need one... Thoughts?
Me. I will embody all that is required of the roleplay moderator. Except I won't, because I don't have that power, nor will I ever. I dunno, best thing to do is just wait for someone to take over the position and then ask them, there isn't much you can do about it really.
Popping in~ To answer who to ask about relaunching RPs, I think the next best choice outside of a dedicated moderator for the section for now would be a Super Moderator or an Admin. As you guys have probably noticed, there has been a lot of changes with the staff lineup this past year. Currently we're starting to look into redistributing sections amongst the current mod lineup and seeing where we need people and who would be the best fit for what -- as such for now, I think, it would be easiest and more efficient to approach an S. Mod/Admin about relaunching RPs and any trouble that may be brewing in the section, which y'all can report or PM/shoot a message to one of the aforementioned groups on Skype. I know that the RPA is a very dedicated section and a lot of members have a stake in it, so it's definitely something we don't want to leave hanging in the aether for much longer.
Y'all could always make me staff~ On a serious note, though: I'm glad to hear this. I've been wondering if it would get a dedicated Mod or just be left Modless. Both scenarios have occurred in my history here and I always preferred having a specific person or two to whom to go. Hopefully, it's someone on staff who frequents the section as it always seems more active when that's the case.