Why do you distrust Atheists?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Cin, Jan 28, 2009.

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  1. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    When the Republican party ceases to exist.

    Which is proving very difficult to anticipate.
  2. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Ask how God made us and leave them all in silence.
  3. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I believe in God, but hate religion to a passion and am a strong supporter of atheism. Which has brought some interesting convo's with my mom, who believes that you need to believe in God to get the goodness from him or something like that. She doesn't go to church either, go figure.

    People should believe in what they believe in, there's no black and white, there's people who are going to wherever after they die and people who are evil and good athiest or not, that doesn't mean you're going to hell or it's wrong, it's just your belief.
  4. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    Hmmmmm. The list of athiests you have is incorrect. Anyway, I think athiests should be treated the same as anyone else. Faith is a subject full of grey areas and ayone who cannot see beyond that usually chooses to believe in nothing. Not a bad thing, though I feel it is not the right thing either.
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    that's arguably teasing as well. both can be seen as discrimination because discrimination can be based on religion, gender, race, and even social class.
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol way to throw out the ****ing martyr card. I am sick of Christians saying "Oh, you don't know what it is like to be made fun of until you be Christian" because really, Christianity is well respected compared to Atheism and Islam (as well as many other religions). So stop using the martyr card, try something else for once ;)
  7. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Agreed. Hell, Christians, as a whole, have caused the deaths and persecutions of more people worldwide than any other religion or government in history! Now, not all Christians are like that. I understand that. The vast majority of them are good, honest people.

    But every so often in history you get the crusades (killed millions of Muslims, Jews, AND other Christians (one of the crusades sacked Constantinople, a Christian city, the First killed virtually every inhabitant of Jerusalem, etc etc.)), the Holy Inquisition (killed hundreds of thousands of "heretics", and persecuted thousands more), the early missionaries to the Native Americans who discriminated and punished any native not willing to convert, and who took children away from their parents and traditions and locked them in boarding schools (this continued all the way till the 1950s), and DOZENS of other examples (the witchhunts, the Dark Ages, etc).

    Now again, I am not judging ANY christian. All I am saying is that since the latter days of the Roman Empire, Christians have NOT been persecuted on any type of global scale, but the persecutors.
  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Obviously you're completely clueless about what discrimination means.
    Discrimination is a word derived from the Latin verb discriminare which means "to distinguish".
    And that's what discrimination means today. It means making distinctions and making decisions based on prejudice. So if those youngsters decide to tease him just because he is an atheist, then he is being discriminated against. Joke's on you.

    Did he ever explicitly mention that he didn't?
    If so, please quote it. And if not, please refrain from making such hollow assumptions. :)
  9. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    It's pretty funny because, atheists are treated like dirt.

    In national surveys done in 2005, Americans trust Islamic terrorists more then Atheists.

    According to a former US President, Atheists aren't considered citizens of the United States, because it's one nation "Under God", even though the actual term wasn't added to any form of currency or legal legislation until many years after the founding of the nation.

    According to Religious Tolerance(the website), between 5-10% of Americans do not subscribe to any particular religion, less then 3% are outspoken atheists. Making Atheists a HUGE minority.

    It doesn't matter how smart you are, if you're an atheist in America, you're generally considered to be a Satan-worshiper. Which is completely ignorant and ******ed, because Satanists are a sect of Christianity.

    This is completely off-topic but get your facts straight bub, Atheists are persecuted for their lack of belief every single day.
  10. Dr. Mythril Roxas Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 16, 2009
    haha, trying to be funny? Your quote was out of context and made no sense...

    Okay, I'm sorry I came off so harsh, especially sense I'm new. I just feel this weakness from Taco-Grenade that I dont like, like a cry-baby. If he wants to fix his problem he needs to stand up to these kids, because even if I dont agree with him, I hate bullies. I was teased all during grade school. I'mnot looking for sympathy, because I dealt with the kids who gave me crap. And you know what, they stopped.

    Again, read my last post. Your looking for sympathy. All groups do. Heck, if you wanna make a group for someone like me Jerome, and my religous views, were probably less than Athiests. So dont give me any "boo-hoo's", cause I ain't gonna give you more respect that way, only less. I think I've established the fact that I hate cry-babies.
  11. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum

    Quoted from another thread for relevance. Maybe you need to learn some. You seem to think that the only things anyone can do about discrimination is either deal with it and not talk about it, or talk about it and not deal with it. Well, guess what? People. Can. Do. Both.

    We aren't looking for respect or fake tears from someone who probably never had a harsh word when he was growing up (and I don't care WHAT you say in ANY post, if you actually were teased badly, you would NOT be saying what you are), we are looking for REASONS why atheists are not generally liked.

    And no, I was not trying to be funny. You remind me strongly of a character in the webcomic in my link - a character who believes the only answer to a problem is violence and mindless conformity. There is NOTHING WRONG with not being powerful. a vast majority of the inhabitants of the world are virtually powerless. Are you going to judge them all?

    I'll edit this if I find anything else wrong with you that you need to know.
  12. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    It doesn't matter if you're harsh, and being new hasn't got anything to do with it really. It's just that I disagree with you.
    I think that if he really wanted to extract sympathy from the members here he would have made a thread in the "Help with Life" section or something like that. I think he just wanted to voice his opinion.
  13. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Belief in God and trust in science does not equal intelligence.
  14. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Usually a belief in God means science cannot be right in many areas (the age of the earth (several billion years vs 6000), the age of Humans (~6million years for the earliest ancestors vs 6000 years-6 days), the age of the universe (12 billion + years vs 6000 years), the accuracy of all age-dating techniques, etc etc), and thus, many religious people distrust science as a whole, even going so far as to block scientific advancement (stem cell research being one MAJOR issue for them). So while it =/= intelligence, his position is slightly more tolerant than many christians.
  15. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Seriously, what is wrong with you?


    See that huge chunk right there? The big red one? The one with Christianity on it? Yeah it take up 33% of that graph. Aka 1/3rd. Aka 1 in every 3 people around the world are Christian. This 1:3 ratio is the same thing with the chances of a person being Christian. Taking out Non-religious and Atheists(because we're talking just religious people here), the Percentage goes up to about 42%. That's a little less then Half. Yes, there are certainly other religions, but chances are, if you are a Religious Person, you are Christian. Don't make ****ing excuses to argue.

    You're new to this site, I'm sure you think "Oh my god, I'm so smart, I need to show everyone how smart I am by acting tough and saying things like I know what I'm talking about.". Get this straight, because if you don't, you won't make it far here, This is a place for Debate. Not for argument. Not for telling a person not to complain, or to stand up for themselves, you don't have that right. Granted, you can have your opinion, but don't going spouting off on random tangents like you're the only one with a brain and few good fingers to articulate your random impulses of thought. EDUCATE YOURSELF before you start ****. I can say this because I do research before I post, if I didn't, I'd look stupid. You obviously don't, because you look pretty stupid.

    Get over yourself.

    Now either this thread goes back on topic, or I'm asking for closure altogether.
  16. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    That may be how life is at this moment, but people SHOULD learn to respect other people's beliefs or lack thereof. People REALLY need to learn how to be tolerant, and if I can get ONE person to believe THAT (they don't have to believe anything else I say, just be tolerant of others), then I will have fulfilled my purpose.

    Already been dealt with, but I was just using Christian beliefs as an example, because, as stated, they are the largest religion on earth by a long shot. Besides, I cannot think of any world religion that believes in the ACTUAL age of the Universe and humanity. Oh, and the traditional Egyptian religion had a much shorter timescale than Christianity, and ceased being a major world religion when the Romans conquered Egypt.

    Maybe I am wrong, and if I am, I would love to hear it, so I don't look stupid next time, but until it is proven to me, I stand by my statement.

    Now, if there is no more to be said, may we get on topic again?
  17. Repliku Chaser

    I'm going to close this thread since it has turned into a flame fest. However, I will say that Dr Mythril Roxas, you need to learn to treat people with more respect around here. You weren't regarded as a person that was ignorant until you started dissing others and treating them rudely, while spewing out 'facts' that have little foundation to them.

    This is an area where 'intelligent' discussion happens. Mocking others, telling them how they should feel etc is not intelligent. Also, complaining about dereps is not permitted on the site and if you wish to have it investigated, you should have read the rules where it says rather clearly to PM a staff member to investigate if the dereps are earned or not.

    Consider this my nice warning that the Discussion area is not going to turn into a place where people will actually -fight- over religion or other matters. Members can discuss things, debate, etc but shouldn't be putting one another down for their viewpoints. If you can't do that, don't post in these sorts of topics anymore. I will hope your next posts will be more mature and follow the guidelines here. As for the rest of you guys, if someone is doing this kind of thing, send me or another staffer a PM so we can close the topic or remove the troublemaker. Don't feed the troll, as the saying goes.
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