Birth by Sleep Xehanorts name

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Beucefilous, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Then that's who it is. I know it was based off of someone important from SE. Wow cool! Now that we went off that large tangent... Xehanort.
  2. Key master Sora Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2009
    In everyone's hearts as the connection....
    Xehanort oh xehanort... what are we to do with you? lol
  3. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    k, well the ones we found here were Nox Heart, (including the x), No heart (without the x), Another, A Throne and No Earth. i went onto an anagram solver thing on the internet and got all of these:

    WITH THE X (100 anagrams)

    Anther Ox
    Taxer Hon
    Extra Hon
    Axe North
    Axe Thorn
    Hora Next
    Thorax En
    Hoax Rent
    Hoax Tern
    Hart Oxen
    An Exhort
    Tax Heron
    Tax Honer
    Ax Throne
    Ax Hornet
    A Hex Torn
    A Next Rho
    A Ex North
    A Ex Thorn
    Are Nth Ox
    Era Nth Ox
    Ear Nth Ox
    Axe Nth Or
    Ah Rent Ox
    Ah Tern Ox
    Ah Next Or
    Ah Ex Torn
    Ha Rent Ox
    Ha Tern Ox
    Ha Next Or
    Ha Ex Torn
    Than Re Ox
    Than Ex Or
    Rah Ten Ox
    Rah Net Ox
    Rah Ex Not
    Rah Ex Ton
    Hart En Ox
    Hart Ex No
    Hart Ex On
    Hat Ex Nor
    An Hex Rot
    An Hex Ort
    An Hex Tor
    Ran The Ox
    Ran Hex To
    Ran Ex Hot
    Ran Ex Tho
    Tarn He Ox
    Tarn Eh Ox
    Tarn Ex Oh
    Tarn Ex Ho
    Rant He Ox
    Rant Eh Ox
    Rant Ex Oh
    Rant Ex Ho
    Ant Her Ox
    Ant Hex Or
    Ant Ex Rho
    Tan Her Ox
    Tan Hex Or
    Tan Ex Rho
    Tar Hen Ox
    Tar Hex No
    Tar Hex On
    Tar Ex Hon
    Rat Hen Ox
    Rat Hex No
    Rat Hex On
    Rat Ex Hon
    Art Hen Ox
    Art Hex No
    Art Hex On
    Art Ex Hon
    At Hex Nor
    At Ex Horn
    Tax He Nor
    Tax Eh Nor
    Tax Hen Or
    Tax Her No
    Tax Her On
    Tax En Rho
    Tax Re Hon
    Ax He Torn
    Ax Eh Torn
    Ax Hen Rot
    Ax Hen Ort
    Ax Hen Tor
    Ax Then Or
    Ax Her Not
    Ax Her Ton
    Ax The Nor
    Ax Rent Oh
    Ax Rent Ho
    Ax Tern Oh
    Ax Tern Ho
    Ax Ten Rho
    Ax Net Rho
    A Re Nth Ox
    A Ex Nth Or

    WITHOUT X (139 anagrams)

    A Hornet
    A Throne
    Neath Or
    Thane Or
    Hare Ton
    Hare Not
    Hear Ton
    Hear Not
    Rhea Ton
    Rhea Not
    Earth On
    Earth No
    Heart On
    Heart No
    Hater On
    Hater No
    Hate Nor
    Heat Nor
    Near Tho
    Near Hot
    Earn Tho
    Earn Hot
    Neat Rho
    Ante Rho
    Tear Hon
    Rate Hon
    Tare Hon
    Tea Horn
    Eat Horn
    Eta Horn
    Ate Horn
    Ah Tenor
    Ah Toner
    Ha Tenor
    Ha Toner
    Than Ore
    Than Roe
    Hora Net
    Hora Ten
    Torah En
    Rah Tone
    Rah Note
    Hart Eon
    Hart One
    An Throe
    An Other
    Roan The
    Tarn Hoe
    Rant Hoe
    Tan Hoer
    Tan Hero
    Ant Hoer
    Ant Hero
    Oar Then
    Taro Hen
    Rat Hone
    Tar Hone
    Art Hone
    At Honer
    At Heron
    A He Torn
    A Eh Torn
    A Hen Tor
    A Hen Rot
    A Hen Ort
    A Then Or
    A Her Ton
    A Her Not
    A The Nor
    A Tern Ho
    A Tern Oh
    A Rent Ho
    A Rent Oh
    A Net Rho
    A Ten Rho
    Ah En Tor
    Ah En Rot
    Ah En Ort
    Ah Net Or
    Ah Ten Or
    Ah Re Ton
    Ah Re Not
    Ha En Tor
    Ha En Rot
    Ha En Ort
    Ha Net Or
    Ha Ten Or
    Ha Re Ton
    Ha Re Not
    Rah En To
    Hat En Or
    Hat Re On
    Hat Re No
    An He Tor
    An He Rot
    An He Ort
    An Eh Tor
    An Eh Rot
    An Eh Ort
    An Her To
    An The Or
    An Re Tho
    An Re Hot
    Ran He To
    Ran Eh To
    Tan He Or
    Tan Eh Or
    Tan Re Ho
    Tan Re Oh
    Ant He Or
    Ant Eh Or
    Ant Re Ho
    Ant Re Oh
    Rat He On
    Rat He No
    Rat Eh On
    Rat Eh No
    Rat En Ho
    Rat En Oh
    Tar He On
    Tar He No
    Tar Eh On
    Tar Eh No
    Tar En Ho
    Tar En Oh
    Art He On
    Art He No
    Art Eh On
    Art Eh No
    Art En Ho
    Art En Oh
    At He Nor
    At Eh Nor
    At Hen Or
    At Her On
    At Her No
    At En Rho
    At Re Hon

    i realize most of them are useless. i just wanted to throw that out there.
  4. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    For a minute there, i actually thought you sat there and typed up all the possibilities... hahaa. It would prolly help to change the color of the "candidates" that are most likely the meaning of his name... I can't read all of these. (my head would explode)
  5. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    tell you what. ill give rep to anyone who does this for me. i cant focus well enough to do it myself.
  6. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I saw a post asking this earlier in the thread, but it is 2 am and I am not backtracking.

    I think that the anagram "Another" does have quite a lot of significance to the Kingdom Hearts series.
    Probably the first (and one of the most important) instances of this being true was the Nobodies.

    They are, in effect, "another" enemy along with the Heartless
    and Roxas is "another" self of Sora but Sora has like ten of those so eh

    and the same can and is applied to Apprentice!Xehanort and Xemnas/Ansem.

    Of course, with BBS, the same can be applied to Ven and Vanitas, and even Xehanort/Terranort.

    Overall, "Another" is just as significant as "No Heart" is.
  7. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    K so i went through the lists, i didn't find too much, but this is what i found...


    Ax Throne- the no heart was on the Xemnas throne *shrug*

    Ran The Ox- Lolwat?


    A Hornet- totally it!

    A Throne- Very plausible...

    Earth On- Terra possessing?

    No Heart- also very likely

    An Other- o, an other, not another... weird...

    A Rent Ho- i didn't type it...

    Art He On- he possibly art on...

    At Her On- comment...
  8. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I should ask these guys if they could make my book into a game, jeez they're good at making hidden materials.

    But if they modeled Eraqus after some guy in SE, wouldn't they do it for someone like Xehanort as well?
  9. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I'm not sure if they modeled Xehanort after someone or not.
    I think they didn't, and that Xehanort is a completely original model.

    Googling now, will edit post if I find something.
  10. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    I'm almost 100% certain that no other KH character was based off of a real life person, save Eraqus. So therefore, Xehanort is, like all the other characters Nomura designs, completely original in origin. (From the mind of the great Tetsuya Nomura)