Marvel: Extreme X-Men OOC

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Mar 20, 2011.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Basically, the X-Men have gotten an increasing number of mutant students (Original Characters). Professor X decided to split them up into groups for training. Each group is mentored by a different (existing) X-Man. Cyclops (me) will lead one. Hellion (Terra/Arch) will lead another. The RP would start out with each mentor training their groups. Early on, they'll meet a new ally and enemy.

    Something'll happen that causes the X-Men to split up into teams with each mentor leading them.
    What's an RP without the bad guys? The bad guys will be similar.

    Professor X, Magneto and a select few people will be off limits. The RP will be restricted to X-Men characters and mutants, though the rest of the Marvel universe exists.
    For the X-Men, the only pre-existing characters will be the mentors. I will make rare exceptions, though. That means every other good character will be an OC mutant trainee.
    For the bad guys, the members of the team can be either OC or pre-existing.

    I'll introduce the two inter-dimensional mutants after they arrive.


    1. First and foremost: Don't powerplay, don't godmod, etc. (Even though it's hard in this kind of RP)
    2. You don't have to be a hardcore comic book fan or even X-Men fan to join. Hell, you probably don't even need to know much at all.
    3. This is a baseball game. You're the players, I'm the umpire, these are the rules. Three strikes and you're out.
    4. All of these rules apply. They're KHV's rules.
    5. 20 words minimum per post.
    6. Don't worry about perfect grammar and spelling, but be decent at it. If you know you have a problem with it, you can always go to Microsoft Word, post there, get rid of the squiggly lines, and copy and paste it into here.
    7. Keep romance teenish. I don't mind if you imply or make innuendos, but take the explicit stuff somewhere else (not really my rule but the site's. I will enforce it, though)
    8. Swearing is allowed. As long as it ****ing isn't every ****ing word, you ****ing ****s. Also, if you swear, try not to get censored. Asterisks just throw off the flow of a post for me.
    9. If you're taking a break or quitting, let someone know, preferably me. I don't mind giving recaps.
    10. Characters can be any age (be reasonable)
    11. Characters don't have to stay neither good or bad or even on the team they start on.
    12. Four characters max. No more than two in the same squad.
    13. OOCs are fine as long as it isn't longer than the BIC.
    14. If you're confused about powers (or anything in general), ask me for help.
    15. Put pictures in spoiler tags when making characters.
    16. I will break my own rules many times (most likely godmodding or powerplaying). This is done for plot purposes. I will most likely let you do it occasionally (and maybe even ask you to).
    17. If I add rules later, I'll let you know.

    *New Mutants*

    The New Mutants are the name given to mutants studying at the X-Institute who aren't X-Men yet. These are the ones being trained and are usually younger than the X-Men. The New Mutants are split into two groups. The Paragons are led by Julian Keller, a.k.a. Hellion and X-Force is led by Scott Summers, a.k.a. Cyclops. In this RP, the New Mutants are all Original Characters. All New Mutants have the same uniform.

    -The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants-

    The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, or the Brotherhood for short, is a team led by Max Eisenhardt, better known as Magneto. Magneto believes mutants are the rightful rulers of the world and collects like-minded mutants to achieve his dream. The Brotherhood lives in a run-down house on the outskirts of town (Think X-Men: Evolution if you've seen it) while Magneto leads them from elsewhere. Currently, Magneto has disappeared and hired the mercenary Deadpool to watch over the Brotherhood. More of a loose alliance under Magneto than an actual team, the Brotherhood mutants do not share a uniform.

    Username: <Your forum username. Put either your current or most-known username>
    Real Name: <Your character's birth/legal name>
    Alias: <Your character's codename. For example, Scott Summers' is Cyclops>
    Age: <How old is your character?>
    Squad: <X-Force, Paragons, or Brotherhood. If a third squad is added, you have until we start the RP to change, if you wish.>
    Appearance: <Your character's normal appearance. Put pictures, preferably in a link or spoiler, or a detailed description>
    Other Appearance: <If your character has a costume or a strange appearance due to his/her powers, that goes here. If your character is something like Beast, the powered appearance is the permanent one, that goes in the above slot, no this>
    Personality: <Brief overview on how your character acts/thinks>
    Biography: <Brief overview of your character's life>
    Powers: <DETAILED explanation on your character's powers. Put in spoilers and bullet format, please.>
    Other: <Anything you want to add? Do so here.>

    NOTES: No telepaths (mind reading, mind control, etc.). Telekinetics (moving things with your mind) is fine. No Omega-level mutants, unless they can't use their full powers (like Iceman). It's fine if you use powers from another X-Men or any other comic character (regardless if it's Marvel or not) as long as you don't use the character. Secondary mutations are fine (so it's fine if your character has two completely different powers. Emma Frost is a telepath who can turn to diamond lol). If you're affiliation is X-Force or Paragons, you won't automatically be in that squad. I'll keep your choice in mind, but will assign your characters myself to make sure the numbers are even. If you join with somebody and want to be in their squad, just ask.



    Led by: Cyclops (LilBueno)

    Scott 'Slim' Summers was born the middle child of three mutant brothers. All three use energy-based powers. Though Scott is the only one that's currently an X-Man, the other two have been at some point. Scott was the second student enrolled in the X-Institute, but the first X-Men recruited. He was part of the First Class of X-Men, alongside his then-crush and now-wife, Jean Grey. As a child, he suffered a head injury that resulted in him being unable to control his powers, optic blasts. Anytime his eyes are open, he shoots a red beam of energy. Because of that, he constantly wears his red visor made of ruby-quartz, a mineral that counters his powers and keeps his blasts within his eyes. Scott has been an X-men the longest and is the deputy leader. He currently leads the X-Force training squad. He has made his secret identity public long ago and serves as the public liaison between the X-Men and the general public when Professor X can't.

    Powers: Cyclops has the power to fire a blast of ruby-colored energy from his eyes. The blast is concussive (it hits, not burns or cuts) and continuous. He can focus the blast to the point where he can cut a hole in a dime. Because of a head injury, anytime his eyes are open, the blast comes out, forcing him to wear sunglasses or a visor made of ruby-quartz, the only mineral that keeps the blasts in his eyes (I'm not going to explain the specific details of it lol). His powers came with the uncanny ability to comprehend angles and trigonometry with such skill that he can aim his blast off objects and 'bank shot' his targets.

    Username: Arch/Terra.
    Real Name: Ivan Grey
    Alias: Whiteout
    Age: 19
    Squad: X-Force [I don't really want this character to be with my other character.]
    Appearance: Pitch black hair that has absolutely no shine to it, extremely dark brown eyes that are nearly black, and a slightly tanned complexion. He stands just over 6 feet in height and is rather lean. He tends wear white jeans, black boots, a plain black t-shirt, and a white jacket. Ivan does his best to avoid wearing anything outside of the grayscale.
    Other Appearance: His hair becomes solid white while his eyes change to a glowing golden shade. His own skin seems to lighten up as well but it is merely a side-effect of his body constantly releasing small amounts of light which Ivan has yet to control. If Ivan is aggravated this intensifies to form a golden aura and his eyes begin to shine brightly with the same shade. Otherwise, his appearance his the same.
    Personality: Ivan has a somewhat upbeat attitude and is far smarter than he appears. He had previously spent the first year-and-a-half in his schooling with the other mutants dedicated entirely to researching the science behind his own abilities as to better understand the limits and applications of it. The latter of his time was spent training with those powers. As such, he has near genius-level intellect but often neglects this due to him having yet to fully mature like the experienced members of the X-Men.
    Biography: Ivan talks little about his past because before his powers manifested it was completely and utterly normal. When he was 16, he saved a girl from his school who had the misfortune of getting in the way of an oncoming bus. He shoved her out of the way and instinctively his powers activated to save him. When Ivan rose to his feet after being struck, he noticed his reflection on a mirror of a car that had screeched to a halt next to him. His hair color had changed as well as his eyes. He was shocked to find that he was still alive and despite only having a broken arm at the time, Ivan felt better than he ever did before. Within seconds however this transformation wore off and the following day he was visited by Professor X who soon brought him to a school where he would be welcomed by others of his kind. This was after wiping the memories of those who saw Ivan transform of course.
    Whiteout has two phases which he often gives various names to depending on how he's feeling. Regardless, the two most common terms for them are Unpowered and Powered Up. In his Unpowered form he looks just like any regular human as well as having all their weaknesses(save for some slight advantages over the majority). His Powered Up form is something that his body constantly stores power for and is where his true power lies. It drains a great deal of energy and his abilities, while in concept are great, are far from mastered and often lack finesse. He can only spend a short period of time in his Powered Up phase and often finds himself running out of strength right before he can get the job done.

    • His pitch black hair actually draws in all forms of radiation while his skin pulls in all of the nonvisible light spectrum which is essentially his power source. This normally causes problems when any electrical device sends signals to him(GPS, x-rays, infrared goggles) which gives him a sort of pseudo-invisibility to certain things. However, in his Powered Up form this reverses and will be like a shining beacon in the dark, removing any sort of stealth he would try to obtain.
    • His eyes are instantly able to adjust to any level of light intensity as well as see the rest of the normally nonvisible light spectrum(Ex: He can pick up infrared signatures).
    • Heightened reflexes and durability, though not enough to actually place him on the "superhuman" level. His reflexes are on par with that of a professional athlete while his durability enables him to take hits from those of human strength without flinching.

    Powered Up

    • Eyes instantly adjust to any light intensity.
    • With concentration he can draw in light energy though to a far lesser degree than his Unpowered form. Also, through direct physical contact he can draw in electrical energy though if he tried to do so from any large generator or unstable power source it would cause him injury.
    • Able to create structures(walls, shields, platforms) of solid light though use of the dual-nature of light.
    • Through manipulation of photons both within his body and directly around it, he can accelerate his body allowing him to move just above Mach 1 speeds in flight though he prefers to use the ability on the ground as it drains less energy.
    • Zero-Shift: An ability he named himself. He has only used it once as it came with a great deal of injury to himself and destruction to the environment. It allows him to seemingly teleport by moving at sub-light-speed. However, since he has not figured out how to turn his body into energy, the kinetic force generated enough heat to incinerate everything around him at the time and nearly killed him.
    • Further enhanced reflexes and durability. Enough to allow him to maneuver at high speeds with ease and withstand the strain of breaking the sound barrier.
    • Enhanced strength. Enough to lift just over 800 pounds. If he tries to push his strength any further it would end up depleting his power in minutes depending on the strain.
    • Able to release bursts of bright light(like a flash bang) in either a direction of his choosing or in every direction.
    • Ability to generate blasts of pure light energy. The light generated has no heat and are mostly concussive unless directed into a single point just like a laser which can easily tear through anything short of Adamantium though it would drain his powers within a period of 40 seconds.
    Other: His greatest weakness is that his powers, quickly consume a large amount of energy. Also, while Unpowered he is subject to all the weaknesses of a human. If he stays in his powered form for too long he runs the risk of forcing his body to draw on his own life force so he normally limits the time spent in it to roughly two hours a day under regular conditions. In combat he can usually maintain it for just barely under an hour if he's careful. Also, in his Powered form he must remain still and refrain from using his powers if he would wish to draw in light energy which can extend the safe duration of the form for at least a few short minutes. If he runs out of power unexpectedly he will be immediately forced back into his Unpowered form. Also, his durability is limited to mostly blunt forces and heat resistance so anything sharp would have nearly the same effect on him as it would to a regular human(same with bullets).

    Username: Garxena
    Real Name: Elena Lily Black
    Alias: Thyella
    Age: 18
    Squad: X-Force
    Appearance: Elena wears grey pants (slightly baggy with six pockets -- two in front, two in back, one on the side of each leg), a purple t-shirt with a red design on it, black shoes with purple laces, grey fingerless gloves with same red design; her thick, wavy black hair is almost always in a centered braid with a red elastic, leaving her blue-grey eyes exposed.
    Other Appearance: Elena has no costume as of yet.
    Personality: Elena has a hard outer shell; she only shows her true feelings to her brother, Elijah. She’s not very confident with herself when she is alone but is more open around Elijah. She doesn’t think highly of herself, yet she sees her brother as the world’s greatest person.
    Biography: Elena was born a twin to Elijah; she was born blind. For nearly her whole life, Elijah was her eyes. The two spent their entire lives together, sharing bedrooms, bathrooms, classrooms, friends and the like. Elena was read to by Elijah every night, stories of overcoming adversity and great adventure. When she and her brother discovered their powers, they kept them a secret from their parents and left together for the X-Mansion.
    • Can control air
    • Can only use the air around her (using the air inside her lungs or anyone else’s would result in or near to suffocation)
    • If in an enclosed or small area: using the air would deplete the oxygen available
    • Air can be made “sharp” enough to cut through things but only if used quickly
    • After using air with her lungs (holding her breath or blowing a wind), Elena will need a moment to catch her breath
    • Air is pretty much useless against earth or stone (basically very hard objects/materials)
    • Any “wall” of air serving as protection can only last a maximum of five minutes
    Other: Elena “sees” with her use of air. By constantly emitting a small amount of air from her body, she can feel what it hits and can discern the shape of the objects around her (much like a bat’s use of sound waves). However, she cannot tell what is living or not (for instance, someone could stand very still against a wall and she could take them for a bookcase) and nothing is very clear (like seeing a silhouette at night).

    Username: Garxena
    Real Name: Elijah Hawthorn Black
    Alias: Anemos
    Age: 18
    Squad: X-Force
    Appearance: Elijah wears dark blue jeans with a maroon hoodie (the word “Stillwater” is tagged on it in white) that covers his forest green, black lined t-shirt; his shoes are midnight blue with black laces and no design. His bright blue eyes are often covered by his shaggy black hair that he lets fall where it may.
    Other Appearance: Elijah has no costume as of yet.
    Personality: Elijah is very much a protector, especially towards Elena. He has a warm heart, which can turn cold as steel if any harm comes to Elena. He is a joker, making up for Elena’s lack of a sense of humor. He doesn’t think of himself as the hero Elena makes him out to be; he sees her as the more inspiring one.
    Biography: Elijah is Elena’s twin brother. Seldom being away from his sister, he has done everything possible to help her through life. But rarely has he treated her like she has a handicap; he wants her to feel like any other young adult. When he and his sister discovered their powers, he was opposed to Elena’s idea of keeping it a secret from their parents. But when Elena pointed out how her parents already viewed her as different, “special,” he agreed to not discuss anything with their mother or father. It was then that Elijah suggested the X-Mansion to Elena. Being 18 and out of normal high school, he said, it was perfectly in their rights to leave home. To his relief, Elena agreed.
    • Can control air
    • Can only use the air around him (using the air inside his lungs or anyone else’s would result in or near to suffocation)
    • If in an enclosed or small area: using the air would deplete the oxygen available
    • Air can be made “sharp” enough to cut through things but only if used quickly
    • After using air with his lungs (holding her breath or blowing a wind), Elijah will need a moment to catch his breath
    • Air is pretty much useless against earth or stone (basically very hard objects/materials)
    • Any “wall” of air serving as protection can only last a maximum of five minutes
    Other: While Elena and Elijah have the same ability, they both have different styles of how they use. Elijah’s is sharper and more direct; Elena’s is smooth and tricky.
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Real Name: Mason Everit
    Alias: Feral
    Age: 21
    Squad: X-Force
    Other Appearance: Wolf Form -
    Personality: Due to having lived in the wilds for almost half of his life, Mason acts mostly on intincts. This means that in conversations he can sometimes be direct to the point of appearing harsh, but means well. He can often be very quite unless he has something relevant to say. He doesn't form friendships easily, but is exceptionally loyal to those he does consider friends.
    Biography: Discovering his powers during his early teens, Mason ran away from home, taking up home in a large forest far away from his hometown. Once there, he took on the wolf's form and was eventually adopted into a pack.
    Shapeshifting: He can take on the form on any animal that he has details on, but always retains his human intelligence. Each of his animal forms appears albino, with the exception of the colour of his eyes, which always remain a bright, neon green.
    Vibration control: In or out of animal form, Mason can influence loose molecules and atoms within a small range. He would be capable of using this for things such as bracing himself or others against a direct shockwave-based attack, 'speak' without using his vocal chords, or to filter gases in the air, to name a few.
    Other: Not the result of his mutations, but of his self-imposed exile, he is capable of understanding the language of animals and communicating with them via body language etc, though this is made easier when in the form of said animal. He prefers to be in his wolf form, having lived in it for years, but takes on his human form to interact with other humans out of politeness.


    Led by: Hellion (Arch/Terra)

    Julian Keller is a recent graduate of the X-Institute and the newest addition to the official X-Men roster. He was always the black sheep of his family, but he wasn't rejected when his powers surfaced. Instead, his parents simply advised him to keep his powers secret. When he insisted on making them public, they sent him to the Institute. As a student, he was trained in the Hellions squad and eventually became their leader. Because of this, when he finally graduated, he chose the name Hellion. He just became trusted with his own squad. He has no experience being a mentor, but plenty of experience being a leader. Like Cyclops, his identity is public, though it's because of his time as a student. As Hellion, he leads the Paragon squad.

    Powers: Hellion is a first-class telekinetic. He can move solid matter with his mind. His powers are sharpened to the point where he can fly, create telekinetic shields,
    unleash powerful blasts of telekinetic force and manipulate objects from a distance. At his fastest speed, he can fly at twice the speed of sound, though the physical strain on his body is extreme. He is able to control his telekinesis on the molecular level, able to send a telekinetic blast through someone without harming them and hit whatever's behind them.

    Username: LilBueno
    Real Name:
    Jonah "Terry" Terrance

    But without the tattoos. The charms on his necklace (the circle and cross) are made of Adamantium.
    Other Appearance:
    Wolfman -
    Lycan -
    Personality: Confident and ready for action. Likes to be "on top" and to win. Perhaps because of his "werewolf" personality, Jonah likes to wear as few clothes as possible.
    Biography: Jonah was 15 when his mutant power first started to develop, though it was a full two years before he realized it. Jonah was a werewolf, but one who got his powers from the X-Gene, not the actual werewolf race. Jonah's powers caused him to turn to a werewolf every time he fell asleep for extended periods of time. He lived in a relatively small city and, because he didn't realize he was a werewolf at night, started believing in the "Wolfman" that kept being spotted at night. The town soon became famous for the fabled Wolfman. Jonah always tried to stay awake and look for him, but the Wolfman (obviously) never appeared while Jonah was awake. After the first year and a half, the Wolfman turned violent and attacked people. After being shot several times by police after one such attack, the Wolfman escaped and took refuge in an abandoned house. Jonah woke up that morning, fully healed but with his clothes bloody and filled with bullet holes. Suddenly, all his memories as the Wolfman came back. Ever since then, he was always conscious of what was happening while mutated, but had no control over his body. He kept it a secret while he tried to find a way to control the beast within, but had no success.
    After a few more months, Jonah was visited by the X-Men who finally detected him using Cerebro. Unfortunately, this was at night. The X-Men had trouble subduing the wolfed out Jonah, as his body was extremely powerful. Jonah even showed an ability to blast energy to combat Cyclops. After Wolverine slashed him, Jonah mysteriously reverted to normal with a nosebleed and red eyes. Upon further examination, it was revealed that Jonah had a unique allergy to Adamantium, the metal bonded to Wolverine's bones. Cyclops offered to help Jonah and Jonah enrolled in the institute after Professor X erased the entire town's memory of the "Wolfman." The X-Men used Professor X's resources to make two Adamantium charms for Jonah. As long as he wore these charms, he wouldn't mutate. With their training, Jonah learned to mutate on purpose, but still had his accidental mutations. Jonah was a danger to train because his mutant power was a transformation and he wasn't in control when transformed. Fortunately, Jonah soon developed a secondary mutation where he could access his werewolf persona in a more humanoid body and be in control at a cost of his strength. He still uses his uncontrollable werewolf form sometimes, but only in drastic situations since he can't control its violent urges. He goes by the codename Wolfman after what his hometown used to call him, but his uncontrollable werewolf form (the one the town actually knew) is nicknamed Lycan because "it sounds more monster-like, ya know?"

    The ability to turn into one of two werewolf forms. He stays in control of his Wolfman body, even though it isn't as strong as his Lycan form. As Lycan, Jonah becomes violent, sadistic, and more animalistic, preferring to stay on all four legs. He can't tell friend from foe, but still retains some intelligence. Lycan is an Alpha-leveled mutant, twice as strong and twice as fast as Wolfman. His "Energy Howl" can devastate an entire building as Lycan while Wolfman's is more of a concussive blast. Jonah "shift" forms at will, but also shifts unwillingly at times, usually when sleeping or emotional. As long as his body is in contact with Adamantium, he'll shift into the controllable Wolfman form which is why he keeps his necklace on constantly. His powers are completely independent of the moon or time of day. His Wolfman transformation is instant, but it takes a minute or two to transform into Lycan because Terry tries to resist it.

    Wolfman's Powers

    • A humanoid wolf form.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor - Able to heal wounds quicker than a normal person.
    • Sharp claws and fangs that can tear through trees easily.
    • Fast enough to keep up with most cars.
    • Extremely durable skin to the point where he can survive Cyclop's unfocused blasts without flinching.
    • Strong enough to be able to throw a regular-sized car several yards.
    • Enhanced senses (Sight, taste, smell, and hearing)
    • Extremely agile.
    • Energy Howl - Shoots a blast of white energy from his mouth, usually accompanied by a howl. It could be compared to Cyclops' optic blast, but not as powerful as he can't aim it or focus it.
    Lycan's Powers

    • A more beast-like animal form. Lycan is able to stand on his hindlegs, but is usually on all fours.
    • A more efficient and quicker healing factor.
    • Claws and fangs sharp enough to cut through steel. He also gets the addition of horns.
    • Extremely resistant to pain, able to ignore the shock of it.
    • Able to throw cars with one hand easily.
    • Senses are even more enhanced.
    • More agile.
    • Energy Howl - The blast is wider and stronger, being able to level an entire building
    • Different personality. Jonah can't control himself as Lycan. He becomes extremely dark, quiet, violent, sadistic, animalistic, and unable to tell friend from foe most of the time.
    Other: He likes to be called "Terry," short for his last name. I swear, I made him without thinking of Wolfsbane once, even if the powers are really similar.

    Username: Midnight Star
    Real Name: Bree Riding
    Alias: Whisper
    Age: 17
    Squad: Paragons
    Other Appearance: No costume yet.
    Personality: Bree is confident and outgoing. She always seems to have a smile on her face, she has a postive outlook on life but also does not like to show it when she's down or upset. She is driven and determined, she will work hard to achieve her goals. She will stand by her friends and do whatever it takes to protect them if they are in danger. She can be childish at times and has a natural curiousity.
    Biography: Bree discovered her power when she was 14, as she got intense headaches which got worse until she used her power inadvertantly for the first time, phasing straight through her bed and floor, landing in her living room below. She did not tell her parents of her abilities as she was intially scared of them, they seemed to happen unpredictibly and she was worried how they would react. She thought she was a freak. She recieved a visit from proffesor Xavier shortly after this, who (to her great suprise) convinced her parents to let her go to the institute. She has since learnt how to control her abilities and came to terms with it. She also worked hard to learn how to fight as she liked to know how to fight back, instead of standing on the sidelines.
    Phasing: Bree possesses the ability to pass through solid matter by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which she is moving. In this way she and the object through which she was passing could temporarily merge without interacting, and each is unharmed when she has finished passing through the object. This process was called "phasing." When Bree is phasing, she is, for all intents and purposes, intangible. Hence, when attacked, she can shift into a "phasing" state (even if she is not at the time passing through an object) so as to allow oncoming projectiles or energy blasts to pass through her harmlessly. Bree passes through objects at the same rate of speed at which she is moving before she "entered" it. She has trained herself to go automatically, by reflex, into a phasing state at any indication of danger, such as a loud noise like a gunshot, in order to protect herself. Using her phasing ability she can also:

    Air Walking: She can use her phasing ability to walk on air. In fact, she could use her ability to walk on the air from the ground to the upper stories of a building as if she were climbing a staircase.
    Phasing Extension: From the first use of her phasing power, Bree was able to phase her clothing along with herself. Through practice she has learned to phase other objects along with herself without harm to them. However, she has to maintain physical contact with the people or objects she phased along with herself for the effect to work with this other person or object.
    Electrical Disruption: She can phase through any material object, even living people. When she phases through an object with an electrical system, the process disrupts the system's workings.
    Telepathic Resistance: Her thoughts are highly erratic when phased as if there was no mind to telepathically affect.
    Other: Her powers have certain limitions as she is unable to phase when 'inside' a object, meaning she can only continuously phase for as long as she can hold her breath. Also solidifying when inside a object will injure her or even kill her. (She could harm someone by phasing with someone and losing contact with them while they were passing through an object) On top of this, if she can't see an attack coming/expect it, she can't phase through it.
    Username: Master of keyblades
    Real Name: Sora Mamori
    Alias: Reaper
    Age: 17
    Squad: Paragons
    Other Appearance: N/A
    Personality: Calm, Cool, and sometimes Reckless
    Biography: When Sora gained his power, it could've turned out better. He woke up in a alley with no memory of what happen the past day. He probadlt never would'have found out in if wasn't for the fact that he found a news paper explaining about a event that had happened to past day.
    • Pyrokenitsis- Let's him call forth flames.
    • Fire wall- Uses a wall of flames to protect himself.
    • Fire blast- Charges a ball of fire into the palm of his hand.
    Other: N/A
    Username: Bushy-Brow-1992
    Real Name: Ellie Holmes
    Alias: Pulse
    Age: 15
    Squad: Paragons
    Personality: Ellie is generally a calm and kind girl, who tries to do her best to make the best of a situation. She can be timid at times, but when she has her mind set on something and is determined... you can be sure that she won't quit on her friends. She would rather die than do that.
    Biography: Ellie was raised in a normal environment, by a normal family, with two sisters (one older, one younger) and a younger brother. She went to a normal school and just enjoyed life.
    With her type of personality and cute looks, she was fairly popular.
    Her powers surfaced one day when a boy started flirting with her and that boy's girlfriend noticed and started a fight with poor Ellie. Having hardly any experience in direct confrontation of that sort... Ellie panicked and before she knew it, the girl was on the floor unconscious... electrocuted.
    Not understanding what had happened... but somehow in her heart knowing the truth... she was like the others... the ones that had been on the news... she ran.
    She ran away... not knowing where she was going, but knowing she had to run.
    She was later found by the X-men and taken to a school for people like her.
    A school for the gifted. Ellie is now getting by as a new student trying to gain control of her powers, in which recently another has surfaced but she can't control it that well yet.
    • Electrokinesis- Through mutation of the bio-electric currents in her body... Ellie has become immune to electricity and has also gained the ability to control it freely. She can generate her own electricity from her body and also electricity from sources around her. This power has found other useful appliances too, by channelling the bio-electric current in her body, she can use it to manipulate cell-growth rate and as such has minor regenerative abilities.
    • Invisibility-**Ellie's secondary power. She can appear invisible via the manipulation of the light around her. Currently she finds it next to impossible to do it in broad daylight, but she has no problem using and maintaining this power from the shadows where there is less light to focus on.

    Other: Ellie seems to have an unnatural (but non-mutant) ability at reading people, she can tell when someone is upset even if they are hiding it well. She can also usually discern when someone is lying. Generally, she can tell a lot about a person from the first meeting too.

    =================The Brotherhood=================
    Led by: Deadpool (DarkTraitor)
    Wade Wilson is known as the merc with a mouth. Not much is known about his past, and what he does say about it might not even be true, even his name. A mentally insane mercenary who can break the 'fourth wall,' Deadpool was given his powers through military experiments and was given Wolverine's healing factor, though to a much greater extent. While not necessarily evil, Deadpool always goes with the highest bidder. In this case, the highest bidder is Magneto. The Master of Magnetism and the leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants hired the mouthy merc to lead the Brotherhood against the X-Men while he went to more...conspicuous matters.

    Powers: Deadpool's main power is his regenerative healing factor. It's so great that he could regenerate limbs moments after losing them or even reattach them. It takes a large amount of foreign chemicals to drug or intoxicate him. His brain is in constant flux which protects him from psychic attacks.
    However, his biggest battle asset is his skill with weaponry. On a normal days, Deadpool uses katanas, guns (which he calls 'doorknobs'), grenades, knives, and anything else you can think of. Sure, one grenade does the job, but 9 grenades and one of those rubber ducks you had in the bath as a kid? That's what gets people's attention.

    Username: LilBueno
    Real Name: Johnny Bloom
    Alias: Scorch
    Age: 18
    Squad: Brotherhood
    Other Appearance: N/A, no other appearance.
    Personality: Extremely sadistic. Tends to make bad jokes and puns. Enjoys torturing people and has no problem with murder. He's admitted that his change in personality might be because his powers may have "melted part of [his] brain."
    Biography: Johnny is no stranger to hate crimes. He was the average skinny kid in school that was constantly bullied for his unnatural pink hair, his slightly effeminate attitude, and his own confusion about his sexuality. When he was 16, he was jumped in an alley on his way home. The bully kept calling him "flamer," accusing Johnny of being gay. Johnny's powers developed when he tried to defend himself and, ironically, his body temperature instantly increased to over 600 degrees Fahrenheit. His personality instantly changed as well. When the bully freaked out, Johnny grabbed and cornered him. He grabbed him by the face and sadistically said, "Guess you were right," before kissing the other boy on the lips. As he did, he burned the skin off the boy's face before lighting him on fire and killing him. Johnny soon went on the run, adopting the name Scorch. When a mutant-hating Senator who was famous for using demonizing slurs proposed a bill that would require all mutants to register, Scorch set his sights on him. During a press conference where the Senator tried to push his bill, Scorch snuck up behind him, put his hand over the Senator's mouth and told him, "Stop spewing that crap. Never talk again!" and seared the Senator's lips shut. He quickly found himself attacked by the authorities, but was rescued by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants who had planned to assassinate the Senator that day. The Brotherhood enjoyed the job Scorch did on the Senator and recruited him. The senator's allies tried to use the attack as more reason to pass the bill but mutant rights activist like Professor X, Henry McCoy (otherwise known as Beast), and others instead convinced the government to consider Scorch and the Brotherhood criminals instead of condemning all of mutant kind to punishment. To this day, Scorch enjoys the attention he gets because of his actions.
    Scorch is similar to the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four, or the complete opposite of Iceman. He has the ability to control heat and even generate flames.

    • Able to create fire out of thin air. Though he can't control the fire, he can contain it or help it expand.
    • Able to burn out the oxygen in a small room.
    • Has a constant body temperature of roughly 400 degrees F, though he can raise to over 700.
    • He can send blasts of heat ranging from 90 degrees to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit (able to melt most metals)
    • Can cause his body to smoke, usually for "gassing" or "blinding" purposes.
    • His body is immune to heat and cannot be burned.
    Other: He is outfitted with extremely fire-resistant clothes. He got the tattoo on his face upon joining the Brotherhood because he wanted to look more menacing.
    Username: AmericanSephiroth
    Real Name: Demetrio Zannetti
    Alias: Daydream/Knightmare (depending on personality in control)
    Age: 21
    Squad: Brotherhood
    (Daydream or Full control)
    Other Appearance:
    (Knightmare or Full control)
    Personality: Demetrio is slightly warped mentally and is very very bi-polar he literally has two sides a calm, peaceful and extremely kind side who will refuse to be violent and is extremely effeminate (as in he is so bad for it he gets confused for being a girl more often than not), the other is an explosively violent criminal who will not hesitate to kill for any reason with very little personality, there is no difference in power but there is an obvious difference in willingness to use the deadly sides
    Biography: Demetrio was a normal person most of his life but eventually as he got older he developed powers and while the powers advanced so did his progressive fall into insanity and now while he forgets most of his life he now only hopes one side of him will become in control long enough to be permanent (he is more often than not Daydream and prefers that side)
    • Daydream controls light(teleportation, able to make lights and able to make more or less light in a room and also able to create exploding crystals of light that can act like mini grenades)
    • Knightmare controls darkness(can twist and manipulate shadows and use them to hurt people also he can use the shadows to create tools and illusions such as being invisible to anyone without thermal vision)
    • If Demetrio uses his full force of will(he will fall unconsious after an hour or so) he can control both sides of himself but his body doesnt like that and if he does that for too long he risks permanent damage to his mind

    Other: Daydream is extremely weak in the dark and Knightmare is very weak in direct light meaning they lose just about all their power in a bad environment. (also Demetrio can only occasionally take control over both meaning if he controls both he has no weakness in light or shade)
    Username: HeartlessOfLight
    Real Name: Nicholas Parston
    Alias: Phantom Blur
    Age: 19
    Squad: Brotherhood
    Appearance: about 6 feet tall, muscular, but still kind of skinny. He has darker brown, short hair. Green eyes, average facial build. Nothing out of the ordinary appearance-wise.
    Other Appearance: He wears a black skin-tight, long sleeved shirt with a purple lightning bolt he embedded into it. Also has dark-blue jeans and black shoes. To cover his face, he wears sunglasses over his eyes and a black bandanna over his nose and mouth.
    Personality: Like Magneto, he believes that Mutants are the rightful rulers of Earth and will fight to make it so. He tends to keep to himself, but will cooperate with his comrades when needed.
    Biography: Nicholas had always been unusually good when it came to sports and athletics as a child, all the way up to his high-school years. During the twelfth-grade, the coach of the Football team he was on had suspected him of using Steroids to enhance his performance on the field. When he was tested, they found that he had been born with the X-Gene. It was the first time he had been told about having the X-Gene, but he wasn't sure what exactly his abilities were. It was because of this that he was kicked off of the team for being an unfair advantage to his team. Ever since that day, he had been disrespected and ridiculed every day because of his mutant abilities. He then dropped out of high school, not only to avoid the ridicule, but to find out what exactly his abilities were.

    • Extreme Speed, quick enough to look like teleportation.
    • Great Athletic abilities. For example, he could pull off a jump that would be impossible for a normal human.

    Other: He is also proficient with Throwing Knives and Kunai.
  2. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Username: Garxena
    Real Name: Elena Lily Black
    Alias: Thyella
    Age: 18
    Squad: X-Force
    Appearance: Elena wears grey pants (slightly baggy with six pockets -- two in front, two in back, one on the side of each leg), a purple t-shirt with a red design on it, black shoes with purple laces, grey fingerless gloves with same red design; her thick, wavy black hair is almost always in a centered braid with a red elastic, leaving her blue-grey eyes exposed.
    Other Appearance: Elena has no costume as of yet.
    Personality: Elena has a hard outer shell; she only shows her true feelings to her brother, Elijah. She’s not very confident with herself when she is alone but is more open around Elijah. She doesn’t think highly of herself, yet she sees her brother as the world’s greatest person.
    Biography: Elena was born a twin to Elijah; she was born blind. For nearly her whole life, Elijah was her eyes. The two spent their entire lives together, sharing bedrooms, bathrooms, classrooms, friends and the like. Elena was read to by Elijah every night, stories of overcoming adversity and great adventure. When she and her brother discovered their powers, they kept them a secret from their parents and left together for the X-Mansion.
    • Can control air
    • Can only use the air around her (using the air inside her lungs or anyone else’s would result in or near to suffocation)
    • If in an enclosed or small area: using the air would deplete the oxygen available
    • Air can be made “sharp” enough to cut through things but only if used quickly
    • After using air with her lungs (holding her breath or blowing a wind), Elena will need a moment to catch her breath
    • Air is pretty much useless against earth or stone (basically very hard objects/materials)
    • Any “wall” of air serving as protection can only last a maximum of five minutes
    Other: Elena “sees” with her use of air. By constantly emitting a small amount of air from her body, she can feel what it hits and can discern the shape of the objects around her (much like a bat’s use of sound waves). However, she cannot tell what is living or not (for instance, someone could stand very still against a wall and she could take them for a bookcase) and nothing is very clear (like seeing a silhouette at night).

    Username: Garxena
    Real Name: Elijah Hawthorn Black
    Alias: Anemos
    Age: 18
    Squad: X-Force
    Appearance: Elijah wears dark blue jeans with a maroon hoodie (the word “Stillwater” is tagged on it in white) that covers his forest green, black lined t-shirt; his shoes are midnight blue with black laces and no design. His bright blue eyes are often covered by his shaggy black hair that he lets fall where it may.
    Other Appearance: Elijah has no costume as of yet.
    Personality: Elijah is very much a protector, especially towards Elena. He has a warm heart, which can turn cold as steel if any harm comes to Elena. He is a joker, making up for Elena’s lack of a sense of humor. He doesn’t think of himself as the hero Elena makes him out to be; he sees her as the more inspiring one.
    Biography: Elijah is Elena’s twin brother. Seldom being away from his sister, he has done everything possible to help her through life. But rarely has he treated her like she has a handicap; he wants her to feel like any other young adult. When he and his sister discovered their powers, he was opposed to Elena’s idea of keeping it a secret from their parents. But when Elena pointed out how her parents already viewed her as different, “special,” he agreed to not discuss anything with their mother or father. It was then that Elijah suggested the X-Mansion to Elena. Being 18 and out of normal high school, he said, it was perfectly in their rights to leave home. To his relief, Elena agreed.
    • Can control air
    • Can only use the air around him (using the air inside his lungs or anyone else’s would result in or near to suffocation)
    • If in an enclosed or small area: using the air would deplete the oxygen available
    • Air can be made “sharp” enough to cut through things but only if used quickly
    • After using air with his lungs (holding her breath or blowing a wind), Elijah will need a moment to catch his breath
    • Air is pretty much useless against earth or stone (basically very hard objects/materials)
    • Any “wall” of air serving as protection can only last a maximum of five minutes
    Other: While Elena and Elijah have the same ability, they both have different styles of how they use. Elijah’s is sharper and more direct; Elena’s is smooth and tricky.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Garxena, you're in~
    I won't add you to the list just yet, I'll do that once we start when I make sure the X-Men teams are somewhat even.
  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Okay I want to join though I don't have time to fill out the OC form now, so I'll do that tommorrow. Also I'm thinking of taking the existing character Kitty/Shadow Cat, will I need to do an form for her?
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I changed my mind about having Sunspot in. I made a character with some slight similarities in the nature of their powers though.

    Username: The GREATEST ROLEPLAYER EVER ...Otherwise known as Arch/Terra.
    Real Name: Ivan Grey
    Alias: Whiteout
    Age: 19
    Squad: X-Force [I don't really want this character to be with my other character.]
    Appearance: Pitch black hair that has absolutely no shine to it, extremely dark brown eyes that are nearly black, and a slightly tanned complexion. He stands just over 6 feet in height and is rather lean. He tends wear white jeans, black boots, a plain black t-shirt, and a white jacket. Ivan does his best to avoid wearing anything outside of the grayscale.
    Other Appearance: His hair becomes solid white while his eyes change to a glowing golden shade. His own skin seems to lighten up as well but it is merely a side-effect of his body constantly releasing small amounts of light which Ivan has yet to control. If Ivan is aggravated this intensifies to form a golden aura and his eyes begin to shine brightly with the same shade. Otherwise, his appearance his the same.
    Personality: Ivan has a somewhat upbeat attitude and is far smarter than he appears. He had previously spent the first year-and-a-half in his schooling with the other mutants dedicated entirely to researching the science behind his own abilities as to better understand the limits and applications of it. The latter of his time was spent training with those powers. As such, he has near genius-level intellect but often neglects this due to him having yet to fully mature like the experienced members of the X-Men.
    Biography: Ivan talks little about his past because before his powers manifested it was completely and utterly normal. When he was 16, he saved a girl from his school who had the misfortune of getting in the way of an oncoming bus. He shoved her out of the way and instinctively his powers activated to save him. When Ivan rose to his feet after being struck, he noticed his reflection on a mirror of a car that had screeched to a halt next to him. His hair color had changed as well as his eyes. He was shocked to find that he was still alive and despite only having a broken arm at the time, Ivan felt better than he ever did before. Within seconds however this transformation wore off and the following day he was visited by Professor X who soon brought him to a school where he would be welcomed by others of his kind. This was after wiping the memories of those who saw Ivan transform of course.
    Whiteout has two phases which he often gives various names to depending on how he's feeling. Regardless, the two most common terms for them are Unpowered and Powered Up. In his Unpowered form he looks just like any regular human as well as having all their weaknesses(save for some slight advantages over the majority). His Powered Up form is something that his body constantly stores power for and is where his true power lies. It drains a great deal of energy and his abilities, while in concept are great, are far from mastered and often lack finesse. He can only spend a short period of time in his Powered Up phase and often finds himself running out of strength right before he can get the job done.

    • His pitch black hair actually draws in all forms of radiation while his skin pulls in all of the nonvisible light spectrum which is essentially his power source. This normally causes problems when any electrical device sends signals to him(GPS, x-rays, infrared goggles) which gives him a sort of pseudo-invisibility to certain things. However, in his Powered Up form this reverses and will be like a shining beacon in the dark, removing any sort of stealth he would try to obtain.
    • His eyes are instantly able to adjust to any level of light intensity as well as see the rest of the normally nonvisible light spectrum(Ex: He can pick up infrared signatures).
    • Heightened reflexes and durability, though not enough to actually place him on the "superhuman" level. His reflexes are on par with that of a professional athlete while his durability enables him to take hits from those of human strength without flinching.

    Powered Up

    • Eyes instantly adjust to any light intensity.
    • With concentration he can draw in light energy though to a far lesser degree than his Unpowered form. Also, through direct physical contact he can draw in electrical energy though if he tried to do so from any large generator or unstable power source it would cause him injury.
    • Able to create structures(walls, shields, platforms) of solid light though use of the dual-nature of light.
    • Through manipulation of photons both within his body and directly around it, he can accelerate his body allowing him to move just above Mach 1 speeds in flight though he prefers to use the ability on the ground as it drains less energy.
    • Zero-Shift: An ability he named himself. He has only used it once as it came with a great deal of injury to himself and destruction to the environment. It allows him to seemingly teleport by moving at sub-light-speed. However, since he has not figured out how to turn his body into energy, the kinetic force generated enough heat to incinerate everything around him at the time and nearly killed him.
    • Further enhanced reflexes and durability. Enough to allow him to maneuver at high speeds with ease and withstand the strain of breaking the sound barrier.
    • Enhanced strength. Enough to lift just over 800 pounds. If he tries to push his strength any further it would end up depleting his power in minutes depending on the strain.
    • Able to release bursts of bright light(like a flash bang) in either a direction of his choosing or in every direction.
    • Ability to generate blasts of pure light energy. The light generated has no heat and are mostly concussive unless directed into a single point just like a laser which can easily tear through anything short of Adamantium though it would drain his powers within a period of 40 seconds.
    Other: His greatest weakness is that his powers, quickly consume a large amount of energy. Also, while Unpowered he is subject to all the weaknesses of a human. If he stays in his powered form for too long he runs the risk of forcing his body to draw on his own life force so he normally limits the time spent in it to roughly two hours a day under regular conditions. In combat he can usually maintain it for just barely under an hour if he's careful. Also, in his Powered form he must remain still and refrain from using his powers if he would wish to draw in light energy which can extend the safe duration of the form for at least a few short minutes. If he runs out of power unexpectedly he will be immediately forced back into his Unpowered form. Also, his durability is limited to mostly blunt forces and heat resistance so anything sharp would have nearly the same effect on him as it would to a regular human(same with bullets).
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Like I said, I want to keep existing characters to a minimum but will make a rare exception. Do you want her a mentor or just a regular student or what?

    In~ I wasn't going to let you put him in Paragons anyway xD
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Actually, I changed my mind about her but forgot to edit my post, although I think I'm going to use her powers for my OC.

    Username: Midnight Star
    Real Name: Bree Riding
    Alias: Whisper
    Age: 17
    Squad: X-Force
    Other Appearance: No costume yet.
    Personality: Bree is confident and outgoing. She always seems to have a smile on her face, she has a postive outlook on life but also does not like to show it when she's down or upset. She is driven and determined, she will work hard to achieve her goals. She will stand by her friends and do whatever it takes to protect them if they are in danger. She can be childish at times and has a natural curiousity.
    Biography: Bree discovered her power when she was 14, as she got intense headaches which got worse until she used her power inadvertantly for the first time, phasing straight through her bed and floor, landing in her living room below. She did not tell her parents of her abilities as she was intially scared of them, they seemed to happen unpredictibly and she was worried how they would react. She thought she was a freak. She recieved a visit from proffesor Xavier shortly after this, who (to her great suprise) convinced her parents to let her go to the institute. She has since learnt how to control her abilities and came to terms with it. She also worked hard to learn how to fight, becoming a black belt in several martial arts as she liked to know how to fight back, instead of standing on the sidelines.
    Phasing: Bree possesses the ability to pass through solid matter by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of the object through which she is moving. In this way she and the object through which she was passing could temporarily merge without interacting, and each is unharmed when she has finished passing through the object. This process was called "phasing." When Bree is phasing, she is, for all intents and purposes, intangible. Hence, when attacked, she can shift into a "phasing" state (even if she is not at the time passing through an object) so as to allow oncoming projectiles or energy blasts to pass through her harmlessly. Bree passes through objects at the same rate of speed at which she is moving before she "entered" it. She has trained herself to go automatically, by reflex, into a phasing state at any indication of danger, such as a loud noise like a gunshot, in order to protect herself. Using her phasing ability she can also:

    Air Walking: She can use her phasing ability to walk on air. In fact, she could use her ability to walk on the air from the ground to the upper stories of a building as if she were climbing a staircase.
    Phasing Extension: From the first use of her phasing power, Bree was able to phase her clothing along with herself. Through practice she has learned to phase other objects along with herself without harm to them. However, she has to maintain physical contact with the people or objects she phased along with herself for the effect to work with this other person or object.
    Electrical Disruption: She can phase through any material object, even living people. When she phases through an object with an electrical system, the process disrupts the system's workings.
    Telepathic Resistance: Her thoughts are highly erratic when phased as if there was no mind to telepathically affect.
    Other: Her powers have certain limitions as she is unable to phase when 'inside' a object, meaning she can only continuously phase for as long as she can hold her breath. Also solidifying when inside a object will injure her or even kill her. (She could harm someone by phasing with someone and losing contact with them while they were passing through an object) On top of this, if she can't see an attack coming/expect it, she can't phase through it.
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    I'd have to join on sunday begin as i'm doing this from the apple store in New york
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    ...alright then.

    I'll probably be posting the RP in the next 24 hours. Not to start it (still need more people D: ), but to get the other details worked out and maybe draw more attention to it.
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Yeah! We'll get super more attention that way.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: Master of keyblades
    Real Name: Sora Mamori
    Alias: Reaper
    Age: 17
    Squad: X-Force
    Other Appearance: N/A
    Personality: Calm, Cool, and sometimes Reckless
    Biography: When Sora gained his power, it could've turned out better. He woke up in a alley with no memory of what happen the past day. He probadlt never would'have found out in if wasn't for the fact that he found a news paper explaining about a event that had happened to past day.
    • Pyrokenitsis- Let's him call forth flames.
    • Fire wall- Uses a wall of flames to protect himself.
    • Fire blast- Charges a ball of fire into the palm of his hand.
    Other: N/A
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I'm going to post the actual thread tonight.
    master of keyblades, you have three completely different powers. Get rid of one. If you keep the "Weapon Summoning" power, you'll have to change it to something like he can change his body parts into any weapon (call it...Weapon reformation or something).
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Yeah, got a little bit carried away.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    You could just shorten it to pyrokinesis as the other two abilities are still explained by pyrokinesis, but that works~
    At first I wasn't going to let that since there's already someone similar (Scorch), but Scorch uses heat, not fire, so it does work out in the end.
    Working on the actual thread now. Should be up by the end of tonight
  15. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Username: AmericanSephiroth
    Real Name: Demetrio Zannetti
    Alias: Daydream/Knightmare (depending on personality in control)
    Age: 21
    Squad: Brotherhood
    (Daydream or Full control)
    Other Appearance:
    (Knightmare or Full control)
    Personality: Demetrio is slightly warped mentally and is very very bi-polar he literally has two sides a calm, peaceful and extremely kind side who will refuse to be violent and is extremely effeminate (as in he is so bad for it he gets confused for being a girl more often than not), the other is an explosively violent criminal who will not hesitate to kill for any reason with very little personality, there is no difference in power but there is an obvious difference in willingness to use the deadly sides
    Biography: Demetrio was a normal person most of his life but eventually as he got older he developed powers and while the powers advanced so did his progressive fall into insanity and now while he forgets most of his life he now only hopes one side of him will become in control long enough to be permanent (he is more often than not Daydream and prefers that side)
    • Daydream controls light(teleportation, able to make lights and able to make more or less light in a room and also able to create exploding crystals of light that can act like mini grenades)
    • Knightmare controls darkness(can twist and manipulate shadows and use them to hurt people also he can use the shadows to create tools and illusions such as being invisible to anyone without thermal vision)
    • If Demetrio uses his full force of will(he will fall unconsious after an hour or so) he can control both sides of himself but his body doesnt like that and if he does that for too long he risks permanent damage to his mind

    Other: Daydream is extremely weak in the dark and Knightmare is very weak in direct light meaning they lose just about all their power in a bad environment. (also Demetrio can only occasionally take control over both meaning if he controls both he has no weakness in light or shade)

    (OOC: hopefully this is ok.)
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    You're in, AmericanSephiroth.
    Only problem is I can't see the first picture? Not sure if it's just me or not, though.
  17. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    OOC: crap fixed that twice i'll try again though fixed now(hopefully)
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    It works now, thanks~
    I'm hoping for a couple of more people before we start. I don't mind starting now, but that's like two people per squad. That's hardly a squad. I guess one more person, at least for the x-men teams would be fine.
  19. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    I don't mind waiting for other people. Or I could make someone if you want (a Brotherhood character for instance).
  20. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    A Brotherhood character would be nice, since we only have two bad guys right now.
    But we definitely need more good guys
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