KH The Dark Relm:My Story Part 11 (2nd Version Edit)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by AkuseruVIII, May 28, 2007.

  1. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    'Kay here it is the next Part at this point I just wanna finish. Njoy

    I really got to start remembering this part-

    KH The Dark Realm: My Story Part 11

    “I guess this is it.†X looked out over a dark turbulent sea. Or rather a large moat that acted like a sea. In the midst of the crashing waves lay a castle. It seemed to have been made from blown glass, this was definitely Castle Obsidian, central command for all experimental units and overseer of the dark plane. X looked at the massive span that separated him from the castle. The moat seemed to have been carved straight into the floor. No mean feat to be certain, but crossing it would be no less of a task. X drew his sword and concentrated all his strength into the blade. A second later the sword flashed forwards at the castle. Such was the force expelled that the sea began to calm. The two violent forces had met and the sea had lost. X then proceeded to walk atop the now calm tides. Actually it was less walking than riding. He skimmed the surface of the water as easily as if he were weightless. Without additional issue he reached the castle and stood at the entrance thinking of how to best pull this thing off. He was cut off by a nagging thought in the back of his head.
    “That’s right isn’t it. I have to do this my own way.†X rushed forwards into the door causing it to burst open. The entrance hall looked like a giant wasps nest full of unseen exits and hallways. Though this was strange it was by far the most passive thing about the room. It wasn’t by any means empty the walls and floors and quite possibly ceiling were covered in Heartless. X wasn’t surprised that the enemy would go for numbers when quality had failed. X drew his sword and there was a brilliant flash of light. Not one moment later the Heartless began to drop and fade with small heart shapes inscribed on them. X easily passed through the hall and moved into the next major adjoining room. This time he wasn’t met with beasts he was met with an affront to nature. There stood a large creature. It’s body seemed to be ready to fall apart and fade into darkness. But still it stood thee a massive black and white monolith. X realized what it was from the time he saw it. It wasn’t a Heartless like the others but nor was it a Nobody like himself. It was some kind of hybrid from an evil brood. X examined it’s patchwork frame an assumed it to be just a grunt or a flawed creation. It sniffed the air and seemed repulsed when it realized X stood before it. It angrily charged forwards trying to kill him. X slashed through it in a single movement and watched it quickly decompose into it’s separate parts.
    “That was wrong. Low, even for that madman.†X thought to himself as he looked at the next set of doors. One led up one led down and one led straight forwards. “Where to go?â€
    X decided that the leader would be at the top and he would not need to worry about him trying to escape, so down was the logical choice. “I think I’d hate basements if I could feel.†X thought to himself as he opened the down marked door and descended quickly. He soon reached the next door and he opened it slowly. The room wasn’t like the glassy upper floors it was carved straight out of the stone. The style also went for a more minimalist look. There was just this door he came through and a staircase to go down to the next floor. Just as before he saw the Heartless Nobody fusion. This time it looked cleaner and the design looked deliberate. He took caution dealing with this one as it obviously had developed more than just the most rudimentary of senses. It’s half developed eyes had the faint glow reminiscent of the characteristic yellow Heartless eyes. It’s body was entirely black with zippers and glowing vein like structures running across it‘s body. It didn’t seem to be able to see or hear well but that was obviously enough for it to be connected with it’s surroundings. X drew his sword slowly testing it’s senses, his predictions were spot on. He decided to test it further and feinted an attack. It instantly jumped at him. He quickly evaded the mad rush and struck back. However this one had a much tougher hide than the first one so his blow glanced off without leaving any major damage. It ran once more but, X span around and thrust his sword straight into the beasts forehead as it passed next to him. It still tried to keep running even after it’s body began to break down into nothingness. But before it reached the end of he room it was gone, erased as all others in this place must be. X turned towards the descending spiral stair case at the other side of the room and quickly ran down it somehow feeling this sense of urgency. It wasn’t worry or concern it was just this thing he didn’t quite understand until he had seen the heroes fight him. He was cut off ion his thoughts as he entered the next level. The same thing as before happened except this time the beast not only had all five senses but it seemed almost capable of higher brain function not quite thought but more than just instinct and pure emotion. He easily killed this beast just as he had before. Each level he passed was the same as before progressively better prototypes of the beasts would stand in the middle of each room waiting to be destroyed. X was still far beyond any of these creatures but he began to consider the possibility of a beast that had been perfected. One that he couldn’t beat. He shook the thoughts from his head as it was apparent that they had expected him to come this way and they wanted him to see the intelligent progression of the subsequent creatures. After some time and countless floors had past X he arrived at the bottom. It was just that a dead end room no way out except the way you’d come. X knew this’d how it’d be a trap at the bottom of the world, not just the door closing and in all likelihood locking behind him, not just the pale lights going out not just the glow of the beasts but the high pitched cackle that resonated throughout the room and for all he knew throughout the castle. That’s what made things bad, each vibration seemed to shake X to his core. He felt like he was being searched in and out and being torn apart to do so. It was a horrible feeling, almost as bad as he remembered Allen’s fear. X felt his mind get searched he couldn’t think he couldn’t feel but whatever it was that he sensed somehow was wrong. Soon he collapsed from mental breakdown he had nothing now. X was in sorry shape, physically there was no one to match him but without the mind to direct his power it would be nothing to kill him. But that’s where the mistake was made, he wasn’t killed, he wasn’t even assaulted, he was left to stagnate and decay. But he wasn’t ready for that no he would never be ready for that. He struggled outside himself willing himself to move, but he had been severed from the body he once inhabited. Just then he remembered what Seagle had told Allen everyday of his training.
    “Don’t think about everything you’ll end up a lame duck and then you’ll die. So don’t try it, do it.†X lifted his head and raised himself to an upright stance. He drew his sword, but it felt different, not the cold steel he found so fitting but a warm almost fluid feel that made him look down. It was basically useless, seeing as there was no light save for the now brightly glowing pair of eyes not two meters distant. He knew something now and that was all he knew, he wouldn’t die here. X leapt through the air and quickly impaled the head of the beast before proceeding to the handler. X somehow could sort of feel everything, his normal senses seemed to have been shut off and now he was moving based on that feeling he would get whenever his body was ready to die. His sword found it’s way through the chest of someone. X couldn’t see who but they were finished that’s all that mattered. X began to walk away as the lights revived and showed a man lying on the floor slowly losing himself.
    “Wait a second.†The man said weakly.
    “What is it?†X asked without turning about.
    “I have something to tell you.†X walked over and looked at the man and saw his pale face that had obviously never seen light beyond the dim artificial ones that lit the cavernous hall. His eyes were pale gray and he seemed to be blind. He shook his head and smiled, his gaunt features stretching into a almost eerie grin. His hair was the same as his eyes and he seemed young in spite of all this he must have been the same age as Allen when he died.
    “What is it.†X softened his tone and tried to make himself seem sincere.
    “I’m a nothing, but you still destroyed me. I think that you’re no Nobody there is something more to you and I wish I could bask in you’re excellence a little bit longer.†The man was slowly fading.
    “I don’t understand, what do you mean?†X was genuinely interested at this point.
    “Heh heh. I think you’ll understand later. I know you’ll make it ‘til later, I just wonder how you’ll make it.†The man seemed happy in spite of his claim of being a Nobody.
    “Alright then rest in peace.†X tried to put this as easily as he could just so the man could die with some dignity.
    “Nobodies don’t rest! I’ll see you when you come to join me. I’ll be waiting.†X wasn’t sure how to take the mans ravings. However he let him die in the presence of the one he’d once found so wonderful. Soon after the man died X moved back up to the top of the stairs and sealed the door. X wasn’t sure how he did this but it didn’t matter at this point.
    “One down two to go.†X thought to himself as he looked at the other two doors.

    “Well, he’s shown his face after all these years just to have himself killed by the very thing he was trying to escape when he left.â€
    “Ironic, isn’t it.â€
    “Actually it follows the script quite well. I was beginning to doubt old Gorge.â€
    “I wish I could show you the wonders of the script, but it is too dangerous to be let out of this room. As I have just now provedâ€
    “Yes sir.â€
    “Ah yes one more thing Styx. Why don’t you go over and tell Aurelia to assemble the counterstrike in the main hall this is going to be one hell of a fight.â€
    “I only wish I could share your certainty and enthusiasm.â€
    “Oh well, I guess you should prepare the defenses here, he’ll be coming soon enough.â€
    “Yes, sir.â€
    “Oh just drop the sir, tonight we end this nightmare and this will be no more than a far off memory. Think eternal glory and power.â€
    “Anything else?â€
    “Oneing only. I still can’t help but think that he caused his death on purpose. One with that power couldn't possibly be taken so easily.â€
    “Don’t worry either way he’ll come into our hands and remember what we’ve always said.â€
    “I remember. First we attack his heart.â€

    Alright what'd you think? I think the whole thing is slowly coming to a close thank (insert deity of your belief or lack thereof here).
  2. zerogit Destiny Islands Resident

    May 27, 2007
    Nice, hey, um, I'm sorta new but I was going to make a story here so can I borrow X?:D :confused:
  3. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    Sure you can. It won't bother me one bit in fact I encourage it if it helps with anything. I'm just surprised anyone would try to use one of my characters. Oh well, good luck with that and be sure to credit me I worked hard no matter how crappy this story is.
  4. zerogit Destiny Islands Resident

    May 27, 2007
    Alright, thanks. and I dont think that the story is crappy at all. Weird yes, but sorta good. Also, I'm going to make a few changes, is that okay?
  5. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    By all means, he is a malleable character. Just don't go overboard you know I don't want to see him suddenly talking like in Ebonics or something but you know most other things I'm cool with.

    EDIT: Unless this is a parody in which case anything at all is okay.
  6. zerogit Destiny Islands Resident

    May 27, 2007
    YEAH, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

    stands over small, frightened X.
    somebody help!! X :eek:
    hehehehehe:D :cool: