KH THe Dark Realm:My Story Part 12 (2nd Version Edit)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by AkuseruVIII, May 28, 2007.

  1. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    Okay the last for today and hopefully there will only be one more. I bet I just made it certain I'll never finish this. Njoy all the same.

    Okay here it is the other bits of the story-

    KH The Dark Realm: MY Story Part 12

    X heard something from the middle door that was marked as going straight.
    “Guess the old ******* is hiding topside.†X said aloud as if to tell the castle he knew exactly what was happening. He made straight for the middle door to clear all possible enemies that could sneak up on him when he went after the Top Brass member in charge of this carnival. X slowly pushed open the door revealing an unsettlingly dark tunnel with a small speck of bright light at the end. X proceeded cautiously, as he was trapped between the door he heard close behind him as he entered and the possible legions that lay ahead. He quickened his pace as not to let his eyes adjust to the dark. It would be disadvantageous to walk into any situation blinded and something told him he’d need every advantage he could get. X entered a colossal arena filled with bright lights and a roar from what he presumed to be an audience. The arena was far to big to fit in the castle and yet there he stood. He scanned the area quickly to get a better perspective and he was alone. In the sense that there was no one on the ground ready to kill him. Not for much longer he suspected but for the time he was in a safer position.
    “Hello, and welcome to the eternal combat arena!†Some announcer type voice shouted out. If the crowd was loud before this was deafening to be sure. “Our next battler hailing from this very castle for your entertainment-â€
    “You!†X shouted in a suddenly immeasurably loud voice as he pointed his blade at a man not more than ten stories up. “Shut up and get this over with.†X lowered his voice in response to the now silent crowd.
    “Oh it looks like this one is going to give the sentinels a work out.†The man continued. He was a small rather weaselly man with slicked back black hair that tried with all it‘s might to stand up, only half achieving this goal. He stood slouched over a microphone with a joyous grin upon his lips. “X, aren’t you the least bit impressed by this?†He waved his hand around at the arena and X stared at him. “Well it was no mean feat creating these dimensional rifts that allow us to shift wasted space from one part of the castle to this room here.†X still just stared. “Guess this one’s not much of a talker folks, I think we should just let him have his final words and get this over with.†The man chuckled and signaled something. Gates from the walls opened and out poured a veritable flood of the horrible beasts X had seen in the basement. X sighed and lifted his sword and suddenly there was a shout.
    “X! Get out of here there’s no way you’ll survive!†It was a woman no one knew where but they all knew who it must have been.
    “That witch! I’ll deal with her myself.†The man raged to himself leaving the balcony from which he watched. Tossing aside his microphone.
    “Don’t worry, I haven’t chosen to die.†X muttered to himself. He shook his other hand out behind him and another sword appeared. The exact equal to his other except this one was as deep a crimson as blood. He crossed his blades and they transformed into Duality, only one was red and the other blue. He charged the enemy lines and cut a violent swath through the ranks without even taking a breath. Within seconds the once impossible odds got to be improbable and from there to two to one. The entire arena was quite. No one could believe what they saw, it was… well impossible until about five seconds ago.
    “Aurelia!†The announcer yelled after the woman in a narrow hallway.
    “Yes, Styx.†She replied politely turning to face him. She had nice wavy blonde hair about twice as long as X’s and an undeniably pretty face. The stark contrast from her almost glowing appearance to the greasy unkempt hair and rat-like features of her opponent was amazing.
    “Oh you finally decided to call me by my real name? Too bad for you it’s too late to make it up to me. You’ve betrayed us and for that you’ll die. I am so going to enjoy this.†He smiled revealing brilliantly white teeth filed down into points. This only added to the rat theme.
    “Yeah, I know.†She said, subdued.
    “I never thought you’d be one to take this lying down, not that I mind.†he licked his deformed teeth and advanced dangerously.
    “Don’t be ridiculous. You fight me it’s like a baby fighting a giant.†She almost laughed at this.
    “Why you!†He summoned a broad metal oar and charged. She leapt down the hall out of reach. Styx furiously rushed after her madly swinging his weapon smashing the walls to pieces. X stood once more in an empty arena as the audience in awed silence. X breathed heavily and nearly collapsed from exhaustion. He’d never expect to get his heart to do something so helpful. Either way he stared thankfully down at his red blade and smiled. There was a crash heard from the upper stadium wall. X looked up and saw two people fighting in a windowed outcropping. X easily saw one of them was winning but who were they? Suddenly one of them fell out of the window and the other looked down in victory. X didn’t care if it was friend or foe he had to save them. He had no idea why he was compelled to do such a thing. Either way it was too late to stop, he was already in midair catching the falling individual. He looked at their face and it was a pretty blonde girl with wavy hair about twice as long as his. She almost seemed to glow with a warmth that X could only relate to his own heart. He looked back on his experiences with the red soul blade as he called it, no, the heart blade that was a better name, it had to be Allen, it couldn‘t be anything else; something just told him he was right to assume so. She wasn‘t unconscious but she was disoriented and surprised to end up staring into the face of the one she‘d been ordered to kill what seemed like so many years ago.
    “A- Wait…†She stopped midsentence seeing that her rescuer’s hair was a grey black like ashes not oak brown like she remembered. “You must be X, pleased to meet you.†She said getting up and brushing herself off.
    “I assure you the pleasure is all yours.†He replied trying to place where he remembered her from.
    “Yo!†Styx called out as he leaped down from the ledge. He landed hard but it didn’t seem to bother him.
    “Styx, I thought that was you. As you can see those little experiments didn’t kill me. What now?†X asked calmly.
    “Now, I kill you! Those lab rats were to wear you down and she was supposed to finish you off! I guess she didn’t have the heart!†Styx began to laugh at his own joke and brought down his oar with as much force as he could. X pushed Aurelia away and blocked the attack.
    “Where’d you get this power? The Styx I knew wasn’t much stronger than an ant.†X commented coolly even though he was easily being overpowered.
    “I’ve had some work done. You like?†Styx lifted his weapon and brushed himself off then he lunged forwards. X spun off and counter attacked with one hand and guarded against the handle with the other. Styx parried, but X was ready for the second counter. He let himself roll off the powerful strikes without taking the full brunt of the force and avoiding most harm. X leapt away and stood there his heavy breathing returning all too soon. Styx charged with a gleeful grin painted across his ugly face.
    “And here I thought you’d be tough.†He mocked. X rolled out of the way and tried to get up and counter but he was just too worn out from the basement and the beasts. He sat there a sitting duck just waiting to be hit. He wasn’t Styx had begun battle with Aurelia once again. She had retrieved her kwon dao and was doing a brilliant job of fending him off.
    “A little help here, if you please!†She yelled over to X as he sat there like a puppet without strings.
    “Fine.†He thought to himself. He jumped off the ground over Aurelia’s head and stabbed down at Styx. The sword impaled Styx through the head, at least that was the idea. Styx moved his head and torso back enough to evade the blow and as X landed behind him he swung his oar backwards pounding X’s back and sending him at least ten meters away. While he was preoccupied she took a swing at him but he blocked and pushed her to the ground.
    “Looks like you can beat us now.†X chuckled weakly. He rose to his feet, not without a tremendous pain but it worked.
    “That’s kinda the point.†Styx hurled his weapon javelin style at X who easily sidestepped it and attacked, but he was foiled when Styx brought back his weapon and thrust it into his gut happily. “You know I’ve always been treated badly ‘cause I was the only non-fighter in upper management, but now I think that I’ll let that go if you beg and grovel as I had to for all those years. I‘m in a giving mood so choose before you make me change my mind.†He said playfully twirling his oar around like a pen.
    “Oh shove it, no one’d ever beg you for anything.†Aurelia laughed condescendingly as she jumped to her feet and readied for battle..
    “Looks like the pretty girl goes first.†He laughed a bit then swung his oar through the air unleashing a powerful blast or air at her. She was instantly forced back and fell backwards. X tried to get up but he was drained, he had nothing left to fight with.
    “I hope your watching X! I’d hate for you to be deprived of the pleasure of seeing this!†Styx was laughing hysterically by now as he smacked around his opponent gleefully. X tried again but he still couldn’t move. No it still hurt to move, he could move fine.
    “This is gonna hurt!†He yelled. Styx stupidly turned around to see X flying through the air brandishing his swords. Styx barely escaped decapitation, but he did. He backed up a few meters and saw Aurelia lying lifeless on the ground. Styx decided to take advantage of this and he threw her up as X charged in. X was blindsided by the unexpected maneuver and went down hard trying not to hurt his ally. Styx rushed forward ready to plaster his enemies brains all over the stadium. But something caught his leg and he tripped. He fell over flat on his face and
    “Stupid.†X smirked at him falling over on the discarded dao.
    “I’m gonna rip you apart!†He shrieked blinded with fury. He slammed the ground in an attempt to crush X, but he missed.
    “This looks bad.†Aurelia looked up at the fierce battle, then groaned and reached for her dao. She winced in pain, it didn’t help that she’d probably shattered every bone in here body. But all the same she rose aided by her pole arm and watched the battle rage on. Styx missed every shot. He couldn’t land anything, it wasn’t so much he was forced to miss as he couldn’t help but miss. X barely even had to move back, the enraged psychopath was barely even trying to adjust he just kept on swinging wildly. X’s sword flashed forwards and Styx stopped dead. He dropped to his knees with the red blade imbedded in his upper chest. X pulled it out and wiped the blade on his sleeve before dismissing his arm.
    “Heh.†Was all the smiling Styx got out before he slumped over and died. X looked over at Aurelia and looked back down at Styx.
    “Thanks.†He remarked as he kicked the body to be sure it was dead.
    “Your welcome, I always hated the little Nose Rag.†she replied casually.
    “I really have to get going I don’t know how much time I have ‘til the admin here wants to leave so I don’t have time to waste here.†X began his painful walk out of the now roaring stadium.
    “Wait! I have to tell you something.†Aurelia got up and followed him to where he’d stopped.
    “What is it?†He asked wearily.
    “The administrator is a top brass member and he isn’t leaving. He’s very confident with his position here. The professor is also here, in the upstairs lab. One more thing, the administrator has the script.†She said as quickly as her broken ribs would allow.
    “Really? I guess I’d better be careful then. Then, perhaps you shouldn’t be here this is going to be bad and I don’t see you as the self sacrificial type either.†X commented as he slowly walked away.
    “Stop it. I know you remember him but that’s no reason to hate me, you couldn’t possibly understand what happened.†She was angry not the silly ‘crying angry’ but the ‘I’d rip you head off if I could’ angry.
    “I don’t hate anyone and nor do I want anyone to hate me. It‘s more I don‘t have the heart for it you know.†X continued impassively.
    “Stop right there!†She regretted it after her ribs made a distinct cracking noise.
    “I have places to go people to see, sorry that you feel that way. If I get out of here why don’t you loe up? Hm?†X was forced to limp and hobble but he still wasn‘t followed. When he was sure that he was going on alone he made to turn and said, “You’ve changed your hair.†After that he continued slowly through the tunnel back to the main hall. X opened the door and slumped against the wall nearest him. “Great. I don’t think I’d be any use in this condition.†He looked at his grimy blood soaked clothes and felt his battered weary body. “Guess ten minutes won’t hurt right?†He passed out with those thoughts in mind.

    Okays here is my revision hope it's better.
  2. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    KH The Dark Realm: My Story Part 13 (2nd Version Edit)

    Part 13

    “This is bad.†Aurelia had come across some very disconcerting news. Upon closer inspection the ‘Styx’ they fought was a replica made by the Professor. A person wouldn’t dissolve into darkness the way it had. It could only be a fake. “I never thought you’d go that way.†She thought to herself standing up. The arena had recently disintegrated and there was only a room that filled the ordinate amount of space and no more. She assumed it was because X had left and all efforts should be focused on him. “I guess it’s time I leave. Not that I’d be any help to him, anyways.†She turned and left through the large ornate door that led back to the entrance hall.

    “So how’d it go?â€
    “They fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.â€
    “Excellent. The report?â€
    “That’s where the problems begin. He won ‘cause the replica was able to have emotions of a far greater range than I‘d show.â€
    “Hearts are always unstable, artificially created or not.â€
    “Too bad, the professor was real close too.â€
    “That’s not the worst though.â€
    “I know Aurelia has betrayed us. What should we do?â€
    “The script didn’t foresee this.â€
    “I told you that thing was half bogus.â€
    “Here I was thinking it’d work out like a nice little puppet show.â€
    “That’s why I’m the shrewder of us, I planned ahead for this. Although I can’t predict the mind like he could but hearts are like an open book.â€
    “That’s why you’re here isn’t it?â€
    “So what have you planned?â€
    “She’ll be leaving soon so I moved him away, so she wouldn’t change her mind. She won’t get in our way anymore. One thing I never got was why we never killed him in his sleep.â€
    “We couldn’t that’s why.â€
    “How’s that?â€
    “His heart.â€
    “Oh yeah, the reaction. So that‘s why you wanted him to use that.â€
    “So we attacked his heart what now?â€
    “We haven’t broken it yet. His encounters with his past have made him unstable and he probably won’t go down the same way.â€
    “I get it, you want to have him handle it.â€
    “Great minds…â€
    “Don’t finish that. We can’t start counting chickens before they hatch can we?â€
    “Too true. Dispatch the orders.â€
    “He’s already heard.â€
    “Excellent, things are turning in my favor after all.â€
    “You’ll see soon enough.â€

    X awoke in a dark room, well it was more a great marble box than anything else. He stood up and examined his surroundings. There were no doors no windows and no tunnels like the other rooms.
    “I guess ten minutes did hurt.†X stated blankly, as he tried to devise a plan of escape. He looked around again, futilely. There was no way out not even a light could be seen and yet sight was possible.
    “Just like the dark plane.†X recalled the darkness that his eyes could naturally pierce through. He walked around the small room tapping against the walls and floor to see if this was really all that solid. It was, solid as he was. How solid was that anyways? He looked up and tapped on the ceiling curiously. It was the same. He had nothing left to do except wait and think. He just had sat down when he felt a light through his closed eyelids and looked out. There was a hole in the wall with a hand held out to him. He couldn’t see a face or body through the brilliant light. He just blinked and stared out into the now empty space. X tilted his head curiously and stood up. He walked over deliberately and looked out of the hole seeing a huge gale of white whipping past his face. He just stared and felt the wind blow over him blowing past his room in the middle of nowhere. He closed his eyes slowly to keep out of the wind and when he opened them again he wasn’t in the small box he was out in the white winds floating through the seemingly endless abyss. He couldn’t think and he couldn’t breathe but none of that mattered there was nothing that mattered. Right? He just floated into space calm and serene. After all those battles this couldn’t be so wrong could it? X closed his eyes, this time not to shield them from the wind but from the world outside. This is how it should be no big problems just resting and having no worries. This was just how it was and how it would stay. But wait, this isn’t the path this isn’t the right thing it seemed to be so but, it couldn’t be. There was still something that needed to be finished. What is it? X regained consciousness. He was disoriented for a second but son he found himself in a huge open space. It was a huge laboratory, dimly lit and full of a chemical stench.
    “That’s very interesting.†An old voice echoed throughout the hall.
    “If I may ask, what?†X asked searching for the voice’s origin, however the sounds reverberated clearly on every bit of glassware and bounced off every wall resulting in a large dissonant collection of echoes meshing into one omnipresent voice.
    “You won’t find me, I’ve set up this lab to protect me and my research. To answer your rather stupid question. You are interesting. I gave you what your mind wanted most inner peace and somehow you rejected it. Hardly a common response, a nobody has no heart to counter the mind and soul so what was it that made you come back?†The voice once more echoed.
    “I have things to do.†X realized who he was talking to that moment. “Professor, I think it’s surprising that you’d be so linear. They once called you the greatest in science and philosophy and yet you don’t see that there is no one thing I want, no one thing I can want. I think I’ll show you the blank spots in your research.†X drew both swords and shifted his gaze around for any sign of movement.
    “Pity. I thought I’d be able to live longer if I’d allied with them. I guess ether way I’m finished at this point.†The Professor sighed to himself. “I guess I’m in for an excellent challenge. Now I can test my theories of Nobody psychologyâ€
    “I guess you are.†X replied waiting for movement. Suddenly there was a clatter that quickly echoed through the whole room. X looked over and a stool had fallen over. X quickly looked around, again to find nothing. He was never sure of how the professor had always finished off his adversaries without so much as meeting them face to face. But now he had a vague idea of what had been going on. “So you think you can trap me and kill me.†X yelled unnecessarily loudly. No answer. X suddenly had a brilliant idea. If you can’t locate your enemy destroy their hiding spot, it was as simple as that. X crossed his blades. Reverse Potential. There was suddenly a flash of light. Then the lab lay in ruins X glanced about for his opponent.
    “Not even close.†The professor stated shortly. X knew now his opponent wasn’t even in the same room as him. X was getting closer though.
    “You can’t hide forever, your not as smart as they praise you to be.†X said with a small iciness in his voice.
    “Who’s hiding anymore?†The Professor stepped out of another adjoining office.
    “You accept your fate? Or do you just want to fight straight up?†X asked cocking his head to the side casually.
    “I want you to show me the so called gaps I’ve in my research.†The man was and old wizened one with a fair amount of wispy gray hair and a once white lab coat.
    “Alright then, this is where it really begins.†X leapt forwards slashing at the man. Suddenly he was looking about a meter to the right of where he had been about a second before. He looked around completely bewildered.
    “So, what now?†The old man asked with a superior tone. X turned to his smirking adversary and disappeared. Half a second later he reappeared behind the professor and made another strike. Again, he ended up turned around without any memory of making the move. X was beginning to wonder if he was in fact fighting the professor and not some illusion.
    “Alright I’ll give you this much you’re making this difficult. But you missed something.†X grinned a bit and slashed horizontally across the entire area near the professor. Clank. “I was right. This was no illusion, but a alteration of perception.†X looked at the dumbfounded professor. The only thing between his blade and the man was some manner of floating weapon.
    “Amazing! You discovered what I was doing in just two moves.†The professor, instead of being fearful or angry he was joyous at this.
    “What, you wanna congratulate me or fight?†X glared at where the professor should have been were his vision not skewed somehow. The Professor was now surrounded by seven other floating implements of varying size and shape. Though, they all bore the same insignia and had similarities in composition and design.
    “So what do you think of my assistants?â€
    “No… You didn’t… Not even you could have done that to them. They looked up to you and this is how you repay them? Tell me the truth, are those the old lab techs that worked under you? The ones after it.†X asked already knowing the answer.
    “They are one in the same. Come now, you can’t feel anything. Why should you care if I gave them these new forms at all?†X just glared.
    “I should care because whatever I feel or don’t, what you did is wrong. Everything should decide for itself what happens to them. Even a Nobody like me. I may be messed up and maybe everything else is messed up too, but that still doesn‘t give you that right to do as you please. You can‘t ‘fix’ everything with science and research. Everything has limits, you should know yours.†X had no tone but anyone who heard could swear he was angry.
    “Silly boy. I gave them what they wanted. They chose this path. You could never understand the feeling of devotion and admiration they felt for me.â€
    “They wanted to die. They wanted to spend eternity as mindless, heartless, disembodied slaves.â€
    “I didn’t kill them. You said it yourself, that I didn’t. Even I’m not that heartless, but I suppose you are. I gave them eternity that is what they were truly after, not some fairy tale. I understand them in a way no one else could. To them I was god and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic. I can‘t choose what my followers thought, I can only give them means to accomplish their goals.â€
    “So that’s how they chose to serve you, as tools instead of colleagues.â€
    “They were always tools. But, now I have the most precise of control over them. We are now one, the greatest minds all melded together under the rule of the most superior. I have proven that beings can work together perfectly under optimum conditions.†X considered their conversation at this point over and leapt forwards. He clashed many times with the assistants. However he couldn’t move around properly with everything a meter to the left. He had to take extra time with each movement, which left him open to attacks from almost every side. The assistants moved around through the air with such unity it was as if they were all appendages of one greater being. No, that’s exactly what they were, they had given up the one thing even a nobody had, individuality. Their thoughts were one, no there was only one train of thought to begin with, the Professor’s.
    “You deceived them. They thought they’d be a part of you now they no longer exist.†X spat as he was pinned against a wall by the floating ‘arms’. He was spread arms out and body draped over the wall, his feet only just centimeters off the ground.
    “I did no such thing. They exist. I have their memories and personalities on file. If I so chose I could easily create them again just as they were.†The Professor walked over slowly.
    “No. Your so blind to anything you can‘t directly explain. It’s not just bits of data that comprise things it’s something else. If you can’t even grasp that simple concept you’re the stupidest man in history.†X ‘s accusation obviously angered the Professor because a rain of blows came from the assistants the second he’d finished.
    “Actually your wrong data is the only thing that makes up this world. Everything has set parameters and as much as we‘d like to think otherwise we are just like simple task machines. We cannot solve age old questions and we cannot learn from mistakes.â€
    “You’re the one who is wrong. Data, can only have preset responses and so many dimensions. A person, no even a Nobody like me. We can grow and change, we can exceed our original set of skills and behaviors. We can improve and grow while machines can only become obsolete. We’re not as simple as any machine. Ugh!†X was struck across his head.
    “If you’re so smart why can’t you learn to shut your mouth.†X went limp with the next blow. The Professor smirked in X’s face and made to walk away. He began to walk back to his office. Not a second later thwas a crash. All the assistants lays on the ground broken into thousands of pieces. The Professor stood in shock for several moments, that was the final gap.
    “That’s what you never understood. I guess now you never will.†X lunged forwards off the wall and drove his blades straight through the Professor.
    “Aaaaagh!†He howled on the floor writhing in pain. Soon his convulsions lessened and he had just enough time left to utter his final words. “I never could find it, I understand now why. It’s not…†He trailed off as his body gave out. X dismissed both blades and looked down at the crumpled form that was the Professor and thought to himself.
    “Why could he only get it now? Does death really explain why?â€

    This time I'm sure this is the second to laast. No way it couldn't be.
  3. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    Here's the last chapter kiddies. I hope I didn't make it too short. Oh well expect revisions.

    Part 14

    X’s questions went unanswered. Soon he decided no one could ever really understand another in such a complete way that they would have the exact same ideas and views. It’s overcoming the differences and seeing them not as flaws but facts, that’s what the Professor never got. Was it now that he understood it? Maybe, maybe not. X left the lab and traveled up a flight of stairs. He felt oddly light and didn’t feel hurt at all even after the constant battles he’d been through. Something was off. It couldn’t have been Nose Rag or could it? X quickly pushed the thoughts out of his mind as he reached the top of the stairs and burst through the door leading into some manner of office. I wasn’t by any means a normal office. For one it had smooth marble colored floors covered with lab equipment of varying size and function. This was the top floor. The castle was now empty save for the two souls in that room.
    “You certainly took your sweet time getting up here.†A chair at the far end of the room turned about revealing a middle aged man in a graying suit with a matching tie. He smiled broadly revealing yellowing teeth and X could‘ve sworn that he smelt decaying flesh. The jolly looking man had his hands on the great plush armrests of the large swivel chair. And in his left hand he gripped small journal. He got up slowly and brushed off his head of thick grey hair. Then he looked at X expectantly.
    “Come now you must have something to say.†The man waves his hand and opened up his odd book. “Let’s see… Oh yes. You say “This is the end.†Go on say it.†The odd man prodded.
    “Why would I say that?†X asked confusedly.
    “I certainly wouldn’t let you get all this way without it being the end, would I?â€
    “I don’t know people do some strange things, don’t they Nemo. Not that either of us could qualify as such. But. I’m sure you understand me.†X explained courteously, even going so far as inclining his head in a slight bow.
    “Ah! That’s why I never liked your section. So insubordinate, so confrontational.†The man remained composed and monotone in spite of the things he said.
    “I thought it was more the lack of heart. But whatever, let’s get this over with. I may have eternity to wait around, but I can’t say you have as free a schedule.†X drew both swords and pointed them threateningly at Nemo.
    “You’re right. Final battle, round one. Begin.†He flipped quickly through the pages and started reading intently. X flicked his wrist and a paper thin ribbon of energy ripped through the air towards Nemo. The middle aged man stepped of to one side without even looking up.
    “What, how could he? Reverse potential, can‘t be seen straight ahead in that form. Did he somehow predict it?†X’s mind was racing. “Only one choice, try something else.†This time X lifted his heart blade and dashed forwards. Nemo stepped back evading the attack. X continued his vicious onslaught, however Nemo evaded each and every attempt at a strike without even looking up from his book once.
    “Come now. That can’t be it. I’m just getting warmed up.†Nemo teased.
    “Fine with me.:†In fact X was truly shaken. His best efforts proved useless. This time he began an extended campaign of disappearing and reappearing at an alarming rate. Nemo just stood in the middle of the room reading. X came up behind him and ran him through. Or at least that should’ve happened. His heart blade shattered when it touched Nemo’s hand which stood in between X and Nemos’ head.
    “How?†X stood there totally shell shocked. Nothing could do such a thing. There was no feasible way, and yet that’s exactly what happened.
    “What is it my boy? You seem confused. You can never trust a heart, you should know that best of all.†Nemo chuckled to himself. “He was weak. It just shows. Allen was never the strongest and yet you relied on him. His feelings made him weak. His regret and guilt made him brittle-â€
    “I did this. I pushed him to far.†X interrupted looking down at the hilt that once held his heart.
    “Yes. You did. You expect anything from a human and you get killed.†With this he thrust his hand into X’s left shoulder.
    “Guaah! You *******.†X grabbed Nemo's hand and stopped it from going through his entire shoulder. But, the damage was done and four holes heavily draining blood were left. X tried to move his but it didn’t respond. X dropped to his knees after a well placed punch to his gut.
    “You are just a failed experiment. We created you to be the ultimate warrior. You defected once before but you were subdued by your falsified emotions. I thought erasing your being would solve this but, you created a new persona. Xemnas always tried to push clearly failed experiments in hope of fixing the problem and Seagle was too sentimental and moral. You, you just can’t stop yourself from trying to exist. You may not want a heart but you still try to be human. It’s pathetic, honestly.†Nemo drove his hand into X’s back leaving another fountain of blood and another suppressed gasp of pain. “You’re so naïve, this organization won’t go down if I’m defeated, that’s why you came isn’t it?†The flood of information wasn’t helping his already pained and muddled thoughts. X looked up from the ground and spit on Nemo. He didn’t know why but he did something made him. Maybe it was the false emotions maybe it was him tring to be something he wasn’t either way he didn’t care.
    “No, I came to make things right.†X choked out through the blood welling up in his throat. So this is death. “I’m here to make sure you never make people die, the way you did…†X could barely breathe anymore. Now or never.
    “Huk, Kugh, Hak, sieh, Damn you.†Nemo gasped at almost a whisper before plummeted to the floor with a knife stuck in the back of his head. X struggled to his feet and pulled out the remainder of his old heart out of the evil old Nobody.
    “Thanks.†X closed his eyes as his wounds let flow his soul and mind. Neither lingered long.
    “This isn’t what I expected.†X felt his damaged numb body collapse with his last bit of consciousness, but there was no pain just a slight pressure and then…

    Epilogue The Heroes

    “Where did that guy go anyways?†Sora asked King Mickey.
    “Better question, where are we gonna go?†Riku added before the diminutive king could answer.
    “He went to follow his path Sora. Riku we’re in Kingdom Hearts right now that explains how we all got here at least. So I’d guess that if we really try we’ll go back home with no problem.†Mickey answered in his usual upbeat tone.
    “That sounds good.†Kairi added positively.
    “Let’s go.†Quacked Donald.
    “So how do we do that?†Sora asked blankly.
    “Well we should use the Keyblades I think that’ll work.†Mickey Sora Kairi and Riku raised their Keys and there was a brilliant flash of light. Seconds later the light faded and they found themselves on the Destiny Islands.
    “See no problem.†Riku said confidently.
    “Great, now we can continue with our meeting.†Mickey said, interrupting the joyous chattering of the others.
    “Wait a sec, I found something’ over here guys.†Goofy yelled from the water.
    “What is it?†The others asked tentatively.
    “I think it’s some sorta letter. But it’s pretty soggy and raggedy.†Goofy held up a piece of paper with some arcane scribbles all over it.
    “Hang on, lemme see that.†The King asked. He looked it over several times and smiled. “sora weren’t you asking about that kid?â€
    “Yeah, is it from him?â€
    “Yup, I think it is.†Mickey translated the odd writing.
    “Warriors of the Light,
    I’m not sure you remember me but, I think someone should know. You won’t find me anywhere. I don’t exist in your world so I’ll end this quick. Thanks for the help, I may not have found it without you. Either way this is the end for me. Never forget and never worry, I’m kinda getting writers block so I’ll end this here. Bye.
    P.S. If you find this there’s probably something attached to the back, it’s for the king. I think he’ll understand.â€
    “It ends there. Not even a signature.†The king looked on the reverse side and found nothing attached. “I guess there’s nothing left of him.â€
    “Maybe that’s how it was supposed to be. But, I don’t think that’s bad, he’ll be in our hearts forever, just like everything else we’ve been through. Right?†Kairi asked.
    “Yeah, we’ll never even know his name. I guess we’ll just call him X for unknown.†Riku said sitting down on the beach.
    “Well, I think that’s a stupid name.†Sora said looking down at his friend.
    “I don’t think it matters.†Mickey seemed to ignore the others bickering and looked out over the ocean and smiled.

    Epilogue Those Left Behind

    “It’s over now.†Sophy said to herself. “I guess he’ll be going on his way. I should do the same.†She walked down a dark road stretching on for what seemed like forever. ON either side of this dark path there was nothing but never ending darkness. When she came to a bend she just smiled. “I never did like following order. Here I was thinking I could relax a little bit.†She leapt off the edge of the cliff with a smile on her face and her weapon drawn.

    "What a pain in the rear." Styx walked down a winding road lazily staring into the nice blue sky. "I hated that whole thing. And now He's gonna be my boss. Ugh. I hope your alive X, 'cause I wanna kill you myself for all the trouble you've caused me." Styx came across a fork in the road. "Which way? Hm." He walked down the left road towards a black horizon. "I never really liked the sun too much. Heh."

    Aliright I'm finally done.