Evolution vs Religion

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Gamefreak103, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
  2. Repliku Chaser

    It's not new. It's intelligent design. *sigh*
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    God could've created basic stuff at the start then they evolved from their,, maybe the dinosaurs were God's first experiment on how life would work actually the dinosaurs I was talking about is similar to Hinduism, Brahma the creator, Vishnu the maintainer and Shiva the destroyer, the dinosaurs were created, then maintained life and finally were destroyed.
    It seems logical but it takes to long on how to fit the science and relegion in with history that is known.
  4. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Which man would this be? Do tell us a man who is ACTUALLY HERE on this EARTH to this DAY. None of this "well he lived and died". Which leads me to another thing to be note, you never did reply as to WHY Satan was able to convince 1/3rd of the heavenly host to LEAVE "everlasting happiness". Methinks this promised happiness wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

    Back on topic, we can trust "a man who looks at stuff" because we can PROVE what he finds OURSELVES. After all, this same "man who looks at stuff" is what has yielded all of the technology we use to this day. If you still question how we can trust this "looking man" to the "promising man", think of which one has actually held up his end of the bargain thus far. :\

    As for your other "throw out there" iPraise, its called "Intelligent Design" as Repliku has already noted. :\
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Lucifer could have been very persuasive, if angels are anything like humans then it is evident that many humans have been charasmatic, making them join cultts, design weapons even kill themselves and others. Lucifer was starting a revolt to try and become God himself, so he had to convince others to over throw him aswell, so that would be the basics of how he convinced others.

    Can we actually trust anyone with the information they give us? WE are taught what the Government wants us to know so whether it is right or wrong we are taught it.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    If God is so omniscient, he would have seen have done something prior. In all technicality there is no way a deity can be all the things that God supposedly is. It is just impossible. It doesn't fit with nature and existence in itself.

    Apparently, though, angels can't even be trusted if the words of men who wrote the Bible are correct. Those are supposed to be the holy assistants of God. Guess they are more human than someone thought? They were supposedly around prior to humanity, according to the Bible, and God made them too? They were intelligent and yes, Lucifer wanted to make angels follow him out of eternal bliss to go against God because he's vain. Doesn't it seem odd that the Devil is so bad, yet he's an angel, which is probably a closer example to what God is than any humans could be?

    If we cannot trust mankind because man lies, why is there absolutely any trust in the Bible? Perhaps it's that fear of what is unknown and the threat that if you don't believe, you burn in hell with a pretty angel who was bad and gave us intelligence and free 'thought'. Many people feel there is some deity out there, or multiple ones, or forces of existence, etc. Something might just be there, or it might not. Putting the fear of eternal damnation into children and then promising them ever lasting bliss and no fear from death is a great thing. However...if everyone was SO HAPPY that they were going to heaven, why do people have funerals? Shouldn't they be dancing around when a person dies who they love. "Yay! Johny's gone to Heaven!"...why are they mourning, sobbing etc ?

    It is true that there is corruption in so much. However, you can also deduce the truths. Lies happen in science, government, etc. If you look though, you can find what is out there. Someone always does, and sooner or later these things brought into light make changes happen. You can investigate and do not have to fear you will be damned for all of eternity to do so. You can touch and hold real things, examine and feel and, if you are true to yourself, you can rationalize out things. What cannot be fathomed because it is beyond us, perhaps instead of going along with some book to tell us all the answers, we will hit upon it ourselves someday. Why are some people afraid of an unanswered/open question?
  7. Kiburedo Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2007
    First off i'd like to say that Christains aren't like Aethiests or scientists. we don't need tangible proof or evidence right in front of our eyes to make us believe in something, that's where the concept of Faith is derrived from. This religion is based on FAITH, not evidence. no matter how much evidence may be lacking, or no matter how many scientists bash us down, we keep faith. And if counter arguments like evolution and the big bang are enough to convert a christian, then they had NO faith in the first place. and without faith, you can't have a relationship with God.

    and secondly, the big bang THEORY, and evolution THEORY, are infact, THEORIES. did you hear me? i'll say it again. THEORIES. A theory is made up to explain something that confuses or baffles a scientist. a magic and arbitrary explosion out of nothingness that magicly happened by two iddy biddy cells that have no thoughts, no motivation, and ultimately no free will of their own, fused together. oh yeah that's way more logical than a divine being that created us. ever think maybe there are somethings that science can't explain?

    now i don't think fossils should be a very legit evidenve for evolution. let me tell you a little story: A little boy goes out into his backyard and plays moleman. he finds an oddly shaped twig, or a rock. "wow this kinda looks like a bone." he says to himself. it could be the ancient remnants of an ancient animal! i'll call it, a "Fossil." so he finds more, and puts them together to form the skeleton of the mighty WTFasour. now the WTFasour was a majestic and mighty beast that roamed the ancient plains of Earth millions of years ago. and he shot laserz out of his eyes. sure, why not? his skeletal structure OBVIOUSLY implies this. He gets more molemen, and together they unearth the skeletons of many different kinds of WTFasours. They always wondered how animals came to be what they are today, so they made up a theory that all living things are really just evolved forms of these wtfasours. that they were there in the beginning. Why aren't there any wtfasours today you ask? well....er.... a big FIREBALL CAME AND WIPED THEM OUT! leaving the mammals, which coincedentaly are very simalar to the mammals we have today. but this is no coincidence! you see, they evolved!

    And as long as they have enough smoke and mirrors, and people are willing to believe ANYTHING as long as it explains the fact of how everything came to be what it is today scientifically, without the fact that maybe there are some things science can't solve, they'll embrace this concept fullheartedly, cuz they finally have something that goes against everything God told us, with science. which was what they were hoping for all along. The end.
  8. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    And you think archaeologists and paleontologists go through all that college and training to be storytellers? That they and their peers spend all that time digging in the sun and the dirt to come back with twigs? I highly doubt this.

    Archaeologists and Paleontologists go through extensive training to do what they do. And that is to discover where we and live on this earth both past and present, lived and ultimately died. If I were in either of these fields of work I would be highly insulted that such a thing would be said. That I was presenting twigs as dinosaurs.

    I love how you religious fanatics are so blinded by the Church, that you wear your Bibles like blinders on a horse. What you call "smoke and mirrors" has been backed up, LOGICALLY I might add. Unlike the Christians who say that this all knowing, infallible God created EVERYTHING we know in just 6 days time.

    Which makes more sense to you? And do take off the blinders this time?
  9. Repliku Chaser

    This was hilarious. You don't even seem to know science that well to mock it, just as any Christian zealot doesn't because you won't listen. Sad to say that all the people you brand as Christian bashers seem to know more about the bible than any of you do. Why? Because we research. I'm pretty assured you stole this from some Creationist site because that is the kind of things they like to teach people who don't want to learn anything. Keeps people dumb.

    Secondly, the only ones in the beginning that challenged the validity of Christianity were the Jews and the Muslims. They had a right to. You share the same monotheistic deity. Now, why don't you explain how many scientists have DIED or been conspired against because of Christianity? Explain how 'good Christians' tried to say Darwin and others converted back mysteriously at the time of their deaths which was proven to be false. This can also be said of some spiritual leaders. Care to explain why none of the Christian holidays are truly their own? Oh yes, of course...you can't. You won't elaborate because you took a leap of faith that can look over ANY crimes against humanity because it's what apparently God wants. You aren't the victims here. Not in the least. It's not God that is at fault for the bias Christian zealots have spread. It's the people that make sure to try to keep the masses stupid. This is why the government likes Christianity so much too.

    That's not to say that in the end, we don't all at some time or another take 'leaps of faith', but really, throwing in the 'faith' card is laughable. Others believe in Christianity and still also believe in Evolution. Others try to just examine and hold no real opinion because they aren't sure. Only the fanatics, which are the ones all through history responsible for raping, pillaging, stealing, lying, drowning out cultures, absorbing them into their folds etc...their line carries on today with the fanatics that sit here and say evolution is fake.
  10. Kiburedo Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2007
    you im think im the one wearing blinders? i see NO evidence whatsoever backing up the bigbang. sure it's nice to think that everything happened by itself so magically, that everything just happened perfectly by mishap. How conveniant it is, to have a theory such as the big bang, which needs NO proof, and NO evidence. You like to think that science was there from the beggining, but it wasn't. Something, or someone, even if not God, had to create it. And im afraid it doesn't take a genious to go dig up bones, but it does to study These so called creatures. Man named them and assumed they knew everthing about them just cuz the found these "bones". No it actually is pretty sad that they wasted years of their lives studying a lie.
  11. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    ... Wow... This is why we should teach evolution in schools. Obviously, you have no idea what idea you're talking about.

    Evolution for evolution.

    Also, do you believe in cells, atoms, or numbers? Newsflash, they're all theories!

    A theory in science is not a guess, but a set of tested/testable ideas that explain a phenomena (the phenomena is evolution, the methods are the theories).

    The education system of America SUX.


    Main Entry: 1re·search
    Pronunciation: ri-'s&rch, 'rE-"
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle French recerche, from recercher to go about seeking, from Old French recerchier, from re- + cerchier, sercher to search -- more at SEARCH
    1 : careful or diligent search
    2 : studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws
    3 : the collecting of information about a particular subject
  12. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Yes, I think you're the one wearing the blinders. If I didn't I wouldn't have bothered typing out the text to do so.

    And isn't it "Convenient" for you to think that God created everything "Magically"? Creationism also has NO proof and NO evidence to support it. Besides a book of Christian propanda which has been horribly mistranslated time and again from horrible mistranslations to begin with.

    No it doesn't. Some of the fossils have been dug up with your average joe and a shovel. But it does take some thinking to think how the animal moved, how it looked, what it ate, etc. Maybe if we only found one or two of these bones, I'd agree with you. But we have hundreds that we are lucky fossilized at all and survived as long as they did to be brought to be able to display in museums.

    You think creatures like Tyrannosaurus and the Mammoth are hoaxes thought up by the scientists to placate us? Sadly, I think you're wrong here. In the case of the Mammoth, there have been whole ones frozen in ice blocks in Siberia.

    Man found the bones and named the skeletons because we as humans have to name things. Give them something to identify it buy. Say I found a skull of an Allosaurus, I'd know it was an Allosaurus as opposed to a Dilophosaurus.
  13. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    You're just stating another opinion, because you could defiently be wrong. :/

    What I say is, both science in religion take place, and it seems like that's the most reasonable answer. But who would want to say that, we're having fun insulting eachother of a thread right. I wouldn't actually say direct insults, but I can see it.

    Science can solve alot of things in this world, and when we try to use science for the creation of the worlds, then that might be right. But, if you want to go deeper, then what the hell happened at the start of everything? Yeah, i'm talking about the start of EVERYTHING. Even I have to admit, the idea of some being popping out of nowhere and starting a world is ludicrous, but, somebody wouldn't just make that up. Unless if we're that stupid.:/ Something happened, and personally, that's what brings me to both parts on this debate.
  14. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    I agree with Laurence.

    With evolution, we have soild facts that man evolved over time. Not a book of writtings that tell us that God made everything. Im not saying that nothing in the bible is true, but parts of it are most likely exaggerated.

    And Im just going to say now that I am not Religious. I am Atheist.
  15. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    God phails

    vote Satan for president.
  16. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    That was the most funniest spam I have ever seen.XD
  17. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    I think that was rather ridicilous in a serious tread, also it's spam.

    (yes I got that it was a joke :3)

    Also, evolution. I don't belive in god, I'm an athiest.
  18. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    for the record i am an atheist aswell, someone big dude upstairs snapping his fingers to make us all *poof* into existance, naw.

    evolution for the win.
  19. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    No one should never scold you for that, it's only natural.

    That's why most people don't believe, and I know, it's hard too.
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You could call me a Taoist, but I am not sure I would be a full Taoist. And it shouldn't matter whatever relegion you are from, or lake of relegion, respect everyone's views, I am seiing alot of NOT friendly discussions, I mean you take that since some christians are hypocrites that they all are, not to meation science is only concerntrating on abolishing Christianity and no other relegion. To me this thread should closed because this could elevate into a hate thread with everyone fighting, it hasn't happened yet because of some people jumping in to the conversation, so close the thread before the trouble starts! I ask this for everyone's benefit.
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