Write A Novel About The User Above You

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Britishism, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    I feel like this will be the best thread ever.
  2. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    Once there was a (man?) named Britshism. He believed that he had created THE BEST THREAD EVER! But only one man chose to write something, and he choses to stay anonymous. As for Brtishism, he is a creative individual that loves scoring laughs. He has traveled seas looking for love. (He may not know it yet). He has battled many opponents, and made friends of them, by making them laugh. I don't know how long a novel should be but...............I don't think Britishism does either, so I'll end this here.............for now.
  3. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    BusterSword777 was a guy who was prepared for anything. He would search for trouble just to show them how he could handle anything. But one day, he went on a site and posted a post attempting to exclaim how a man named Britishim made a thread destined for greatness. He knew that he could write something important!... And he did! People read his short novel from all over the world, it was then translated into 40 different languages and published in a short story book. Buster was prepared. Then the publisher asked him to write a proper story filled with adventure and dynamics so Buster started writing, he wrote and wrote until his hands were sore from typing. This story was soon published into a worldwide bestseller, he had reached the top and was oh so happy, he was rich even from his young age. Then he decided at the release of his new bestseller he would travel all over the place so that people could get their copies of the book signed. When he reached the first destination, he opened the doors for his fans to come rushing in, which they did- thousands of them galloping in a stampede fashion toward unprotected Buster sitting at his desk with his pen poised. The fan girls ran at him, grabbing the table and throwing it to the side, they then had a large pile on and he sadly got many broken bones and a damaged skull. They quickly rushed him to hospital to which he discovered he would be paralyzed from the shoulders outward. He would never write again. This he was not prepared for.

    Moral of the story is: Don't post random novels in threads.
  4. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    Ienzo. A strong willed individual that took their time to write an amazing story about the previous user. It was quite good and made him laugh. Even now for being paralyzed, he continues to write. Ienzo's work was so well developed, (she?) won the Nobel Peace Prize, and got to shake hands with all the world leaders. It was a glorious time indeed. Now with wealth and power, Ienzo rested in a large fortress of a mansion learning the mistake that BusterSword had made. But suddenly, there was a knock a the door. Ienzo rushed to see who it was. To everyones surprise, It was BusterSword, but he was in something that was a mix between a wheel chair and what looked like a torture table. BusterSword looked at Ienzo with sad puppy eyes, as if saying "Why? Why would put me through such pain?" For all we ever want in this world is to be recognized and make friends in this world.

    Moral of the story: Don't put people through funny and unusual pain..........unless they deserve it.