The Ultimate Organization: Dawn of Doom

Discussion in 'Archives' started by DarKnight36, Sep 20, 2007.

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  1. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    All right, this is the official fan-fiction of the Ultimate Organization! Me and Nulix are collaborating our efforts together, and hopefully this will turn out to be greater than before!

    The new title is:

    The Ultimate Organization: Dawn of Doom.

    Book One: Entrance of the Damned


    …After the events that racked Organization XIV, Darxess, a member of this Organization, replaced the old superior, with 12 new members...

    However, things didn't turn out quite right...

    A group of beings known only as the "Enigmatic Knights" attacked and destroyed Organization XIV, killing everyone but Darxess in their murderous streak. Darxess, driven nearly mad with grief and sick with revenge, attacked the knights but was easily defeated...

    However, they left him alive.

    Now he has vowed to end the Knight's existence and make them rue the day they left him alone...

    Joining him is a ragtag group of Nobodies that have joined together to form the most powerful organization in the universe:

    The Ultimate Organization...

    Chapter One:

    The warm spring rain fluttered down gently as it hit the leaves of several old oak trees that stood as silent sentinels of the small road. The nicely shaded road of dirt that cleared a path through the forest grew slick with mud as the rain picked up speed.

    The water from the sky also hit the nearby city, right past the bend. The citizens there all walked, as the dark city gloomed in the hood of the clouds above.

    Just past that, at the center of the woods in which the rain poured, stood a massive construction of towers and bends. The magnificent structure was all a shade worn out grey, and the tips of the towers topped the trees by nearly double their own height.

    This had been the last remains of The Legendary Organization XIII, and the Late Organization XIV. The ruin had been covered with vine’s, and many of the towers had broken off, laying scattered around the surrounding area, the forest reclaiming them slowly. It looked nothing less then a remnant at once was… The Enigmatic Knights, Defenders of the Public and Keepers of the Peace had finished off all the Nobodies who had once claimed the castle home…Since then, they had abandoned the castle, so, little did they know what was happening within the ruined structure at that very moment…

    They appeared in silence, each taking a chair and raising them up to their unique heights. Slowly, with nothing but a glance at the glass pane that covered the room, they each retracted their hoods.

    A final member arrived and raised his chair higher than the rest. Glancing at the white and silver Orb that hung at his shoulder, he flipped back his hood, revealing silver locks that flew down his back, pale cold skin that could send even the bravest soul’s to pause, and piercing neon eyes that shot at each other being present in turn...

    "Do you know why I have gathered you here?" The stern smooth voice of Darxess asked, glancing at the 12 or so members that were present. Most of them looked bored, he noted, but all looked powerful.

    His head snapped around as one of the members sighed and asked, "Why?" In a youthful yet dead voice…

    Darxess remembered the member's name was Karxo...

    He grinned. "Vengeance," he proclaimed, leaning forward, his eyes almost glowing, "and possibly, redemption."

    "Revenge?" Zanox said in a bristly voice, leaning back and tapping the arm on his chair impatiently with his fingers. "Not a bad idea..."

    One of the few girls present, a young woman named Xalan, shook her head. "I seriously think you guys are crazy," she muttered to herself in a light yet comical tone, rolling her eyes.

    Darxess' eyes narrowed. They don't seem very enthused... he thought.

    "No thanks," Karxo said, waving his hand in dismissal. "After a while, it kind of gets on you, you know? Besides, who is it that you feel so strongly for?"

    Darxess frowned. "The knights," he whispered, his eyes twitching and desperation in his voice, "took everything from me…even in a sense, my heart…†He looked up, his face contorted with rage. “The knights…they will pay!â€

    “And,†Xalan asked, starching a bit, with her eyebrow raised, “how does this affect us?â€

    Darxess looked taken aback, but soon retook his controlled manner. “For those who love to kill, they will have their chance.†He informed slowly, a small grin flitting onto his face. “To those who hate the knights, they will have their chance.†He frowned and leaned forward. “I only ask… for a little support.â€

    “The knights? Well I never messed with them, so I have no business here†Zanox said, still tapping his fingers and looking annoyed.

    Karxo threw his hands up, looking somewhat offended and outraged. “You just want us to do your dirty work because you can’t do it yourself!†he fumed. “I got my vengeance over with long ago…What makes you think we will go against the most trained soldiers in the worlds just because they caused you to have a bad day! You’re completely crazy old man!â€

    Darxess clenched his fists, and inhaled slowly, trying to remain calm. “The situation is far from as hopeless as you say,†he said. “Quite frankly, there have been knights killed before…†He shrugged. “Some are even dead because of me…â€

    “Then why can’t you do it yourself?†Xalan asked, folding her arms in announce with this man who was trying to let the nobody’s stand once more. “I don’t need revenge… I’ve never had any cause for it, and I never will… Well, unless I hang Around here much longer†She giggled to herself a little at her little sarcastic joke, But in truth, She really did have a deep feeling for Vengeance within her. Xalan shuddered. She didn’t want to think about that right now. Or ever again for that matter.

    “I can’t take them all on by myself,†Darxess said, frustrated at his member’s lack of cooperation. “I thought everyone loved to fight…â€

    “Well, you got it on the dot…†Karxo muttered, as his gaze would looked down at the black dirty ground, before staring up at the rain hit the glass roof. “But I don’t think I can fight anymore.â€

    Darxess gave a sigh, as the members averted his sorry gaze. “I see you will not help me in this endeavor. Then I will move this meeting in another direction.†They will all help me, soon enough, Darxess thought to himself. They just need proper…motivation.

    “Well,†Xalan muttered in guilt. “I do like to fight, but…†She shook her head, and then smiled slightly. “I guess I will do it, just for the fun of it.â€

    A new member finally spoke up. “I don’t have much dispute with the knights,†Xenar said, in a deep voice that sounded like oil alight “and little desire for revenge. But…my life, as of now, holds no purpose…I will support you if you can offer another reason why I should.â€

    Darxess slammed his fist into the arm of his chair, as the men and women around looked at him with part surprise, but not all that much. “The knight must be destroyed! This is not just some petty order that you are in for the mere hope to regain the heart you foolishly lost! This is the Last stand Nobody’s could ever have to regain what we once where! The Knight’s will ruin us all unless we destroy them!â€

    The Orb by his chair floated forward in front of him, and muttered in a well balanced small voice, “But sir…â€

    “Be quiet Orb!†Darxess snarled. “You know just as well as I what the knights did!â€

    If the Orb could shake its head, it would have. It floated over to the other members, and muttered to them, “I am sorry…he has been acting this way ever since the Knights destroyed Organization XIV…He was the only survivor, and I’m afraid it’s driven him quite mad. Nothing I say can change his mind. His mind is set on destroying each and every Knight.â€

    Darxess grunted as he made a powerful leap off his chair, and landed on the ground’s behind the Orb. “What are you saying behind my back, Orb?â€

    “Nothing, master,†the Orb whimpered, scampering back towards Darxess’ chair.

    Darxess watched it go. “You best be correct on that statement…â€

    He sprang back to his chair, and looked around at the group again. Perhaps I should revise my first approval of my organization…Darxess thought to himself. They’re definitely not what I expected. Most of them are too… He glanced at Karxo. …far gone to be of any use it seems.

    Zanox studied Darxess. Poor Orb…he thought. I’d hate to be living with a crackpot like this guy…

    “Orb,†Darxess mutterd. “Show the members to their quarters. This meeting is over.â€

    “Yes master,†the Orb nodded, already gliding downward hurriedly. “This way please…†the Orb said.

    Kitax, one of the members who hadn’t spoken, flipped back her hood, revealing small yellow cat ears. She grinned, revealing small fangs as well, and jumped down off her chair, following the Orb.

    Zanox followed Kitax. “So Orb…why does Darxess act like that? I’ve never actually seen these Knights…All I’ve heard is rumors.â€

    The Orb seemed to turn. “As I have said, he’s been like that ever since Organization XIV was destroyed. They killed everyone but Darxess…â€

    “I see,†Zanox said, stopping for a second, then morphing into a black fox-like creature that had a horn protruding from the back of its head, and small wings coming out over its shoulders. Its coat was a mix between black and white…

    Xenar ignored Zanox’s transformation. “How did Darxess survive?†she asked the Orb. “If the knights killed everyone else, surely he would have ceased to exist as well…â€

    “That’s the one thing my master couldn’t understand,†the Orb said, sounding confused. “And, possibly, that’s what drove him to madness. After the Organization was destroyed, Darxess sought death. He even openly challenged the Knights…†The Orb seemed to shake its head. “But instead of killing him, they left him alive, only incapacitating him. They spared his life, and Darxess has never forgiven them. He wishes to destroy the knights for letting him live…â€

    Zanox thought to himself. That’s bizarre…

    Kitax shook her head, her small bell jangling around her neck.

    “This is your room, Kitax,†the Orb said.

    Kitax shrugged, walked in, sighed at the drab features, and shut the door.

    Nulix: Alright, forget everything you just read, it has absolutely no importance what so ever.
    Darknight: (Facepalms) What he means is that none of these guys were smart enough to continue posting, except for Darxess and Orb, and they are all minor—
    Nulix: And will all die! Don’t you love the power of spoiler’s?
    Darknight: (Facepalms again) Nulix…shut your mouth before you ruin everything.
    Nulix: I just want to make it clear who they need to care about, if a main or even secondary character gets introduced in a chapter, I will be sure to tell them.
    Darknight: (Rolls his eyes) You’re so generous. So put it down already!

    Main Characters: Darxess. Orb.
    Secondary Characters: None.

    DarKnight’s Add-On: I’d like to say that I dislike nearly everyone in this chapter, except for Darxess and Orb. Which is why they’re main characters. Until next chapter then! (Which should be done later today.)
  2. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    Nice 1st chapter........Nice little details...... I think this is gonn go well....
  3. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Looks like me and Darknight's collaboration is going well, both of our unique style's in one...
  4. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    Yes, I agree, that chapter was extremely well done. If I could rep you, I would.
    But I can rep Nulix at least. Sorry, DarKnight.

    On another note, Darxess has changed a lot hasn't he? Very deep character develpment. Along with all the other permanent members. I can't wait to see this fanfic unfold.
  5. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    I cant wait for me to come in. =D

    You portrayed his 1st-anniversary-of-becoming-a-nobody quite well before. Im sure you'll do great now.

    In all honesty, in he begining, I was going to have Xegreny be the emo, dark, conceled type of person... but it was just so hard to type like that everytime. XD
  6. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    Another chapter is up! We are enthused!

    Chapter Two

    Kitax lay on her queen sized bed, staring up at the dim white ceiling above her, not entirely happy with her surroundings, feeling sorry for herself because of her stupid plain room, completely white with just a large bed (that filled most of the room), a small wooden reading desk, and a pile of black clothing. Kitax had just decided that this place was hardly worth her time, standing up from the bed, when an explosion threw her to the cold wooden ground.

    “What the…?†she calmly muttered, a hint of annoyance overwhelmed by panic in her voice.

    Suddenly, she heard Darxess stale voice yelling. “Come to kill me this time? Have you come back to destroy everything precious to me once again? I won’t let you!â€

    Another explosion rocked the castle, the door crumbled as the ceiling’s crusted white paint fell off in a heap, and suddenly the wall of her dull room broke open, the wood chip’s and piling’s flying everywhere, Katix covered her face from the rubble that came flying. Darxess lay in the middle of her floor, a small streak of blood running past his temple.

    The door burst open and Zanox ran in, in human form once again. Grabbing Darxess, he hauled him to his feet and asked concerned, “What happened sir?†He asked hurriedly, his eyes hinted concern, and also annoyance.

    Darxess didn’t answer, brushing off Zanox’s grip, before heading for the door opened doors that lead to the crystal halls. Darxess looked out as fire and rubble flew past him in every direction. He slowly turned back and glowered at Zanox and Katix, who could clearly see the madness that was thinly draped behind his calm cold complexion.

    “Run,†he announced in a voice barely above a whisper, “or fight…†With that word, he took off, down the fire-ravaged hallway, dodging the rubble that bounced up from the cracked ground, until he sprang into the throne room, just ahead of a massive explosion that ripped upwards from underneath the hallway.

    Laxra, another member, burst through her spray painted door that had been blasted with flaming rubble and ran after him, propelling herself off the walls as the ground had been destroyed, yelling something about how he was injured. She skidded to the ground at the entrance of the throne room, next to Darxess.

    Her brown eyes widened as Darxess growled in anger… and sorrow, “The knights…they’re back…back to take everything from me… everything….†He paused as his neon eyes filled with unshed tears. He closed his eyes, then snapped them open again, and in the place of tears stood unblemished fury. “I won’t let them!… I wont let them again…†He yelled as it turned into a whisper. Suddenly the ground heaved, and…


    Darxess went flying back by the explosion, his cloak burnt and ripped, his face charcoaled with dirt and a hint of blood, his pale skin punished by the colors of war. Where his throne once stood was now just pale rock, a large hole overlooking it. Water-slicked armored beings walked inside the crystalloid throne room. They marched into the throne room in silence, the thunder booming and the lightning flashing. Armor covered their entire body, helmets extending behind them in two points and a visor covering their eyes. Gauntleted hands firmly held swords.

    Darxess exhaled through an open jaw, his body frozen. He blinked, and then with a fierce roar, he leaped himself at the knights, who were pouring through the hole, ready for anything.

    Another member ran up next to Laxra. Silk black hair rolled down his side, as tanned skin and brown eye’s stared her in the face, this was a new member Auronix. “Looks like the fun has already started,†Auronix stated in a macho tone, running past her and leaping towards the knights, black robes trailing behind him.

    Kitax suddenly fell next to Laxra, cloak aflame from the annihilated hall. She gave a deep breath, before leaping at a Knight with silver armor who had kicked Auronix in the gut. “This is for throwing the superior into MY room!†Kitax yelled with furry and passion, before being thrown to the ground and kicked in the skull.

    Laxra shook her head at the sad sight, and summoned her keyblade, a dirty brown thing nearly overwhelmed with its arrow like patterns. Laxra’s eye’s gazed at her blade, before snapping it to attention. With a yell, she charged towards the knights.

    Zanox slammed into the throne room, growing huge muscles and hair everywhere. Purple and white, Zanox-Bear leaped at a contingent of knights sneaking around behind his companions. Tuning swords swept out and Zanox let forth a furious roar, The three knights toke a step back, before charging forward…

    Kitax found herself backed up to a wall, as a knight charged forward, sword angled for where her heart should have been.

    “You will never win,†she hissed as the knight leaped forward. Kitax looked down and gave a large burst of panicked breathing, before suddenly coming to a realization. Her hand leaped for her hip, where two bells where attached to her belt.

    With a ferocious yell, she rang the bells, as the blade cut through her robe and cut her skin. Her eyes snapped shut as dark energy blasted forward into the knight. Suddenly she faced empty air, as the Knight was now blasted into the other side of the room.

    Jamerin Voodazine’s last thought was regret that he couldn’t be there for his kid’s birthday…Darkness consumed him…So much for his promise…

    Darxess leaped upwards to one of the chairs, two knights leaping forward at him. With a laugh, he motioned and Orb smashed through the base. With an elegant flip, Darxess leaped onto the back of the falling chair, as it smashed a knight underneath.

    Laxra chased after a Knight, who were running from her. Frustrated, she leaped up and yelled “Tsunami!†A water wave exploded from the floor, and swept forward, gently depositing her on its tip as the knights looked back and screamed. The wave exploded into their faces, and Laxra leaped forward, her keyblade slashing through the knight’s body.

    Darxess flipped onto another chair, away from the chaos. “It seems these knights are too weak to be the ones who destroyed Organization XIV…†Darxess said.

    “Sir?†the Orb asked.

    “I am calm now Orb…We can defeat them together,†Darxess stated with a rare smile.

    Orb nodded, and burst into flame as Darxess leaped off the chair towards the knights, the Orb smashing into them, and exploding in fiery fury, before reappearing at Darxess’s shoulder.

    Zanox yelled, “Yeah! Go Orb! AAARGH!†A knight sliced his sword into Zanox’s back with a feral grin, but was quickly avenged by Zanox’s blade colliding with the Knight’s own.

    Orb ripped through enemies, as Darxess controlled its movements. Releasing Orb from his mind-hold, he noticed that several soldiers had surrounded him.

    “Fools!†he cried. “You think the Orb is my only weapon?â€

    His hand slammed into the ground and spikes of earth ripped through the knights, sending them flipping into the wall’s and ceiling, glass shattered as they flew up into the roof as it broke, rain dropped in on Darxess as he stood above the wreck of blood and death, himself beaten by battle.

    An explosion ripped the hole where the Enigmatic Knights had come through wider, followed by the entire wall crashing down a second later. Darxess jumped over the Orb as the wall smashed down where he had just been, rain pouring through the hole where the wall once was and the shattered roof of glass.

    “The leader!†Darxess yelled, as he brushed the blood off his mouth. “I want him alive!â€

    Zanox morphed to human form, and slashed in a vortex around him, killing a Knight that came neat him in an attack. Flipping forward, he ran for the leader, who was coming out of the shadows, all but his eyes covered by the hard rain.

    Darxess ran next to Zanox, his leg obviously broken, yet Darxess still managed to yell at the Knight’s leader. “You cannot win, your underlings are dead or dying…You… You are helpless!†He spat, but his words sounded hollow.

    The knight moved impossibly fast, and the next thing Darxess knew he was impaled by the knight’s long sword.

    Darxess’ eyes bulged as the knight turned his mighty blade, Darxess managed to whisper, “You… are helpless,†before falling to the ground.

    Time slowed as Darxess fell, and then a bloodcurdling scream erupted from one of the members. They rushed the knight as one.

    “Fools,†the knight whispered, and the members crashed back from a dazzling display of swordplay. Karxo gritted his teeth, wiping blood from his mouth. It couldn’t be, he thought.

    The Orb had watched this from afar long enough. It flew forward and pushed itself into the knight’s back, sending him crashing forward.

    Then, a valiant yet majestic flounder of dark blond hair, blue eyess that burnt with peace yet power, and a tanned smirk appeared. Yes, Wing, Master of Gales, flew forward as fast as a hurricane wind, smashing into the knight with his keyblade of winds, rip-slashing up and down over the knight’s sword. Somehow, the knight managed to dodge, but the wind slammed him backwards…

    Wing landed and charged again, but this time, the knight was ready. With an amazing sword move, he flicked Wing’s key out and fisted Wing in the gut, slashing back to take his head off.

    Wing moved fast, and ducked, then leaped back. “Let’s get him together shall we?†he asked, his voice smooth and young yet calm and powerful, he hovered slightly over the ground with a slight smile on his face…

    Darxess leaped down to them, his wound healed with the power of his Orb. “Thank you Orb,†he said. “Now go!â€

    The Orb leapt forward, the point of the organization’s attack, flames spurting in front of it. The knight flipped over it, but the Orb quickly followed.

    The knight snarled as the Orb hit his leg, flipping him over. Darxess quickly slammed his fist into the ground, and earth sprang up to snare the knight. With amazing speed and grace, the knight flipped off the earth and sprang at Darxess, blowing him over with a dark spell.

    Laxra immediately summoned an ice shield around him, and ran forward. “Are you all right?†she asked.

    “He just surprised me,†Darxess said, wiping grime from his mouth.

    Meanwhile, the other members leapt forward, taking him one by one. The knight’s knees buckled, and Darxess quickly caught the knight with the earth…

    “You’re trapped,†he said smugly. “Now for the interrogation…â€

    The knight just threw back his head and laughed…

    Nulix: REVIEW IT OR DIE!!! On another note, I have no memory of any of this.
    Darknight: You weren’t here, and Wing, a main character was introduced.
    Nulix: GNWUBFMHV
    Darknight: …Um, Nulix…don’t talk with your mouth full.
    Nulix: Just shut up and review!
    DarKnight: I did already. And you know what?
    Nulix: What?
    DarKnight: I WANT ICE CREAM!

    Main Characters: Wing
    Secondary Characters: Jamerin Vadoozine

    DarKnight’s Add-On: Um…I think the first chapters are kind of lame. I mean, until Wing shows up, everyone attempts to power-play and stuff, and we have lame people who think they’re cool. Then they never posted again…AS ADMINSTRATOR OF THE ULTIMATE ORGANIZATION, I PASS JUDGMENT ON THE PATHETIC SOULS WHO GAVE UP ON THE UO! YOU ARE NOW…DUSKS! GO BACK TO THE DARKNESS FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!!!!!! Ok, I’m done with the godmodding.
  7. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    Yeah, sadly, a lot of people power played in that fight. I had to make Darxess seriously injureded multiple times just to make up for it. But I really like how this chapter turned out. It was, I'll admit, exciting to read. 5 out of 5 stars.
  8. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Wow this is great, nd i thought the first one was awesome lol i enjoy all the details...and if i was power playing in that first fight...(most likly heh) sorry, i was still new...anyways *reps DarKnight*
  9. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    About the Power play, while me and Darknight where editing, we tried to make thing's a lot more fair. Like we made the Knight's that got killed in a single blow be reduced to one Knight a person. You'll probably see us doing this on a lot of thing's in the future, because when you post, no matter what, even if the people your attacking are the best in the world, somewhere your going to wright, *Insert Characters Name* Blasted through all the guards before running after *Insert Characters Name*.. So yeah, you'll see a few things off story, like in this chapter I made the thrown room and the building itself go through a lot more damage then it originally went, a hole in the wall became a a shattered ceiling and a wall that falls on heroes, so yeah... rant over.
  10. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    Yeah, and that made things a lot more exciting too. So I approve. Keep doing what your doing. As always, 5 out of 5 stars.
  11. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Chapter Three.

    Darxess’ neon eyes narrowed in anger, as he stepped forward towards the Knight’s Captain. Debris crunched under his foot, remnants of a once whole throne room. “Remove his helmet,” Darxess snarled, “I wish to see the face of the one who tried to destroy us!”

    Xenar stepped forward, unsnapping the knight’s golden helmet. “There’s no time like the present,” she said as the helmet lifted. She stared at the ugly mug underneath. “Hey, that looks like…”

    “No, it cannot be,” Darxess groaned, interrupted her, obviously shocked. “It can’t be…”

    The knight began to laugh, a high squeaky sound that would have unnerved anyone with a heart…the only thing it did to Darxess was give him the illusion of fury.


    “Um, what about questions?” Xenar asked, sucking drool back into her mouth as she gaped at Darxess.

    Darxess tapped his chin, and said, “All right, I’ll get the feathers.”

    “NO!” Darkrai yelled, leaping forward. “Feathers are not needed here! Let me show you what the Dark can do to its victims!”

    He grabbed the knight’s head, and leered at him. “Look into my eyes you son o’ a foo!”

    “Uh, Darkrai?” Darxess asked. “You’re freaking me out…”

    “NO!” Karxo cried, springing forward and slamming Darkrai in the eye with his fist. “He’s mine!”

    He ripped Roka from his holdings, and ran away.

    “Um, what just happened?” Darxess asked.

    “HE HIT ME THAT’S WHAT!” Darkrai whined.

    Xenar nodded. “That means he’s a traitor.”

    “But we haven’t even signed anything yet,” Darkrai whined some more.

    Xenar kicked him in the face. “Shut up. Every major storyline needs a traitor. It adds drama.”

    “Moron,” Darkrai muttered, rubbing his cheek.

    “KILL THE TRAITOR!” Xenar yelled, looking bloodthirsty.

    Darxess clubbed her on the back of the head with Orb. “Shut up. We don’t have traitors in the Ultimate Organization.”

    “Oooooh,” Xenar pouted.

    “NO! You can’t! He’s…he’s my other…” Karxo moaned, bawling his wimpy head off.

    Darxess snapped his jaw shut. “He’s an EVIL KNIGHT! We must kill him…”

    Karxo shook his head, spit flopping out of his gaping mouth. “When the time comes, us will kill myself.”

    Darxess shook himself visibly, and walked away, muttering to himself about how to solve the problems of annoying members…

    Darkrai landed by him. “The Dark thinks Karxo should get it.”

    “The Dark should shut his mouth.”

    Darkrai saluted, spun and ran into a wall.

    “Hmm, maybe it’s time we had a traitor…” Darxess murmured, grinning slowly.

    Xenar leaped up from the floor. “YAY!”

    Karxo paled and said. “Uh-ohs, crunch time.”

    Darkrai giggled like a little girl and ran out of the room as Wing walked in.

    Wing walked up to the gang, he had seen Darkrai run into his room, which he was decorating, and assumed that something had happened. Sparing nothing but a frown at Darxess’ tone, he would walk up to them. He looked sharply at Darxess, noticing the creases on his forehead and the tightness of his eyes. Realizing that Karxo was probably in more danger than anyone else realized, he stepped forward slowly, between Darxess and the defiant Karxo.

    “Sir,” he said slowly, picking his words carefully, knowing he tread a very thin line, “as much as I hate traitors, I don’t think destroying one of our own would be very wise.” He watched Darxess’ reaction, which was nothing, then continued in a rush. “It would give the knights the upper hand if we lose him. I say we let Karxo live. He said he’d take care of the problem, so let him.”

    Darxess considered Wing’s words. After a long pause that felt like an eternity, these words would escape his lips. “I never said I’d destroy him…just scare him a little.”

    He began walking forward, but was stopped by Karxo’s words.

    “We no like yo fatso’s, ma not betraying yo,” Karxo said, clearly out there… way out there. “Ma would not like to see him suffer while you take turns chopping little pieces off of it.” He turned to Roka. “Wha rank you are? How ya get yo rank?”

    Roka shrugged a guilty shrug, he saw no harm in telling them. “It first began when I was sixteen years old. The small town I lived in, located near Hollow Bastion, was attacked by Heartless and my family was entirely killed. I was almost killed myself by a Behemoth, but I was saved by the knight Terra.”

    “When I woke up, I was in a crossroads. Two keychains hung from my belt. I wandered for some time, but eventually found the knight Jaxed and Rokuxion, and became a knight under their tutelage. A brief but terrifying experience of me becoming a Heartless created the Nobody Karxo, which you see before you.

    “I only know Karxo because I’ve faced him in battle.” He stared hard at Karxo, then continued. “I was nineteen. I’ve defeated him once before, but,” he said sheepishly. “He’s never had buddies before.”

    He coughed. “By the age of twenty-four, I had swelled in the ranks of the knights. After a major battle, I was promoted to the rank I have now…” Suddenly, his eyes shone with a light that made even Karxo step back, and he whispered. “Remember monsters, You may kill me but the knights will never die”

    “On the contrary,” Wing said coldly, walking in front of some other members who crowded the burnt hall “that is our goal.”

    Roka just laughed, a horrible unending screeching laughter that sent chills down the beings that hung in the hall.

    Suddenly, he stopped, choking on his own laugh as Darxess stepped forward silently. “Where are the other leaders?” he asked. “Answer!”

    Roka’s lips seemed to move with their own free will, as Roka struggled vainly against his bindings, attempting to scramble away. “They are leading attack forces like mine on nearly every world…”

    Darxess leaned in close and lifted the helpless knight by the back of his armor. “Where is Jaxed?”

    “I….I don’t know,” Roka said, his eyes furious at himself. “I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing.”

    Darxess stared at him for a moment, then nodded and dropped him on the cold ground.

    Wing muttered, “Even more knights? This battle was hard enough.”

    Darxess walked away, “Do not worry, Roka. We will not interrogate you any further. Neither will we kill you. Join us Roka!” At this last statement, he twisted and extended a hand, his eyes ferocious.

    “I will never join you!” Roka spat.

    Darxess’ eyes narrowed. “Is that so? I beg to differ…”

    Suddenly, a new member appeared out of a portal. Kexanu looked stunned at the carnage, then grinned. “Yo all fart lover’s suckers! lets throw a party!”

    Some members glanced at him, but didn’t reply. Kexanu shrugged. “Fart! Who’s our Eater leader, suckers?” he asked again.

    Laxra turned to him, swishing her hair. “Darxess. But he’s…” she looked at Darxess, who was arguing with Roka, growing more and more furious. “Busy right now. Anyway, I’m Laxra, nice to meet you.” She stuck out her hand.

    Kexanu eyed her hand . “Don’t squeeze too hard, or my claws will pop out Sucker” he informed, before pulling has hand away to his hair “Too slow Sucker!”

    Kexanu moved over to a block of rubble that lay on the halls ground. “You know Sucker,” he said, slumping back into it. “I thought we didn’t have feelings.” He eyed Laxra up and down, then grinned and let his tong drop out so it could lick his 5’o’ clock shadow. “But hot girls still go a long way in my book sucker!.” He yelled, kicking Laxra in the stomach before running off like the idiot he was.

    ‘Take him away!” Darxess yelled in a angered tone, Ruko was taken away by a few members, presumably to the dungeon in the castle. “He is more resilient than I thought,” he muttered as he stalked towards the other members, who had filtered back into the throne room. “I’m not sure he’ll be able to join us or not.”

    Laxra saw Darxess and moved closer to him, her eyes concerned. “Where’s Karxo?”

    Far away, at the darkest place’s that the building’s base had to offer, would Karxo slowly untied Roka’s bindings. “Yo better not come around here again. These people are ruthless and won’t stop at anything until you are dead.” Karxo stood up, the bindings falling from Roka’s wrists and ankles. Roka stood up slowly. “Be careful.”


    “Because…you’re my other.”

    “That doesn’t make sense.”

    “Life rarely does.”

    Roka’s eyes narrowed, and he opened a portal. Without a word, he disappeared. Karxo nodded and sped up to his dormitory, slamming the door.

    Back in the dungeon, Darkrai moved from the shadows, then ran back to the throne room.

    Moving to Darxess, he told him what had happened. “Da Dark thinks that punk’s going to get it, sooner or later. Hopefully sooner rather than later.”

    Darxess waved a hand. “There will be no need to kill him, so long as he is useful.” He whispered to the idiot beside him, as they looked over the throne room slowly being rebuilt.

    Suddenly, Karxo walked out of a staircase that lead to the building’s base, holding some beef jerky. Darkrai stared at him with open resentment.

    With an uneasy smile, Karxo stared back.

    Darkrai, with a final grunt, twisted and walked away. “The Dark shuts” He muttered to Darxess as he left.

    The chatter in the throne room did nothing for the eerie silence that hung on all the members in the room. New members had arrived, each varying in appearance and powers.

    Among the crowd of newbie’s stood a fine young man that would change the world. Oxyrt, was his name, and he would stand, eyeing the others up and down. What a waste, he thought. There’s nothing “ultimate” about these blokes…

    He shook his head, and overrode the others’ voices in the hallway. “Can’t believe I joined a small group of people like you…Ultimate means large and powerful, but all I see is a small group of gobbling turkeys…” He announced, in a smooth yet ruff voice.

    He grinned to himself as some of the members began shaking with rage. Wing shook his head.

    “There may only be 17 of us right now, but we are growing larger…Nobodies are drawn to this place. They will come and we will get larger, stronger…” He flicked a hand. “Now I suggest we all be quiet until the Superior can tell us what to do.”

    Oxyrt snickered, looking around for Darxess, who hadn’t arrived yet. “Am I wasting my time here or what?” he growled. “The fate of all is inevitable…”

    Kexanu started and sat up suddenly. “Morning Suckers!,” he said into the silence after Oxyrt’s proclamation. “Are we gonna decide what to do with yo fart lickin momma da Knight?”

    “The Knights?” Oxyrt asked, incredulous. “You gotta be kidding me! It can’t be the Enigmatic Knights can it? Only seventeen? You guys stand no chance against the Enigmatic Knights!” He began tapping his fingers on his chair impatiently, as more members turned to glare at him.

    “Yes, Oxyrt,” Wing snapped, obviously growing frustrated with this snide new member, “we are fighting against the knights. Just yesterday, we fought a major battle and won against overwhelming odds. If you’re not convinced, lend us your power and we’ll prove it to you…”

    Karxo suddenly stood up and screamed to no one in particular. “What da funk is up with having feelings as a Nobody?! My face says I special!” He screamed, like the drunken drunk on drugs that he was.

    Wing looked startled. “Calm down Karxo! There’s nothing wrong with it…at least, I think so. Something doesn’t feel right about that…”

    Kexanu shrugged. “Maybe it because we all wanna to kill one another Suckers!.” He glanced around the room. “Many of you have killed others, like yo momma!.”

    Oxyrt ignored them all and instead continued talking to Wing. “The knights are almost impossible to defeat, even with the strongest army in the worlds. I highly doubt you have fought and defeated a hundred true-bred Knights. Their power is amazing…unlike any Nobody, or Heartless, combined.”

    He leaned back in his chair. “Unless you have an army that contains thousands of Nobodies, I don’t see any logical way to defeat them. This is assuming, of course, that you all just don’t chicken out and run away.” He flipped his hood up. “Wake me up when you come to a conclusion…” Oxyrt laughed coldly.

    Laxra shook her head. “If the knights are all that powerful, why don’t we combine our powers and kill them one by one, instead of taking them on all at once?”

    Oxyrt shook his head under his cloak. “Would take too long.”

    Xenar shrugged. “I think Laxra has a point. We could draw them out a little at a time, and then annihilate them. What would a little extra time matter so long as they’re all defeated without many casualties? Of course…the plan is all up to Darxess.”

    “There are hundreds of them, Xenar,” Oxyrt interjected, flipping his hood back up, obviously annoyed. He leaned forward, his eyes intense. “After we’d killed a few, the others would soon realize what was happening. They’d began traveling in packs, hunting us down…Besides, do you know how much power is needed to take down a full-powered Knight? The destruction just from the sidewash of energy would be enough to ravage an entire world!”

    Shouldn’t have said anything, Laxra thought to herself, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples.

    Not so far away, a streak of red hair could be seen running into the doorway of the castle, that was only covered by dark blue eye’s. His name was Xegreny and he ran across the room in which the large battle had been fought only yesterday. He looked back out the hole in the wall at the starry sky, and then down at the pieces of armor and soot marks that marked almost everything in the room. Weapons stuck out of the ground, or lay on the ground…

    Xegreny shook his head. This new Organization is much more powerful than anything else…except perhaps their enemies, the Enigmatic Knights.

    Xegreny raised a hand, feeling the energy that he controlled course through him. Warping swiftly to his room, he blasted a mark in his doorway. The energy scarred the door.

    “Let that stand as a warning,” he murmured, before walking to the throne room.

    Kexanu sighed and rubbed his temples as well. “This is the group to take down the Knights? Fartable suckers!.”

    Just then Darxess’ rushed into the throne room stopped all conversation, but Darxess didn’t appear to be listening to anyone, instead he was muttering to his Orb.

    Oxyrt stared at Darxess for a moment, then sat up straight and glared around the room. “If you are going to attempt to destroy the Knights, you need to find someone who knows something about these Knights of yours. This would throw things to our advantage.”

    He sighed but pushed on. “An ancient mage is rumored to exist…With the knowledge this mage can give us, we can perhaps exploit a weakness in the Knights and destroy them once and for all. The world where this Mage lives has been lost for centuries, however. Unless you already know where it is, it cannot be found.”

    Pulling out his large Ogre Blade, he stabbed it in the ground and tapped the handle. A holographic projection appeared, showing the many worlds.

    He pointed to a world. “Yen Sid should know where it is…That world is our destination.”

    The twinkling of Twilight Town captivated all of the eyes there, and then the projection was gone.

    Silence filled the room for a moment, then members began nodding and adding their approval of this plan.

    Xegreny nodded. “Just tell me where to go and who to blast!”

    Wing grinned. “Perfect plan! Who is this Mage however? Are there others like him? Seems a little overdone if we all go on the mission, too. I’ll accompany you.”

    Oxyrt’s mouth sagged open, then he muttered. “The Mage’s name is Retlaw, I’ve never heard of anyone else like him, and you can come.”

    Darxess nodded. “Wing. Oxyrt. Take who you want and go now.”

    Both members grinned and it was settled. They were going to go find Retlaw…

    Nulix: Well… now your thinking, what was that!?! (Spits at computer screen and rant’s about the money it owe’s him) But for legal purposes I had to, as you can see, make some character’s a bit more comical…
    Darknight: (Facepalm’s) Nulix, I'm getting headaches from your numerous grammar and spelling mistakes...
    Nulix: Uh… Just review!

    Main characters: Xegreny.
    Secondary Characters: Oxyrt.
  12. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    Okay...9/10 for this chapter....because the added comedy confused me.....
  13. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    I was just trying to do something, I mean nothing happens in this chapter, so... I just make everyone a complete idiot. If it makes no sense in the first place, it might as well make no sense with humor.
  14. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Raises Eybrow*
    Karxo is a bit different, isn't he? The last the we need for the fanfic is to have a bunch of jar-jars running around................

    But I do like how Darxess is turning out.

    4 instead of the usual 5 stars.
  15. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Well... Karxo will die soon enough, I'm trying to make all the members who die unimportant, so you don't give a damn what happens to them. Karxo actually seemed like a complex character, especially in this chapter... so I made him instead of having emotional conflicting feeling's, just be a lunatic, and Darknight wasn't here to do the fourth edit... so blame we for the stupidity of this chapter...
  16. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Sweet. I came in again. =3

    5/5 per usual.

    Great job writing out my ONE emo post.
  17. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Chapter Four.

    The shadow’s crawled around the darkened floor, that only was spared by the moon’s light that hung above a small barred peak into the grassy plain’s above. Shivering in the cold damp, her arms a mass of scars and dried blood, the girl sat, chained to the wall, her head hung low, the moon’s light falling on her dead emotion’s. Footsteps echoed in the hall, and she raised her head, eyes shining with a ferocity that belied her fetal position.

    “So, you have finally realized that escape is futile?” the brisket voice of the figure said, as neon armor was raised from the shadow’s into the stared light.

    She looked up, tear’s steaming in her eye’s, a single droplet fell onto the damp floor below “…You’ll never get away with this” the girl whispered in a sinister yet calm tone. “I will…Ah!” She cried out in pain, the figure was at her side, a small knife in his hand, her arm slit.

    “I warned you not to threaten me,” the man said, standing up to his full height, chest out and proud. “You have been bad, so you must be punished…”


    Xalan walked quickly down the hallways of diamond and pearl, her armored boot’s lead to a balcony. She walked into the outside’s past the long hall’s behind her, the crisp morning air tested her skin. Her head hurt for some reason, and she kept getting flashes of a dark cavern, and pain that wasn’t her own, and…

    She wasn’t sure what it meant, but whatever thoughts were crossing her mind were suddenly lost as she ran into the chest of Wing. She stumbled, but Wing caught her arm as she was in mid-fall.

    “Hey! Just the person I wanted to see. I need to talk to you,” he said, warmly, his youthful tone gleaming, brushing away her muttered apology. “Would you like to come along on our mission to find Retlaw?”

    Xalan sighed, and walked over to the balcony’s edge, the wet puddle’s that littered the ground from last night’s hard shower surrounded her. “I wish I could, but…” She looked up, at the blue sky that melted into orange and yellow as the twilight glided off the half way sun. “I’ve been trying to get Darxess’s Orb on its own, but it’s harder than it looks. Darxess always seems to keep it…”

    “Good evening,” The cold and loud voice of Darxess interrupted as he walked forward. Xalan cut off with a lean towards the edge, then she turned and muttered a greeting with Wing. “I’m not completely incoherent you know. I was thinking of where Oxyrt said to start looking for the mage…”

    “I think our best bet is to send only a few of us,” Wing said, sounding more of a team leader... a leader? “Too many of us will attract attention, and we don’t want the whole force of the Enigmatic Knights coming down on our heads. I’m sure they’re monitoring us somehow. We need to find out where this all-knowing mage is and then we’ll be able to make a plan using the information he’ll give us. I’m willing to travel to the ends of the universe and back if it means not having to face the knights…at least, at our current power.”

    Darxess nodded impatiently, part because there was no time, and part because Wing seemed a little too atop the job. “I have sent some of the younger less-experienced members to Twilight Town, that will lead you to the mage Retlaw. Also, a good… man of mine will help you, Yen-Sid’s his name.”

    Wing glanced down for a moment, at a clouded puddle that reflected the rising twilight sun. A second later he would glare up once more, not at his fellow members, but more at the world itself. “I’m willing to run a reconnaissance mission for you. I’ll report back to you where they have gone and any information they can give me.”

    Darxess considered, then nodded. “Take Orb with you. He knows where these contacts should be…What he sees, I see, as well, so even though I’m not there personally, I’ll know what’s going on, should you get into…trouble.”

    Karxo suddenly butted in. “Yeah! Me want to help yo guys.”

    Wing saluted briskly. “I won’t let you down, sir. Karxo, get Oxyrt. We’ll need him as well.”

    Oxyrt was seen in the background, as if Karxo had dragged him here, brushing some dust off his cloak. “No need. I’m here. Twilight Town, is it?” His eyes glazed over for a moment, then he snapped back into reality. “I’ll come along to make sure you don’t screw anything up.”

    Grinning, he walked out of the castle. Wing and Karxo followed him, they walked through the forest in which the world was growing again after the legendary Organization XIII… The keyblade master Sora had defeated them sixty years ago, but this was but a legend that no one heard of. Wing did wonder, as they walked through the cold city streets, what had happened here before?

    They group reached a bright grey ship, a Gummi Ship too be exact, not the top of the line model but most likely the only one that could fly that the Organization had.

    And then, after they had all gotten in, they where off…


    The word spread like hush money, the Knight’s had not killed it yet. Nobody’s. The Organization’s, the one’s that had burnt throughout the age’s, a new one had sprouted… A tribute to the past and nothing more. Those where the words that was on all the lips, the new organization, the Ultimate Organization, was a sad excuse for a threat, the nobody’s last stand… Would be a sad one.

    But is was not Done yet.

    He would walk in the cold damp street’s, gunblade on back, black book in hand, the Ultimate Organization… nothing else to lose…

    He walked through the tangled weed’s of his forest home, at the town he had heard of a Organization for Nobody’s? Ah well, nothing more then a rumor.

    She would walk through the cold shattered street’s of Radiant Garden, the Ultimate Organization… sounded like it was all she had left, the Locket in her pocket started to play a song…

    He walked atop the mount’s peak, his long dark brown hair dashed past his worn out black leather armor, the Ultimate Organization…


    “Have either of you been here before?” Wing asked his two comrade’s, as they walked out of the Gummi Ship which had been landed on the Town of Twilight’s back alley.

    “Yes…” Oxyrt said in a cut manner. Wing sensed he wasn’t saying something, but before he could inquire, cold flashed through him.

    Wing stiffened as the cold settled, and he shivered. “Be on your guard. This place feels…odd to me. Who knows what or who may be around…”

    Wing flicked his hand out and a keyblade of wind arrived in a small flush of warm air. Walking forward, Oxyrt led them into another room, where a computer sat in one corner, completely destroyed.

    Wing filtered through the debris, studying the computer. “Someone really wanted this gone. I wonder why…”

    Oxyrt suddenly noticed a small door hanging open across the room. Moving to it, he realized it was a broken fridge. “Must have run out of power,” he muttered. “Recently, though. This is still cold.” He pulled out a ice cream bar. It was light blue. Sticking it in his mouth, his mouth puckered and his eyes lit up. “Salty, yet sweet?”

    Karxo noticed Oxyrt’s glazed expression. “Give ma a lick!”

    Oxyrt shook his head and Karxo ran after him. Wing raised an eyebrow as the two ran around the room. “Would you two just share?” He shook his head and looked around. “Seems this place has been abandoned for some time. So many questions…and not enough time to answer them…Wait…Orb! Do you know anything about this place?”

    The silver Orb “nodded.” “Yes, I do. This is the Twilight Town Mansion. It has been abandoned since an unknown keyblade mater came through here and fought, it is believed that he killed all the residents, a girl and an old man from what I’ve heard.”

    Karxo finally got the ice cream from Oxyrt, as Oxryt skidded to a halt. “Keyblade Master?”

    Karxo licked the ice cream. “Ack! Why da lord would do such a thing to ice cream! Salty and sweet together?”

    “Guess you don’t want it then,” Oxyrt chortled, taking the ice cream back, his face taking on a dreamy expression.

    Wing laughed. “Should have seen your face, Karxo.”

    Oxyrt walked out of the room into sunlight. Looking around, he saw stairs to his left. Curiously, there was nothing to his right although there looked like there used to be something there.

    Shrugging, he walked up the stairs and peered at the bust of a creature.

    Wing followed Oxyrt, peering around. “If the knights have used this place, we should take a look around, mission or not. I’m sure Darxess won’t mind.”

    Oxyrt walked out of the room and across the balcony into the room across the hall. It was a white room, about the same size as the other he had just left, with worn out remnants of paper hanging everywhere. His brow furrowed and he picked up a photograph, the only one that looked new. It was a picture of many people with black coats, there was one with wings, two with red hair, a young girl with a small smile, a man with a large grin, a girl with black hair, and at last, a man on the front with dark blond hair, in the back ground stood many more being’s, all happy. Oxyrt’s eye’s scrolled to the bottom of the photo, the title read, “The Ultimate Organization, Your time will Come.”

    Oxyrt nearly fell over from surprise. “But there’s not that many of us!”

    He looked at the date. “But that’s impossible!”

    The date was from 20 years in the past…

    Meanwhile, Wing had moved out into the lobby as well, moving down the stairs and into a room that held a large table. On the table was a keychain, with a star on it. “Familiar,” he muttered, picking it up. The star was made of seashells…

    Unsnapping his own keychain, he reattached the new one and in a blur of light, his keyblade transformed into the Legendary Oathkeeper…

    “So it does exist…Why would the knights have it though?” Wing reshaped his keychain on and pocketed the oathkeeper key.

    “Wing! Karxo!” Oxyrt shouted. Oxyrt waited, but no one seemed to have heard…

    The floor creaked ominously. Oxyrt looked down. Another creak. “What the…?” he began, as the floor burst from under him and he fell. He hit the ground somewhat later. Above him, the hole of light twinkled at him like the noonday sun. Oxyrt flexed his muscles, checking to see if anything was broken. Slowly, he stood up. Noticing a lamp, he pointed his sword at it, and proclaimed, “Fire!”

    Blue flame leapt from his sword and touched the lamp, then another, then another. Oxyrt turned and stared, dumbfounded. He was at the base of a skyscraper, which stretched above him. Stretching all around him, was a massive underground city.

    “Woah!” he muttered. That’s when he realized he wasn’t alone…


    Darknight: Nulix... what the hell does that mean!?!
    Nulix: Blanhgna!!! This Darknight is a fake!
    (Punch's Darknight beside him, who fall's down like a prop dummy)
    Nulix: FBMW!!! I killed Darknight in his sleep! SO DIS IS MY CHAPTER FOO! BAS GREMAR TIM!!!
    Darknight: ...You know I'm right here, right?
    Nulix: ...REVEIW!!!

    Nulix note: Since the last one didn't do so good (Wish's Darknight was there to edit) I made this one extra perfect!
  18. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    That chapter was great. :D

    [joke] Needed more me though. ;3 [/joke]
  19. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
  20. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    I was just I still In this? Because later In the roleplay I quit but now Ive rejoined
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